Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 306 Refining the Flesh

"Xingjue, this is the soul secret book handed down by our Soul Eater Clan since ancient times, and it is the treasure of our Soul Eater Clan."

"Although this cheat book is extremely mysterious, the requirements for soul power are also extremely strict."

"However, with your current soul power and degree of control, it shouldn't be difficult to use it. You'd better take a look at it first." At this moment, the old man handed the soul secret book in his hand to Xing Jue at the side.

Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't hesitate, but hurriedly took over the soul cheat book, and then began to read it happily.

Xing Jue has been yearning for this soul cheat book for a long time. Xing Jue has always been very curious about what kind of method can condense soul power into a physical body, create bones, meridians, and body, and endow wisdom.

However, the reading method of this soul cheat is the same as that of the Soul Devouring Art, and with Xing Jue's current soul power, the speed of reading has improved relatively quickly.

However, with the in-depth understanding of this soul book, Xing Jue also began to marvel at the transcendent means of the creator of this soul book, because this soul book is indeed too mysterious as the old man said.

Unexpectedly, no external force is needed, only the power of the soul is needed to condense a physical method and endow it with wisdom.

However, the refining method of this kind of soul puppet can be described as extremely cumbersome and complicated, especially to endow the puppet with wisdom, which has great requirements on its own strength. At least Xing Jue's current strength is still unable to refine the soul puppet.

After a full hour of careful reading, Xing Jue finally recorded all the soul cheats in his brain.


And after completing this transcendent amount of reading, Xing Jue couldn't help but gasped, and then sighed comfortably.

"Old man, I already know the specific method, why don't we start now." After putting away the soul cheats, Xing Jue couldn't wait to say.

"Oh? You actually sorted out the specific method so quickly?"

Seeing this, the old man on the other side couldn't help showing an expression of amazement, because even he spent half a day to sort out the specific method of this soul cheat, but Xing Jue did it in just one hour. But it really surprised him.

"It should be fine." Xing Jue replied with a smile.

On the way here, Xing Jue once asked Lao Lao about the method of making this body.In fact, it is to use the power of the soul to create a physical body through special means.But the soul power used must not only be powerful, but must also resonate.

Because after all, this is to integrate a complete living body into the physical body, rather than creating a physical body to directly add life and wisdom. As for the soul power used to create the old physical body, it has already been determined on the way, that is to use the old body spirit.

In fact, the old man does not agree with using the spirit to make his body, because he thinks that as long as the body is manufactured, the spirit can be given to Xingjue for refining, but under Xingjue's repeated insistence, the old man has no choice but to compromise.

"In that case, let's get started."

Seeing that Xing Jue seemed to have no problem, the old man smiled slightly, and then took out the essence from his body.And when a spirit appeared, Xing Jue couldn't help but smile excitedly on his face, making a look of eagerness to try.

"Xing Jue, it is actually not difficult to use the soul to create a physical body. In this soul cheat book, it is considered a preliminary method. However, the old man's current strength to refine the physical body seems to be a bit powerless, especially when dealing with this spirit. "

"So wait for your master and me to assist. I believe that with the strength of the two of us, it will be completed within ten days." After the essence was taken out, the old man said again.

"En." Seeing this, Xing Jue nodded slightly in agreement.


After Xingjue agreed, a soul power suddenly surged out from the old body, and then surrounded the spirit.

And after getting old, Xing Jue's majestic soul power directly attacked the spirit with violent means, but faced with Xing Jue's soul power.

The spirit also seemed a bit irresistible. After all, it was just disintegration, not refining, so Xing Jue seemed to be handy at the moment. Looking at the spirit that was constantly disintegrating, Xing Jue's face was even more excited. expectant smile.

In the following time, Xing Jue immersed himself in the process of using the soul to create a body. Although this procedure is extremely cumbersome and requires very precise soul skills, it is very difficult for Xing Jue. It's a joyful experience.

Xingjue's current achievements are inseparable from the special soul of the Soul Devourers, and with the strengthening of Xingjue's strength, Xingjue is also more proficient in controlling the soul, but Xingjue is not satisfied with this , but creating soul puppets right now is a great opportunity for Xing Jue to train his soul.

Time flies, between day and night, 7 days and nights will pass away quietly.And at this moment, in the second floor of the secret chamber of souls, both Xing Jue and Old Man sat on the comfortable seats on the second floor with some fatigue.

And besides Xing Jue and Lao Lao, there is actually an old man lying on the ground at this moment, and this person is transformed by that spirit. .

"I didn't expect your kid to have such a strong understanding of the soul. You actually refined this body in 7 days, 3 days faster than I expected." The old man sat on the seat and looked at the Said the flesh it created with joy on its face.

"Hey, thanks to the old man's guidance, without your old man's command, I might not be able to refine such a perfect body in just 7 days or even a month." For the old man's praise, Xingjue is hehe He said with a smile, and even gave the old man a resounding flattery between his words.

"You boy."

As for Xing Jue's words, it also successfully brought back an old happy smile. After all, everyone likes others to appreciate themselves.

"However, old people can actually reshape their physical bodies. Why not make them younger, so that they can also marry young women." At this moment, Xing Jue glanced at the physical body lying on the ground with some regrets. Said.

"Old is old, why hide your age." However, to Xing Jue's slightly playful joke, the old man replied very seriously.

Xing Jue was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss, and then he had to bow his head silently and stop talking.

"Old man, since the refining of the physical body has been completed, why don't you fuse with it now." After the two rested for a while, Xing Jue said impatiently before coming to the physical body.

"Although refining the physical body takes a short time, merging the physical body is a long process."

"And when I fuse my body, you only need to help me stabilize the early stage, but I need to complete it by myself in the later stage."

"That is to say, you will have a long period of free time during my body fusion, and you can just take advantage of this time to refine the soul and beast soul on the third floor. After doing the math, you may be faster than me. Some." Seeing that Xing Jue was so anxious, the old man smiled helplessly, and then said lightly.

"Uh, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot about the third floor."

"Hey, I also want to see the hundreds of years of research and development of my Soul Eater Clan." Under the reminder of the old man, Xingjue suddenly realized, and then took out the Soul Eater Order again, and came to the road leading to the first place. In front of the gate on the third floor.


And under the opening of the Soul Eater Order, the gate of the third floor opened smoothly just like the second floor.

The area of ​​the third floor is also extremely spacious compared with the first two floors.And it is similar to the first floor, the walls are covered with strange spells, but the feeling of the third floor is more delicate.

And on the ground of the third floor, there are several jade stone platforms, which should be used to place some kind of objects.

And in the middle of the third layer of the surface, there is also a prototype spell that resembles a gossip formation, which seems quite peculiar, and at this moment, the spell is also faintly exuding a light blue light.

But apart from these, Xing Jue did not see the soul and beast soul mentioned by the old man.And with Xing Jue's soul power, he couldn't sense the existence of any souls or beast souls.

However, Xing Jue was not surprised at the moment, because the methods of the Soul Devourers had opened Xing Jue's eyes, especially the use of barriers was very powerful, so Xing Jue felt that those souls and beast souls must have been stored in a special place. The place.

"What's going on here? Why are all the souls and beast souls gone?"

But when Xing Jue was about to ask the old man about the storage location of the soul and the beast soul, the old man beside him showed panic and confusion.

"Old? Are you saying that the souls and beast souls of the third layer are gone?" Seeing this, Xing Jue was taken aback, and then hurriedly asked.

"It shouldn't be. When I closed the soul and lost it, I and several other elders personally inspected it before closing the third floor. It is impossible to lose it." The old man glanced at the third floor in disbelief, as if Want to find traces of souls and beast souls.

At this moment, Xing Jue couldn't help but frown, and fell into deep thought.

"Old man, I know which beast souls and where the souls have gone."

"It is said that my father once entered the Death Forest, and with my father's wisdom, it is impossible not to miss this secret chamber of souls, and back then he had the Soul Eater Order in his hand, as long as he found the secret chamber of souls, he could easily enter."

"Maybe it was my father who took away the soul and the beast soul." At this moment, the sentence suddenly sounded from Yu Shiman who told him that his father had been to the Death Forest.


"It turns out that your father has been here before. In this case, it's no wonder." After hearing Xing Jue's words, the old man finally understood what happened, but at this moment, there was a look of regret on the old man's face. color.

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