Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 321 1 Get Up

In fact, the strengths of the Three Phases Palace, Red Blood Village, and Bingchen Palace are all about the same, like brothers.Although the overall strength is a little stronger than that of Shura Temple, it is only a little bit, and it is still under the condition of being old.

If the Shura Palace includes the high-level battle emperor, the old man, then the power of the three of them is far from that of the Shura Palace.

Because the value of a high-level war emperor is not comparable to that of many middle-level war emperors and elementary-level war emperors. Just like such a powerful alliance mansion, and Ting Xuecheng, there is only one high-level war emperor sitting in charge .

"Hall Master Xing Jue, please tell me about the strength of Shura Hall." At this moment, the elder above said to Xing Jue with a smile.

And at this moment, all the people present turned their attention to Xing Jue and Lao Lao, and there were gloating smiles on the faces of most of them.Because in their eyes, Shura Palace is simply an existence that is not popular.

Even at this moment, the three older sisters beside Nalan Xiaoxiao all rolled their eyes at Nalan Xiaoxiao, because the failure of Xing Jue was also Nalan Xiaoxiao's failure, so they really wanted to see what happened after the failure of Xing Jue. What an expression Nalan Xiaoxiao had.

"Three Phases Palace, Red Blood Debt, Frozen Dust Palace, the number of Warlords and Warlords mentioned just now, I am indeed ashamed of the Asura Palace."

"However, after all of you have said so much, it is still not enough compared to my Asura Hall, because there is one strong man in my Asura Hall that you cannot match."

Xing Jue stood up slowly, and cast his squinted eyes to the three power leaders and young masters beside him.

"Joke, what is there in your Asura Hall that we can't match? No matter what we are, we are several times your Asura Hall."

Seeing this, the young masters of the three factions even stood up and pointed at Xing Jue and shouted violently.Obviously Xing Jue's words had seriously stimulated them.

"Okay, then let me ask you, do you have any high-ranking warriors?" Xing Jue asked with a slight smile.


As soon as Xing Jue's words fell, there was an uproar among the crowd. The term "high-level war emperor" is indeed a bit sensitive.

Because in the inner circle, this is simply a benchmark to measure the strength of a power. There are forces of high-ranking war emperors and powerhouses, and all of them are the top existences in the inner circle. I heard that Syracuse has this kind of strength.

So at this moment, those people who had been embarrassed by watching the punishment before could not help but start to get nervous, especially the elders of the other three clans and the three ladies, they were sweating profusely, because if Shura Palace really If the high-ranking war emperors sit in the town, then obviously, they will miss the position of the city lord.

"Hmph, what a joke, the high-ranking warlord, among the inner powers, is only owned by Mengfu and Tingxuecheng."

"Could it be that you want to say that you can't succeed in the Shura Palace with such a strong man?" At this moment, the owner of the Three Phase Palace suddenly snorted coldly.

"I'm sorry, the old man happens to be at the level of a high-level war emperor."

At this moment, the old man who had been silent for a long time suddenly said with a smile, and at the same time, the aura of his high-ranking war emperor was unreservedly released at this moment, sweeping across the entire main hall like an invisible hurricane middle.

And at this moment, the faces of the leaders and young masters of the Sanxiang Palace, the Red Blood Village, and the Bingchen Palace were extremely ugly. Looking at the elders and the three ladies from the other three tribes in Xuecheng, they were even more shocked. .

Faced with everyone's astonishment, the elders of Nalan Xiaoxiao's clan showed smug smiles. Yesterday when they learned of the old man's strength, they were similar to them, but after being surprised, they were pleasantly surprised. The elders of the three clans are just the opposite.


After showing his strength, the old man's thoughts moved slightly, and the tyrannical aura returned to his body again. At the same time, the terrifying coercion permeating the main hall dissipated instantly.


At this moment, except for Xing Jue, Nalan Xiaoxiao and people from that clan, everyone present was panting heavily and sweating profusely. The reason for this was that when the coercion was released earlier, the old man Deliberately strengthened the strength and caused a certain amount of damage to them.

"Haha, from this point of view, the position of city lord will belong to Miss Xiaoxiao." At this moment, an old man suddenly stood up and said with an excited smile.And he is the elder of Nalan Xiaoxiao's clan.

"Isn't it too early to say such a thing?"

"The strength of Shura Hall is beyond doubt, it is the strongest among the four forces."

"However, this competition focuses more on the potential of the four forces. Therefore, in my opinion, the personal strength of the master of Xing Jue and the three young masters is the key to this competition." At this moment , the power elder of another clan suddenly retorted.

"That's right, that's right. Elder Liu is right. Although the power's current strength is very important, its future potential is even more critical." After this elder, the elders of the other two factions also They all stood up and agreed.

"You... you guys." Seeing this, the elder who spoke before became even more angry, but under the alliance of the other three clans, he didn't know how to refute, because there were indeed young masters competing against each other. link.

"Hallmaster of Xing Jue, I never thought that the strength of Shura Hall is hidden so deeply, I really am blind."

"Being able to become an ally with a force like Shura Palace is really a blessing for me to listen to Xuecheng."

"However, there is another link in this competition, that is, I hope that the master of Xing Jue can compete with the young masters of the other three forces, and your victory or defeat will determine which lady should be in Xuecheng. As for the position of city lord, I don’t know if the master of Xingjue Hall has any opinions?”

At this moment, the elder mentioned earlier said to Xing Jue with a smile.At this moment, his tone of voice has changed greatly. In other words, he is asking Xing Jue for instructions.

And his abnormal attitude made the faces of the three power leaders and the young master beside Xing Jue a bit ugly, but this is the way this continent is, the strong are respected, as long as you have the strength, you will be treated better. respect.

"Of course no problem." Xing Jue looked indifferent.

Seeing that Xing Jue nodded, the elders of Nalan Xiaoxiao's clan couldn't say anything more, they could only hope that Xing Jue could defeat the young masters of the other three clans and win the final victory.

Because the hall is extremely spacious, this competition was not carried out outside, but after the old man arranged a defensive barrier in the hall, Xing Jue and the three-phase palace, the red blood village and the ice dust palace. The three young masters entered that barrier together.

"Hey, Lord Xing Jue, I have heard about your deeds for a long time. It is my honor to have the honor to fight against you today."

"However, after all, the barrier space is too narrow, and the energy cannot be freely retracted. If you and I get scratched later, I hope that the master of Xing Jue will not care about it?" At this moment, the young master of the Sanxiang Palace Said to Xing Jue with a grin.

"Hey, Young Master Xiang."

"You are the oldest here. You seem to be bullying the younger when you fight against the master of Xingjue. I think it's better for me to fight against the master of Xingjue first."

"If you say that, then my age is the closest to the Master of Xing Jue, and I think it is most suitable for me to compete with the Master of Xing Jue." Seeing this, the two young masters of the Red Blood Village and the Bingchen Palace were stepped forward and said.

In terms of the strength of the forces just now, their respective forces have suffered a big loss, so at this moment they all want to regain some face in this competition.

You must know that they are all people who have stepped into the first-level battle emperor for a certain period of time. Compared with Xing Jue, who has just stepped into the battle emperor, they feel that they have an absolute advantage and can defeat Xing Jue, so they rush to fight against Xing Jue. Xingjue is an opponent, and strives for this opportunity to earn face.

"Three, there is no need to argue."

"I think you three should go together." At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly laughed.

And Xing Jue's words exploded in everyone's ears like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and then they all cast their unbelievable eyes on Xing Jue.One against three?Such arrogant words, they simply couldn't believe what Xing Jue said earlier.

"Master Xing Jue, did I hear you right? You said that the three of us should join forces to fight you?" the young master of the Sanxiang Palace asked in disbelief.

"That's right, let's come together."

"In addition, I remind you not to hold back anything, if not, I will be very unhappy." Xing Jue added with a smile.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but gasped. In their eyes, one against three was an act of arrogance and arrogance, and Xing Jue's seemingly arrogant words even aroused the three The wrath of the young master.

"Since the Master of Xing Jue is so elegant, it would be rude if we don't accompany him."

"However, the ugly words are up front. If you accidentally hurt the master of Xing Jue, don't blame me for attacking too hard." At this moment, the three young masters looked at each other and said slowly to Xing Jue.


Afterwards, the three young masters raised their palms suddenly, and the tyrannical energy began to surge at a very high speed. At the same time, bursts of terrifying aura continued to emanate from their palms.These are all earth-level high-level martial arts.

"Earth-level high-level martial arts? It's too much for the three of them to join forces and still have such powerful martial arts." Seeing this, Nalan Xiaoxiao was even more furious, and she was about to step forward to stop her.

"Hey~ Sister Xiaoxiao, this competition is voluntary by the Master of Xing Jue. If you intervene, it will be tantamount to abstention." But when Nalan Xiaoxiao just got up, she was stopped by Nalan Yue road.

"You..." Seeing this, Nalan Xiaoxiao showed a troubled expression.


But at this moment, an aura that was several times more powerful than those three young masters suddenly came out from the defensive barrier, and when Nalan Xiaoxiao and Nalan Yue turned their attention to the defensive barrier again, they both His complexion changed drastically.

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