Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 322 The Swordsman


At this moment, Xing Jue raised one hand high, with his palm spread out, and a dark black energy disc above his palm was spinning at a high speed, gusts of wind danced with it, and a terrifying energy aura emanated from it.

"how is this possible?"

"This should only be an advanced martial art of the earth level. Why is Xingjue so terrifying when it is performed?"

Looking at Xing Jue in the defensive barrier, except for the old man, almost everyone present was shocked at this moment. They couldn't believe that Xing Jue, who was also a low-level battle emperor, would have such terrifying strength .

The power displayed by Xing Jue has completely surpassed that of a war emperor of the same level. Although it has not reached the level of a middle-level war emperor, Xing Jue at this moment is so close.

Compared to the shock of everyone outside the arena, the three young masters in the enchantment showed even more panic, but at this critical moment they couldn't give up at all. They were both elementary battle emperors, and the three fought one. If they voluntarily abstained in this way, not only would they lose face, but even the face of their forces would be lost.

"Xing Jue, accept the move."

Suddenly, one of the young masters yelled violently, and at the same time the martial skill in his hand shot out at Xing Jue. Seeing this, the other two young masters also gritted their teeth and followed closely with the tyrannical martial skill. Blast away towards Xingjue.


The three earth-level high-level martial arts performed by the three elementary battle emperors are intertwined. The formation can be imagined, and the piercing sound can not be heard, and the surrounding space is constantly being torn apart by it, and the roads are dark. The black lines emerged from the space.

However, even with such a terrifying attack coming head-on, Xing Jue was not afraid at all. On the contrary, there was always a confident and calm smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Reincarnation Compass!"


Suddenly, I saw Xing Jue strode forward, and the reincarnation compass in his hand was already out of his hand when he swung his right hand suddenly. At this moment, the reincarnation compass expanded extremely rapidly, and it reached more than a hundred feet in an instant.

During the rotation of such a huge samsara compass, not only bursts of violent gusts were set off, but also the space around it was continuously torn apart. At this moment, even the spacious main hall trembled.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The three attacks and the reincarnation compass collided with each other, and at the same time as the deafening roar sounded, the terrifying energy ripples spread rapidly with terrifying color bodies, filling the entire defensive barrier in an instant.

Looking at the raging energy ripples in the defensive barrier, the three leaders of Sanxiang Palace, Red Blood Village, and Bingchen Palace all frowned and clenched their fists, the worry in their hearts was self-evident.Not only them, but even the elders of Ting Xuecheng, Nalan Xiaoxiao and the others watched the energy ripple nervously.

Such a tyrannical energy ripple did not seem to be caused by the confrontation between the first-level battle emperors at all, so they were very worried about what happened to the four people in the defensive barrier.

However, compared to the others, the old man seemed relaxed and at ease. Not only did he not pay attention to the situation of the defensive barrier, but he continued to drink the fragrant tea in his hand, looking at ease.


Just when everyone's eyes were locked on the defensive barrier, a pale hurricane suddenly appeared in the space filled with dark black energy ripples, and with a violent gesture, the dark black energy ripples Devour them all.

Afterwards, the hurricane began to shrink rapidly, and with the shrinking of the hurricane, the scene inside the defensive barrier appeared again in the sight of everyone. At this moment, people were shocked to find that the pale white hurricane The hurricane is created by Xingjue. It is a space hurricane, a very mysterious space force.

But in the next second, they were completely shocked, because besides Xingjue, the other three young masters were lying on the edge of the barrier in a state of embarrassment at this moment, and passed out. Ripples spread.


Seeing that Xing Jue was safe and sound, the old man dissolved the defensive barrier with a wave of his sleeve.So I turned that satisfied smile to Xing Jue.

"whoosh whoosh"

The moment the defensive barrier faded, three figures appeared beside the three young masters at an extremely fast speed, and hurriedly stuffed a treasure pill into their mouths respectively, and these three figures were naturally the three young masters. The young master's father, the three leaders of the Three Phase Palace, the Red Blood Village, and the Bingchen Palace.

After stuffing Baodan into his son's mouth, the three leaders all turned their venomous eyes on Xingjue, because at this moment they could feel that their son's injury was not light, and the culprit of all this was It is the sentence.

However, facing the venomous eyes of the three leaders, Xing Jue smiled slightly and ignored them.Instead, he slowly walked towards the seat he was in before.

With Lao Lao, a high-ranking war emperor, in charge, Xing Jue knew that the three leaders would not dare to do anything to him, because with the strength of their middle-ranking war emperor, if they did it, they would simply seek their own death.

Moreover, not to mention the presence of old people, even without the escort of a strong man like old people, Xing Jue would not be afraid of them.Although he couldn't compete with them, with Xing Jue's current strength, if Xing Jue wanted to escape, none of the people present could stop Xing Jue.

"Haha, the Lord of Xingjue really deserves to be the strongest rookie in the Shentianyu. This kind of strength is really an eye-opener for me." At this moment, the one in the first seat said to Xingjue who heard the sudden admiration from the elder of Xuecheng.

Now even if the strength of Shura Temple is not included in the calculation, the extraordinary strength shown by Xingjue alone has been recognized by everyone.

This kind of talent is simply something they have never seen or heard of. At this moment, they have no doubt that as long as Xing Jue is given enough room to grow, then his achievements will be limitless.

"This elder, can Xiaoxiao ascend to the city lord position now?" However, Xing Jue smiled slightly at the elder's admiration, and then said while looking at the unoccupied honorable throne at the top of the main hall.


As soon as Xing Jue said this, the old man seemed a little hesitant, and even the other elders showed unwilling expressions.

"Xiaoxiao, I really didn't expect you to be able to become such an outstanding talent as the Lord of Xing Jue. In this way, you can temporarily occupy the position of City Lord."

"I hope you will not disappoint me and lead me to victory in this war." But after a moment of silence, the old man still said with a smile.

Although he was extremely reluctant, as an elder who listened to Xuecheng, he still had the spirit of willing to gamble and admit defeat. What's more, Nalan Xiaoxiao had the backing of Xingjue, so he was even more reluctant to backtrack. After all, they really need Shura in this situation. The temple and other forces help.

"Thank you elder."

Seeing this, Nalan Xiaoxiao hastily gave a deep salute, and after looking at Xing Jue with that grateful gaze, she walked towards the throne of the city lord in the eyes of everyone, and finally sat down happily. This is on the throne of the city lord that has been empty for a thousand years.

"Elder, since the position of city lord belongs to Xiaoxiao, after hearing about Xuecheng, it will all be under Xiaoxiao's management?" At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly said again.

"Hehe, the Lord of Xing Jue, Xiaoxiao is only acting as the city lord temporarily. After all, he is still a junior in the family, so if there is anything that needs to be discussed by the elders of the patriarch." Seeing this, the elder laughed replied.

"In that case, the so-called position of city lord is nothing more than an empty shelf." Xing Jue raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with his mouth curled up.


"Xing Jue, this is my own business from Xuecheng. As an outsider, it seems that you have too much control, don't you?"

At this moment, the elder of the other faction suddenly crushed the teacup in his hand, and suddenly stood up and said loudly to Xing Jue.

As an elder of another clan, he was extremely unwilling to lose to Nalan Xiaoxiao's clan, and Xing Jue was so aggressive, which made him burn with anger and couldn't bear it.

"Elder, you are wrong to say that."

"As an ally, there is nothing wrong with caring about Ting Xuecheng, right? After all, we are now on the same front. If Ting Xuecheng cannot be completely unified, it will be extremely detrimental to this war."

"So, I think it's better just today to appoint the city lord of Xuecheng who has been vacant for a long time." Facing the elder's questioning, Xing Jue continued without any fear.

"Xing Jue, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you want to plot against me to listen to Xuecheng?"

"Your Shura Temple's strength is indeed good, but compared to what I heard, Xuecheng is still a low-level existence, so you'd better use your brain before you speak, and think about who you are." Seeing this, the powerful elder of another clan He also stood up suddenly, pointed at Xing Jue and shouted violently.

"Elders, Mr. Xingjue is my guest, isn't it too much for you to treat him like this?" Finally, Nalan Xiaoxiao, who was sitting on the throne of the city lord, couldn't bear it and shouted loudly.

"Shut up, you ignorant junior, can't you really think of yourself as the city lord?" The elder who had yelled at Xingjue angrily rebuked Nalan Xiaoxiao.

"At least I'm the lord of the city now. As the elder of Tingxuecheng, don't you mean that you don't pay attention to the clan rules of Tingxuecheng when you speak to the city lord?" But this time Nalan Xiaoxiao didn't flinch, but spoke retorted sharply.

Not only Nalan Xiaoxiao, but even the elders of Nalan Xiaoxiao's clan stood up one after another and helped Nalan Xiaoxiao speak.

"Okay, I really underestimated you Nalan Xiaoxiao."

"It turns out that you brought Xing Jue here today for the sake of the city lord."

"But if you want to rely on outsiders to occupy the position of the city lord, you don't think much of us, do you?" Seeing this, the elder said in a tricky manner.

But at this moment, it was heard that the elders of the four clans in Xuecheng had exuded their tyrannical aura, and they looked like they would fight if they disagreed with each other.

"Shut me all up!"

But at the moment when the forces of these four clans were on the verge of crossing swords, a roar full of coercion suddenly sounded from the main hall, and at the same time, a white-haired old man wearing a white robe suddenly appeared in the main hall.

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