Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 337 Boy, girl?

(I recommend a good online game novel "Invincible Online Games" that you can read if you have time.)

"Heh, senior, can you?"

Regarding the boy's actions, Xing Jue smiled and ignored him, but turned around and asked the old man politely again.

"Well, the quality of this high-grade treasure is excellent, of course."

But Xing Jue's actions made the old man startled for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, revealing a rather appreciative smile.

After that, Xing Jue and the old man exchanged the Golden Snake Sword and the Iron Demon Tree Root under the dumbfounded gaze of the handsome young man.

But what makes Xing Jue speechless is that after Xing Jue left, that handsome young man has been following Xing Jue, pestering Xing Jue.

"I've already exchanged that treasure for that senior. If you like it, you can discuss it with him. Please don't pester me, can you?" Xing Jue said helplessly, looking at the smiling young man following behind.

"Hey, the one in your hand is not bad, why don't you give it to me!" The handsome young man stared at the silver star ring on Xing Jue's finger and said with a smile.

After hearing the young man's words, Xing Jue showed a look of surprise. This silver light star ring was something Xing Jue carried with him. In order to cause unnecessary trouble, Xing Jue had deliberately covered up its aura.

Therefore, from the surface, today's starlight silver ring is no different from ordinary rings.And this young man can still recognize the extraordinary features of his silver light star ring, how can Xing Jue not be surprised.

"I'm sorry, I won't change this one, and I would like to remind you that if you pester me again, don't blame me for being rude to you." Finally, Xing Jue's expression became serious.

Although I have a good impression of this young man, after all, we just met by chance, and now he is eyeing his own silver star ring, coupled with his extraordinary background, Xing Jue naturally became alert.

"Oh, what do you mean, you want to use force with me?"

However, what surprised Xing Jue was that not only was the boy not afraid of his ironic words, but he put his arms around his chest, making a provocative look.


Seeing this young man's appearance, Xing Jue shook his head helplessly. He could never have imagined that this young man would be so difficult to deal with. Obviously, he had seen that Xing Jue would not use force against him here, because This is the territory of the Shengdan tribe, almost no one dares to fight here.

"Hey, if that's the case, then you come along."

Suddenly, a wicked smile appeared on Xing Jue's face, and then his figure swayed slightly, turning into a stream of light and darting towards the distant street at a very high speed. The speed was so fast that when the boy reacted , Xing Jue has disappeared.

"Hmph, are you trying to get rid of me? You underestimate people."

However, the boy didn't seem to give up the idea of ​​giving up because of this. Instead, there was a playful arc on the corner of his mouth.


I saw his thoughts moving slightly, and the cloth shoes under his feet began to emit a faint light, and then I saw the young man's body turned into a stream of light and chased Xing Jue at an extremely fast speed, and his speed was unexpectedly Not at all weaker than Xing Jue.

"What? Can you catch up with my speed?"

This sudden change also shocked Xing Jue. If Xing Jue reached the middle-level battle emperor's Xing Jue and used the wind control technique, even a high-level war emperor might not be able to catch up to Xing Jue, but this young man could do it. This is enough to show that he is not simple.

"Is that pair of shoes? It's actually a top-grade treasure?"

But at this moment, Xing Jue also discovered the root of the boy's speed, and all that was the seemingly ordinary cloth shoes on his feet, which turned out to be a high-grade treasure that simply increases speed.


After discovering this situation, Xing Jue became more and more interesting.Then he turned around and galloped towards the outside of the city at a very high speed.

"Hmph, want to lure me out?"

"I'm not afraid of you."

Although he saw Xing Jue's thoughts, the young man was not afraid at all. Instead, he quickened his pace and chased after Xing Jue.

The city where the Shengdan branch is located is extremely huge, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, but the speed of Xingjue and the handsome young man is extremely fast, and it took only a moment to step out of the city and enter the outside of the city. In a vast forest.

There are no strange ancient trees in this forest, and there are no powerful magical beasts. Instead, weak animals are everywhere. Here, there are not even tigers among animals, but only herbivores such as macaques and little white rabbits. Small animals, and all kinds of beautiful birds.

"Huh, huh, huh, huh."

Suddenly, two lights and shadows flashed at a very high speed, gusts of wind followed, and even the surrounding trees swayed violently, and this sudden change shocked the birds soaring into the sky and circling.

And these two are Xing Jue and that handsome young man, but the distance between them is even closer now, only a few meters apart at most.

But just when that handsome young man was secretly delighted that he had caught up with Xingjue, he didn't know that it was Xingjue's deliberate slowing down, and he had already been caught in Xingjue's little trick.

"Hey, let me see what level of strength you are."

Suddenly, Xing Jue stopped in his tracks, turned around, and saw that his palms were flat, with a lot of soul power condensed on the palms, and he struck out at the handsome young man who was coming.

"don't want!!!!"

Xing Jue's palm was so fast that even Ben Lei couldn't match it. In addition, the young man came very fast. By the time the young man reacted, it was already too late, and Xing Jue's palm was already knotted. It slapped firmly on his chest.

" are..."

But just after Xing Jue's palm successfully touched the boy's chest, his expression changed instantly, because the boy's previous voice was not his previous voice at all, it was actually a girl's voice. Sweet voice, and at the moment Xing Jue's palm actually held a soft mass, obviously this is not something a man should have.

"Are you a woman?"

Looking at the handsome young man who was blushing like a red apple at this moment, Xing Jue was almost certain that he was not a man, but a girl, a girl disguised as a man.

"You bastard." At this moment, the girl's arm suddenly swung, and the slender white hand slapped Xing Jue's face with gusts of wind.


However, the girl's fierce offensive was full of flaws in Xing Jue's eyes, but he subconsciously raised his left hand, and the girl's wrist was tightly grasped by Xing Jue.

"Asshole, let me go."

Seeing that her right hand was caught, the girl was even more furious. She waved her left hand and slapped Xing Jue again.


Seeing the girl attacking him again, Xing Jue wanted to use his right hand to defend, but at this moment he suddenly discovered that the right hand placed on the girl's chest had never moved.

At this moment, Xing Jue knew why the girl was so angry and shouted for him to let go. It turned out that she was not talking about the left hand but the right hand.


After understanding the reason of the matter, Xing Jue leaned back, with his toes pointing to the ground, his legs turned into a streamer and went backwards.

"That, I, I, I..."

"I didn't do it on purpose." At this moment, Xing Jue's face was also a little reddish, and he argued a little embarrassedly.

Although he has realized that the identity of this young man may be a bit special, but he is obviously alone at the moment, so Xing Jue wanted to take this opportunity to see what level of strength this young man is.Because as long as the soul power penetrates into his body through the physical body, Xing Jue can detect his true strength.

But what Ling Xingjue never expected was that this was not a boy at all, but a girl. At this moment, Xing Jue felt a little unclear.

Because his previous palm was just to test the girl's strength, and he didn't use any fighting spirit and strength at all. It can be regarded as a soft palm. From this point of view, Xingjue's move is more like Deliberately taking advantage of others.

"Hmph, it's best not to let me see you again."

Seeing Xing Jue's embarrassing appearance, the girl snorted coldly, and then her delicate body flew into the air, and finally merged into the dimensional space and disappeared.

"Hey! I really didn't mean it." Seeing the girl leaving as soon as she said it, Xing Jue shouted loudly at the place where the girl left.

But then, Xing Jue couldn't help a slight smile from the corner of his mouth, because Xing Jue felt that this girl was really interesting, and she was pestering him like a rascal before, which was extremely difficult, but after being identified , but he didn't even bother to say much, and actually left directly.

"Well, this feeling is really good."

Xing Jue slowly raised his right hand, looked at the palm that touched the girl's chest earlier, and showed a fascinated smile.And at this moment, Xing Jue could still smell a fragrance in his palm.

In the end, this was the first time that Xing Jue touched a young girl's body. Although he and Li Xiaohan had some intimate behaviors before, before giving Li Xiaohan his title, Xing Jue did not intend to have sex with Li Xiaohan.

Because Xing Jue thinks that is a very irresponsible behavior. After all, Xing Jue is a very principled and responsible person, so although the two often hug each other and even kiss sweetly, they have never had sensitive physical contact. But today's unintentional mistake made Xing Jue unexpectedly experience the wonderful feeling of a woman's body.

(The second update is over, thank you for your support, hehe.)

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