Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 338 The event begins

Although it was just an unintentional mistake, Xing Jue still felt a little guilty towards the girl at the moment. After all, she was still a girl, so it was really not good for him to take advantage of her like this.

However, the girl did not give Xing Jue a chance to explain. Of course, even if she really explained it, she might not be able to explain it clearly. Therefore, after the girl left, Xing Jue returned to him and the king with a sense of guilt. Yanran's residence.

"It smells good."

When Xing Jue just opened the gate of the palace, he felt a fresh fragrance coming to his nostrils, and this fragrance was really Baodan's unique Danxiang.

Following the scent of Danxiang, he came to the living room on the second floor of the palace, only to find that Wang Yanran was standing there in the living room.

And there was a golden medicine cauldron in front of her. There was a faint red light lingering on the medicine cauldron, which was obviously blessed with a special enchantment. At this moment, a strange blue flame was coming Rising slowly from the medicine cauldron.

Moreover, thousands of strange herbs were floating in the air around Wang Yanran, and as Wang Yanran kept dancing her arms, those herbs also poured into the medicine cauldron like flowing clouds and flowing water.

But soon they flew out of it, and the most strange thing is that the shape of those herbs has not changed, but the energy contained in the herbs that have entered the medicine cauldron once has increased a lot.

Xing Jue was also a little surprised by this strange phenomenon. Speaking of which, this was the first time Xing Jue had seen an alchemist refining a treasure pill, and he didn't understand the mysterious Xing Jue at all, but Xing Jue can also see It can be seen that Wang Yanran's strength in refining medicine should not be underestimated.

Wang Yanran's technique is very proficient, in just a moment, she has refined all the thousands of medicinal herbs, and then saw that with a light wave of her sleeve robe, those refined medicinal herbs were And the medicine cauldron in front of him was put into the storage bracelet.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, when did you come back?"

And just after finishing everything, Wang Yanran suddenly realized that Xing Jue was standing behind her, and then hurriedly came to Xing Jue with a smile on his face.

"Hey, I didn't bother you when I saw you were refining medicine." Xing Jue said with a smile on his eyes.

"Hehe, this is not refining medicine, it's just a simple treatment of medicinal materials." Wang Yanran explained with a smile.

"So that's how it is. By the way, Senior Sister Wang, I found all the items you asked for."

Seeing this, Xing Jue also smiled slightly, and then waved his sleeve robe, taking out all the items purchased in the Immortal Medicine Workshop this time, and floating in front of Wang Yanran.

"Oh my god, have you bought all of them?"

Looking at the various rare treasures floating in front of his eyes, Wang Yanran showed an unbelievable look of astonishment.

To know these items, even Wang Yanran has never seen them before, because no matter which item is floating in front of her at this moment, it is difficult to find it in the Eastern Continent, and she is just hiding these items. The names and characteristics of these things are known from the classics of the Medicine Mountain Villa.

In fact, when handing over these items to Xing Jue, Wang Yanran did not have the extravagant hope that Xing Jue could really buy all these items. After all, rare items such as iron demon tree roots are listed in the classics of Tibetan Medicine Villa. It is clearly recorded in the book that it is a rare item in the world.

And Wang Yanran just wanted to try her luck when she wrote it back then, but she never expected that Xing Jue would purchase all of them, which was really beyond Wang Yanran's expectation.

"Junior Brother Xing Jue, these things must be expensive, right?" At this moment, Wang Yanran suddenly cast her grateful eyes on Xing Jue.

Because she could completely guess the price of these items, and Xing Jue bought them all back for her regardless of the phone bill to buy them, which really moved Wang Yanran.

"Hey, as long as I can help you." Seeing this, Xing Jue smiled, but did not answer positively.

Seeing Xing Jue like this, Wang Yanran didn't say much, but hid the touch of emotion in her heart.In the following time, Wang Yan continued to prepare for this grand meeting of refining medicine.

And Xing Jue hid in the room to practice, because after entering the level of the middle-level war emperor, Xing Jue found that not only his physical body had been promoted to another level, but his grasp of soul power had also been improved by one level. level.

And after reaching this level, Xing Jue suddenly remembered the soul secret book he found in the ancient ruins. In that secret book, in addition to recording the cultivation method of soul armor, it also recorded another kind of soul armor. Mysterious soul martial skill, soul clone.

The soul clone is a very mysterious soul martial skill. According to the soul manual, it is possible to differentiate a clone that is exactly the same as the main body through the power of the soul, and it has the same power as the main body, which can be controlled by the main body, so Dispatch, even self-destruct.

And if Xing Jue can successfully cultivate this soul clone, he can double his strength in future battles. Xing Jue naturally yearns for such a powerful martial skill.

It's just that because this martial skill has very strict requirements on the body and soul, it was impossible to practice before Xing Jue, but now it seems that this requirement has been met, and it happens that there is free time now, so Xing Jue can't wait to practice stand up.

While Xing Jue and Wang Yanran were concentrating on cultivating, a month passed quietly. On this day, this alchemy event was held by the most powerful alchemy clan in the Tianwu Continent, and attracted countless alchemy geniuses from the sky. The event has finally officially begun.

At this moment, there are millions of people sitting in the auditorium of the huge square in the center of the city. Most of them come from various famous families or forces in the towering domain. This time, they want to witness the demeanor of a pharmacist. Most of them have never been relieved of this kind of thing, let alone seen it.

In the center of the square, there are nearly a thousand alchemists scattered in the square. All of these alchemists have passed the qualification examination, and all of them are geniuses with top alchemy skills.

And among these pharmacists, some are already well-known masters of alchemy in the towering domain, such as Hu Feifei, the owner of the Jade Maid Palace, even in this towering domain, she is also a master of pharmacy with a reputation far and wide .

Although she was among nearly a thousand people at the moment, she was indeed the most watched person in the audience, and almost everyone's eyes were on her.And she even had a proud smile on her face, enjoying the different eyes of everyone.

However, compared to everyone else, Xing Jue did not look at Hu Feifei at all, but locked his eyes on Wang Yanran, wanting to cheer for Wang Yanran. After all, this should be the first time Wang Yanran had seen such a scene. meet.

But to Xing Jue's surprise, Wang Yanran didn't seem to be timid at the moment, but instead responded to Xing Jue with that confident smile, intending to make Xing Jue feel at ease.

"Look, it's the elder of the Shengdan clan."

But at this moment, there was an uproar in the square, and it was only at this moment that Xing Jue realized that a dozen figures suddenly appeared on the empty and luxurious high platform in the deepest part of the square.

The leaders were two old men dressed in white robes. A lifelike golden gourd was engraved on the white robes of these two old men, and Xing Jue was amazed by the temperament of the old men themselves.

Although it is impossible not to feel the aura of these two old men, the temperament exuded from the appearance alone is admirable.And these two are the elders of the Shengdan clan, the organizers of this alchemy event.

And behind these two elders there are three young people, one of them is a man and one woman wearing the same white robes as the two elders, and they actually have the strength of a middle-level war emperor. Obviously these two are also A member of the Shengdan tribe.

But when Xing Jue cast his eyes on the last young man, his face couldn't help but become ugly, because this one was not from the Shengdan clan, but the young master of the Profound Palace, Dugu Feng.

"I didn't expect Xuandian to have such strength, even to be honored as a distinguished guest in the territory of the Holy Pill Clan." Looking at Dugu Feng who was looking up at the surroundings with a high face, Xing Jue said indifferently.

"However, from this point of view, the situation of the Shengdan tribe does not seem to be optimistic." But when Xingjue looked at the two men and women of the Shengdan tribe again, his brows could not help but frown slightly.

Because everything in front of me has already informed Xingjue that the current Shengdan clan does not seem to be as strong as it used to be, which can be seen from this alchemy event. This is a branch of the Shengdan clan, but the two elders of the Shengdan clan Before he and those two young men appeared, Xing Jue had hardly seen a member of the Shengdan tribe.

Moreover, the Shengdan tribe, as an ancient race based on treasure pills, would actually hold this kind of alchemy event to recruit members of the tribe. All of this shows that the current Shengdan tribe is likely to be facing a situation of shortage of talents, otherwise It is absolutely impossible to make such a bad move.

If you think about it this way, the Yaolian clan who also extended their hands to the towering realm may not be much better, but what happened among these ancient races has become the most curious thing in the determination of Xing.

At this moment, on the high platform, apart from the two elders of the Shengdan clan, two young members of the Shengdan clan, and Dugu Feng, the young master of Xuandian, there are more than a dozen powerful men with extraordinary strength. But he wasn't wearing the white robe, and he didn't have the unique temperament of the Shengdan tribe. Obviously, he should be the strong man recruited by the Shengdan tribe in the towering area.

When the two elders of the Holy Pill Clan took their seats, one of them waved his hand lightly, and then a strong man at the level of the Warlord walked in front of the high platform and told about the alchemy event. rule.

"Alchemy grand event, start now."

Then, in the excited mood and warm shouts of the crowd, the start of this alchemy event was announced.

(Bee's head hurts for a day today, and I really can't code it. I will make up the owed one later. Remember it.)

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