"Yao Lian Clan, it's really not well-known."

However, compared to the girl's delicate figure, Xing Jue was even more attracted by her dazzling top-grade treasure, because Xing Jue found that no matter it was the cute short skirt, the boots under his feet, or even the glove on his right hand, they were all beautiful. The best among top-grade treasures.

"Little doll of the Yaolian clan, you have such a big tone."

"It seems that it is necessary to let you know the horror of my Shengdan clan."

At this moment, the old man of the Holy Pill clan looked at the girl from the Yaolian clan who was not far away and said coldly. In his hand, it was actually a heavenly treasure pill.


Seeing this, Xing Jue couldn't help but his face changed slightly, and then he saw his figure suddenly vertical, turning into a ray of light and shooting towards the old man, at the same time, the power of the bright starlight also formed a surrounding The momentum suddenly bombarded the old man.

Because Xing Jue knows that the old man must not be allowed to swallow the treasure pill. Even though he has reached the mid-level Warlord and his strength has increased a lot, he can't hold on for too long in this time and space.

And if this old man swallows the lower heaven rank treasure pill, then the strength suppressed by time and space is likely to be improved again, and then the two of them will be unlucky.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh."

At the same time that Xing Jue launched a lightning attack on the old man, the girl from the Yaolian clan also drew a bow and fired at the old man. Definitely go faster.

"Huh, baby, you are still too young"

However, facing the pincer attack of Xing Jue, the old man was not afraid at all, he saw his figure leaning back, and at the same time the treasure pill in his hand was already sent into his mouth.



However, after the treasure pill entered, the old man's body began to exude a white aura, which surrounded the old man like a gust of wind, and at this moment, the old man's strength had actually increased several times.

"Break it for me!!"

After turning into this state, the old man punched out suddenly, and the attack of Xing Jue and the girl from the Yaolian clan was smashed by him.

"Damn it, it can actually increase its strength in an instant, what kind of treasure is that?"

Looking at the old man of the Holy Pill tribe who was surrounded by a pale white wind, Xing Jue's expression also became serious, because he never imagined that the heavenly treasure pill could be effective so quickly.This is simply faster than his soul burst.

"Hey! Back off, I'll deal with this old man."

But just when Xing Jue was worried about the situation in front of him, the voice of the demon-refining girl behind him sounded again, and when Xing Jue turned around, he was shocked to find that at this moment, the girl on top of his body It turned out to be surrounded by a layer of dark blue mask, and her strength was actually much improved than before.

"Heh, the ancient races are indeed not simple."

After discovering this change, Xing Jue couldn't help laughing expectantly, relying on the soul power of the Soul Devouring Clan before, Xing Jue was superior to the powerhouses of the same level.

However, Xing Jue has always been curious about the special abilities of the other races that are also ancient races, and today Xing Jue finally got to see them.Moreover, neither the Shengdan clan nor the Yaolian clan's unique combat mode disappointed Xing Jue.

"Hey! Hurry back, do you want to die?" Seeing that Xing Jue refused to retreat, the girl from the Yaolian clan urged again.

"Girl, you are not his opponent, you and I should work together."

However, in response to the urging of the Yaolian girl again, Xing Jue still did not leave, but locked his fierce eyes on the old man of the Holy Pill clan in front, and at this moment, there was still a trace of aura on Xing Jue's face. Ruthless.

Although the strength of the girl from the Yaolian clan has improved a lot at this moment, it is obviously not enough to fight against the old man of the Holy Pill clan alone, and the time and space cannot last long at this time, so he must quickly defeat the old man of the Holy Pill clan.

Otherwise, it would still be the two of them who lost, so at this moment, Xing Jue has decided not to hide his strength, but to show the power of the Soul Devourer Clan.

Because judging from the strength of this old man, he is not the top of the Shengdan clan, and the girl from the Yaolian clan is not deeply involved in the world. In the soul explosion, he recognized him as a member of the Soul Eater.

And even if they could recognize that Xing Jue was a member of the Soul Eater tribe, they couldn't care so much at this moment, because trespassing on the forbidden area of ​​the Shengdan tribe was a capital offense.

"Hmph, what a big tone, I want to see what you can do to fight this old man."

At this moment, the old man of the Holy Pill clan yelled violently, and then he darted towards Xing Jue with that terrifying speed. At the same time, the powerful attacks condensed on his In the palm, although the person has not arrived, the powerful coercion has come to persecute Xing Jue.

But with such a fierce attack, Xing Jue suddenly closed his eyes, and the long-lost soul flowed in his body again at this moment.


Just when the powerful palm of the elder rushed towards him, a dark soul power suddenly burst out from Xing Jue's body, covering his body like a dark flame. rise.


With a palm hit, dark red energy ripples spread instantly, and the powerful force shot Xing Jue out.

"This idiot." Seeing that Xingjue was hit, the girl from the Yaolian clan gritted her teeth and a ruthless look appeared on her lovely face.Then I saw his right hand grabbing the longbow in his left hand, and the bright light condensed on his palms.

"Block out the sun."

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

And when he let go of his right palm, countless dark blue light arrows burst out, and such a number of lightsabers filled most of the space in an instant, and exploded at the elders of the Shengdan clan in the energy ripples. shoot away.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Countless lightsabers bombarded the energy ripples continuously, and countless powerful energy ripples were continuously set off in this time and space, and the powerful energy fluctuations made this time and space fluctuate.


"Is it resolved?"

At this moment, the girl from the Yaolian clan was panting heavily, leaning on the longbow in her hand to support her body, and staring nervously at the energy ripples that were still surging.Obviously, the previous terrorist blow also caused a great burden on him.


But at this moment, a white figure suddenly appeared in the dark blue energy ripples, and it was already plundering the Yaolian girl.

"Suffer to death."

And this is the old man of the Holy Pill Clan, but at this moment his clothes are a little tattered, and his breath is a lot weaker, but it is difficult for the Yaolian Clan girl to dodge a full blow at such a distance.

Facing the direct attack, the face of the Yaolian girl finally showed a look of panic and fear. The previous attack had already consumed a lot of her power, but at this moment her strength has been weakened a lot. , if you are attacked head-on, your life may be in danger.

"Swords become shields."

But at this critical moment, a figure appeared in front of the girl like a ghost, and at the same time, countless dark sword shadows were densely covered, covering her completely at this moment.


The elder of the Shengdan tribe slammed the sword and shield transformed into Xingjue with a palm, but such a powerful blow only made the sword and shield tremble slightly, but it was not defeated, and this sudden change also made the sword and shield tremble slightly. The elder of the Shengdan clan was shocked.

"Suffer to death."

But just when the elder of the Shengdan clan was extremely surprised, several dark energy light cones burst towards him, and each light cone contained a very terrifying power, and at this moment these several light cones It has already blocked all his escape routes, and it is even more difficult for him to evade at such a distance.

"Bang bang bang bang."


After several energy light cones bombarded the elder of the Holy Pill Clan, they instantly turned into groups of dark black flames that enveloped the elder, and at this moment, the elder's aura also dropped extremely rapidly, and after a while, it became even more intense. is completely dissipated.

At this moment, the flame wrapped around her body also began to dissipate, and when the dark flame completely dissipated, the girl who refined the demon clan was shocked to find that the body of the old man from the holy pill clan also dissipated. .


Just after the old man from the Shengdan tribe was beheaded by Xingjue, the dark blue time space squirmed violently, and then dissipated, and at this moment, Xingjue and Xingjue returned to the dark red space again. In the cave.


"Whirring whirring…."

At this moment, Xing Jue's body swayed slightly, and then he fell powerlessly to the ground, and the Shura Blade in his hand also fell to the side.

At this moment, large swaths of rough air are continuously sprayed out from Xing Jue's mouth, hot sweat is already covering his whole body, the soul armor covering his body surface is also beginning to fade, and the power exchanged for the soul explosion is also dissipating extremely quickly .The backlash caused by the bursts of soul explosions has been densely distributed throughout Xingjue's body.

And this time, probably due to the excessive use of time and space, the bone-biting pain was more severe than every time it came, and even reached the point where Xing Jue couldn't move.

"Hey! Open your mouth."

Just as Xing Jue clenched his teeth to endure the pain at this moment, the always fair and jade hand suddenly reached out to his mouth, and at this moment, he was still holding a treasure pill with a strong elixir fragrance in that hand.This is actually a top-grade healing pill.

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