Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 343 My Name Is Yao Xinyan


Seeing this, Xing Jue was not polite but opened his mouth to swallow this treasure pill, then closed his eyes and began to adjust the power in his body to refine the treasure pill.

And as the potency of the medicine volatilized, the pain that filled Xing Jue's body also began to subside extremely quickly, but the recovery of the previously consumed power was a bit slow, but fortunately, this backlash did not hurt the soul itself.

"Hey! Your sword is so beautiful, is it a treasure? But why can't you feel its grade?"

Just when Xing Jue felt his health improved and opened his eyes again, he found that the girl from the Yao Lian Clan was sitting beside her, holding her Shura Blade in her arms, admiring it with a look of fondness. It seems that this girl from the Yaolian clan has a special fondness for treasures.

"Don't hello, my name is Xing Jue." Seeing this, Xing Jue glared at the girl and said indignantly.

"Cut, what a bad name? It's not as good as hello." But what made Xingjue speechless was that his name, which he thought was very handsome, was so embarrassing by the girl from the Yaolian clan.

"My name is Yao Xinyan, a member of the Yao Clan." But at this moment, the girl added again.

"Oh? Yao Xinyan? Why does it look like a man's name?" Xing Jue slowly stood up and walked to Yao Xinyan's side, snatched his Asura Blade, and then said with a wicked smile.

"Damn, if my name looks like a man, then your name looks like a woman." Yao Xinyan retorted fiercely with her mouth puffed up, obviously stimulated by Xing Jue's words.

"Hey, just kidding, don't take it seriously."

"By the way, what exactly is this place? Now we can be regarded as comrades-in-arms who have fought together, you don't have to hide it from me, right?" Xing Jue glanced at the enchantment gate not far away, and smiled asked.

"Hey, who is your comrade-in-arms?" Yao Xinyan gave Xing Jue a hard look.

"This is the forbidden area of ​​the Holy Pill Clan. There are very precious things hidden in the enchantment gate, and my purpose this time is just some things."

"It's just that I didn't expect that there are people from the Holy Pill clan hiding here. This is really beyond my expectation." This time, Yao Xinyan did not hide it, but truthfully said to Xing Jue.And when the elder of the Shengdan clan was mentioned, she still looked angry.

"Precious thing? What is that?" After hearing the word precious, Xing Jue's appetite was whetted, and he asked curiously.

"The... essence of war..." Yao Xinyan said solemnly word by word.

"What? It's the essence of war?" After hearing this word, Xing Jue became even more surprised.

Because when he heard the four words Essence of War, the first thing Xing Jue thought of was the Essence of Martial Arts, a mysterious object in Yufeng Pavilion that could help Yufeng Pavilion disciples quickly improve their strength.

Speaking of which, the essence of martial arts at the beginning was of great help to Xingjue, and the essence of martial arts at the third level was already extremely terrifying. If the essence of war really existed, it must be even more powerful, and it might be more powerful for him. Practice will play an unexpected role.Thinking of this, Xing Jue began to get excited involuntarily.

"What? You actually know the essence of war?" After seeing Xing Jue's reaction, Yao Xinyan showed a different look.

"I have seen the essence of martial arts before, but I have never seen this essence of war." Xing Jue said with a smile.

"You really are not simple. The previous space can actually suppress the power of a high-level battle emperor. This is the first time I have seen such a powerful martial skill."

"And what is the dark object that erupted from your body just now? It seems to have the breath of a soul."

"And your sword, the attack launched earlier is very strong, not weaker than a high-grade treasure or even stronger, but at this moment, you can't feel its rank at all."

"Who are you with so many strange things in your body?" Yao Xinyan looked solemnly at this moment, looking at Xing Jue with that sharp gaze.

"Who am I, do you really want to know?" Seeing this, Xing Jue was not nervous at all, but smiled slightly.

"Of course I want to know, otherwise why would I ask you?"

"But if you don't want to say it, I won't force you."

"After all, you saved my life just now, and I, Yao Xinyan, are not ungrateful."

"Since you want to hide your identity, I'll do you a favor and keep it secret, so that you and I will be even." At this moment, Yao Xinyan's expression changed suddenly, and she said with a smile.

"Repay your life-saving grace with secrecy? Thank you for thinking about it." Seeing this, Xing Jue gave the smiling Yao Xinyan a hard look.

But for Xing Jue, if Yao Xinyan is really willing to help her keep the secrecy, that would really be the greatest help for Xing Jue, because Xing Jue must not reveal her identity as a member of the Soul Eater before the revenge of her revenge.

"Otherwise, what do you want? Do you still want me to promise you with your body?"

"She's still a little girl." At this moment, Yao Xinyan pouted and made a pitiful and shy look.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in you immature little girl." Xing Jue said with his mouth curled up, and he couldn't help but glance at Yao Xinyan's chest while speaking.

"Shut up, you pervert. Do you believe I'll kill you with one arrow?"

Seeing that Xing Jue was actually staring at her chest, Yao Xinyan's little face turned red involuntarily, and then shouted loudly at Xing Jue, taking out the dark blue longbow while speaking, and made a He looked like he was really going to do it.

"Hey, just kidding, don't take it seriously."

"Since we're all here, let's go in quickly, and let me see what the essence of war looks like." Xing Jue said with a smile as he spread his hands as if surrendering.

"Hmph, the essence of war is a very dangerous thing. If you are not afraid of losing your life, follow me." After Yao Xinyan cast a glance at Xing Jue, she broke into the barrier first. among.


Seeing Yao Xinyan enter it, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then raised the Asura Blade in his hand, and plundered towards the barrier gate.


After passing through the enchantment gate, Xing Jue discovered that he and Yao Xinyan had entered another layer of cave. Energy is somewhat different.

However, this cave is hundreds of times wider than the outside, and there are countless criss-cross passages in this cave, so the terrain seems quite complicated.

"Strange, why is there no shadow of the Essence of War?" Yao Xinyan showed a nervous expression as she looked at the somewhat empty but criss-crossed caves around her.

In order to come here, Yao Xinyan spent a lot of effort. First, she searched for the location of the battle essence of the Shengdan tribe from the clan, and spent a lot of time in the city to find the exact location of the battle essence. .

In the end, I obtained a treasure that can pass through any barrier in the clan, and I was able to enter here. Before, I met the elders of the Shengdan clan and almost lost my life. If there is nothing here, it is really a loss. big.

"Hey! Girl, go this way." But at this moment, Xing Jue at the side whispered to him, and then walked towards a cave on the right.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Yao Xinyan was taken aback for a moment, and then followed Xing Jue to the depths of the cave without much hesitation.

Xing Jue's soul power is extremely sharp now, let alone a living body, as long as Xing Jue explores it with all his strength, even a static object can be explored by Xing Jue.

And after entering this cave, Xing Jue expanded his soul power to the limit, and this expansion does not matter. After expanding, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the underground cave was very large, but the thing that made Xing Jue most nervous It is because there are countless extremely powerful life forms here, and many of them are walking in groups. Obviously, those are the essence of war that Yao Xinyan said.

The direction Xing Jue chooses at this moment is relatively speaking that the number of Essence of War is the least, and the distribution is relatively scattered. Because I don't know what kind of power that Essence of War has, so Xing Jue thinks it is better to pick a single Essence of War first. It's better to try it out.


But not long after moving forward, he suddenly stopped, because at this moment, a tall and strange life body appeared not far away.

The body of this life form is dark red, and its shape is similar to that of a human, but its system is not a substance, but more like a soul body, but the dark red gas rises slowly, giving people the feeling more like a burning man.

"It turns out that the essence of war looks like this."

"Hey, let me see what it can do."

At this moment, Yao Xinyan, who was following Xing Jue, also discovered the Essence of War not far away, and without hesitation, she swung the bow with her left hand, and shot a powerful shot at the Essence of War with a pull of her right hand. blue light arrows.


The blue arrow of light carried extremely powerful energy. Not only did it make piercing wind noises during the extremely fast flight, but behind the arrow of light there was a stream of pale white air, like a blue comet passing across the sky. Quite gorgeous.


The arrow shot by Yao Xinyan was very accurate, and it was no surprise that it hit the body of the war essence, and at the same time, the dark blue energy storm swept away instantly, killing the war essence. The area where the essence is located is wrapped.

"Yeah, it worked!"

Looking at the energy ripples that were already sweeping away, Yao Xinyan showed even more ecstasy, and after a short stride, she was ready to gallop towards the location where the essence of war was.


"Don't go there!"

But just when Yao Xinyan got up and was about to rush over, Xing Jue's palm tightly grabbed Yao Xinyan's wrist and pulled Yao Xinyan who was walking forward, and at this moment Xing Jue was looking at the energy. Ripple's gaze was also full of seriousness.

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