Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 37 The Bloody Case in the Cultivation Pavilion [Part 2]

But just when Xing Jue felt complacent about successfully condensing this "Zan Po Sword", the Zan Po Sword that had been condensed for a long time suddenly disappeared.

"Hey, it's still so difficult to grasp." Looking at the empty right hand at the moment, Xing Jue said helplessly, but then he clenched his right fist again and began to condense.

Time passed, and it has been a month since Xingjue and the others entered the cultivation pavilion to practice.

At this moment, in the enchantment space where Xing Jue is, Xing Jue is standing in front of the golden puppet, gently stroking the golden puppet's solid body, smiling and saying, "Puppet, puppet, thank you for your company. It's been a month since you gave me motivation, because defeating you is the goal of my efforts this month."

While speaking, Xing Jue's right hand suddenly clenched, and a large piece of black gas rushed out of his hand at high speed, and a dark black long sword was condensed in an instant.

Although the long sword is condensed from gas, it does not distort the essence of the sword, and the surface of the long sword is still haunted by the rising black gas. , radiates out, and this is the ground-level martial art "Sword of Soul Slaying".

After a month of hard training, Xing Jue has completely mastered the first layer of the Zan Po Sword, the "Condensation Sword", and can condense the Zan Po Sword in an instant.

"Break it for me!" Xing Jue suddenly shouted violently, and with a violent wave of his right arm, the Soul Soul Sword in his hand slashed the golden puppet after drawing a black arc in this space. .


There was no harsh roaring sound, as if a sharp blade slid through the tofu, the Soul Slaying Sword easily cut the golden puppet into two pieces.

Looking at the golden puppet that even Raging Flame Jue couldn't smash out the slightest scar, at this moment, it was easily cut in half with a random blow from the Zan Po Sword. Only at this moment did Xing Jue realize that the Zan Po Sword's How powerful is the power.

But just after the golden puppet was chopped in half, the Soul Zhan Sword in Xing Jue's hand disappeared again in an instant, and a pale color appeared on Xing Jue's face.

"The consumption of this Zanpojian is indeed too great." Xing Jue sat cross-legged on the ground, and after a short rest, he finally felt better, and said helplessly.

Even with his current strength, if he succeeded in condensing the Soul Zhanjian, it would not last for too long. At this moment, he finally knew why the martial arts reminded him not to use sword energy until he reached Wuzong, otherwise it would cause backlash. .

Feeling that the spirit of martial arts in the body has almost recovered, Xing Jue smiled with satisfaction, clicked the retreating character, and walked out of the enchantment space.

Just as Xing Jue stepped out of the black iron gate, he heard a chorus of shouts: "Big Brother Xing Jue".

"Wow, you came out so early?" Xing Jue said with a smile, looking at the nine familiar faces in front of him.

These people are naturally Xing Jue's brothers. After all, some of them are in their 20s, and Xing Jue will not be 17 years old in a few months, but they are all called Xing Jue's big brother.

At the beginning, Xing Jue is also very unaccustomed, but after a long time, it is natural to get used to it. After all, in this Tianwu Continent, strength is the most respected, no matter how old you are, as long as you have enough strength, Even an old youkai who has been practicing for hundreds of years will treat you politely when they see you.

"Xing Jue, are you too late?" Siyan walked over and said with a smile.

It was true that everyone had made an appointment to leave the customs on time after a month, but Xing Jue had to recuperate because of the excessive consumption of the Zanpo Sword, which naturally took a lot of time.

"Okay, I'm late, I'll treat everyone to a big dinner," Xing Jue said with a slight smile.Showed off a great boss style.

And everyone cheered in unison, but just as everyone was elated and ready to leave, a cold voice suddenly remembered: "You finally came out."

Looking sideways, I saw a tall, fierce-looking man walking slowly towards Xing Jue, and behind him was an extremely vulgar-looking cabinet disciple who was here that day. The eight-character eyebrow disciple who was injured by Xing Jue.

When "Luo Cheng" saw this man appear, the disciples on the third floor hurriedly made way for him, and each showed a look of fear.

"Is something wrong?" Xing Jue naturally knew the identity of this big man after hearing the discussions of the surrounding disciples, but he still said calmly.

"Haha, boy, you are a bit bold, but in this cabinet, if you are stupid and bold without strength, then it will be miserable."Luo Cheng came to Xing Jue and said coldly.

"If you came here just to say these nonsense words, then I will not accompany you." Xing Jue smiled slightly, then passed Luo Cheng's side and walked over. His nine brothers also hurriedly followed him. past.

But just as Xing Jue and his party were about to walk out of the third floor, Luo Cheng suddenly glanced at his right hand, and a palm containing a strong martial spirit slapped the last disciple "Little San" fiercely.

After receiving a solid slap, Xiao San suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and after flying more than twenty meters, he fell to the ground, and instantly paled and fainted.

"If you think it's okay, then you can go." Luo Cheng slowly retracted his palm, looked at Xing Jue contemptuously, and said with a sneer.

"Damn, you're courting death." Xing Jue was furious when he saw the seriously injured mistress.With a wave of his right fist, a tyrannical aura of martial arts slammed into Luo Cheng.

"The qi of martial arts is released, and there are indeed two strikes." Facing the qi of martial arts released by Xing Jue, Luo Cheng was also a little surprised, but he was not afraid at all. Qi also burst out, and the two martial arts collided together, and suddenly made a deafening roar, and an energy ripple also spread.

Seeing that his blow was resolved, Xing Jue moved towards Luo Cheng like lightning.

"This kid, what a fast speed" Luo Cheng said in surprise, looking at Xing Jue, which was rushing in at a very high speed, but then his toes moved slightly, and he violently swept towards Xing Jue.

"Bang..." Xing Jue and Luo Cheng punched at the same time, and the two fists containing terrifying energy collided together. When the blow was blocked, Xing Jue's figure flickered, and with a beautiful whip kick, He swept towards Luo Cheng viciously, and this blow was also blocked by Luo Cheng again.

"Bang..Bang..Bang..Bang.." As the two fought together, the energy ripples continued to spread, and the speed was so fast that some weaker people couldn't see their movements at all.

"This kid, he's amazing!" The disciples around said with some admiration when they saw that he was fighting against Luo, but he didn't fall behind, saying that Luo Cheng was also the tenth in the elite list, and this kid actually To be able to fight with him to such a degree shows that he is not simple.

"Boom" was another fierce confrontation, Xing Jue and Luo Cheng were shocked by the powerful energy ripples, and they all retreated backwards.

"Boy, the speed is good, but for me, it's not enough." Looking at Xing Jue not far away, Luo Cheng said with a sneer.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you," Xing Jue said coldly, and then his body trembled, and the wind spread out from Xing Jue's body, and began to revolve around Xing Jue's body at a high speed.

"Movement and martial arts?" Luo Cheng finally said in shock, looking at the punishment that was entangled by the gust of wind.Immediately become cautious.

"Bang" Xing Jue disappeared with a muffled sound. Seeing Xing Jue disappearing in an instant, Luo Cheng's expression changed greatly. So he began to observe the surroundings nervously, to prevent Xing Jue from sneaking up.

At this moment, I suddenly felt the sound of the wind behind him, but when Luo Cheng turned around, a palm with a dazzling light slammed into it.

Facing such a powerful attack, Luo Cheng also gritted his teeth, stretched out his right fist, and the right fist covered with martial spirit, which was convenient for Xing Jue's wind-devouring palms to smash together.

"Bang" fists faced each other, and a terrifying ripple spread rapidly, and Luo Cheng was hit by Xing Jue's palm. He fell to the ground, Luo Cheng's face had turned pale and weak at this moment, and his right arm had been broken, and he was staring at Xing Jue with a grim face.

Although Luo Cheng was seriously injured, Xing Jue did not stop there. He moved in front of Luo Cheng and punched Luo Cheng in the chest. "Puchi" was another mouthful of blood. , Luo Cheng finally fainted without being able to support it.

After beating Luo Cheng to half death, Xing Jue dissipated the gust of wind from his body and stood up slowly.

Looking at the sentence that slowly stood up, everyone's eyes were full of inconceivable and fearful colors. How could they never have imagined that this inconspicuous kid in front of him would put the "Luo Cheng" on the elite list all the way. Defeated.

Xing Jue turned around slightly, and swept his smart eyes to the people present, and everyone who was swept by his eyes would take a step back, and the fear in his heart was self-evident.

In the end, Xing Jue fixed his gaze on the disciple with eight-character eyebrows, and that disciple was trembling when he saw Xing Jue, so he almost couldn't hold back and released his urine.

"From today onwards, whoever shoots against my brother, his fate will be considered light." Xing Jue pointed to Luo Cheng, who had passed out under his crotch, and said coldly.

Then, under the fearful eyes of everyone, he slowly walked out of the cultivation pavilion.

And starting from today, the name of Xing Jue has suddenly sounded in this cabinet...

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