Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 38 Law Enforcement Pavilion [Part 3]

(The [-]D update is completed today)

In the depths of the cabinet, there is a resplendent and extremely luxurious hall. The patterns of golden dragons and jade phoenixes are carved everywhere in the hall, giving people a majestic aura, but on the other hand, it also reveals the ambition of the owner of the hall .

At this moment in the main hall, a majestic black-haired old man was sitting on the dragon chair directly above.And at the bottom of the main hall, a disciple was kneeling on the ground, whining full of grievances

"Master, that Xing Jue is really too rampant, and please ask Master to be the master for the disciple." The disciple said humblely to the black-haired old man, who was the one who was severely injured by Xing Jue. to make".

"It's useless, as a high-ranking Martial Ancestor, you are actually defeated by a middle-ranking Martial Ancestor, you deserve to call me Shizun? Get out of here." After listening to his laments, the black-haired old man said He raised his eyebrows and shouted angrily.

Seeing the old man getting angry, Luo Cheng's body actually started to tremble, and then he didn't dare to say a word, but after gritting his teeth, he exited the hall in desperation.

"Come out," the black-haired old man said loudly after Luo Cheng left.

And after the old man's voice fell, an old man wearing a black robe came out from the corner of the hall, and this elder was an law enforcement elder from the Yufeng Pavilion, Law Enforcement Pavilion, Zhu the elder

"See Second Elder" Elder Zhu walked to the middle of the main hall, this Elder Zhu said to the black-haired old man humbly.It turned out that this majestic black-haired old man was the second elder of the cabinet, a super strong mid-level warrior who once wanted to be punished as a disciple.

"Did you hear what Luo Cheng said just now?"

"A disciple who just entered the cabinet is so presumptuous. What do you do in the Law Enforcement Pavilion?" The second elder said displeased after casting his eyes at Elder Zhu of the Law Enforcement Department.

"Going back to the Second Elder, it's my negligence of duty. I will definitely find out the truth about this trivial matter." The elder hurriedly said humblely.The panic in my heart is self-evident.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance, step back." The second elder waved his hand casually, motioning for him to leave, and the elder hurriedly exited the hall after saying goodbye.

After the elder left, the second elder of the cabinet lay down on the dragon chair. With a wave of his finger, a cup of tea on the coffee table floated over. After enjoying the tea, the two Only then did the elder whisper thoughtfully, "Xingjue? Xingjue? How do you feel that you have heard it before?"

"Could it be that little ghost from the Outer Pavilion who refuses to join my sect?" Thinking of this, the Second Elder's eyes suddenly opened, and the teacup floating in the air was instantly shaken into countless shattered fine dust, which floated down. .

Xing Jue at this moment naturally doesn't know what happened in the second elder's hall.Instead, he was sitting in the dining hall, drinking heavily with his brothers...

There was a sudden commotion, which attracted the attention of Xing Jue and others. Looking sideways, it turned out to be someone from the law enforcement cabinet. The people in this law enforcement cabinet were dressed a little differently from other cabinet members. They were special black court uniforms, and they all wore a The law enforcement knife is black, so it is very easy to identify.

This Law Enforcement Pavilion has great power in Yufeng Pavilion, and its members are also somewhat special. Most of the members were former disciples of the cabinet. In short, the members of the Law Enforcement Pavilion are extremely powerful people. The members are also at the level of Wuzong, and the elders are even stronger, and the weakest are masters at the level of Wuzun.

"It's actually from the Law Enforcement Pavilion. Judging from their posture, they seem to be here to arrest people." Looking at the pair of Law Enforcement Pavilion people with four eyes, they said a little uneasy.After all, for such a special existence, every disciple would have a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

"Whatever he does, it's not as good as catching ours, we eat ours."Xing Jue glanced casually, and said disdainfully after the group of expressionless and defiant Law Enforcement Cabinet members.

But what Xing Jue did not expect the most was that the disciples of the Law Enforcing Pavilion walked directly towards them.

"Take Xingjue, take it away with me," a guy who looked like a team leader pointed at Xingjue and said loudly.And under his life order, the members of the law enforcement cabinet behind him also hurriedly surrounded Xing Jue, and stretched out their hands to take Xing Jue down.

"Get out of here!" With a wave of Xing Jue's sleeve robe, a strong force of martial energy was released. This sudden blow even blew the unsuspecting members of the Law Enforcement Court to their knees.As Xingjue advanced to the level of the middle-ranked Martial Ancestor, he became more and more proficient in mastering the release of martial aura.

"Do you dare to resist arrest?" Seeing that Xing Jue actually resisted, the team leader who had reached a high level of Wu Zong suddenly shouted angrily, then pulled out the law enforcement knife at his waist, and slashed at Xing Jue with a sharp sound of wind.

In the face of the law enforcement knife that he cut straight at him, Xing Jue was not in a hurry. He raised his left hand and directly held the law enforcement knife in his hand. The law enforcement captain's law enforcement knife was folded into two pieces in the eyes of everyone in amazement.

Seeing this scene, the team leader was also taken aback. This Law Enforcement Saber was forged from thousand-year-old black iron. After special refining, it can be said to be very strong.

But he could never have imagined that this extremely sharp law enforcement knife was actually broken by Xing Jue at will. From this, he could see that Xing Jue's strength was definitely far superior to him, so his body couldn't help but move towards Back then, he said very nervously, "".

"What me? I can't even speak clearly, you are still the captain of the law enforcement? I'm bah" Xing Jue said disdainfully, looking at the terrified squad leader.

"Good boy, you really are a stubborn person, let's see if I don't punish you." Suddenly, an old man's voice came out from the crowd, and when he fixed his eyes, he saw an old man walking out of the crowd slowly. And he was the elder Zhu who was talking to the second elder in the main hall.A mid-level warrior.

"Elder Zhu" saw the old man appear, and the members of the law enforcement team hurriedly said respectfully.

"Oh? Say I'm stubborn, you arrest people for no reason, and you still don't allow me to resist?" Although he felt the elder's strength, Xing Jue said without fear, because he couldn't imagine what kind of crime he had committed. mistake.

"What a sharp-tongued boy, if I don't show you some flair, you don't know the methods of my Law Enforcement Pavilion." And this elder didn't talk nonsense with Xing Jue. Waiting for someone to plunder away.

Facing this tyrannical martial spirit, Xing Jue could have dodged, but considering the brothers behind him, Xing Jue had no choice but to prepare to resist the blow.

I saw that Xing Jue clenched his right fist, and the golden martial energy covered his right fist, and then blasted at the violent martial energy.When the heavy punch collided with Wu Zhiqi, a terrifying ripple of energy erupted in an instant.

But it was not the elder's opponent at all.Although he blocked the blow, he was still injured internally by the aftermath, and then a smear of blood began to flow out from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn it" vigorously wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in Xing Jue's atmosphere.

"Boy, there are two tricks, and you can resist the blow of the Lord and me." Seeing that Xing Jue suffered only minor internal injuries under his blow, the elder couldn't help but said in admiration.

"Bah, stop talking nonsense, if you have the kind of thing, you will kill me, or I will not go back with you." Xing Jue did not appreciate Elder Zhu's praise at all, but said disdainfully.

"Okay, the old man will beat you half to death today, let's see how stubborn you are." Faced with Xing Jue's attitude, this Elder Zhu's expression also became displeased, and then he waved his sleeves, and he was about to attack Xing Jue again. Decide to make a move.

But Xing Jue didn't sit still this time. With a loud drink, his body was wrapped by the extremely fast spinning wind, and he disappeared in a flash.

After seeing the gust of wind on Xing Jue in the "Gast Wind Technique", that Elder Zhu also recognized that it was his Yufeng Pavilion martial skill, but he couldn't think of such a high-level martial skill. Where did Xing Jue learn it? In this cabinet, there is no such martial skill.

But after seeing Xing Jue disappear, the elder didn't feel nervous at all, but spread out his right hand, and a tyrannical martial spirit began to gather in his words.

Immediately after turning around, he slapped behind him, and this palm just landed on Xing Jue's chest.When he was hit with one blow, Xing Jue was like a kite with a broken string. He fell heavily to the ground after being hit tens of meters away.

"Cough, cough, cough..." With a mouthful of painstaking effort, Xing Jue looked at Elder Zhu who was walking slowly with disbelief on his face. He never imagined that his Gale Wind Technique would be so easily seen through.

(Today's three updates are completed, a total of 10000 words)

"Boy, don't think that you are the only one who knows the Gale Art" Elder Zhu said with a sneer, as if seeing what Xing Jue was thinking.

Walked leisurely in front of Xing Jue, looked at Xing Jue's slightly pale face, and said with a sneer, "How is it? Are you going to follow me honestly? Or do you want to be beaten here by me?" Half dead?".

"Fuck, beat me to death if you have the guts," Xing Jue said without any fear, spitting on Elder Zhu's robe.

"Little ghost, you want to die!" Seeing that Xing Jue was so stubborn, Elder Zhu finally became furious, and with a wave of his right hand, a force stronger than before smashed down on Xing Jue who was close at hand.

After an ear-piercing muffled sound resounded, everyone was shocked to find that Xing Jue hadn't been hit.

Just when everyone was puzzled, a sound like a wind chime resounded through the dining hall.

"Elder Zhu, believe it or not, if you kill him, I will kill you!".

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