"Hey, that's right, brother Xingjue, I have restored this purple-gold battle armor into a spiritual weapon, and now I am not a war emperor but a war emperor!"

Looking at Yao Xinyan who was full of surprise at this moment, Xing Jue smiled slightly, tapped Yao Xinyan's forehead with his finger and looked proud, for some reason Xing Jue would always be unscrupulous in front of this cute little sister to demonstrate their achievements.

"Isn't it? Are you still human? How did you do it?"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Yao Xinyan couldn't help opening her small mouth, her eyes were wide open, and her lovely cheeks were full of incomprehension and incomprehension.

"Hey, it's a secret"

Xing Jue smiled and said perfunctorily, it is not impossible to tell Yao Xinyan about the secret Xing Jue of the Purple Gold Armor, but it is absolutely impossible to tell Xing Jue about Huanyue Valley and Fairy Ying.So Xing Jue simply didn't say anything.

"No, no, tell me quickly, or I won't be able to sleep!"

Seeing this, Yao Xinyan pursed her mouth and her white jade hands firmly grasped Xing Jue's arm and shook it non-stop, as if Xing Jue would not give up if he didn't say anything.

Although Yao Xinyan seemed quite difficult to deal with at the moment, but how clever and cunning Xing Jue was, Yao Xinyan's method was useless against Xing Jue.

After entangled for a while, the two just sat on the tall city wall of Fenghua Lost City and chatted, but they didn't mention how the strength of Zijin Battle Armor and Xingjue improved by leaps and bounds.

In fact, Yao Xinyan couldn't hear Xing Jue's perfunctory, but she could also understand the reason why Xing Jue refused to talk about it, so she stopped pestering her later.

"I said girl, if there is a vision today, it seems that there will be a huge catastrophe in Tianwu Continent, aren't you afraid?" Sitting on the high city wall, Xing Jue suddenly raised his head and looked at the purple sky at this moment. .

"Cut, what kind of vision from the sky is a story used to deceive children." Yao Xinyan looked disdainful.

"Hey, a deceiving story? This is a legend that has been passed down in the Tianwu Continent for thousands of years. Even your father grew up listening to this legend. How did it become a story about deceiving children?" Xing Jue smiled. questioned.

"Not only my father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather, and my family's ancestors all grew up listening to this legend, but the so-called phenomenon of the sky and the nonsense of the catastrophe on the earth have never happened at all."

"And there has never been such a thing in historical records. This so-called legend has no basis at all, of course it is a lie." Yao Xinyan defended with a serious look, and what she said was plausible.

"Well, what you girl said makes sense." Xing Jue replied with a smile.Although today's vision did appear, Xing Jue did not believe that the so-called legend would really happen.

"Hey! Seeing that you are very curious about the vision of the sky, why don't I tell you a secret." Suddenly Yao Xinyan turned her head to the side with a mysterious look.

"What secret?" Xing Jue was taken aback for a moment, and then asked curiously.

"Actually, there are some records of this so-called celestial phenomenon in our clan, and earlier my father and the elders in the clan began to observe the celestial phenomenon as if they were waiting for something."

"But now it seems that they should be waiting for this so-called vision of the sky." Yao Xinyan said with a smile, blinking her long black eyelashes.

"You mean, your father and the others have long known that this vision of the sky will appear?" Xing Jue was even more surprised at this moment, because he never imagined that this vision of the sky would actually appear in the demonic world. There will be records in the clan.

"Well, it should be, but don't worry, because while waiting for the vision from the sky, I found that my father is not only not worried at all, but is getting more and more excited."

"This shows that this so-called heavenly phenomenon is not as terrifying as it is in the legend, and it might be a good thing." Yao Xinyan explained again, and her lovely eyes were filled with anticipation. color.

"Is it a good thing? I hope so!" At this moment, Xing Jue couldn't help raising his head, and once again cast his gaze on the purple sky, and there was also a strong look in his eyes .

You must know that Xingjue has entered the level of Emperor Zhan now, and has entered the top ranks of the continent. If something so-called good happens in Tianwu Continent at this time, maybe he can still get a share of the pie.



But when Xing Jue was thinking about what kind of things the vision of the sky would bring, the face filled with a faint smile suddenly became dignified, and at the same time, his sharp gaze was cast on the east, and there It is the location of the center of the towering field.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xing Jue's appearance, Yao Xinyan at the side hastily cast her gaze there, but she couldn't see anything.

"Girl, I'm going to activate the ecstasy formation right now, and you quickly hide in it." Seeing Yao Xinyan's question, Xing Jue didn't answer, but moved his mind slightly, and the ecstasy formation that was slowly circulating It was a small entrance that suddenly appeared.

"No, I won't go in. Tell me what happened~!" Yao Xinyan is so smart that she can feel something wrong in Xing Jue's tone, and then she stares at the moment even more stubbornly. sentence.

"Why are you so disobedient, girl? Now is not the time to play your temper. You will distract me here."

Seeing Yao Xinyan's refusal to take Xing Jue, she also seemed a little anxious, because Xing Jue could clearly feel a powerful army rushing towards Fenghua Lost City at a very high speed.

And that berserk aura is exactly the army of Beast City, and Xingjue can feel two extremely powerful auras in it, even so powerful that they are not inferior to him.

"Why do you stay here? Even if you want me to go in, you still want to go with me." Yao Xinyan maintained her stubbornness and refused to compromise at all.

"Damn, it's too late."

But at this moment, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the two powerful auras that were moving forward with the army seemed to have sensed the aura of Yao Xinyan, so at this moment they were already separated from the army and were rushing towards Fenghua Lost City at a very high speed. Come, and the two of them traveled thousands of miles away from Fenghua Lost City in the blink of an eye. When Xing Jue discovered this change, he hurriedly closed the entrance to the Fascinating Soul Formation that had already been opened.


Just when Xing Jue had just closed the entrance of the Fascinating Soul Formation, those two powerful auras had rushed over, and the situation changed in an instant, with strong winds blowing up, and the white clouds in the sky were replaced by dark red ones that were the same as the Zhan Qi. The purple sky was already covered by the rolling and churning.

And that majestic coercion formed a clearly visible hurricane. As the Fenghua Lost City passed by, even the buildings with enchanted barriers began to appear cracks, and Yaoxin, who was only at the high-level Warlord level, Yan even felt a little difficult to breathe and couldn't help but backed away.


Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly walked to Yao Xinyan and blocked her behind. At the same time, the majestic coercion also radiated unreservedly. The two coercion conflicted with each other, and this one The coercion of Xing Jue gained the upper hand, and actually forced back the coercion that attacked the beast city.

"There is actually a war emperor sitting in the town?"

"It's no wonder that you can make a name for yourself in Shentianyu so quickly. It seems that this Shura Palace is really not easy!"

Just after Xing Jue drove out the majestic coercion, two rough laughter suddenly resounded above this majestic lost city, and at the same time, two strong figures suddenly appeared.

These are two monsters with strange shapes. One of the two monsters is wearing a fiery red armor, and there are bursts of flames rising from the surface of its body.

The other is wearing a blue armor, and above its body is a burst of cold air that can freeze the air. Both of them are holding a domineering halberd in a similar shape , and the halberd exudes hot air and cold air like two people's bodies.

"Yes, it's the second ice and fire general of Beast City!"

But when she saw these two, Yao Xinyan behind Xingjue showed a shocked and panicked expression, because she had already recognized the identities of these two from their appearances, and they were the dead of Beast City. Two of the great guardian generals are ice generals and fire generals.

"Yo? Isn't this the little princess of the Yaolian clan? Why are you here?" At this moment, the second general of Binghuo also suddenly found Yaoxinyan behind Xingjue, and then asked in surprise.

"Seniors, this Shura Palace is my friend's power, and the Shura Palace and my Yaolian Clan are in an alliance relationship. I wonder if the two seniors are here today?"

Seeing this, Yao Xinyan walked up to Xing Jue, squinted her eyes slightly and said with a kind smile on her face, and because she felt the malice from Beast City, Yao Xinyan even boasted that Shura Hall was a demon Alliance forces of the Lian Clan.

"This girl, actually knows the Guardian General of the Beast City?"

At this moment, Xing Jue was also surprised by Yao Xinyan's actions, he never expected that a little girl like Yao Xinyan would meet the famous guardian general of this beast city.

However, at this moment, Xing Jue did not take it lightly because of their acquaintance, because Xing Jue knew that Beast City would never give up on the investigation of Shura Palace just because of Yao Xinyan, because he knew that the Holy Beast Orb and Xiaolong were very important to Beast City. How important.

"Oh? Then the person next to you is the Lord of Xingjue who has recently become famous in the Shentianyu?" After hearing Yao Xinyan's words, the second general of Binghuo did not answer her, but took the slight His squinted eyes turned to Xing Jue.But in that seemingly benign gaze, there was a hint of malice.

(Brothers are sorry, the state of bees is really bad recently, and now this book is in the recommendation period, and bees want to update more than anyone else, so as not to disappoint readers and editors, but this unsatisfactory head is really weak, sorry, thanks The next one will be added, I promise!)

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