Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 388 The Battle of the Battle Emperor

"I'm right here," Xing Jue replied with a smile neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hahahaha, Hall Master of Xing Jue, Shura Hall and my beast city have no grievances at all. The two of us came here today just to ask the Lord of Xing Jue for a favor." The second general of Binghuo didn't care about the attitude in his eyes, but said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Xing Jue raised his head slightly and replied indifferently.

"I also ask the Lord of Xingjue to hand over the monster that can be transformed into a dragon." The second general of Binghuo narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"What if I don't pay?"

Xing Jue sneered at the question of the second general, Binghuo, but he didn't deny the fact that Xiaolong was in the Shura Palace.

One, daring to act but not daring to act is not a method of criminal judgment.

Second, now Beast City not only dispatched a large army, but also sent two guards. It can be seen that Beast City has already made plans to use the Shura Palace to force Xiaolong out, so it will not be because of the one-sided words of Xingjue He just left, so knowing that even if he concealed it, he would be doomed, Xing Jue would naturally not let go of his dignity to conceal his humbleness.

"Hahahahaha, if you don't hand in, your Asura Hall will probably disappear in the Towering Realm from today onwards." Suddenly the second general of Binghuo laughed, and the deafening laughter was full of arrogance and coldness. color.

"That depends on whether you have the strength." Xing Jue said with a serious expression.

Seeing Xing Jue's reaction in this way, the face of the Ice and Fire General also became completely gloomy, and in an instant a strong murderous aura pervaded the sky above Fenghua Lost City.

"Hoo hoo hoo ~"

But when the three of them were about to fight at any time, the sound of gusts of wind suddenly sounded not far away, and when I looked sideways, I saw a large black cloud at the end of the sky that was rapidly enlarging and approaching, and there was even more hidden in it. An extremely powerful breath, and bursts of roaring sound.

As the large dark cloud approached, the ear-piercing roar became more and more clear. At this moment, Xing Jue and Yao Xinyan could clearly see that it was not a dark cloud, but an army composed of nearly ten thousand monsters, which was the most shocking. What is surprising is that it is actually an army composed of nearly ten thousand Warlord-level monsters.

"Brother Xingjue, what did you do to make Beast City so labor-intensive? Who is that magical beast that can transform into a dragon? It deserves your protection?"

Seeing such a large army slowly approaching, even Yao Xinyan, who has always been fearless, has a look of panic on her face. What she is worried about is not her own comfort. She didn't dare to shoot her because of this, and what she was worried about was naturally the punishment.

"Hehe, don't worry girl, I can handle your elder brother Xingjue." Xingjue patted Yao Xinyan's shoulder lightly as if he didn't care, and signaled Yao Xinyan not to worry.

The Beast City army did not directly enter Fenghua Lost City, but stopped thousands of miles away from Fenghua Lost City, and at this moment, many figures appeared near the regular army and began to approach Fenghua Lost City, and those were not Beast City The soldiers and horses, but the powerhouses of the various forces in the towering domain.

Beast City is one of the four overlord forces in the Shentian Realm, and its every move attracts the attention of all parties in the entire Shentian Realm, and the large-scale actions of Beast City naturally attracted many forces to follow, They didn't want to help the Beast City, nor the Shura Palace, but to see what happened between the Beast City and the Shura Palace.

"Hehe, Beast City is worthy of being one of the four major powers in the towering domain, but if you don't want to lose your troops, I advise you better not to let those guys join the battle, just you and I make a break."

Xing Jue glanced at the army of Beast City indifferently, and then said with a smile to the second general Binghuo, although the scale of the army dispatched by Beast City this time is indeed shocking, even the previous Xing Jue would not be able to face such a situation. Feeling scared, because such a large army is not something that Shura Temple can deal with.

But such a powerful army is nothing in the eyes of Xing Jue, just like a group of ants placed there, waiting for Xing Jue to take their lives, and this is the huge gap between Zhan Jue and Zhan Huang The gap, especially after Xing Jue was promoted to Emperor of War, the gap became even bigger.

"Haha, Master Xing Jue, the two of us have exactly the same intention."

"Since you don't want to hurt my soldiers and horses in the Beast City, we will naturally not damage your Shura Hall. The three of you and I should fight together."

The second general, Binghuo, laughed loudly, and after giving an order to the army of Beast City through a special communication talisman, he turned around and flew towards the outside of Fenghua Lost City at a high speed before disappearing for a moment.

"Girl, wait here and I'm not allowed to follow."

Seeing this, Xing Jue turned his head to the side and said with a smile to Yao Xinyan, and then with a gust of wind, Xing Jue disappeared into the maze of wind and fled towards the distance.

"Who is that young man? He actually has the strength of a war emperor?"

"At this age, with this appearance, it seems, it seems to be the master of the Shura Palace?"

"What? Xing Jue, the master of the Asura Hall? Wasn't he just a high-level battle emperor when he was in the Yaolian clan? How could he become a war emperor so quickly?!!!!"

"Never mind him, who the hell is, you'll know if you take a look."

At this moment, the Beast City army did not move a single step but stayed neatly in the midair, but those people with various strengths began to talk about it.

About the two guardian generals of Beast City, some of them from the Shentianyu Center still know each other, but they don't know much about Xingjue, but the speed Xingjue showed before has clearly told them that he is a war emperor.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh"

In an instant, above the sky above Fenghua Lost City, tens of thousands of figures shuttled at a high speed, as if several off-string arrows flew towards the direction where Xing Jue and the three of them flew before with the whistling sound of the wind. It even covered the sky above Fenghua Lost City like a rain of arrows.

"It's really not reassuring that this guy actually got into such a trouble."

And at this moment, after Yao Xinyan pouted and complained, she flung herself into the ranks of the crowd and flew towards Xing Jue's direction at high speed.

Beyond Fenghua Lost City, there is a vast plain, and tens of thousands of figures have gathered around this plain at this moment, and these people are not only people from various forces, some of them are also scattered people from the towering realm, but There is only one purpose for them to come here, and that is to watch the excitement.

However, although there are many audiences, their strengths vary. The strongest is the high-level battle emperor, but the weakest is also the king of war and even the god of war.

So at this moment, everyone didn't dare to approach. Only the high-level battle emperor could vaguely see the blurred figures of Xing Jue and the second general of ice and fire, and even their faces were hard to distinguish, because the battle between the strong war emperor was too terrifying. Even if it is an energy ripple, as long as they are involved, it will be more dangerous than good.

"Hallmaster Xingjue, you have reached the strength of a war emperor at a young age. Even we admire this talent from the bottom of our hearts."

"If a talent like you continues to grow, it may not be impossible to cultivate the Asura Hall into a second profound hall, so why ruin your future for a monster?"

At this moment, Xing Jue and the second general of Binghuo looked at each other, but the second general of Binghuo was not in a hurry to attack Xingjue, but asked again.

"Stop talking nonsense, either take your beast city army away now, or prepare to be buried here." There was no expression on Xing Jue's dignified face, but a terrifying murderous aura was already exuding from his body , It can be seen that it has already prepared for the war.

"In that case, don't blame me for bullying the younger generation."

"squeak squeak"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo"

Suddenly the ice and fire shouted in unison, and at the same time as they waved their halberds, a majestic flame and a majestic ice flame burst towards Xing Jue.

The air hissed from the majestic flames, and the icy flames mellowed the earth into a long ice field, and these two attacks contained terrifying power. If these two attacks Bombing in Fenghua Lost City, I am afraid that everything except the Fascinating Soul Formation will be reduced to ashes.

"It's a spiritual weapon, did you actually use the spiritual weapon as soon as you made a move?"

"It's so strong. It really deserves to be the second general of ice and fire in Beast City. This kind of attack is really eye-opening."

Although it is extremely far away from Xing Jue and the second general of ice and fire, the ice and fire attack launched by the second general of ice and fire is clearly visible, and even the sound of the flame burning the air and the ice flame condensing the ground can be heard clearly, and the terrifying breath It made everyone shocked and even trembled.

"Hmph, you are not the only ones with spirit weapons"

Facing the head-on blow from the second general of ice and fire using a spiritual weapon, Xing Jue not only did not fight back, but instead avoided it. He stood in the midair and waited for the attack, and his face was already full of excitement. The color, that is the desire to fight.

"Purple Gold Battle Spirit, come out!"

"Boom, boom, boom~~~~~~~~"

Suddenly, Xing Jue shouted loudly, and at the same time, the two attacks of ice and fire came with a bang. In an instant, energy ripples of ice and fire exploded from mid-air. It set off a sea of ​​flames and icebergs, the size of which was indescribable, as if volcanoes and icebergs suddenly appeared in midair.

"It's terrifying, is this the attack of the Emperor of War? Is this the power of the spiritual weapon?

"It's too strong. It's worthy of being a legendary existence. This kind of power is simply not owned by human beings."

Looking at the two energy ripples that are still spreading at this moment, the crowd let out voices of shock and excitement, and their faces were all dumbfounded, because for most of them, Zhan Diqiang This is the first time I have seen the battle of the former.

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