Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 40 Reminder [Part 2]

It has been half a year since Li Xiaohan disclosed his relationship with Xing Jue. During this time, Li Xiaohan will often visit Xing Jue, but he will leave in a hurry every time he only stays for a while.

Xing Jue can understand this situation. Outsiders only see Li Xiaohan's extraordinary talent and strength.But no one saw what kind of hard work she paid under her powerful strength.

Although the time they meet each time is not long, after the six months of running-in, the relationship between the two is getting better and better, and they even have the appearance of a young couple.

Once, Xing Jue secretly kissed her face while Li Xiaohan was not paying attention, but Li Xiaohan just warned Xing Jue that he would never allow another time, but it was clear in Xing Jue that this was Li Xiaohan's acquiescence, otherwise With Li Xiaohan's strength, how could Xing Jue steal his relatives?

In the past six months, probably because of Li Xiaohan's deterrence, no one in this cabinet has ever asked for Xing Jue's trouble again, which naturally includes the second elder of the cabinet. Relying on Xing Jue's relationship, Xing Jue No one dared to provoke the group of brothers easily, but Xing Jue was not satisfied with this comfortable life.

Because she knew that the comfortable life in front of her was completely obtained under the deterrence of Li Xiaohan, and this was not what he wanted, so Xing Jue was also constantly in retreat during this period of time.

The goal of Xing Jue is very clear, that is, to reach the level of Wu Zun as soon as possible, because only at that level, he can compete with the powerhouses of this cabinet for the first position in the elite list, and only when he reaches that position, Only then did you have a pass to enter the main pavilion.

And as long as he enters the main pavilion, he can completely get rid of Li Xiaohan's shadow and become a powerful person who can be looked up to.But let alone Wu Zun, even this high-level Wu Zong, Xing Jue has never been able to break through.

After finishing the training that day, Xing Jue sat helplessly in the Xing Mansion, at the top of a loft, looking at the center of Yufeng Pavilion, a magnificent hall in a daze, and that was the palace where Li Xiaohan lived.

"Hey, Xiaohan, is it so difficult to catch up with you?" Xing Jue sighed helplessly, feeling distressed for his weak strength.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind Xing Jue, but Xing Jue, relying on his powerful soul power, still sensed the appearance of this person.

"Who are you?" Xing Jue stood up suddenly, and found that behind him at the moment, a young man who looked to be in his 20s was standing, and the golden robe on the man's body surprised Xing Jue.Because the person in front of him, like Li Xiaohan, is a disciple of the main pavilion.

"Don't be nervous, I won't kill you," the man said with a slight smile after seeing Xing Jue.

"Oh? Then you have something to do with me?" Xing Jue was not surprised by the appearance of this middle-aged man, because since Li Xiaohan disclosed that he was her boyfriend, Xing Jue knew that sooner or later, the main pavilion would be Some people will come to look for him, but he can't think of it, it seems that this day is a little late.Therefore, Xing Jue said very calmly.

"Well, you're right, I hope you can stay away from Xiaohan from today."The middle-aged man said with admiration after sizing up the sentence.

"If it's this matter, then I don't need to talk about it anymore, I won't leave Xiaohan," Xing Jue said coldly after glaring at the middle-aged man.Immediately, regardless of the expression on the middle-aged man's main pavilion disciple, he turned around to leave.

But just as Xing Jue was about to leave, he suddenly found that his body couldn't move, and... he could not feel any coercion exerted on him by the other party, but it was as if his body was firmly locked. , After a moment of silence, Xing Jue suddenly realized: "Martial God?"

In this case, the only thing Xing Jue can think of is that the opponent's strength has reached the Martial God.Because Xing Jue's current state is firmly locked by the power of space, and the only one who can use the power of space is the Martial God above Wu Zun. At this moment, Xing Jue's heart is finally a little nervous. Unexpectedly, among the disciples of the main pavilion, there will be such a strong, Martial God, that is simply a peak existence.

"Boy, you're not very good, but this time you can listen to me quietly, right? Hehe..." The man smiled and walked to Xing Jue and said mockingly.

Looking at the smiling man in front of him, Xing Jue suddenly had a strange feeling. It was obvious that this man was targeting him, but Xing Jue didn't feel that he was dangerous to him.

"Kill me if you have one." Xing Jue looked at the man in front of him, and said stubbornly, this is not because Xing Jue is not afraid of death, but Xing Jue has this feeling, that is, this man does not seem to be interested in death. unfavorable to oneself.

"Do you think I dare not?" The middle-aged man smiled slightly, then flipped his palm, and a black pill appeared in his hand.

"This is a poisonous pill condensed from the toxins of ten thousand kinds of poisonous insects. As long as people eat it, they will suffer the pain of being eaten by ten thousand insects, and finally they will collapse and die." The man put the poisonous pill in his hand. After throwing it a few times, he explained to Xing Jue with a smile.

"I'll give you one more chance, as long as you promise to leave Xiaohan, I'll let you go and give you an earth-level exercise, what do you think?" The man looked at Xing Jue and said coercively and enticingly.

"No need to talk nonsense, kill if you want." However, Xing Jue snorted coldly and said disdainfully.At the same time, I was beating drums in my heart, wouldn't he really want to kill me?

"Okay, since you insist on dying, then I will fulfill you. After you die, the result will be the same." The man was not afraid of Xing Jue. Jue's mouth was squeezed open, and his right hand threw the poison pill directly into Xing Jue's mouth.

After the entrance of the poison pill, Xing Jue felt that the martial spirit in his body began to boil rapidly, as if it was about to explode. The heart-piercing pain spread from every part of his body. Jue finally couldn't bear the pain and roared loudly.

"Call, call." The space here has been blocked by me. No matter how loud you call, no one will hear. The man saw Xing Jue's pained appearance, but he didn't have the slightest sympathy. As if looking at a good show, he said with a smile.

But after hearing his words, Xing Jue forcefully held back the extreme pain and stopped screaming.

However, on his body, the sweat that kept flowing out told the middle-aged man how painful Xing Jue was.

Under this extreme pain, Xing Jue's consciousness actually began to become blurred, and he felt that his eyes were getting darker and darker.

"Am I really going to die?" Feeling the increasingly blurred consciousness, Xing Jue even forgot the pain, but at this moment Xing Jue heard faintly, and the man's voice sounded again.

"Good boy, you really have the guts. In that case, this old man will help you." Seeing the sentence that could no longer be held, the man said to himself, and then he touched the sentence with the palm of his hand. on the chest of the decision.And Dao Dao contains extremely powerful energy, and the dark red gas also began to pour into Xing Jue's body continuously.

And with the infusion of this powerful gas, the boiling martial energy in Xing Jue's body actually began to calm down, and Xing Jue's consciousness gradually became sober.

But when Xing Jue opened his eyes again, he found that the man standing in front of him was not the previous man, but an old man wearing a gray robe with extraordinary bearing. Smile with satisfaction.

"I don't know who the senior is?" Seeing the old man's kindly look, Xing Jue knew that this must be an elder from Yufeng Pavilion, so he hurriedly asked respectfully.

"Haha, boy, I am Li Xiaohan's master, who do you think I am?" The old man stroked his beard and replied with a smile.

"See the second elder of the main pavilion." After hearing the old man's words, Xing Jue hurriedly knelt to the ground and said respectfully.Li Xiaohan's master, Xing Jue naturally knew that it was Yufeng Pavilion, the second elder of the main pavilion.

"Okay, no need to be more polite," the old man waved his sleeve robe and helped Xing Jue up.

"Could it be, who just shot me?" Feeling the old man's breath again, Xing Jue asked uncertainly.

"Yes, I'm the one who shot you just now." The second elder seemed to understand the meaning of Xing Jue and replied with a smile.

"Boy, to be my Xiaohan's boyfriend, you are qualified!" The old man said again after looking at the sentence with a smile.

At this time, Xing Jue also understood that it was just a test for the second elder to Xing Jue, so he said unwillingly: "Second elder, you don't have to be so cruel if you want to test your disciple, right? The pain caused by poison is no joke."

"Yo, you kid, I'm not happy anymore, you can feel your own strength now, what level is it?" The old man gave a blank glance after Xing Jue, and said something meaningful.

After hearing the words of the second elder, Xing Jue also hurriedly felt the aura of martial arts in his body, and then said excitedly, "Thank you, the second elder."

Because at this moment Xing Jue discovered that the high-level Martial Sect, which had been unable to break through for a long time, actually succeeded in breaking through at this moment, no need to think about it, this must be the masterpiece of these two elders.

"You don't have to thank me, you have already reached the level of the peak of the middle-level martial arts, I just help you break through quickly, but Xing Jue, if you really want to be with Xiaohan, there are some things I want to do. Just a reminder." The smiling face of the second elder suddenly converged, and he said to Xing Jue with a serious look.

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