Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 41 Decision [Part 1]

"Also ask the second elder to make it clear," Xing Jue said respectfully.He knew that the second elder came here this time, not just to test himself.

"Boy, do you know what position Xiaohan has in the main pavilion?" The second elder stroked his beard and said slowly to Xing Jue.

Xing Jue shook his head and said he didn't know.

"Xiaohan is the youngest one among the hundred disciples of the main pavilion, and the one with the most potential."

"However, in terms of current strength, Xiaohan's strength among these hundred disciples is only low-level," the second elder said slowly.

When Xing Jue heard this, he couldn't help but understand the strength of this main pavilion disciple.

"The most important thing is that even in the main pavilion, Xiaohan is also the standard for mate selection in many people's minds, so your current name is very loud in the main pavilion." Speaking of this, the second elder is even more He glanced at Xing Jue meaningfully.

And Xing Jue is also secretly complaining, the so-called beauty and calamity refers to this, but who makes him like Xiaohan, so even if it is dangerous to be with him, Xing Jue is willing to face it.

And no matter who they are, they can't stop themselves from being with Xiaohan. If someone really wants to break them up, even if that person is the King of Heaven, then Xing Jue will try his best to get rid of him.

"I think you must be very puzzled. Why do you know the relationship between you and Xiaohan, but the disciples of the main pavilion didn't come to trouble you?" The second elder asked Xing Jue again.

After hearing the words of the second elder, Xing Jue also nodded fiercely in agreement.

Seeing the expression of Xing Jue's promise, the second elder smiled slightly and continued: "Actually, if they want to come, even Xiaohan can't stop them, and the reason why they didn't come is because they disdain to lower their status, Come and take action against one of your cabinet disciples, they are all waiting, waiting for the day you enter the main cabinet."

"What if the disciple cannot enter the main pavilion?" Xing Jue finally understood why his life was so comfortable. It turned out that those guys looked down on him and asked immediately.

"If you can't even enter the main pavilion, do you still deserve to be with Xiaohan? Not to mention Xiaohan's eccentric grandfather, even the old man will not allow you to be together again," the second elder said slowly.

"So what I want to remind you is that you must accumulate enough strength before entering the main pavilion. If you can't reach the level of the god of war, don't enter the main pavilion. Otherwise, those boys will definitely not make you feel better."

"And the identity of the main pavilion's disciple is a bit special. Even an elder like me can't interfere too much, so if you enter the main pavilion, even Xiaohan can't protect you. What you need is to rely on Survive with your own strength." The second elder said slowly.

"Thank you Second Elder for reminding me, this disciple knows what to do," Xing Jue replied politely.After the second elder said this, Xing Jue also has a general understanding of this main pavilion. The disciples of this main pavilion are very strong, and at the top, there are even strong people who have reached the level of the god of war. The most important thing is that they There are also many of them who have admiration for their Xiaohan, so Xing Jue is a thorn in their eyes and a nail in their flesh.

At this moment, Xing Jue is very grateful to these two elders. If he hadn't reminded him, Xing Jue was ready to enter the main pavilion as long as he reached the level of Wu Zun. , is basically the bottom of the goods, so at this moment Xing Jue also has his own decision.

"En" said this, the first elder looked at Xing Jue meaningfully and smiled.Immediately, with a wave of his sleeve robe, a blue spell floated out.

"This talisman is called the Tianlei Talisman. It is a very powerful talisman. If one day there is a disciple of the main pavilion who will deal with you regardless of his identity, you can use this to deal with him." The second elder immediately moved his finger, then The Dao Talisman drifted towards Xing Jue.

"Thank you Second Elder." Xing Jue was not polite, and hurriedly took over the Thunder Talisman, saying gratefully.After all, with this kind of self-defense, one's own safety is also more guaranteed.

"Okay, don't be too polite. Since Xiaohan likes you so much, you should stop being the second elder in the future. The second elder's name seems to be born, so you can call me Shui Lao in the future." The second elder said with a smile.

"Shui Lao?" After hearing the name, Xing Jue suddenly felt a little familiar, Shui Lao?Why is it so close to the name of his mysterious master, Zun Fenglao? But after thinking about it, Xing Jue naturally didn't ask any more questions, but responded respectfully.

"Well, boy, work hard, if you don't reach the level of the god of war, even I won't let you marry Xiaohan." Shui Lao smiled at Xing Jue with satisfaction, and then the surrounding space wriggled and disappeared.

Looking at the place where Shui Lao stood just now, a grateful smile appeared on Xing Jue's face. This Shui Lao actually reminded himself so much regardless of his identity. From this, it can be seen that this Shui Lao treats Xiao Han. is quite loving.

In the back garden of Xing Mansion, a pair of young boys and girls were sitting on the green lawn laughing and chatting, and it was Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan.

"Brother Xingjue, you said you want to leave for a while?" Li Xiaohan suddenly frowned and asked eagerly.

"Well, I'm tired of this Yufengge cultivation method, I want to go out and practice for a while," Xing Jue said with a smile.After talking with Shui Lao, Xing Jue made a decision, that is, to find the "Soul Eater" as soon as possible.

Because with the current him, it is too far to reach the level of the god of war. Even if he can reach that level with his talent and hard training, it will be a matter of many years later, and that At that time, what level will Li Xiaohan reach?What level will the powerhouses of the main pavilion reach?

Therefore, Xing Jue now has no patience at all, and is slowly cultivating in this Yufeng Pavilion.What he needs is to quickly improve his strength, and the only way to quickly improve his strength is to cultivate the Soul Eater. Although Bai Yunfei said that the secret room is extremely dangerous, it is indeed the only hope to find the Soul Eater, so No matter how dangerous it is, Xing Jue is ready to try it.

"How long will it take to go out?" Li Xiaohan saw Xing Jue's determination, so he didn't stop him, but asked.

"I don't know yet, at least after reaching Wu Zun," Xing Jue said with a smile, looking at Li Xiaohan who was a little eager.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Li Xiaohan suddenly fell silent. He knew that Xing Jue wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible, and most of the reasons were naturally because of her.

After a moment of silence, Li Xiaohan suddenly made a jade hand, and a Heavenly Thunder Talisman emerged, and after handing it to Xing Jue, he said slowly: "Going out to practice is no better than being in Yufeng Pavilion. This Talisman is called the Heavenly Thunder Talisman. The attack power is very strong, you can keep it by your side to protect yourself."

Looking at the Thunder Talisman in Li Xiaohan's hand, Xing Jue's heart instantly warmed. He naturally knew this Thunder Talisman because the Shui Lao had given him one.

Presumably Li Xiaohan's Tianlei Talisman must also be given by the old Shui, and Li Xiaohan is willing to give this protective thing to himself, how can Xing Jue not be moved.

"You must accept the thunderbolt today." Jian Xingjue just smiled at him, but did not speak for a long time, Li Xiaohan said suddenly and sternly.

Xing Jue originally wanted to tell Li Xiaohan that he had the Thunder Talisman, but since Shui Lao didn't tell Li Xiaohan that he had come to see him, he must not want Li Xiaohan to know, so Xing Jue still didn't say it.

And he knew Li Xiaohan's temperament, so he had no choice but to accept this Heavenly Thunder Talisman with a wry smile.

After putting away the Tianlei Talisman, Xing Jue suddenly waved his arms, and hugged the slim and stunning girl in front of him into his arms.

In the face of Xing Jue's sudden move, Li Xiaohan's pink and tender face instantly flushed red, but he did not make any resistance. Instead, he buried his head in Xing Jue's arms like a bird.

Taking this stunning beauty into his arms, Xing Jue's mind is stronger at this moment, because from today, he not only becomes stronger for himself, but more importantly, wants to protect the woman he loves.

The next day, after saying goodbye to the brothers, Xing Jue walked out of the Yufeng Pavilion where he had been staying for a year.

Standing at the foot of Fuyun Mountain, Xing Jue wore a black robe and looked very energetic. The reason why he didn't wear Yufeng Pavilion's robe was because Xing Jue didn't want to be too ostentatious. After all, which secret room he was going to this time was very likely. It is a ruin left by the Soul Eater Cult.And Soul Eater Sect was a demon sect that Yufeng Empire could not tolerate, so Xing Jue naturally didn't want to attract the attention of others.

After sorting out his mood, Xing Jue walked towards the north of Yufeng Empire. Xing Jue left Yufeng Pavilion this time, and the first place to go is not the Death Mountain Range, nor the mysterious secret room, but In a city about a hundred miles away from the Death Mountains, there is a martial arts family named Bai, and that is the destination of Xing Jue's trip.

That was the family that Bai Yunfei once belonged to, and what Xing Jue had to do this trip was to take Bai Yunfei's younger sister.Taken from the martial arts family, after all, he agreed to Bai Yunfei, and the punishment decision was to do what he said.

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