Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 42 Wordless Anger [Part 2]

"Excuse me..." Xing Jue said politely when he came to the door of Bai Mansion.But before the sentence is over...

"Go away, did you, a beggar, just come here in front of the door of the White House?" A high-level warrior who was holding the door shouted loudly after glancing at Xing Jue's inconspicuous clothes. "

"Beggar?" Xing Jue looked at his appearance, but he couldn't find any look like a beggar, and then asked: "This big brother, how do I look like a beggar?".

"Damn, if I tell you to get out, get out of here, why is there so much nonsense!" Seeing Xing Jue not only didn't leave, but he also caught up with him to ask questions. The big fist of the sandbag hit Xing Jue.

But in the face of his powerful punch, Xing Jue did not even move, but smiled, letting him call,

There was a crisp sound of "bang", and the big man's fist, the size of a sandbag, was like hitting an iron plate, and the bones of his hand suddenly shattered, and he shouted "My hand, my hand..."

You must know that as long as you reach the level of a martial artist, your body will be much stronger than a normal person. Ordinary weapons will never hurt your body, let alone a martial artist's fist.

"Damn, you're courting death." Seeing that the big man was injured, the other big man pulled out the big knife behind him and chopped it down at Xing Jue's head.

However, Xing Jue remained calm, his body did not move, and he watched them as if he were watching a good show.

"Dang" was another crisp sound. The big sword in the big man's hand actually broke into two pieces after slashing Xing Jue's head. Looking at the broken blade in his hand, the big man was finally dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that Xing Jue might be wearing special inner armor on his body, so he resisted the big man's punch, because he did not associate Xing Jue with the martial artist at all.

That's why he cut off Xing Jue's head.He wanted to solve Xing Jue, but at this moment he found out that the inconspicuous young man in front of him was actually a martial artist, and he was instantly stunned.

At this moment, the slaves in the Xing Mansion heard the sound outside the door, so they picked up the guys one by one and killed them in the direction of Xing Jue. Facing the crowd of slaves, Xing Jue's sleeve robes were swung. , a martial spirit burst out.In the end, he slammed into the body of this group of domestic slaves.

After coming into contact with this martial spirit, the slaves spat out blood one by one, and flew away one after another. What's more, they even fainted directly, and this was the result of Xing Jue's mercy, or else , with Xing Jue's current strength, they can be killed easily.

Seeing that things were not good, a slave who had not had time to rush over quickly ran into the mansion and moved to rescue soldiers..

Not long after the servant entered, an old man in gorgeous clothes ran out in a hurry. Seeing the servants lying on the ground, the old man's expression changed greatly, and then he politely came. Going to Xing Jue, he said, "Old man, the head of the Bai family, I don't know if the adults are visiting and neglecting them. Please don't blame them."

Xing Jue glanced at the general manager and said with a smile, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say, next time, it's better to let them stop looking down on others."

After hearing Xing Jue's words, the general manager knew what had happened, and after scolding the servants, he politely invited Xing Jue into the White House.

"What? You said that Bai Xiuxiu is no longer in the White House?" Xing Jue sat in the living room and said in surprise, and Bai Xiuxiu was naturally Bai Yunfei's younger sister.

"Lord Hui, that's true, Bai Xiuxiu has been away from the White House for half a year," the manager replied politely.

"Then do you know where she went?" Xing Jue continued to ask.

"This, I really don't know," the general manager shook his head and replied.

With a puzzled mood, Xing Jue walked out of the Bai Mansion in disappointment, thinking, "Half a year ago, wasn't it the time when Bai Yunfei was sentenced to death? Why is it so coincidental? Could it be that Bai Xiuxiu knew what happened to Bai Yunfei, so she left Or is there another secret?"

Xing Jue kept guessing, but he couldn't get a clue for a while. At this moment, Xing Jue felt that a figure was sneaking behind him.Xing Jue smiled slightly, but continued to move forward pretending not to know.

After Xing Jue came to a remote place, he disappeared with a flick of his body, but after Xing Jue disappeared, a thin man hurried to the place where Xing Jue had just disappeared, looking around in disbelief. .

At this moment, a palm landed lightly on the man's shoulder, and then the man's body seemed to be rigid, unable to move, and then hurriedly said in that trembling voice: "Sir, spare your life, Lord, forgive me."

Xing Jue let go of his palm, and the man fell to the ground instantly, looking at Xing Jue nervously,

"Say, why are you following me?" Xing Jue slowly walked to him and asked sharply.

"Sir, are you a relative of Bai Xiuxiu?" The man looked at Xing Jue and said in a trembling voice.

"Forget it, I'm his brother's friend, do you know Bai Xiuxiu?" When Xing Jue heard the man mention Bai Xiuxiu, he hurriedly asked.

"Sir, I know where Bai Xiuxiu is." After hearing Xing Jue's words, the nervous expression on the man's face instantly became excited, and he said immediately.

And when he heard the man's words, Xing Jue's disappointed mood also changed to overjoyed.

After that, Xing Jue led the way to a small thatched hut outside the city. The man first walked into the hut, and then walked out, signaling Xing Jue to enter.

Xing Jue just walked into the thatched hut when he heard a girl's voice, "Are you my brother's friend?"

Looking along the voice, I saw a young girl lying on a wooden bed in the corner of the thatched hut. The girl's appearance was extremely delicate, and it was indeed somewhat similar to that of Bai Yunfei, but the girl's expression at the moment was different. It is too pale, obviously suffering from serious illness.

"Yes, I'm Bai Yunfei's friend, are you Bai Xiuxiu?" Xing Jue came to the girl's bed and hurriedly said.

"Is my brother really dead?" Seeing Xing Jue admitting her identity, the girl asked timidly.

"En," Xing Jue said softly after a moment of silence.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, the girl's strong body suddenly softened, and she lay weakly on the bed, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Uh," Xing Jue didn't know what to say when he saw the girl's pained appearance, but called the man out of the house and asked.

"Master, since you are Brother Xiuxiu's friend, I will not hide it from you," the man said excitedly after being silent for a while.

Looking at his clenched fists, Xing Jue guessed that something must have happened to Bai Xiuxiu, and immediately said: "What happened, you can say, I will decide for you."

"Actually, Xiuxiu didn't leave Baifu on her own initiative, but..."

"In the Bai family, the eldest young master of the Bai family has always coveted Xiuxiu's beauty, but because of the strong strength of Xiuxiu brother, he has never dared to do anything, but just half a year ago, he was also Yufeng. The new blood of the Bai family in the pavilion suddenly came back with a letter, Bai Yunfei made a big mistake and was beheaded by Yufeng Pavilion."

"This was originally unfortunate news for the Bai family, but for the eldest young master of the Bai family, it was indeed a big happy event. On the day he heard the news, he broke into Xiuxiu's bedroom. I want to cheat on Xiuxiu"

"Fortunately, Xiuxiu had learned some kung fu from his brother before he escaped, but the eldest young master of the Bai family refused to let Xiuxiu go, and even sent a slave to arrest Xiuxiu. In the end, Xiuxiu was forced to Helpless, they jumped into the cliff, and the Bai family thought that Xiuxiu would die, so they didn't look for Xiuxiu again."

"However, I took advantage of the Bai family's unpreparedness and sneaked down the cliff, trying to find Xiuxiu's body, but found that Xiuxiu was not dead, so I brought it home, but Xiuxiu's lower limbs were paralyzed. , and the body is getting weaker day by day," the man said slowly, and when talking about Bai Xiuxiu's condition, his eyes became moist.

It can also be seen from this that this man has very deep feelings for Bai Xiuxiu...

"Don't worry, whether it's the eldest young master of the Bai family? Or the general manager of the Bai family, or the slaves who participated in the hunt for Bai Xiuxiu, will not survive tonight." Xing Jue stood in front of the man and patted his Shoulder, said calmly, but the anger in his heart was violent to the extreme.

Chunxianglou, in the white city, is a place of beauty and snow, and at this moment, the eldest young master of the Bai family is enjoying himself here.

"Yo, this little official is so handsome."

As a young man in black walked in, a group of firework women immediately surrounded them, and the young man really ignored them and shouted loudly, "Who is Baiyin?"

"Damn, who is calling this young master by name? Go and show it to me." After hearing Xing Jue's call, there was a loud shout from a room upstairs, and then he rushed out of the room. Two sturdy big men came out and shouted fiercely: "Who called it just now?".

And after these two big men appeared, the fireworks girls and the strays hurriedly dodged, with a look of fear on their faces, only Xing Jue stood in the same place, and slowly turned his attention to the tightly closed room. On the door.

"Damn it, what did you call?" Seeing that everyone avoided Xing Jue, only Xing Jue was left. The two big men guessed that the person who just called out was Xing Jue, so they walked towards Xing Jue aggressively.

"Oh, this little brother is really desperate, he dares to provoke the young master of the Bai family." Seeing the two big Han Dynasty walking towards Xing Jue, everyone began to cast their sympathetic eyes on Xing Jue, because in this white city , No one does not know, and no one dares to provoke, this Bai family's eldest young master "Bai Yin", this daring, murderous prodigal son.

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