Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 411 Don't be afraid of provocation

Wang Yanran, now the appointed successor of the patriarch of the Shengdan clan, has made rapid progress under the careful teaching of Dangu, the patriarch of the Shengdan clan. Not only is his alchemy skill extremely superb, but his own strength has also reached the level of a rudimentary war emperor.

This woman who holds an important position in the Shengdan tribe seems to have become the object of admiration for thousands of men of the Shengdan tribe. However, Wang Yanran's character is a little weird. Not only does she not accept anyone's wishes, she even does not allow anyone Make a nice gesture to her.

So even if Wang Yanran played such a beautiful tune, everyone would not dare to show any kindness, because this is a taboo here, so the action of Xingjue will attract everyone's attention. There was even a trace of pity in it.

"Hey, who is this person? It doesn't seem to be from the Shengdan tribe."

"It's not a member of the Shengdan tribe, but he violated the taboo. If Master Danming finds out, he will die!"

Looking at Xing Jue who was not wearing the robes of the Shengdan tribe, all kinds of insinuations and gloating voices were raised among the crowd, and all eyes that were waiting for the good show were all watching Xing Jue closely.

"Junior Judgment!!!"

But when everyone was guessing about Xing Jue's fate, a joyful, excited, and sweet voice suddenly sounded in the center of the gazebo.

But when everyone cast their eyes on the gazebo, they were shocked to find that the owner of the voice was not her, but Wang Yanran, and Wang Yanran, who should have turned cold, was looking at her with a rosy face and a smile on her face. Judgment.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, it's really you!!"

At this moment, Wang Yanran didn't care about what kind of eyes and thoughts the crowd had, because her heart had been completely replaced by excitement. When she saw Xing Jue, she ran to Xing Jue quickly, and fell over Xing Jue at once. in his arms.

And at this moment, those people who were deeply in love with Wang Yanran seemed to have fallen into the abyss in an instant, their brains went blank, and their whole bodies were paralyzed, because facing the goddess in their hearts voluntarily throwing themselves into the arms of a man, they really couldn't bear the huge abyss. blow.


"Could it be that he is Xing Jue, the master of the Asura Hall?"

But compared to some people who couldn't bear the blow, some people still remained sober. With Xing Jue's attire, his name, and Wang Yanran's enthusiastic appearance, the first thing they thought of was the person who was in the towering sky recently. The person whose domain name has become famous will be punished!

And after doubting Xing Jue's identity, those people's eyes also began to change from the previous gloating to amazement and even admiration, because they were the opposite age of Xing Jue, and most of them were even a little older than Xing Jue, and Xing Jue could With such an achievement and such a reputation, even the people of the ancient race, who are always proud, admire it.

"Senior Sister Wang, it seems that you are doing well."

Wang Yanran's sudden big hug also made Xing Jue a little at a loss, because it was not like Wang Yanran's previous character, but he also knew that when a woman misses a man to the extreme, she will often make some continuous actions. A move that I can't even imagine.

"Uh, Junior Brother Xingjue, I..."

One sentence awakened the dreamer, and Xing Jue's words made Wang Yanran wake up even more, and then she hurriedly escaped from Xing Jue's embrace, a touch of blush was added to her pink cheeks.

"Hey, is this the Lord of the Judgment Hall of the Asura Hall?"

But when Xingjue and Xingjue fell into an awkward situation, a man's refreshing laughter suddenly sounded not far away, and this sudden sound naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Looking sideways, I saw a group of men and women of the Shengdan tribe walking towards the gazebo. The leading man was neatly dressed and handsome, and his gestures and gestures were irresistible to the girl. It can be seen in the eyes of Na Sichun, a girl from the Dan tribe.

And this is the number one rookie of the Saint Pill Clan, Dan Ming, the youngest man in the Saint Pill Clan to step into the War Emperor for hundreds of years, and now he is also one of Wang Yanran's suitors, and he is also the one who everyone is afraid of Wang Yanran. root.

"It's actually Young Master Dan Ming, now there's a good show to watch."

"Yes, yes, Master Danming, but no one is allowed to get close to Wang Yanran. The previous Xingjue actually hugged Wang Yanran, and Master Danming will definitely not make him feel better."

"No way, the patriarch seems to be very optimistic about Xingjue. It is said that he even gave Xingjue the Holy Pill Token. Now that Xingjue has come to the Shengdan clan, he is a distinguished guest of our Shengdan clan. Even if Danming is domineering in the clan , but he doesn’t dare to mess around with Xing Jue’s special status, right?”

"You don't understand this. Dan Ming's grandfather is the previous patriarch, and his status is also special. As long as he doesn't cause disaster, even the patriarch will not do anything to him."

After Danming appeared, many men from the Shengdan tribe showed expressions of fear, those women looked like nymphomaniacs, and all kinds of noisy discussions sounded around Xingjue, but these were all He was sentenced to receive it in his ears.

"This is the punishment, I don't know what advice I can give."

At this moment, Dan Ming and his group had come to Xing Jue and the others, and those onlookers hurriedly backed away. At this moment, only Xing Jue, Na Dan Ming and the others were near the pavilion.

"Hey, is this the famous Xingjue? It's not bad for a long time."

And when they approached, those women who were following behind Dan Ming were involuntarily attracted by Xing Jue. In terms of appearance, even compared to Dan Ming in front of him, Xing Jue was slightly better than Dan Ming in front of him. With Xingjue's reputation in Shentianyu now, these girls who yearned for heroes naturally began to move around.

"Hehe, Hall Master of Xing Jue, I have heard for a long time that you are very powerful, and I am fortunate to meet you today. I, Dan Ming, would like to learn about the methods of Hall Master Xing Jue. I wonder if the Hall Master of Xing Jue can show you some face?"

Originally, Dan Ming was dissatisfied with Xing Jue, and at the moment, those women behind him who had always admired him were actually tempted by Xing Jue. It was even more difficult for him, the always proud young master, to restrain the anger in his heart. As a courtesy, he directly asked to fight Xingjue.

"Dan Ming, the Lord of Xingjue Hall is a distinguished guest of our Holy Pill Clan, don't be presumptuous!"

But before Xing Jue opened his mouth, the elder who led Xing Jue stepped forward to stop him. This elder knew Dan Ming's nature well, and if he really fought, he would definitely not show mercy. Xingjue, then even he cannot escape the blame.

Seeing that the elder opened his mouth to obstruct the onlookers, the crowd seemed a little disappointed. The elder's status in the Shengdan clan was not low, and he was a senior figure.

Now that Wang Yanran, a medicine wizard, was brought back to the Holy Pill Clan, it is even more of a hero of the Shengdan Clan, so even if Dan Ming's status is special, he would not dare to be presumptuous towards this elder, and in this way, the good show they were looking forward to could not be achieved. See, naturally extremely disappointed.

"Hehe, this elder, since Master Danming is so elegant, I would like to learn from Xing Jue." But to everyone's surprise, when the elder's voice just fell, Xing Jue didn't say anything. Taboo, but said with a smile.

"Er... this..."

Originally wanted to stop this dispute, but now Xing Jue actually agreed, so even the elder seemed embarrassed, but right now he really couldn't say anything more, so he couldn't help but wink at Dan Ming , indicating that he should not mess around.

It's just that Dan Ming turned a blind eye to this elder's gaze, because he would never miss this opportunity to teach Xing Jue a lesson, he just wanted to prove in front of Wang Yanran that Dan Ming was better than Xing Jue.

"Happy, Master Xing Jue, then I will not be polite."

"Swipe, brush, brush"

Suddenly, Dan Ming yelled violently, and his body swayed and turned into countless figures. These figures seemed to be unreal, and they were connected with each other, but in an instant, they wrapped Xing Jue in them and surrounded them.

"It's actually the martial skill that Young Master Danming is best at, Myriad Shadow Clone."

"Use a killer move as soon as you make a move, it seems that Xing Jue will be in trouble."

But looking at the martial skill that Dan Ming is displaying at this moment, the eyes of the people of the Holy Pill Clan are brightened, because they are very familiar with this martial skill, it is one of the township martial skills of the Sheng Dan Clan, not only extremely lethal, but also And make the opponent hard to defend against, and this is one of Dan Ming's best killing moves, and it is the trump card martial skill in close combat.

"Dan Ming, you bastard."

Seeing Dan Ming displaying such fierce martial arts, the elder couldn't help sweating for Xing Jue, waved his sleeves, and spread his feet apart, making a preparation to strike at any time, ready to strike when Xing Jue failed help.

"Swipe, brush, brush"

At this moment, Dan Ming's attack has been fully launched, and the figures are flickering, scattered and wandering. At this moment, Xing Jue is surrounded by thousands of troops, and the powerful coercion is constantly pressing towards Xing Jue. Facing such coercion, Wang Yanran, who was standing beside Xing Jue, couldn't bear it even more, her face had already turned pale.

"Master Danming, you actually implicated the coercion on Senior Sister Wang. Now, don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing that Wang Yanran's body began to tremble behind him, Xing Jue's calm and smiling expression turned cold in an instant. He originally planned to watch Dan Ming's performance more, but at this moment Xing Jue just wanted to let He is embarrassed.

"Get out"


Suddenly, Xing Jue's figure swayed slightly, and then disappeared like a ghost, and this sudden change shocked Dan Ming and the others even more.



But almost at the same time that Xing Jue disappeared, a powerful palm suddenly protruded from behind one of Dan Ming's clones, and finally grabbed the opponent's neck, and pressed him hard to the ground.


The speed of the execution was so fast that many people hardly saw the situation clearly, but the huge roar and the sudden rise of smoke and dust made everyone's expressions change drastically.


"This... this... this is?"

"This... how is this possible?"

The majestic smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the scene inside the smoke and dust finally appeared in front of everyone's eyes. At this moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically, full of astonishment, powerlessness, and disbelief.

Because they discovered in astonishment that Dan Ming, who was still full of aura before, was lying on the ground in an extremely embarrassing state at this moment, and his face had sunk deeply into the soil below, and it was not someone else who made him look like this , It is the sentence.

"Master Danming, you lost."

At this moment, Xing Jue was sitting on Dan Ming's back, his right hand was firmly pressing Dan Ming's neck, smiling and relaxed.But Xing Jue's slight movement made Dan Ming not even have the strength to stand up, and the battle situation was completely controlled by Xing Jue.

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