"Master Danming, you lost!"

Xing Jue's faint laughter sounded, announcing the end of this battle.

"How is it possible? Master Danming actually lost?"

"You actually defeated Master Dan Ming with just one blow? Isn't this punishment too strong?"

Even though Xingjue has announced the end of the battle, even though the facts have been placed in front of everyone, the people of the Shengdan tribe still cannot believe that Dan Ming, who has an absolute reputation in the Shengdan tribe, was defeated by Xingjue just like that , they simply cannot accept this fact.

"Hall Master of Judgment, it's just a discussion, please stop here."

At this moment, the elder came to Xing Jue and said with a smile, although he was also shocked by Xing Jue's strength at the moment, but as the elder of the Shengdan clan, he had to speak to Xing Jue, because At this moment, Dan Ming's head was still firmly pressed into the soil by Xing Jue.

"Of course!"

Although Xing Jue was polite on the surface, he was extremely disgusted with Dan Ming, otherwise he would not have used such means to make Dan Ming so embarrassed, but now that the elder is speaking, Xing Jue is naturally not good at embarrassing Dan Ming, and smiled slightly After that, he stood up from Dan Ming's back.

"Xingjue, are you courting death!!"

When Xing Jue stood up, he had withdrawn all his coercion, and at this moment, Dan Ming was like a wild horse running wild, like a tiger descending the mountain. The inner anger was clearly all over his face. A punch blasted towards Xing Jue with that terrifying force.

"Oh, it seems that you really don't have a long memory."

For Dan Ming's sudden ferocious attack, Xing Jue seemed to have expected it long ago, not only was there no surprise at all, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and this time a hint of viciousness also permeated from that smile.

"Dan Ming, don't stop!"

But just when Xing Jue was about to attack Dan Ming, a woman's voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a majestic coercion came from the sky, and at this moment, Dan Ming's body was even stronger. It was frozen instantly, unable to move half a step.

"The patriarch is the patriarch"

Almost at the same time as the voice sounded, the members of the Shengdan tribe present had already recognized who it was, and as some exclaimed people said, this is officially the current patriarch of the Shengdan tribe, Dangu.

"Hallmaster of Judgment, I'm really sorry."

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Dan Gu's figure appeared in front of Xing Jue, and there was still a hint of guilt on Dan Gu's face.

"Master Patriarch, he..."

Seeing Dan Gu appearing, Dan Ming was aggrieved and wanted to tell something.

"shut up!"

"The Lord of Xingjue is a distinguished guest of our family, and I will allow you to do something about him. If the Lord of Xingjue hadn't kept his hand, you would have died here long ago!" But before Dan Ming could finish speaking, Dangu's face was full of embarrassment. Angrily reprimanded.

And at this moment, not to mention that Dan Ming didn't dare to say a word, even the people present were speechless, because after being reminded by Dan Gu, they finally realized that the strength Xing Jue had shown before was indeed true. And as far as they know, Xing Jue is only a junior Zhan Emperor whose strength is the same as Dan Ming's, and Dan Ming has to step into the Zhan Emperor level a few years earlier than Xing Jue.

But now that Xing Jue can defeat Dan Ming with one blow, it can be seen how terrifying Xing Jue's talent and strength are. At this moment, some people think that Xing Jue has already broken through the elementary battle emperor and stepped into the middle-level war emperor level. But you have to know that Xing Jue has only been a few months since he entered Zhan Emperor.

"The Lord of Xing Jue really deserves to be the youngest person in the Tianwu Continent to step into the War Emperor. I have never seen such a talent. Even among my ancient races, no one can match you." Before reprimanding Dan Ming After a while, Dan Gu smiled and said to Xing Jue.

"Patriarch Dan is laughing at you!" Xing Jue replied politely with a slight smile to Dan Gu's appreciation.

After a few polite words with Dan Gu, Dan Gu took Dan Ming and everyone from the Shengdan Clan to leave on the grounds of punishing Dan Ming. In this huge garden of the Sheng Dan Clan, only Xing Jue and Xing Jue were left. Wang Yanran and the two of them.

"Senior Sister Wang's talent is really extraordinary, and she was selected by the leader of the Pill Clan to become the heir of the dignified Sacred Pill Clan. Junior Brother is really happy for Senior Sister." In the gazebo, Xing Jue stood beside Wang Yanran and said with a smile.

"Heh, my achievements are nothing compared to Junior Brother Xingjue. Besides, I owe it to you to achieve what I am today. Otherwise, I would be just a homeless person." Wang Yanran's face was full. Appearance of gratitude, and this grateful gaze seems to be full of another taste.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, I wonder if Patriarch Dan can bring up the alliance with you this time?" After speaking, Wang Yanran added again.

"Uh, Shura Point and the Saint Pill Clan have indeed formed an alliance now." Seeing Wang Yanran mentioning the alliance, Xing Jue was quite surprised, but he still admitted it undeniably.

"Hehe, it really is."

"Actually, no matter how good my talent in refining medicine is, I won't be listed as the heir of the patriarch so quickly, and the reason why I am now so favored by the patriarch Dan is all because of you, Junior Brother Xingjue, you changed me. The way she treats me is because you are the person she really wants to win over." Seeing Xing Jue's puzzlement, Wang Yanran added with a smile.

"Senior Sister Wang, have you thought too much?" Xing Jue was taken aback when he heard Wang Yanran's words, and then said incredulously.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, even if I am one of the bargaining chips the patriarch uses to win you over, it is still a good thing. As long as there is no accident between you and Shura, then my status in the Holy Pill Clan will not change, maybe for many years. Afterwards, he can really inherit the position of the patriarch of the Shengdan clan." Wang Yanran did not answer Xing Jue's question, but added with a smile.


"Senior Sister Wang, what have you experienced in this holy pill clan?"

And at this moment, facing Wang Yanran's Xing Jue, he was really speechless and didn't know what to say, so he just asked silently in his heart.

Because she found that the current Wang Yanran seems to be no longer the innocent her at the beginning, at least a huge transformation has taken place deep in her heart, and if a person can be transformed to this point in such a short period of time, then she must be What happened to others that no one else knows.

And Xing Jue also felt that what Wang Yanran said was very reasonable. There were many genius-level rookies in the Shengdan clan. Wang Yanran showed her strength.

Even such a rookie did not get the succession of patriarch. It is indeed somewhat inexplicable that an outsider like Wang Yanran, who has only entered the Shengdan clan for a short time, can.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, this world is a world where interests come first. Each party will put their own interests first. As long as the interests can be maximized, then no matter what sacrifices are worthwhile."

"Today, the Shengdan tribe needs your strength, so they use me to win you over. If she turns against you in the future, then it is not impossible for me to become a prisoner from the successor of this glorious patriarch."

"This is a set of alchemy techniques that I have summed up since I practiced in the Shengdan clan. Brother Xingjue, your soul power is extraordinary. If you step into the ranks of alchemists, you must be able to make some achievements." Suddenly Wang Yanran turned her wrist, and a book appeared in her hand.

"Senior Sister Wang, now that the catastrophe is approaching, I can't even cultivate enough. How can I have time to learn the art of refining medicine, not to mention that there are also medicine refining methods of the Holy Pill Clan. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to give it to me?" Seeing that Wang Yanran actually gave him the treasured alchemy book he had summed up, Xing Jue evaded it.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, the strength of the Asura Hall is growing day by day, and the treasure pill can make the power of the Asura Hall even stronger. Even if you are not interested in the art of refining medicine, in the future, form a team of alchemists to provide treasures for the army of the Asura Hall." Dan isn't out of the question either."

"And you have helped me a lot. I don't know how to help you with my ability. This is the only thing I can do for you. You must not shirk." Wang Yanran's face was full of seriousness.

"This...well then." Seeing Wang Yanran's sincerity, Xing Jue had no choice but to take it and put it into the storage bracelet.

Afterwards, Xing Jue had a chat with Wang Yanran again, but because there were too many things to do at the moment when the catastrophe was approaching, Xing Jue did not stay for long, but left in a hurry after bidding farewell to Dan Gu, the chief of the Shengdan clan .

Outside the Qiyao Plain, Xing Jue's figure had already left, but Wang Yanran looked at the place where Xing Jue disappeared on that plain, but she was reluctant to leave with tears in her eyes.

But she didn't know that in the dimensional space, Xing Jue didn't leave but watched Wang Yanran quietly with his breath hidden.

"Senior Sister Wang, I really don't know if it's right or wrong to send you to the Holy Pill Clan."

"But don't worry, as long as Xing Jue is here, I won't let you become a prisoner of the Holy Pill Clan." Looking at Wang Yanran, who was still smiling before, but full of sadness after he left, Xing Jue was silent. Make a promise.


"This is... Sister Lin'er!"

But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly felt fluctuations from the token in the storage bracelet, and when he took it out, he was really shocked to find that there were a few lines of characters written on it.

And the content of the news was actually sent from Su Liner to him. It turns out that Xiaobai has recovered his strength, and hesitantly looking for his mother's bones. Decided to go back to Shura Hall first.

"This girl actually went by herself."

"But that's good too, and save going to the Heavenly Spirit Clan." After reading Su Liner's message, Xing Jue smiled wryly. Su Liner, who has always been well-behaved, actually disobeyed his words, which shows the position of his mother in her heart. It is indeed heavy.

"Boundless sea, maybe now is the time to find that fairy island!"

But then, the wry smile on the corner of Xing Jue's mouth did change suddenly, and his resolute face was filled with endless anticipation, because Xing Jue has never forgotten an unforgettable experience in the boundless sea all these years, that is A fairy island hidden deep in the boundless sea.

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