Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 418 The Lord of the Immortal Island

"Brother Jia, when did you become so pessimistic?"

Just when Xing Jue and the others were deep in thought, thinking about how to resist this catastrophe, a man's voice suddenly sounded from the hall. The man's voice was not loud but had a strong penetrating power. Every word can make people remember.

"This voice, isn't it?"

And when this voice sounded, the middle-aged man who seemed to be collapsing suddenly woke up, and at this moment his face was covered with complicated expressions, which were both frightened and excited, like fear and like expect.

"Brother Jia, I haven't seen you for thousands of years, don't come here without any problems!"

Suddenly, the mysterious man's voice sounded again, and at this moment, a figure appeared at the same time as the sound sounded. This is a man with neat clothes and a peaceful face.

The man didn't seem to be very old, but he was younger than the man in silver armor. The white robe on his body was clean without a speck of dust.

Every time the folding fan in his hand swings, there will be a gust of breeze, mixed with the wonderful fragrance of flowers in the breeze, which is fascinating, but it is worth mentioning that the strength of this man is actually impossible to see through, but the man's gestures are indistinguishable. It reveals an aura that ordinary people can't match.

"Island...Island owner, are not dead?"

When the man appeared, the silver-armored man's face froze instantly, and a complex expression was clearly engraved on his face. No one could tell whether he was crying or smiling, but the shock in his heart could be felt by anyone to.

"Island owner? Could it be this one?"

The words of the silver-armored man were like a thunderbolt in the hearts of the three of Xing Jue, able to make the silver-armored man so handsome and possess such unfathomable strength, plus the words of the island owner, it is obvious that this man seems to be He is the owner of this fairy island.

"Who said I was dead?"

"Aren't I alright?" The owner of Xiandao spread out his hands, looking incomprehensible.

"But...but..." The silver-armored man seemed to believe that the person in front of him was the owner of this fairy island at this moment, and at this moment a sense of guilt flooded into his heart and spread all over his body, making him at a loss as to what to say.

"Brother Jia, don't be nervous!"

"I have known for a long time that you want to leave Xiandao. It's not that I won't let you go. It's just that the magic technique that can fuse your body is not perfect. If you force the fusion, you may be completely destroyed. Even I can't keep you."

Seeing the embarrassment of the silver-armored man, the owner of Xiandao smiled and said that he guessed the fear in the silver-armored man's heart.

"I..." After hearing the island owner's words, the man in silver armor felt a sense of guilt, and he didn't know how to say it.

"Okay, Brother Jia, I still have something to say to this little friend. Everyone doesn't know about my exit, so please tell me." The owner of Xiandao waved his folding fan, motioning for Yin Jia The man leaves.

"Well, good..." The silver-armored man naturally understood the island owner's intentions, and after agreeing, he gave Xing Jue and the others a meaningful look, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

And at this moment, only Xing Jue, Su Lin'er, Xiao Bai and the owner of the Immortal Island were left in this hall.


After the silver-armored man left, the Immortal Isle Lord first looked at the three Xingjue people, and then with a wave of his sleeve, three seats appeared behind the Xingjue three people out of thin air.

"Several friends, you are welcome, let's sit down and talk."

After summoning the three seats, the man turned around and sat on the dragon chair at the top of the hall. At this moment, the man who had been extremely kind before now suddenly became a little bit more like a king , but the peaceful smile on his face still gave people a kind feeling.

"I don't know what's the matter, senior?" Seeing this, Xing Jue was not polite, and after winking at Su Lin'er and Xiao Bai, he sat down.

"Little friend, just now I heard that the mainland is in catastrophe again?" the man asked with a smile.

"Back to seniors, the vision of the sky is now filling the sky of the entire continent, and catastrophe may fall at any time." Xing Jue nodded slightly, and replied irrefutably.

"Well, after leaving the customs, I found that the ruins I left on the mainland have been broken into. You should get the book about the vision of the sky that I recorded by now, right?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, the fairy The island owner nodded slightly, then asked with a smile.

"Um, so that ancient book is you, senior..." But at this moment, Xing Jue couldn't help being stunned, and a look of surprise added to his previously peaceful face.

The reason why they were able to estimate the connection between the vision of the sky and the catastrophe, as well as some things about the catastrophe, was all because of an ancient book obtained by the Yaolian clan in an ancient ruins, because the ancient book recorded information about the catastrophe of the sky. Visions and catastrophes, but Xing Jue never imagined that the ancient book was originally left by the owner of the fairy island.

"Hehe, when the catastrophe ended, I was the only survivor in the mainland, but I found that although the top experts in the mainland have died, they still have memories in the space of reincarnation."

"And I happen to have mastered a secret technique that can revive them as long as they use a special formation."

"In order to help them regenerate, I built this fairy island, but this fairy island has to be maintained by my power, so I can't leave the fairy island for half a step, in order to prevent catastrophe from happening in the future. This book!" The master of Xiandao waved a folding fan, and slowly narrated the events of that year.

"Reincarnation space? Still have memory?"

"Senior, what exactly is the reincarnation space? Could it be that the creatures in it are all transformed by human souls?"

After hearing what the owner of Xiandao Island said, Xing Jue was attracted by his story about the space of reincarnation. Even the Yanhuang Demon Turtle didn't understand the space of reincarnation, and it was even more mysterious to Xing Jue. The island owner in front of him seemed to be very clear about the reincarnation space, which naturally aroused Xing Jue's curiosity.

"It seems that you have touched the space of reincarnation?"

"Oh, in fact, the reincarnation space is the opposite of the dimensional space. It is a kind of space force, but the reincarnation space is more mysterious, because the reincarnation space cannot be superimposed with reality."

"Although the space tunnel far beyond the dimensional space can be opened through the reincarnation space to increase the speed of movement, the reincarnation space is not a power controlled by us."

"In other words, the reincarnation space is more like a world that does not belong to us, and the rulers there are dead people. They are called undead."

"That world is too mysterious, even I only know a little bit, but I advise this little friend, if you really touch the power of the reincarnation space, don't use it."

"Because there are very terrifying existences there. If your entry attracts their attention, even if you open a space tunnel, which can block the invasion of the undead, you will not be able to hide it from them."

"As long as their thoughts move slightly, they can completely bury you in the reincarnation space and become an undead!" Seeing Xing Jue asking about the reincarnation space, the owner of Xiandao patiently preached to him, and reminded Xing Jue very solemnly. decision.

"So those are undead? There is still such a place."

"How big is this world? How many other objects exist that I don't understand?"

After hearing the words of the island master of Xiandao, Xing Jue already roughly understood the matter of the reincarnation space, where the dead lived, but there they had become killers who killed each other, not only did they not have any memory, but Without any intelligence, they are called undead.

However, Xingjue is not only surprised by the mystery of the reincarnation space, but also shocked by this world. Although Xingjue is now standing on the pinnacle of the mainland, there are still many objects that it does not understand. .

It was at this moment that Xing Jue really realized what a human being is, just like Fairy Huanyueguying, maybe the place where she came from is the place where the real strong live in this world.

"Little friend, now that catastrophe is approaching, how do you deal with it?" After explaining to Xing Jue about the reincarnation space, the man asked again.

"Returning to the predecessors, now the strong in the mainland are preparing to build a defensive formation, preparing to accommodate all the creatures in the towering domain, and then drive the formation with the power of the war emperor on the mainland to resist the catastrophe." Seeing the island owner's question, Xing Jue Don't dare to hide anything but reply truthfully.

Because Xing Jue discovered that the Immortal Isle Lord in front of him was not only well-informed, but also unfathomable in strength.

As long as he can survive the catastrophe alone, and if he pulls the strong man on the island from the space of reincarnation and revives him, he can know what kind of supernatural means he possesses. Xing Jue had already died, so he dared not hide anything about him.

"Well, your method is very correct. At the beginning, we didn't know how to deal with the catastrophe, but we were defeated in our own areas."

"However, you should not only protect the people of the towering region, but protect the people of the whole continent."

"Also, instead of relying on the strength of the strongest in the continent, we must rely on the strength of all creatures in the entire continent to resist this catastrophe, because this catastrophe is not aimed at a single person, but the entire continent." After hearing Xing Jue's words, The owner of Xiandao Island nodded in satisfaction, but then reminded him again.

"Senior, what should I do? Do you still hope that the senior will express it?"

And after hearing the island owner's words, Xing Jue suddenly realized, and then hurriedly stood up, and respectfully asked for instructions.Because Xing Jue discovered that the owner of the Immortal Island seemed to know how to resist this catastrophe.

"Oh, like I said, gather all the creatures and use the power of all the creatures to drive the formation, so that it is possible to resist the attacks of those guys."

"And all I can do is tell you this, and this is the only thing I can help."

"Because my relationship with you is not a friend, but an enemy!" The island master of Xiandao suddenly stood up, put the folding fan in his hand together, and smiled with his eyes slightly narrowed, but there was a deeper layer in that smile. meaning.

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