Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 419 Teleportation Array, Layout Map


After hearing this word, Xingjue and the three were all taken aback, and at the same time, cold sweat involuntarily seeped from the heads of the three.

The owner of the Immortal Island in front of him, the three of them knew how powerful he was without thinking too much. If this island owner dealt with them, it was obvious that they would not be able to deal with them at all.

"Hehe, don't be afraid. Although our identities are opposite, I don't intend to make it difficult for you." Seeing that the three of Xingjue were so nervous, the owner of Xiandao smiled and waved his hands.

And after listening to the words of the island master of Xiandao, the three of Xingjue were even more confused. The three of them stared at each other, but they didn't know what the island master of Xiandao was thinking, and they didn't understand what he said. in the meaning.

"I know you don't understand what I'm talking about."

"However, I can give you some hints, that is, neither your ancestors nor mine came here by themselves."

"Although we live together on this continent, we are not people of the same era. It is this relationship that makes our relationship antagonistic."

"So I will not allow you to take any items on this island. If you want to take them, you must defeat me."

"As for why I want to help you, I don't want to say it yet. In short, whether you can survive this catastrophe depends on your strength and good fortune."


The island lord of Xiandao waved his sleeves lightly while speaking, and a strange wave spread out, and then penetrated the hall and spread towards Xiandao.

"buzz buzz buzz"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo"

And after that, bursts of noisy roars began to sound from outside the main hall. This sound was like the howling of wind, and the stirring of water, but what surprised the three of Xingjue most was when this strange sound sounded. Afterwards, a strong suction was actually pulling them, as if it wanted to take them away from this hall, and even the fairy island.

"It's a submarine hurricane!"

Xing Jue has experienced this feeling before, that is, after the submarine hurricane appears, all life forms that do not belong to the fairy island will be brought here, and the sudden hurricane is obviously summoned by the owner of the fairy island , after all, he is the master of this place and has absolute control over it.

But even so, Xing Jue was still astonished by the power of the hurricane. He was too weak back then, so he couldn't resist the power of the hurricane, so he could only drift with the flow.

But now he is a strong Emperor of War, but he still seems unable to resist the power of the hurricane, and this reflects the strength of the Immortal Isle Lord from the side. After all, no matter the powerful knot outside the Immortal Island The world, or this submarine hurricane are all masterpieces of this island owner.

The noise outside was getting louder and louder, and the force pulling the three of them was getting stronger and stronger, especially Su Lin'er, who was the weakest, was a little hard to hold on, and it was only by Xiao Bai's dragging that he was able to get along with them. together.

"It's okay for the people of Shentianyu to talk about it, but the residents of the four continents in the southeast and northwest, as well as the two islands inside and outside the boundless sea, want to reach the Cantianyu as if they were going to the sky."

"Today, I'll do it to the end as a good person, and I'll help you again. This is the layout of the teleportation formation. Let it send the people of Tianwu Continent to a safe place."

Seeing that the three of Xingjue could hardly resist the pull of the hurricane under the sea, the owner of Xiandao raised his arm lightly, and a spell shining with rays of light floated towards Xingjue.


Seeing this, Xing Jue hastily reached out his hands and grasped it in the palm of his hand. At this moment, the powerful suction had reached its peak. Even Xing Jue and Xiaobai couldn't resist. The hall rushed.

"Senior, thank you!"

Although his body was drifting outwards, Xing Jue's eyes were firmly fixed on the Immortal Island Island Master standing in the center of the hall, looking at him with a faint smile on his face.

Although the owner of Xiandao said that he and Xing Jue and others are hostile, but Xing Jue can feel that he is a good person, the reason is very simple, just because he helped himself.

After the three of Xing Jue left the main hall, they discovered in astonishment that there was indeed a majestic hurricane spinning in the sky above Xiandao at this moment. Seeing this hurricane is still pretty spectacular.

With the powerful suction, the three of them quickly entered the hurricane, and then moved upwards with the driving force of the hurricane, and when they got rid of the darkness of the hurricane and saw the sun again, the three of them were already Returned to the boundless sea again.

"Whirring whirring"

"Whoa Whoah Whoah"

At this moment, above the surface of the boundless sea, a majestic vortex is rolling and rotating, and the monstrous waves are also rolling along with it. Such a terrifying vortex will be completely shattered as long as the huge sailboat enters it, but when the Xing Jue three appeared from the vortex, they It rose directly into the sky, and then stepped into the midair.

"Tch, I didn't expect there to be such a strong man in that fairy island. This time we ran in vain." Looking at the huge vortex that was slowly dissipating as the water channel disappeared below, Xiao Bai muttered a little disappointed.

"Although we didn't get the treasure, we have gained a lot this time." Xing Jue said with a smile, looking at the talisman in his hand.

"Brother Xingjue, what should we do next?" Seeing this, Su Lin'er couldn't help approaching Xingjue and asked.

Now that catastrophe is approaching, and the owner of the Immortal Island said that all the creatures in the continent must be hit together to resist the catastrophe. This is indeed a difficult task for them, and at this critical moment, Even a girl like Su Lin'er felt anxious.

"Swipe, brush, brush"

However, Xing Jue didn't answer Su Lin'er's words. Instead, he took out a few spells from the storage bracelet, and then superimposed the blank spells with the spells given to him by the owner of the Immortal Island.


Afterwards, I saw Xing Jue's palms clasped together, and the blank spells began to emit a faint light, and layers of strange runes appeared on them, and the appearance of the runes was actually similar to that obtained by Xiandao. The spells are exactly the same.

"Lin'er, as long as there is a map of the teleportation array, it is not difficult to transfer all the people from the mainland to the towering domain."

"Now you and Xiaobai will go back to the Asura Hall, and then tell Xiaolong about the fairy island, let Xiaolong tell the leaders of the four major forces about the method of resisting the catastrophe, and then do as the owner of the fairy island said. "

"But remember, don't tell me how you got this method. If they ask, don't mention Xiandao, just say that I got an ancient book in an ancient ruins, and this method is recorded in that ancient book. "

"Also, the formation map of this teleportation formation must be in the hands of the people in the Asura Palace, and it must not be passed on!" Xing Jue handed the copied spells to Su Lin'er, and instructed with a solemn expression.

"What about you, Brother Xingjue?" Su Lin'er took the spell and carefully put it into her storage bracelet, then raised her head and asked.

"I grew up in the Eastern Continent, and I have special feelings for this place. When I came here this time, I planned to transfer the people of the Eastern Continent to the Towering Domain. Now with this teleportation array, it becomes easier. Therefore, the East Continent and the Boundless I will be responsible for the transfer of the people in the sea area." Xing Jue said with a smile.

"Okay then, brother Xingjue, take care of yourself." After learning about Xingjue's thoughts, Su Lin'er and Xiaobai didn't stay any longer, but rushed straight to Shura Hall after saying goodbye.

As for Xingjue, he went to the inner island in the boundless sea, because the news of the catastrophe was going to be conveyed and all the people gathered together.This is obviously not enough with his own strength.

So he needs a lot of manpower to help him achieve the effect of propaganda, and at this time there is a faction that can help Xingjue, and that is the faction that Uncle Pan built back then, the Panlong Society.

Since Uncle Pan left, the Panlong Club has been managed by his elder brother. Coupled with the news about the Panlong Club and Yufeng Pavilion, the development of the Panlong Club in the Boundless Sea can be said to be very smooth. Weak, but he didn't dare to provoke Panlonghui easily.

Uncle Pan's elder brother also knew Xing Jue because he had opened the ancient ruins together back then, and he kept in touch with Yufeng Pavilion, so he knew something about Xing Jue's deeds in Shentianyu.

Although he didn't know that Xing Jue was already a strong Zhan Emperor, but he knew that Xing Jue was already a Zhan Emperor when he helped the Nangong Family and Yufeng Pavilion to destroy the Nether Palace, so he was extremely excited when Xing Jue came to the Panlong Meeting .

Because the matter is urgent now, Xing Jue did not beat around the bush. After arriving at the Panlong Meeting, he told him about the catastrophe, and asked him to convey the news to the leaders of the major forces in the boundless sea area, so that they could help transfer common people.

After all, there are many people and great power, especially when it comes to transferring people, and the help of practitioners is indeed needed. At this time, it is the best policy to mobilize all the talents who can contribute.

After the vision of the sky appeared, people in both the Boundless Sea Region and the Eastern Continent were in panic. After learning that there was indeed a catastrophe coming, Uncle Pan's brother didn't dare to neglect the slightest thing, but hurried to Conveyed this news to the leaders of the major forces in the boundless sea area,

As for Xingjue, a teleportation array was set up outside the Panlong Society. This teleportation array can bring civilians into the space tunnel, which shows how extraordinary it is.

And setting up such a teleportation array naturally took a lot of trouble. Even Xing Jue, a strong Zhandi powerhouse, spent several days arranging it, but a complete teleportation array can be arranged within a few days, which is already very human. to the matter.

"I think it was extremely shocking to see the ancient teleportation formation for the first time, but now I can actually arrange such a large formation by myself!"

"Power, indeed, is endless!"

At this moment, Xing Jue was standing on the plain, looking at the slowly moving teleportation array, full of a sense of accomplishment.

(Brothers, please collect, please flowers!)

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