Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 424 Let the city fly for a while

"By the way, sister Bai, do you have a sweetheart?"

"I'm not too young, I'm about to get married, and my brother just happens to help you decide!"

But when Bai Xiuxiu was staring intently at Xing Jue's face, which was a little more mature but handsome than before, Xing Jue suddenly turned his head and looked at Bai Xiuxiu with his white teeth bared.


Xing Jue's sudden words made Bai Xiuxiu quickly lower her head, her fair cheeks were flushed with blush, her fists were tightly clutching her skirt but she didn't know how to answer Xing Jue.

Seeing Bai Xiuxiu's reaction, Xing Jue was stunned for a moment, but then smiled faintly. Although he didn't know what Bai Xiuxiu was thinking, he guessed that Bai Xiuxiu must be embarrassed.

"Uh...Brother Xingjue, why did you come here instead of rushing directly to the Warcraft Mountains this time?" Xing Jue didn't know Bai Xiuxiu's mind, but Siyan knew it, and hurried forward to ask in order to break the deadlock.

"Well, I'm here this time, in fact, for my little sister Bai." Xing Jue said with a smile as he looked at Bai Xiuxiu with her head down, narrowing her eyes.

But when Bai Xiuxiu heard Xing Jue's words, her body couldn't help trembling violently, and then completely froze, because she never thought that Xing Jue came to Jinhua City this time for her.

"Now that the catastrophe is approaching, the Eastern Continent is my biggest concern. Although I have notified Yufeng Pavilion and Nangong Family to mobilize the people to move to the Warcraft Mountains, there are two places that I still worry about."

"One is Yunzong City, the place where I was born and raised, because there is Mr. Zhang who took care of me until I grew up."

"And the other one is Jinhua City, because here is my sister Bai and the family of my good brother Four Eyes!" Xing Jue squinted his eyes slightly, glanced at Bai Xiuxiu and Four Eyes, and then said with a faint smile.

And at this moment, both Bai Xiuxiu and Siyan slowly lowered their heads and said nothing, but bursts of incomparably warm warmth rose in their hearts.

Jinhua City is not a big city, after chatting with Xing Jue and others, they soon came to the square of Jinhua City, and at this moment, tens of thousands of people gathered in this huge square, and they stood neatly in the square Surrounded by people whispering with puzzled faces, while the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion lined up around the square to maintain order.

"Brother Xingjue!!!"

"The people of Jinhua City have all gathered here."

After seeing Xing Jue, Lu Hu, who was the leader among the disciples, hurried to Xing Jue to report.

"Everyone, don't be restrained, sit down, because it may be a little bumpy later." Xing Jue walked slowly to the center of the square, and waved his hands to let the people sit down.

"Sit down, sit down, come on... come on... sit down, sit down!"

Most of the people here don't know Xingjue, so they are a little puzzled by Xingjue's words, and no one listens at all.

But under the publicity of Lu Hu and others, all the Yufeng Pavilion disciples in the square at this moment knew the identity of Xing Jue, so they organized immediately after Xing Jue spoke.

Although the people here don't know Xing Jue, they do know the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion, and they respect them very much, and even fear them, so after the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion opened their mouths, all the people did not dare to hesitate and sat down together. on the ground.

"Then I'll start!"

Seeing that all the people were sitting on the ground, Xing Jue nodded in satisfaction, and then put his palm upwards under the puzzled eyes of everyone, and slowly spread his arms. At this moment, Xing Jue's palm was activated , The gravel on the ground also danced with it.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the people who didn't know the identity of the judge let out a burst of exclamation, but the next moment, they were completely panicked.

"Get up~!"

"Boom, boom, boom~~"

Suddenly, Xing Jue gave a light drink, and bursts of roaring sounds of disintegrating gravel came from all directions in Jinhua City. At the same time as the thunderous roar sounded, billowing thick smoke also came from the air, engulfing it in an instant. The entire city of Jinhua was destroyed.

"Whirring whirring"

Seeing this, the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion rushed to use their martial arts to blow away the dust that filled the air, but the dust was too dense. With the strength of the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion, they could only blow away the dust in the square, but they could not blow it away. The dust in the entire city dispersed.

At this moment, the people's feet were trembling violently, like an earthquake, making the people in Jinhua City extremely uneasy, but they didn't dare to move half a step, they just looked around with fear, but Naihe couldn't see clearly everything.


But at this moment, Xing Jue had already completed the action just now, and saw his sleeves waving lightly, a gust of strong wind suddenly rose, and under such a gust of wind, the smoke and dust that filled the entire Jinhua City It dissipated in an instant, but when the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone in the square except Xing Jue was in shock.

Because they were shocked to find that the ground under their feet was actually moving at a very fast speed. In other words, it was not the ground that was moving, but Jinhua City was moving.

But the most unbelievable thing for them is that besides the gusts of wind, there are also white clouds passing by at a high speed from Jinhua City. At this moment, they are actually in the sky, and the entire Jinhua City is actually speeding in the sky.

This turn of events simply made them unbelievable. Some people were rubbing their eyes vigorously, because they suspected that this was simply a dream.

"Brother Xingjue,"

After being shocked, the first thing that caught his attention was his four eyes. He opened his mouth wide but didn't know how to ask.

"Heh... There are too many people in Jinhua City. It would be a bit cumbersome for me to take all these people to the Warcraft Mountain Range, but it will save a lot of trouble if I take Jinhua City directly to the Warcraft Mountain Range."

Looking at the four eyes full of astonishment, Xing Jue narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a faint smile, as if it was an insignificant thing for him to uproot a city and make it move in the air.

"This... this... this, is it that young man who made our Jinhua City fly?"

At this moment, some people in Jinhua City who reacted quickly also turned their attention to Xing Jue, because they found that the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion were extremely respectful to Xing Jue and obeyed orders.

However, the previous smoke and dust could not be dispelled by the joint efforts of all the Yufeng Pavilion disciples. Xing Jue just flicked his sleeves to dissipate it completely. It can be seen how powerful Xing Jue has. , they are almost sure that Jinhua City was started by Xingjue.

"This young man is really amazing, is he also from Yufeng Pavilion?"

"Can make the entire Jinhua City fly, what kind of strength is this young man? Is he the King of War?"

Looking at Xingjue with a kind smile on his face and chatting happily with Bai Xiuxiu with four eyes, the people of Jinhua City projected adoring gazes on him while whispering and guessing about Xingjue's strength.

"This uncle, what kind of war king?"

"Do you know who this is? This is my famous punishment in Yufeng Pavilion."

"Forget it, let me tell you that you don't know, let me tell you this, he is a strong war emperor!!!"

"Does the Emperor of War know? The strongest man in this continent, the supreme powerhouse who can call the wind and rain with every gesture, and can destroy the world when he launches an attack!"

Hearing everyone's guesses, the disciple of Yufeng Pavilion couldn't bear it any longer. He turned his head and said to the people behind him, and his face was full of complacency while speaking, as if Xing Jue was the Emperor Zhan who had something to do with him. What is generally related.

"What? Battle Emperor!!!"

It doesn't matter what he said, but it was like a thunderbolt exploded in the hearts of all the people. At this moment, their eyes on Xingjue were not only admiration, but an indescribable emotion. At this moment, everyone who knew Xingjue was The people of Emperor Zhan were all quiet, and the only thing that could be heard was their spitting.

Jinhua City is moving in the air, under the control of Xingjue, the speed is extremely fast but not bumpy, but the goal of Jinhua City at this moment is not the Warcraft Mountains, but the hometown city of Xingjue, Yunzong City.

At this moment, there are also many disciples of Yufeng Pavilion gathered in Yunzong City. They are organizing the evacuation of the people, but besides them, there are many people who are dressed in uniform and have good cultivation to help organize the people, and they are the current Yunzong City. The masters of the Xing Family, the new blood of the Xing Family.

In the depths of Xingfu's house, several high-ranking members of the Xing family were sitting in a gazebo drinking tea, and all of these people had a deep connection with Xingjue, except for Zhang Laozhi who raised Xingjue. In addition, there are the instructors back then, Lu Zhan from the Lu family, and Xing Feng who was jealous of Xing Jue back then.

At the moment they are discussing some family matters, and they are not in a hurry about the transfer, because of Xing Jue's special relationship, this time Yufeng Pavilion has sent three swift eagle beasts to Xing Jue's family to let Xing Jue's closest relatives You can reach the Warcraft Mountains safely.

So they are naturally not in a hurry to transfer, but what they can't let go of is the Xing family's property that they have worked so hard to build.

"Mr. Zhang is not good, not good!"

But when several people were discussing nervously, a new blood of the Xing family ran in with a face full of fear.

"Bastard, what's the fuss, didn't you see that we were talking?" But before Mr. Zhang could speak, Xing Feng reprimanded him extremely severely.

"Hey, Xing Feng, let him continue."

"What happened?" Seeing this, Zhang Lao interrupted Xing Feng's reprimand with a wave of his hand, and then asked the new blood with a smile.

Seeing the elder speak, Xing Feng did not dare to say much. Although Zhang Lao's strength is very low, and he was only a servant back then, but because of his special relationship with Xingjue, the real master of the Xing family is Zhang Lao. And because Mr. Zhang is fair, everyone in the Xing family respects and trusts him now.

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