"Old Zhang, the catastrophe has come!!!"

"Yunzong City is about to be destroyed!!!"

"Let's leave as soon as possible!!!" Seeing Mr. Zhang's inquiry, the new blood suddenly yelled hoarsely.

"What did you say? The catastrophe has come?"

After hearing the words of the new blood, everyone present was shocked, and then they hurried out of the pavilion and turned their eyes to the sky to observe the situation at the moment.

"Mr. Zhang, look quickly, that's the one. A huge meteorite is coming towards us." Seeing Mr. Zhang and others walking out of the gazebo, the new blood pointed to the distant sky with trembling hands.

"This... this is!!"

Looking in the direction pointed by the new blood, everyone found that a huge mountain-like meteorite was flying in the sky at this moment, and was attacking Yunzong City.

The speed of the meteorite was extremely fast, and it caused a strong white air current as it flew, falling from the sky like a comet.

And when Mr. Zhang and the others found out, the huge meteorite had already plundered within the sphere of influence of Yunzong City, and it had already fallen slowly. It seemed that its target was really Yunzong City.

"No, Mr. Zhang, you can see that there seems to be a city on the meteorite, and there seems to be someone on the city"

However, when Mr. Zhang and others were panicked by the scene in front of them, Lu Zhan, who was the strongest among them, pointed at the top of the huge meteorite and shouted in astonishment.

"Really, that is really a city!"

Under the guidance of Lu Zhan, everyone turned their eyes to the top of the meteorite, and as the meteorite approached, they were also shocked to find that it was really a city, and there were looming figures moving in the city.

Just when everyone was stunned by everything in front of them, the huge meteorite was already approaching Yunzong City, and the huge shadow slowly fell, causing most of Yunzong City to fall into darkness.


"Run! Run!"

All kinds of panicked shouts resounded in an instant, and the people of Yunzong City began to flee to the outside of the city desperately.

"Everyone, don't panic, we are the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion, and we are here to pick you up to the Warcraft Mountains!!!"

But when Yunzong City was in chaos, an extremely loud voice sounded from the city, and because the distance between Jinhua City and Yunzong City was extremely extreme at this moment, even ordinary people could clearly see Jinhua City in their eyes .

So after that voice sounded, everyone turned their gazes to Jinhua City, only to find in astonishment that in that city, there were indeed many disciples wearing Yufeng Pavilion uniforms standing on it. The people who have fallen into panic are also relieved.


But at this moment, a figure suddenly flew down from Jinhua City at an extremely fast speed, like a thunderbolt falling from the sky, it fell into the courtyard of the Xingfu in an instant.

And when the entire Xing family saw this, everyone's faces were instantly overjoyed, because this is what made the Xing family the overlord of Yunzong City, the pride of everyone in the Xing family, Xing Jue!

"Old Zhang, instructor, Lu Zhan, Xing Feng, long time no see!"

Looking at Mr. Zhang who was already in tears, the instructor and Lu Zhan who were full of excitement, and Xing Feng who was equally excited but with a hint of shame, Xing Jue said with joy.

Because of the urgency of the current situation, when Xing Jue came to Yunzong City, he directly informed Zhang Lao and the others of the purpose of this time, and then Zhang Lao and the others even ordered the news to be conveyed.

And after those people who escaped from Yunzong City were all recalled to Yunzong City, Xing Jue once again used his power to uproot Yunzong City like Jinhua City, and the two cities plundered towards the Warcraft Mountains together.

The Warcraft Mountain Range is the dividing line of the Yufeng Empire, Nangong Empire, and Nether Empire, and it is also the center point of the Eastern Continent.

Xingjue wanted to build a teleportation formation this time, and if the people of the three empires gathered in one place, the Warcraft Mountains would be the best place, so he asked people from Yufeng Pavilion and Nangong Family to talk about the transfer of people from the three empires. go here.

However, due to the numerous hidden monsters in the Warcraft Mountains, it can be described as an extremely dangerous place, and the number of people transferred this time is too large, so everyone is stationed outside the Warcraft Mountains and has not penetrated into it.

At this moment, tens of millions of people have gathered in the huge outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains, and different expressions are depicted on their faces, some are exhausted, some are full of fear, and some young people's faces are actually full of fear. The look of excitement was full of anticipation, but the children didn't understand the meaning of catastrophe at all, and they were still playing in groups of three or four in the temporary camp.

The people of the mainland are still gathering here one after another, but at this moment, a wonderful scene is being staged in the depths of the Warcraft Mountains.

In the center of the Warcraft Mountains, where the ancient trees should be the densest, there are two huge cities, and these two cities are like two mountain ranges above the ancient trees, and this is exactly where Yunzong City and Jinhua City.

In addition to the people of Yunzong City and Jinhua City, nearly a thousand disciples of Yufeng Pavilion and Nangong Family gathered here. Apart from them, the elders of the two major powers were all present, even Nangong Shui, the real master of Nangong Family. Yue, as well as the Supreme Elder and his wife from Yufeng Pavilion also gathered here.

But at this moment, their gazes were all focused on one direction, because in that direction Xing Jue was standing on the jungle with his feet on the void, and an extremely powerful fighting spirit was surging rapidly in his palm.


Suddenly, Xing Jue's palm was blasted downward, and a majestic fighting spirit burst down, blasting into the ancient forest below.

"Boom, boom, boom"

In an instant, countless ancient trees were shattered, and a large amount of sand and stones danced along with it. A hurricane mixed with countless debris was spreading rapidly. When the hurricane dissipated, everyone was shocked to find that there was a huge amount of land in the Warcraft Mountain Range. In the center of the city, a vast plain appeared, which was big enough to accommodate tens of millions of people from the Eastern Continent.

"It's so strong, is this the power of the Emperor of War? It's simply too terrifying!!!"

Looking at the vast plain that appeared not far away, the elders of the Nangong Family and Yufeng Pavilion were all amazed. A random blow can blast a vast mountain range out of a plain. Only the strong Zhandi can do it.

After creating a plain in this complex mountain range, Xing Jue relied on his own powerful strength to create several flat roads in this monster mountain range, so that the people gathered outside the mountain range can enter here .

As for the monsters in the monster mountain range, Xing Jue had already talked with them through special means. Not only would they not harm the people, but they even joined the ranks of escorting the people into the plain.

Because the catastrophe is coming, they will also face the disaster of extinction, and Xingjue is going to let them move to the towering realm together with the people, so they are naturally willing to help the people.

After a few days, Xing Jue has already set up nearly ten teleportation arrays in the Warcraft Mountain Range, because when he came to the Warcraft Mountain Range, Xing Jue discovered that there are too many people in the Eastern Continent. For a faster transfer, a teleportation array is far from enough.

After completing all this, the East Continent began the transfer process, and as for Xingjue, he returned to the Boundless Sea, because he realized that the teleportation array he had set up in the Boundless Sea was really too few, plus two This boundless sea area is divided into the inner island and the outer island. If all the people gather on the inner island, it will take too much time.

Therefore, Xing Jue set up several teleportation arrays on the inner island and outer island of the boundless sea, and in order to drive the teleportation arrays, Xing Jue even transferred many powerful people from the Asura Palace.

After several months, the people from the four continents of east, west, south and north finally all moved to the center of Shentianyu, gathered in Xuancheng, the most luxurious city in Shentianyu.

Not only the people of the four continents in the southeast, the north, the west, and the magical beasts with spiritual wisdom, but also the people of the towering domains and the magical beasts of the various mountains are gathered here, so the number of creatures gathered in Xuancheng is now tens of billions, even the huge The incomparable mysterious city cannot be accommodated.

So at this moment, many palaces have been temporarily built outside Xuancheng for everyone to live in.Tens of billions of humans and monsters gathered together, what a spectacular scene.

Not to mention humans and monsters who are at odds with each other by nature, even many enemies among humans have gathered together, but at this critical moment, everyone has put aside their mutual grievances.

Because now in their eyes, neither wealth nor grievances have faded, because they don't know how long they can survive.

The Xuancheng was overcrowded, all kinds of noisy discussions and uneasy sighs resounded continuously, and outside the Xuancheng, an extremely mysterious and extremely gorgeous formation that enveloped the Xuancheng was slowly moving.

The size of this large formation is admirable, not to mention how huge its area is, its height alone has penetrated the clouds.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a sky-reaching mountain range, sitting on a plain.It's just that this mountain range is in an extremely gorgeous dark blue color, and the crystal-like brilliance exudes in the blue, which dazzles the eyes and is amazing.

But the most amazing thing is that the defensive power of this large formation is almost impeccable, and this is the large formation jointly created by the top figures in the Tianwu Continent, the Xuantian Great Formation.

The Xuantian Great Formation is incomparably mysterious, and it is not at the same level as the previous defensive formations. The Xuantian Great Formation is not only the most powerful defensive formation, but also an extremely powerful attacking formation, which can be attacked and defended. The Tianwu Continent's largest formation, and this is also the Tianwu Continent's trump card to resist the catastrophe this time!

(Did you have a good time during the Spring Festival holiday? Re-start the journey of work and start a new struggle. The bees have to code carefully. Give some flowers to support!)

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