Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 426 Catastrophe Comes

"Boom boom, boom boom"

Above the blood-red sky, pale white thunder snakes surged at an extremely fast speed. The thunder light all over the sky did not come from the clouds, but from the depths of the sky.

Thunder light is densely covered, and it walks at a very high speed, as if there are cracks in the sky, which are about to collapse. At this moment, it is really like the end!

Deafening thunder resounded continuously, and the common people in the Xuantian formation were even more frightened and trembling, the sound of mourning and crying slowly spread among the crowd.

"Useless humans!"

Looking at the people outside the city who were crying because of the catastrophe, a monster in the beast city sneered with disdain, but even though he was in the air, his trembling body told everyone that it also felt sorry for everything in front of it. Fear, because this so-called catastrophe is finally about to come after a year after the reality of the vision in the sky.

"With such momentum, it seems that what should come is finally coming!!!"

In the eyes of the Xuantian Great Formation, the battle emperors and powerhouses of the major forces in the Tianwu Continent are all gathered here, but compared to the uneasiness of the common people outside, their faces are full of joy that cannot be concealed And excitement, because they are really looking forward to the coming of this catastrophe.

"Hallmaster Xing Jue, I haven't seen you for a few months, and you have reached the middle level from the elementary level of the war emperor."

"After the catastrophe is over, you can increase your cultivation faster by obtaining the holy stone. It seems that among our group of people, you will be the first to step into the ranks of the saints of war." At this time, the current master of Xuandian Dugu Haoyu came behind Xingjue and said with a smile.

"Hehe, if possible, I would also like to see what the holy stone looks like."

"However, we still have to do our best to stop this catastrophe right now, otherwise everything will be empty talk." Xing Jue replied flatly to Dugu Haoyu's words.

"Don't worry, Master Xing Jue, this Xuantian formation is very mysterious, unless the opponent has the strength of a war saint, if not, even a high-level war emperor will never want to break through this formation." Seeing this, Dan Gu, the patriarch of the Shengdan clan, also agreed. come over.

She participated in the arrangement of the Xuantian formation, and she also knows the mystery of this Xuantian formation, so she has absolute confidence in this formation.

"I hope so!"

Seeing Dan Gu's words, Xing Jue smiled at her, and then turned his solemn eyes to the darker sky at this moment. For some reason, Xing Jue always felt that this catastrophe was not that simple.

"Boom, boom!"

Suddenly, the resounding thunderous sound became extremely intense, and at this moment the dark red sky turned into a dark color, not only the sky, but even the sun's light was covered by the sky, at this moment Tianwu Continent was already It turned into pitch blackness, without a single ray of light, and the only thing that could be seen was the extremely fast lightning in the sky.

However, in this vast Tianwu Continent, there is only one special thing, that is the Xuantian Great Formation that covers Xuancheng, the Xuantian Great Formation is now in operation, and the light from it could be seen in the daytime before , now that the entire continent is plunged into darkness, its light is even more dazzling.

Although the outside world was pitch black, the inside of the Xuantian Great Formation was still shrouded in light, as bright as daylight, and this kind of light gave the restless commoners a glimmer of hope.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo"

Suddenly, the sound of breaking wind came from the sky. That sound made people extremely disturbed, as if the flames were burning, and it seemed that the sky was tearing apart. It was so ear-piercing and strange.

"finally come!!!"

And at this moment, everyone in the eyes of the formation has locked their eyes on the sky at this moment, because the sky at this moment is no longer pitch black, but has become a fiery red color, and countless burning meteorites are attacking Tianwu Continent at a high speed. Come.

Countless meteorites fell at a very fast speed with their flame tails, and they were extremely eye-catching in such darkness. These meteorites had already been drawn into a rare meteor shower, but it was just such a gorgeous scene, and all living beings had no intention of watching it. There is nothing but fear in their hearts.

"What's going on? How come there are so many holy stones?"

"According to the records in ancient books, there shouldn't be so many holy stones. What's going on?"

Looking at the sky at this moment, Yao Yutian, the patriarch of the Yaolian clan, took out the ancient book that recorded the vision of the sky and the catastrophe, and kept flipping through it, because he was shocked to find that the scene in front of him seemed to be very different from the records in the ancient book. s difference.

"No, that's not a holy stone."

" the real holy stone." At this moment, Xing Jue pointed to the depths of the sky and said.

At this moment, everyone was shocked to discover that there were a few sporadic blue rays of light suddenly appearing in the depths of the sky, and the blue rays of light became bigger and bigger, even bigger than the fiery red meteorite .

It's just that it's not fiery red, but deep blue. It actually drags blue flames, and when it slides down, even the space changes extremely quickly. It can be seen how much energy is contained in it. The power of terror.

"Boom boom, boom boom"

“砰 ,砰,砰,砰,砰,砰”

But at this moment, bursts of ear-piercing roars began to be heard from a distance, and some meteorites had successfully landed on the continent, and with their landing, violent ripples of energy spread even more rapidly.

The power caused by the meteorite is no small matter, no less than the powerful blow of the King of War. At this moment, countless forests were reduced to ashes, countless cities were razed to the ground, and even the huge mountains were riddled with holes.

The earth trembled, deep cracks spread, and even the dark red magma rolling in the ground could be seen. Some ancient volcanoes even woke up instantly, and began eruptions that had been silent for thousands of years.

At this moment, the land that was previously dark was full of flames, and the bright rays of light continued to shine, but the faces of the people were covered with tears, because at this moment, the homeland they depended on for survival was suffering unprecedented damage.


But at this moment, a howling roar suddenly sounded from a distance, and one could see a huge flame beast with a length of one thousand feet galloping towards the Xuantian formation at a very high speed.

It looks very much like a jackal, but with a long pointed horn on its head, the billowing flames all over its body rise slowly, as if the source of the fire came from the depths of its body.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang"

This giant flame beast swept to the front and back of the formation, and started to attack the formation frantically, but the seemingly extremely violent attack could not shake the Xuantian formation at all, not to mention breaking the formation with its power, It doesn't even have the strength to make the big formation tremble.

"It actually possesses the strength of a rudimentary war emperor. Could it be that this is the holy demon, the guardian of the holy stone?" Looking at the huge flame beast that was attacking the formation frantically, a rudimentary war emperor powerhouse said in astonishment.

"No, the holy stone hasn't fallen yet. Where did the holy demon come from? This should be those red meteorites."

"Look, it's coming again!!!" Xing Jue said, pointing to the distance.

And looking along Xingjue's pointing point, everyone found that there was indeed a large group of giant flame beasts rushing towards the Xuantian formation at an extremely fast speed. Not only did they have the same appearance, but they also had the same strength, not just in that direction. There are large groups of such flame monsters in all directions.

"This... This is too much, such a large number of Zhandi-level behemoths, can this innate formation really resist it?"

In the blink of an eye, the Xuantian Formation was surrounded by dozens of giant flame beasts. They seemed to have no thoughts, like crazy wild dogs, bloodthirsty devils, and crazily confronted with disturbing roars. Attacking the Xuantian formation, it seemed that he couldn't wait to break through the formation and devour the creatures in the formation.

"Hmph, you are too underestimating our Xuantian formation, Lord Dugu, let him experience the power of our Xuantian formation!"

But after hearing the words of the war emperor, Dan Gu, the patriarch of the Shengdan clan, gave him a hard look, and then said to Dugu Haoyu beside him.

"Well, being surrounded like this is not a solution, it will make the people feel panic, let's get rid of them!"

Seeing Dangu's opening, Dugu Haoyu nodded in agreement, and then saw that he closed his eyes, and with a movement of his mind, a strange fluctuation merged into the eyes of the formation, and at this moment, the entire Xuantian formation was shocked. a huge change occured.


Suddenly, a bright light burst out from the outside of the Xuantian formation, spreading out like a rapidly spreading energy ripple, and when the dark blue light dissipated, those who were still surrounded by the formation before The other flame monsters have completely disappeared, leaving no bones left.

"It's amazing, Lord Dugu, how did you do it?" Looking at everything in front of him, the war emperor who was still terrified before suddenly roared excitedly.

"As long as you integrate your thoughts into the eyes of the formation to disperse the power, you can activate this kind of attack, but your strength is too weak, so you should stay here honestly and send power to the formation. This kind of attack should be inspired by the middle-level war emperor. "

Before Dugu Haoyu could reply, Dan Gu gave the Zhan Emperor a hard look, and said coldly.


What kind of identity is Dan Gu? Although this person is also the Emperor of War, he is nothing compared to Dan Gu, so he dare not say much when Dan Gu reprimanded him. Instead, he took a few steps back and turned his attention to Outside the big formation.

When everyone's eyes were attracted by the giant flame beast, those blue meteorites had already landed on the ground, but they didn't land beside the Xuantian formation for a moment, as if they were scattered all over the continent .

Although the shadow of the holy demon is not visible right now, those giant flame beasts are constantly galloping towards the formation like locusts, but with their power they cannot cause any damage to the formation at all, instead they are gathering After a while, he was killed by the force of the large formation.

And looking at the flaming giants that kept looting but were being obliterated, the mood of the people who were panicked before began to improve. They wiped away the tears on their faces and looked at everything outside with hope. Because they felt that they might really be able to escape this catastrophe in this Xuantian formation.

(For collection, for flowers!)

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