Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 427 The Holy Devil Strikes

"Boom, boom, boom"

But just when the mood of the people had just improved, something happened outside the Xuantian formation, and bursts of ear-piercing roars continued to come from a distance.

And with the roaring sound, the ground will tremble violently. Although everyone is in the big formation, they can still feel the ground trembling under their feet.

At this moment, the mood that was slightly improved before became uneasy again, and this time the fear was stronger than before, because an ominous premonition had already settled in the hearts of everyone.


Suddenly, an extremely ear-piercing long howling sound sounded from the direction where the roaring sound came from. This sound is so terrifying that people can't help but tremble just by hearing it, because this is definitely not a magical beast, let alone a human voice, but more like It is a biological voice that is not recognized by everyone.

"Is it finally here?"

The sudden change naturally couldn't escape the attention of Xing Jue and others. At this moment, all the strong men in the eye of the formation all focused their dignified gazes on the direction where the howling sound came from.

It's just because the Tianwu Continent has fallen into a state of collapse at this moment, cracks are scattered all over the ground, countless mountains have been razed to the ground, and the sky is full of wolf smoke. In such an environment, the viewing distance is too low to be able to see Know exactly where the monster is approaching them.



Accompanied by the roar of footsteps approaching, a long howling sound that could tear the eardrums sounded again, and at this moment, a tyrannical hurricane was set off, and when the hurricane swept across, most of the thick wolf smoke was blown away , and at this moment the appearance of the monster finally appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This monster is thousands of feet tall, and it stands like a hurricane reaching the sky. The appearance of the monster is very similar to that of a humanized monster, but its body is dark blue, and its skin is covered with scales like armor. Huge, the nails are like giant knives, the blood-red pupils are full of anger, and yellow gas is continuously ejected from the mouth full of fangs.

"This, is this the holy demon?"

"How could it be so huge? And this's actually a high-level battle emperor!"

Looking at the terrifying giant monster in front of him that is not only huge in size, but also powerful in strength, it is almost certain that the powerful people in the formation are the so-called holy demons.

"Don't worry, as long as you are not a war sage, even a high-ranking war emperor is nothing to fear." Dan Gu said confidently.

After hearing Dan Gu's words, everyone felt a little relieved, and then adjusted their strength to the best to resist the attack of the holy demon on the Xuantian formation.


But to everyone's surprise, when the holy demon came to the front and back of the big formation, it didn't rush to attack the big formation, but stood there, roaring non-stop.

"Ho, ho, ho~"

And with his terrifying long howling sound, a large number of giant flame beasts began to rush towards the Xuantian formation at a very fast speed, and this time the number was several times that of the previous one. The holy demon actually had The ability to summon fire leviathans.

More and more flame monsters gathered, but this time they did not attack the Xuantian formation, but instead surrounded the holy demon, like a pack of wolves worshiping their own wolf king.


Suddenly, the holy demon slammed a palm from its mouth, and a dark blue gas was ejected from its mouth. After the dark blue gas appeared, it turned into a huge palm. The palm was as big as a huge mountains.

"It's about to attack, be careful!" Seeing this, a Zhandi powerhouse shouted in panic.

And at this moment, although everyone had a lot of confidence in the Xuantian Great Formation, they still did not dare to take it lightly, and they all poured their own strength into the Xuantian Great Formation at no cost.

"No, its target is not the big formation."

But at this moment, Xing Jue was astonished to discover that the giant palm condensed from his mouth did not attack the Xuantian formation, but instead grabbed the giant flame beasts surrounding it. go.

The palm is extremely huge, and when it is waved, gusts of wind are set off. If there is a city around it at this moment, it will be blown away by it, and if there is a forest, it will be blown away by it.

And when this gust of wind passed by, all the huge group of flame monsters were actually held in his palm, and at this moment, the palm actually began to retreat, and finally returned to the mouth of the holy demon.


When the giant palm returned to his mouth, the holy demon screamed again crazily, and at this moment his body was undergoing tremendous changes, and its strength was growing extremely fast.

"No, it can actually increase its strength by devouring the flame monster!!!"

The soul power of Xingjue is so keen, when the holy demon captured the huge flame beasts in groups, he realized that something was wrong, and when he found that the holy demon's strength was rising rapidly, he hurriedly confronted him. Dugu Haoyu, Dangu, Yao Tianyu and the others on the side said.

"Damn it, it actually uses this method."

"No wonder, no wonder it came here. Although the Xuantian Great Formation has cut off our breath, but there are so many flame monsters approaching here, it means that there are still special characteristics here that can attract their attention. .”

"And here, the holy demon can better devour the giant flame beast to increase its strength!!!"

"No, we can't let it go on like this. Even if we can block its attack right now, but if we join its strength and break through to the Saint of War, then we will die!!!"

After reaching Zhandi, the soul power is no longer weak, everyone has indeed discovered this change under the reminder of Xing Jue, and at this moment they finally understand why this holy demon came to the Xuantian Great Formation to devour the giant flame beast s reason.

"Everyone listen to my orders, gather your strength, and launch an attack with a large formation!" At this critical moment, Dugu Haoyu said to everyone with high spirits.

"En." After hearing his words, everyone first glanced at each other and then nodded in agreement, because right now, if they continue to sit and wait for death, there is only a dead end, but if they work together to attack, there may be hope, although they only have a middle-level war emperor the power of.

However, the attack through this Xuantian formation can far exceed their strength. If they concentrate their strength to drive the attack of the formation together, they may really be able to kill this holy demon.


Suddenly, Dugu Haoyu gave an order, and at this moment, all the powerhouses in the eyes of the formation who had reached the middle-level battle emperor integrated their own power into the formation, driving the attack formation of the formation.


In an instant, the Xuantian Great Formation once again burst into dazzling light, but this time the light was incomparable in terms of the degree of brilliance and the power contained in it, because this time it gathered all the middle-level people in the formation. The power of the Emperor of War.

This ray of light spread rapidly around the Xuantian Great Formation, sweeping away everything with that destructive force, no living beings survived where it passed, and all the mountains were destroyed.

The tyrannical attack had covered thousands of miles of land before it subsided, and at this moment, not to mention those giant flame beasts, even the holy demon disappeared, and even its previous aura completely disappeared.

"Holy stone, look, it's a holy stone!!!"

At this moment, Yao Yutian pointed at the place where the holy demon was standing before, and shouted excitedly.

And following the direction he pointed, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that there was indeed a stone the size of a spirit floating in mid-air. This stone was in a translucent blue body. There is a life-like gas flowing slowly inside it, and there is an irresistible force in it.

"Holy stone, this is the holy stone."

"It's so powerful, it's great, it's great, we finally have a chance to break through to that level!"

Looking at the holy stone floating in mid-air, some strong men could no longer control their excitement, and all of them locked the holy stone tightly with golden eyes, wishing they could step out of the formation and take it as their own.

"Hmph, I didn't expect this holy demon to be nothing more than that, so we don't have to worry about this catastrophe"

"These monsters will all die after a few days. Even if they come here within a few days, we can still wipe them out. This bullshit catastrophe is destined to be our victory, hahahahahaha"

Suddenly, Tongxuan Guifeng, the lord of Beast City, laughed arrogantly, as if the catastrophe had passed through safely.

"No, the holy stone has changed, the holy demon is not dead!!!"

But just when everyone thought they could survive the catastrophe safely, Xing Jue's face changed and he exclaimed, because with his keen soul, he discovered that a strange power in the holy stone was gradually spreading, and That breath was exactly the same as the previous Holy Demon.


Sure enough, just when Xing Jue found out that something was wrong, a majestic gas began to emanate from the holy stone. The gas was dark blue in color, and contained the same breath as the holy demon before, and when it After spreading, it condensed quickly, and the holy demon, who was exactly the same as before, stood in front of the formation again, but this time, in his blood-red eyes, there was a bit of rage added.


After the holy demon re-condensed, he swung his right arm suddenly, and that giant palm like a mountain slammed down towards the Xuantian formation.


With a single palm, the powerful energy set off a majestic energy ripple, but what disturbed everyone the most was that at this moment, the indestructible Xuantian formation unexpectedly trembled violently, and the circles of energy ripples were moving from its surroundings. The location of the hit is constantly spreading.

And looking at this change in front of him, not to mention the many low-level creatures in the formation, even the top powerhouses in the Tianwu Continent in the eyes of the formation also changed their expressions drastically!

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