Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 428 The Power of All Beings

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang"

The previous attack seemed to have completely irritated the Holy Demon, but at this moment it seemed to have lost its mind, constantly waving its arms and attacking the Xuantian Formation.

The holy demon is not only extremely powerful, but even the speed is as fast as lightning. Under its continuous offensive, the Xuantian formation trembled uncontrollably, and even the people in the formation were slightly implicated .

"Let's concentrate our strength, we must hold on!"

Facing such a crazy attack from the Holy Demon, Xing Jue and the others did not dare to be distracted at all, but put all their energy into the formation to resist the attack of the Holy Demon.

"Damn it, how could it be so powerful? It stands to reason that even if it possesses the power of a high-level war emperor, it still cannot break through the formation."

At this moment, Dan Gu, who was still full of confidence in the Xuantian formation, finally became restless. He couldn't even believe that the holy demon possessed such a tyrannical power.

"This holy demon is a thing in the sanctuary, and it is not in our cognition."

"What's more, there are strong and weak points among the strong at the same level. In my opinion, although the strength of this holy demon is at the level of a high-level war emperor, I am afraid that even if I reach a high-level war emperor, I am afraid that I will not be able to fight against it. "

Dugu Haoyu explained to Dan Gu while exerting all his fighting spirit.

And after hearing Dugu Haoyu's words, everyone nodded in agreement, because as he said, people of the same level are divided into strengths and weaknesses, not to mention this monster from the sanctuary.

"Continuing like this is not an option, Palace Master Dugu, it is said that when the Xuantian Great Formation is mysterious, it can be changed at will, and even the eyes of the formation can cover the entire Great Formation, and gather the power of everyone to drive the Great Formation."

"The current situation is not good for us, why not spread the eyes of the formation to the entire formation, and use the power of all beings in the Tianwu Continent to drive the formation, maybe it can withstand the attack of this holy demon." At this moment, Xing Jue He turned his head and said to Dugu Haoyu on the side.

"It's absolutely impossible. The reason why the eyes of the formation are concentrated here is because it can maximize the power we output and turn it into the power of the big formation."

"If the eyes of the formation really cover the entire formation, then our power will be wasted a lot. Besides, those ordinary people have never even practiced cultivation. Where do they get the power to supply this formation?" Xing Jue said. As soon as it landed, Tongxuan Guifeng, the city lord of the beast city, sounded the voice of objection.

"Yes, Xingjue, these people have never even practiced cultivation, not to mention using their power to resist the attack of the holy demon, just any one of us can kill them all, they are useless people at all! "Seeing this, Yao Yutian, the patriarch of the Yaolian clan, also agreed.

After him, everyone also expressed their agreement with the words of the two of them. The person who is most familiar with this formation is Dugu Haoyu. Even driving the formation requires the joint efforts of all of them. It is impossible, and now everyone is against it, and Xingjue seems helpless.

"Damn it, if this continues, we will only run out of strength, not to mention that the attack of only one holy demon has already destroyed us like this field. If other holy demons come to support us later, we will be unable to stop it at all. "

"What should I do? Do you want to pass on the words of the owner of Xiandao to them?"

"No, you can't let them know about Xiandao. Besides, even if I say it at this time, they may not believe it. What should I do?"

Facing the current situation, Xing Jue was also extremely anxious. He kept thinking about how to persuade everyone to change their minds, but he couldn't think of a statement that would convince them.

Although the holy demon's attack was powerful, under the full resistance of everyone, the big formation was not forced into a stalemate.

Now the sun and the moon are covered in the sky, and it is impossible to distinguish between day and night, but those who have cultivated to a certain level have a few keen senses of time itself, so after a period of hard resistance, everyone in the eyes of the formation knows , since the catastrophe came, it has been a full three days in the past.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang"

Outside the large formation, the holy demons were still attacking crazily, and the roar of attacks intertwined with the piercing long whistle resounded continuously, but in three days, this extremely disturbing sound seemed to have been heard by everyone now. It took only three days to get used to it, but the holy demon didn't show any sign of fatigue, not to mention weakened attack, even stronger than three days ago.

Within the big formation, the faces of all the powerful people who have been instilling power into the big formation continuously for three days are all a little haggard. If it is not for the support of the heavenly treasure pill of the Shengdan clan, maybe they will not be able to support this at all. For a moment, but fortunately, in order to resist the catastrophe, the Shengdan clan unconditionally took out the treasure pills in the clan for everyone to replenish their strength.

"It's been three days. If we persist for a few more days, these holy demons will disappear automatically. Even if the homeland is destroyed, as long as we are still waiting, it will be a breeze to rebuild a shelter for the people."

Although the face was slightly haggard, three days had passed but nothing had happened. Everyone's faces that were worried three days ago were now filled with hope.

"No, if this continues, we may not last until that day."

But at this moment, Xing Jue, who had closed his eyes tightly for a long time and said nothing, suddenly opened his eyes, and after slowly standing up, he cast his solemn gaze into the distance.

"Aw, ow, ow, ow!!!"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, everyone was stunned and expressed their incomprehension, but before they asked what Xing Jue meant, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves sounded in the distance. The whistling sound was also covered up by it, so that everyone could clearly hear the extremely weird sound.

"Oh my god, that, what is that!!!"

When the devil's whisper sounded like the call of death, not to mention the strong in the eyes of the formation, even the common people who could not resist the exhaustion and fell asleep quietly opened their eyes and turned to the sound. Where it came from.

And when everyone saw the thing that made the sound, whether it was the lowly common people or the powerful warriors in the eyes of the formation, their expressions changed drastically, and drops of cold sweat involuntarily seeped from their foreheads.

I saw that the dust that filled the distance had completely dissipated, and a large dense figure appeared in everyone's sight. They were actually countless flame giant beasts, and all of those flame giant beasts had grown flame wings. The strength has also reached the level of the middle-level war emperor from the elementary war emperor, and at this moment, it is overwhelmingly flying towards the big formation.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, no matter how many of them there are, they are only the strength of a middle-level battle emperor."

"We can even resist this holy demon, not to mention these giant flame beasts." Tongxuan Guifeng roared in disdain when everyone looked at the scene in front of them, their hearts trembled and their bodies trembled.

And after hearing Tongxuan Guifeng's words, everyone in the eyes of the formation thought about it carefully, and it was true. No matter how many opponents there were, they were only middle-level battle emperors. They are crushable in numbers.

"you are wrong!!!"

"Even if these flame giants are not to be feared, the holy demon hidden in them is enough to completely defeat our Xuantian formation!" But at this moment, Xing Jue's fierce gaze still locked onto the flame giant Beast army.



And almost at the same time as Xing Jue's words fell, a few long howling sounds that everyone least wanted to hear suddenly sounded from the flame giant, and then everyone was even more shocked to find that several huge figures were slowly moving. of the emergence.

"Holy Devil!!!"

"It's a holy demon!!!"

"Five holy demons, five holy demons came again!!!"

Suddenly, a war emperor could no longer bear the fear in his heart, pointed at the depths of the flame army, and roared hoarsely, and his face was already full of horror, as if seeing the god of death call.

Because at the moment in that army, five huge holy demons are approaching with the army at an extremely fast speed, and they are like those giant flame beasts, with a pair of long wings growing behind them, and the most striking thing is that Xing Jue To everyone's surprise, their power is actually much stronger than the holy demon that is attacking the big formation.

"It's over, it's over, we're over, we're completely over."

"They are too strong, even if we all hide in this Xuantian formation, even if we gather the strongest combat power in our Tianwu Continent, we still cannot compete with them."

"They are too scary. They are not something we can deal with. They are monsters from the Sanctuary."

"This is a catastrophe, this is a catastrophe, the devils who wiped out all the living beings on the mainland ten thousand years ago, now we can't escape their clutches, we are defeated! We are defeated!"

Looking at the rapidly approaching army, not to mention that the people are already in a mess, even some strong men in the eyes of the formation began to collapse emotionally, because they didn't feel that they could resist the attack of the holy demon at all. At this moment, they were desperate. Yes, utter despair.

Not to mention them, even Tongxuan Guifeng and Dangu, who were the strongest in Wu Dalu today and who were blindly confident before, had dull expressions on their faces, not knowing what to do.

Because they planned to delay time by defending from the beginning, and now they have no way out. Even if they can escape from the big formation at this moment, they will ignore all the living beings in Tianwu Continent, but facing such a powerful holy demon, with How far can they escape?

"Hallmaster Xingjue, I think it's time to do it according to your method." But when everyone was desperate, Dugu Haoyu looked at Xingjue with a smile on his face. .

"Master Dugu, you mean?"

After hearing Dugu Haoyu's words, Xing Jue was stunned and then surprised. He could hear what Dugu Haoyu meant, but he never thought that Dugu Haoyu would agree with him at this time.

But thinking about it carefully, it seemed that only Dugu Haoyu hadn't spoken when everyone opposed his opinion earlier, that is to say, Dugu Haoyu had long thought of resisting the catastrophe with the power of all living beings!

"Use the power of all beings in my Tianwu Continent to launch a counterattack and kill all those who violated my Continent!" Dugu Haoyu narrowed his eyes slightly, but his voice resounded like thunder through the entire Xuantian Formation, reaching everyone's ears middle.

(After the catastrophe, Xingjue is about to step into the sanctuary. What does it look like there? What kind of strong people are there? What kind of secrets are hidden? Brothers, do you want to see it? Throw flowers!)

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