Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 436 Soul Cry, Soul Slash

"With the strength of two people, the Chan Clan who slaughtered tens of millions of people, what a vicious person." Hearing this, Xing Jue couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Not to mention how powerful two people can defeat the ancient race of tens of thousands of people.The means that can kill tens of millions of people alone is enough to prove how powerful the two are, not only in strength but also in heart.

You must know that their age at that time was only similar to Xing Jue. If they did such a thing at that age, Xing Jue didn't know whether to call them heroes or devils.

"The Chan Clan was massacred, and when this incident spread to the Shengdan Clan, Yaolian Clan, and Tianling Clan, there was an immediate uproar. The three clans not only immediately announced the cessation of the war, but also compensated the Soul Eater Clan for huge losses.

"The actions of the Holy Pill Clan, the Yaolian Clan, and the Tianling Clan are undoubtedly bowing to the Soul Devourer Clan and acknowledging the status of the Soul Devourer Clan as the king of the Tianwu Continent."

"But even so, Soul Zhan didn't intend to let the other three clans go. His idea was that, in order to avoid future troubles, he wanted to completely eradicate the other three clans."

"However, the idea of ​​Soul Slashing caused opposition from many high-level members of the Soul Eater Clan, because the Soul Eater Clan was already the king of the Tianwu Continent at that time, and they felt that it was unnecessary to attack the other three clans."

"But the most important thing is that they are afraid that killing all the ancient races will affect the balance of the continent. You must know that there will be five ancient races in the Tianwu Continent, and that is the arrangement of the sanctuary."

"Furthermore, it is recorded in the ancient book of the Soul Eater Clan that the other four clans are not allowed to be expelled from the Tianwu Continent. For this record, the elders of the clan really dare not violate it, because this is a rule, a rule from the Sanctuary!" Soul Ji dignified Said.

"Rules? Rules again. Who made these so-called rules?" Hearing this, a question arose in Xing Jue's heart, because he suddenly heard what Fairy Ying, the owner of Illusory Moon Valley, said back then.

Fairy Ying has a power that Xing Jue doesn't understand, but she is such a strong person, but she can't help Xing Jue deal with the people in Tianwu Continent, and the reason why she can't is because of the so-called rules, otherwise he wouldn't have to work so hard.

"But at that time, the power of Soul Slash had already surpassed that of the patriarch of the Soul Devourer Clan. There was only one person in the mainland at that time who could contend with Soul Slash, and that was his elder brother, Hun Ming."

"But fortunately, at this time, Hunming agreed with the idea of ​​the clan, and without the help of his brother, Hun Zhan would not dare to deal with the three clans alone, so let's let this matter go."

"Although the worries of the elders in the clan have been settled, an invisible barrier has been established in the hearts of the two brothers, Hunming Hunzhan, who have been close since childhood, because Hun Zhan still doesn't understand why Hunming betrayed them Brotherly feelings, stand on the side of the tribe."

"During this period, although Hunming, including me, as well as my parents, have been trying to resolve the gap between them, but they still can't get the understanding of Hun Zhan."

"If there were no barriers between Hunming and Hunzhan, maybe what happened later would not have happened." Speaking of this, Hunji's eyes and complexion began to become sad, and in those deep eyes unexpectedly appeared There were slight tears.

"It turns out that Senior Hunji, Hunming and Hunzhan are brothers and sisters?"

Hearing the Xing Jue here, he suddenly realized, and it is no wonder that Hun Ji is respected so much here, it turns out that she is actually the younger sister of Hunming and Hunzhan.

With such two monstrous elder brothers, it's no wonder that her talent is so powerful. Coupled with her identity from ancient times, it's strange that someone dares to disrespect her.

"However, the relationship between the two of them broke completely afterward."

"Because of the physical condition of the patriarch of the Soul Devouring Clan at that time, he planned to select a new patriarch in the clan, and at that time the strongest brother Hunming and Hunzhan in the clan became the best candidates."

"Actually, at that time, most elders in the clan were in favor of letting Brother Hunming take the position of patriarch, but they were afraid that Brother Hunzhan, who was already dissatisfied with the clan, would become overly emotional and develop hatred towards the clan, so he made a Decide."

"That is, let Hunming and Brother Hunzhan step into the soul-eating ancient tomb together to see who can obtain the more powerful spiritual weapon, and decide who will be the soul-devouring clan according to the strength of the spiritual weapon." patriarch."

"At that time, there were two very powerful middle-grade spiritual weapons in the Soul-eating Ancient Tomb, one was the Soul-Eating Blade that is still in the Soul-eating Ancient Tomb, and the other was the black curse sword that had been taken away by Soul Slash .”

"Afterwards, I think you should also know that brother Soul Zhan took away the middle-grade spiritual weapon, the black curse long sword, but brother Hunming returned empty-handed, and the position of patriarch naturally became one of Soul Zhan's pockets. Things." Speaking of this, Yao Ji couldn't help but look at Xing Jue with her deep eyes.

"Senior Hun Ji, since Hun Zhan has become the patriarch, why does he still leave such a great hatred for the Soul Devouring Clan?" Seeing this, Xing Jue was extremely puzzled and asked.

"Heh, Soul Slash back then has changed. The first thing he did after ascending to the position of patriarch was to order a war against the other ancient races, to wipe them out completely in the Tianwu Continent."

"At that time, Soul Zhan held the power of the Soul Devourer Clan. Although the people in the clan strongly opposed it, they dared not disobey his words, because he who was in charge of the Soul Devourer Order had already mastered the power to restrain the blood of the Soul Devourer Clan." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Hun Ji narrated.

"Then what happened afterwards?" Xing Jue continued to ask, because the three clans of Shengdan, Yaolian, and Tianling are still there, which means that the original plan of Soul Slashing was not successful.

"Later, Brother Hunming made a move, and Brother Hunming realized that if Brother Hunzhan continued like this, then the Soul Eaters would probably go to a dark abyss under his leadership, and the Soul Eaters would be buried in the soul of Soul Zhan. hands."

"That's why Brother Hunming decided to take action against his beloved brother!" Having said this, Yao Ji couldn't help showing a trace of sadness on her face. As the younger sisters of the two, perhaps the one who wants to see the two confront each other the most is she.

"Hunming killed Soul Zhan? But isn't the power of Soul Zhan stronger than Hunming? Otherwise, how could it be that Soul Zhan won the middle-grade spiritual weapon in the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb? Plus Soul Zhan has the Soul Eater Order With Hunming in hand, how did he do it?" Xing Jue was full of puzzlement.

"Hehe, when Brother Hunming decided to stop Soul Zhan, everyone thought so, thinking that Brother Hunming couldn't beat Brother Hunzhan at all, but when the two really fought against each other, we found out that we were wrong, we were all wrong Yes, completely wrong."

"Don't say that Brother Hunming's strength is higher than Soul Slash, and Brother Hunming is not bound by the blood of the Soul Devouring Token. Although the battle was extremely fierce, in the end, Brother Hunming won with an absolute advantage."

At this moment, thinking about the battle back then, Ji Hun could still see a look of admiration on her face, as if she had returned to the scene where her two brothers fought again, and was shocked by Hunming's performance at that time.

"Could it be that the sound of the soul is..."

"I know, it must be so!"

Hearing this, Xing Jue couldn't help but his eyes lit up, several questions that he had never been able to figure out were intertwined at this moment, and he finally thought the same.

Because Xing Jue felt that that Hunming was probably the senior he met in the ancient ruins back then, and the reason why he returned empty-handed from the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb was probably because he wanted his younger brother to win on purpose.

Otherwise, with his power, it is impossible not to take away the Soul Devouring Blade. The most important evidence is that he has already told Xing Jue that as long as he gets the Soul Devouring Blade, he can get his inheritance. This is enough to show that the Soul Devouring Blade Naruto has already conquered Soul Eater Blade.

"What kind of power is the inheritance of Senior Hunming?"

Thinking of this, Xing Jue's heart couldn't help but start to surge with enthusiasm, because he felt that the inheritance that Hunming said must be very important. As a member of the Soul Eater clan, he can not be bound by the blood of the Soul Eater Order, which already shows that Hunming has Extraordinary strength.

Since Hunming back then could rely on that kind of power, and the War Saint possessed the middle-grade spirit weapon Soul Slash, it would not be difficult for him to obtain that kind of power to defeat Soul Slash, and he also possessed the Soul Devouring Token.

"Senior, was Soul Slash killed by Senior Hunming?"

Although at this moment he has enough confidence in how to deal with Soul Slash, Xing Jue really wants to know what happened next.

"No, it wasn't Hun Zhan killed by Brother Hunming."

"Originally Brother Hunming just imprisoned Hunzhan, hoping that he can change his mind and restore his original nature."

"However, brother Hunming touched that boundary and obtained a stone that can break through that boundary. At that time, brother Hunming made a series of stones in order to break through to that boundary and obtain stronger power. It is also a heart-wrenching decision, that is to completely seal Brother Hunzhan."

"But just as he was about to seal it, Soul Zhan suddenly blew himself up, and he... committed suicide." Yao Ji said slowly.

"What? Suicide?" Xing Jue's face was full of surprise, he never thought that Soul Zhan would be so impulsive.

"No, if it is really suicide, how can you live on the mainland now?" But then Xing Jue felt that something was wrong.

"Strange, what's going on? It stands to reason that the soul cry at that time was already extremely strong. If the soul slash was a fake death, it would be impossible to escape his eyes."

"Could it be that Hunming released Soul Zhan on purpose? No! At that time, Hunming could imprison Hun Zhan for the sake of race. It can be seen that he is a person who puts the overall situation first. Such a hostile soul cut." Xing Jue thought over and over again, but he still couldn't figure out what was going on.

"At that time, we all firmly believed in Soul Zhan's death, but now it seems that we were all wrong."

Suddenly, the corner of Soul Ji's mouth curled up into a wry smile, perhaps even he could not have imagined that the Soul Eater who was regarded as a hero by the Soul Devourers back then would do such a thing.

At this moment, all the Soul Devourers in this space were silent, they just stared blankly at the Hun Ji who bowed her head silently, because they could see from Hun Ji's seemingly plain face that it was not easy to detect, but The sorrow that hurts the bottom of my heart.

"Xing Jue, you didn't come to the Soul Eater Tomb just to listen to my story, did you?"

"With your strength, there should be no shortage of spiritual weapons and treasure pills. If I'm not wrong, you should come for the Soul Devouring Blade!" Suddenly, Hun Ji raised her head and asked Xing Jue.

"It's actually for the Soul Devouring Blade?"

After hearing the words of Hun Ji, everyone was shocked, and then turned their unbelievable gazes to Xing Jue, because they were in the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb, but they knew deeply how terrifying the Soul Eater Blade was. .

Although Xingjue's strength already shocked them, it was far from the Soul Devouring Blade.

(I was hungry halfway through the code, so I went to cook bag noodles. Sorry for the late post, I will post it early tomorrow. In addition, please support me with flowers. If you don’t have a collection, please collect it, because these data are very important to bees, thank you !)

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