Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 437 Unfair Battle

"Senior Huihun Ji, that Soul Slash is still in the world. Although I don't know what happened to him, but he is indeed not a war saint, but a high-level war emperor."

"And I came here to gain more power, and then use the power of the Soul Devouring Blade to deal with Soul Slash." Facing the surprised eyes of everyone, Xing Jue ignored them and smiled Said to Soul Ji.

"Hehe, it seems that a lot of things have happened on the mainland." There was a smile of emotion on Ji Hun's charming face. Although what Xing Jue said was very general, he probably understood what Xing Jue meant.

"Xingjue, do you know why I'm here?"

"Although we are all dead people, the reason why we can exist in this form is all because of the special power of the Soul Devouring Tomb."

"But the reason why the Soul-eating Ancient Tomb allows us to survive in this form is because we have a special role, that is, as the guardian of the Soul-eating Ancient Tomb."

"Only through us can we enter the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb to collect those ownerless things." Hun Ji stood up suddenly, and smiled at Xing Jue.And at this moment, all the Soul Devourers who surrounded Xing Jue stood up, and cast their dignified eyes on Xing Jue.

"Master Hun Ji, do I want to fight with you?" In fact, Xing Jue had already guessed that Hun Ji and the others would have special identities, so he was not surprised at this moment.

"No, don't look at us remaining in this form, but our strength is the same as before. So normally, as long as you can defeat one of us, you can leave."

"However, in order to test whether you have the strength to defeat Soul Slash, I decided to change the rules here. Next, you will not be facing one senior from the Soul Devouring Clan, but a hundred." Having said that, The corner of Soul Ji's mouth could not help but raise an imperceptible sinister smile.

"Stop hiding, you all come out."


And under the soft drink of Soul Ji, the space trembled even more violently, and then thousands of figures wearing the robes of the Soul Devouring Clan appeared in Xing Jue's sight. The girls are all between 40 and [-] years old, but the only thing they have in common is that they all have the strength of the Emperor of War.

"Huh... It seems that not all the Soul Eaters who were buried in the ancient tomb survived. It seems that only those who have reached the level of the Emperor of War can enjoy this treatment."

Glancing at the Soul Devourers who surrounded him, Xing Jue seemed to realize something, but at the same time, he couldn't help but gasped. After all, it was the first time that Xing Jue had such a large number of Zhan Emperor powerhouses. See, and all of them are Soul Eaters.

"100 people?"

After that, Hun Ji began to personally select the people who would fight Xing Jue. Although the clansmen Hun Ji selected were all at the level of elementary war emperors, just by looking at their temperament, Xing Jue knew that they were all extraordinary. generation.

In the blink of an eye, Hun Ji had selected a hundred Soul Devourers, and Hun Lei and Hun Cheng, who had talked with Xing Jue before, were among them, just like the other 98 people, watching Judgment.

As for the others, they all retreated to a distant place under the leadership of Soul Ji, watching them with great interest, waiting for the next big battle.

At this moment, Xing Jue was also stepping into the void, crossing his arms with his arms folded, looking at the hundreds of Soul Eaters standing not far away, because Xing Jue also wanted to learn from these seniors of the same clan.

"Xing Jue, I forgot to tell you, you can't use your soul power in the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb, but they can." Just when Xing Jue was ready to fight these hundred people, Soul Ji It was standing in the distance, squinting those charming eyes and said to Xing Jue.

"Pfft~ Isn't it? Isn't this obviously a bully?"

After hearing the words of Hun Ji, Xing Jue almost spit out his blood. Although he was facing hundreds of warriors from the Soul Devouring Clan, he had to know that Xing Jue had the strength of a mid-level war emperor. They are small peepers, but Xing Jue is still [-]% sure that he can defeat them.

But at this moment, Xingjue's thinking has completely changed. He knows the soul power of the Soul Devourer clan best. Although at the Zhandi level, it is impossible to rely on the soul explosion to increase the strength of a level, but it will also have a very considerable effect.

Coupled with the fact that he can't use soul power now, his insight ability will drop rapidly. Although the individual strength of the opponent may not be as good as him, facing the group attack of hundreds of people, Xing Jue immediately feels a lot of pressure.

"Xing Jue, let me experience your strength and see to what level you, the only descendant of the Soul Eater Clan, have inherited the power of my Soul Eater Clan."


"whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh"

Suddenly, the wild soul thunder roared with a thunderous roar, and at the same time, a hundred Zhandi powerhouses waved a sledgehammer towards Xing Juelue, and the sledgehammer waved With gusts of wind, it turned out to be a low-grade spiritual weapon.

It wasn't just him, 99 Soul Devourers came towards Xingjue almost at the same time, and they all had a spiritual weapon in their hands. Only at this moment did Xingjue know why Ji Ji carefully selected these one hundred clansmen , it turns out that they are all characters with spiritual weapons, so it can be seen that they were all new star powerhouses who could cross the continent.

"Teach your grandma that she can't use soul power, how can I fight this?"

Seeing that Hun Lei and the others said they would attack, Xing Jue cursed furiously in his heart. Although he was angry, Xing Jue did not dare to take it lightly in the face of everyone's attack. With a twist of his wrist, the Asura Blade was appeared in the hand.

"This is a spiritual weapon? No, it seems to be just a treasure. What's going on? It doesn't seem to be even a treasure, but how can this sword be so strong, as if there is no power to destroy it."

At this moment, the enchantress standing in the distance was watching Xing Jue intently. In fact, he also really wanted to see what the spirit weapon Xing Jue was using.

Although it has long been seen that the purple gold battle armor on Xing Jue is a spiritual weapon, but it is only a defensive spiritual weapon. In the battle with the disparate number of enemies, it is impossible for Xingjue to summon the weapon spirit. It will only let the weapon spirit live in the armor to ensure the greatest defense.

So he guessed that Xing Jue should have an attack-type spiritual weapon, but when Xing Jue took out the Shura Blade, she couldn't help being surprised, because she found that the Shura Blade was not a spiritual weapon at all, not even a treasure. On the ground, she couldn't feel the fluctuation of special power at all, but she was shocked by the strength of the soul-devouring blade.


Xing Jue was naturally unaware of Yao Ji's astonishment, because Xing Jue didn't dare to be careless in the face of the attacks of hundreds of clansmen at this moment. He saw Xing Jue slamming his right arm suddenly, and a majestic fighting spirit turned into a huge The half-moon shape, and then plundered towards the oncoming crowd.

And this is a slash created by Xingjue combined with the sword-type martial arts mastered before. Although this slash did not reach the sky level, but under the use of Shura's blade, it will be in the advanced martial arts of the earth level. above.

Xing Jue didn't hold back the slightest blow. He couldn't sense the opponent's movements because he couldn't use his soul power. If he really let them approach him and was besieged, it would be a bit troublesome to deal with it.


Xing Jue's full blow was no small feat, and there were bursts of piercing wind sounds amidst the chopping waves, which cut the surrounding space into two sections, and slashed at those clansmen with terrifying coercion.

Although Xing Jue can't use soul power, the Heavenly Art of Soul Eater can work, so Xing Jue's combat effectiveness is not weaker than usual.

"What's going on? There was no energy fluctuation before, how could it suddenly launch such a powerful attack? What is it?"

But just after Xing Jue sent out the broken cut, the soul girl's eyes couldn't help being locked again, and at this moment, his gaze at Xing Jue became even deeper.

"It seems that this kid really has a lot of skills, but if that's the case, he can't deal with them." But the surprise only lasted for a moment, and then there was a faint smile on the corner of Ji Hun's mouth

"Soul Explosion"


Just when Xingjue's attack was about to hit hundreds of Soul Eaters, they suddenly stopped their bodies and displayed the strongest martial skill of the Soul Eaters at the same time, their souls exploded.


In an instant, tyrannical energy ripples swept up, and the berserk force tore apart the surrounding space into cracks. The hundred soul-devouring clan powerhouses were all swallowed up by it, even those who had already retreated extremely The far away viewers also had to step back again, because they all underestimated the power of Xingjue.

"Hey, are you actually using Soul Burst at this time? But what will you use to resist my attack?"

Looking at the storm caused by the energy ripples, Xing Jue licked his lips with unsatisfactory determination. The soul eruption can cause a hegemony effect in an instant, and as long as it is not a suppressive attack, it can be resisted.

However, this kind of hegemony can only exist for an instant, so Xing Jue really wants to know how the seniors of the Soul Eater Clan will fight against him, because if the battle ends so soon, Xing Jue will find it meaningless.

"What's the matter? What about people?"

But when the black energy ripples dispersed, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the hundred clansmen who should have been there had all disappeared, and at this moment Xing Jue's face couldn't help but become serious.

"Xing Jue, if you are just like this, then you are doomed to lose in this competition."

And just when Xing Jue was puzzled by the whereabouts of the hundred Soul Devourers, Hun Lei's taunting voice suddenly sounded from Xing Jue's left side.


Then I saw the surrounding space wriggling violently, and those hundreds of figures actually emerged from the space, but at this moment they were already in a circle shape and surrounded Xing Jue to death.

They actually merged into the space under the cover of energy ripples, and Xing Jue, who couldn't use his soul power, couldn't detect their actions at all.

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