Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 439 Soul Eater Blade

The golden enchantment gate rotated slowly, like a divine light descending from the sky, showing in front of Xing Jue and shining on everyone. Xing Jue had seen many enchantment gates, but this was the first time he saw the golden one.

Although it is impossible to use soul power to feel the special features of this enchantment gate at the moment, Xing Jue can also confirm that this enchantment is not simple.

"Xingjue, although your strength is very strong, even after entering the ancient tomb, you can use your soul power to maximize your strength."

"However, I have to remind you that the Soul Devouring Blade is definitely much more terrifying than you imagined."

At this moment, Ji Hun suddenly said to Xing Jue with a solemn expression, and looking at Xing Jue with Hun Ji's eyes, Xing Jue seemed to feel another meaning.

"Senior Hun Ji, don't you..." Seeing this, Xing Jue couldn't help frowning, because she already knew what Hun Ji wanted to express to him.

"That's right, I was buried in the hands of the Soul Eater. Although I tried my best at the time, the Soul Eater never fought me seriously, so the weakness of the Soul Eater I don't know at all, the only thing I can reveal to you is that it is very strong!"

"But although I can't tell you what level the Soul Eater's strength is, I can tell you another thing."

"Actually, the real owner of the soul-devouring ancient tomb is the soul-devouring blade." Hun Ji said solemnly.

"The Soul-devouring Blade is actually the owner of this Soul-devouring ancient tomb?" Hearing this, Xing Jue couldn't help being shocked, and at this moment, Xing Jue's view of the Soul-devouring Blade also completely changed.

Although Xing Jue knew that the Soul-devouring Blade was very powerful, he was nothing more than a spiritual weapon, but if it was true as Hun Ji said, the Soul-devouring Blade was the owner of the Soul-devouring tomb If so, then this Soul Devourer Blade is truly remarkable.

After all, the Soul-devouring Tomb is the Holy Land of the Soul-devouring Clan, but even so, even though the Soul-devouring Clan members of the past generations can enter the Soul-devouring Tomb, they are still subject to the restrictions of the Soul-devouring Tomb, and those who customize these restrictions Naturally, it is the master here, that is, the soul-devouring blade.

"Xing Jue, about the identity of the Soul Eater, no one knows except the Soul Eater who was buried here, and this is also a secret that only we know."

"Originally, I was not allowed to disclose this matter to you, but now that I disclose it to you, it is tantamount to committing a capital crime."

"However, if you can defeat Soul Devourer Blade and take him as your spiritual weapon, then you will replace it and become the real master here."

"At that time, the rules of this Soul-devouring Tomb will also be rewritten by you. Not only can we continue to live here, but you can also control the use of all treasures in the Soul-devouring Tomb." Change, Soul Ji reminded again.

"Senior Hun Ji, don't worry, this junior will definitely do his best."

Hearing this, Xing Jue couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and a wordless gratitude welled up in his heart, and then he once again gave a big gift to this senior of the Soul Eater to express his gratitude, although it was just a small reminder, but the soul Ji is risking her life.

"Well, I believe you can do it."

"Don't waste time, go, we are waiting for you to return victorious!"

Hun Ji used her slender hands to hold Xing Jue's arms and helped her up, and in the faint smile on her beautiful face, she placed great expectations on Xing Jue.

"Senior Hun Ji, I will definitely not let you down."

Seeing this, Xing Jue was no longer a mother-in-law, and when he turned around, he had already merged into the golden barrier and disappeared, leaving only those Soul Devourers who had thousands of eyes focused on the barrier.

"Master Hun Ji, do you think this punishment has any hope of defeating the Soul Devouring Blade?"

After Xingjue entered the barrier, the thousands of Soul Eaters all came behind Soul Ji, and at this moment their eyes were still reluctant to move away from the barrier, which shows that they are also afraid of the Soul Eater. The only posterity to fail.

"Xingjue's strength is extraordinary. Among the Soul Devourers, he is the only one who let me see the shadow of brother Hunming. However, from a certain point of view, this Xingjue seems to have something that brother Hunming doesn't have. What is it? I can't tell either."

Hun Ji's soft gaze never left the golden barrier, and between the upturned lips closed, she gave Xing Jue great affirmation.


After hearing such an evaluation from Hun Ji, the thousands of Soul Devourers couldn't help but gasp, Hunming, they all knew what kind of person that was, and that was the number one recognized by the Soul Devourers. A strong man, said to be the first person in the Tianwu Continent to step into the sanctuary.

And Hun Ji actually said that Xing Jue was better than Hun Ming in some aspects, which meant that in her eyes, Xing Jue was the most talented person in the Soul Devouring Clan.

In addition, Hunji is Hunming's younger sister, and the two have been together day and night for more than [-] years. Even if she says so, those of them who have never seen Hunming believe it even more.

Afterwards, all the people moved their gazes to the enchantment that was slowly dissipating in unison, but at this moment, there was a little more strange color in their gazes, it seemed that they had seen Dawn of joy.


After Xing Jue stepped into the gate of the enchantment, he naturally couldn't know the evaluation of Soul Ji, and from the moment he stepped into the golden enchantment, he only felt a strong suction wrapping it tightly and guiding it forward go ahead.

And when the irresistible sense of restraint disappeared, Xing Jue found that he was already in another space deep in him, in other words, this was another world.

Looking at everything around him, Xing Jue couldn't help rubbing his eyes vigorously, because he deeply doubted whether this was a dream, but after looking at everything in front of him again, Xing Jue firmly believed that this was not a dream but a dream. real world.

"What a beautiful place."

After firmly believing that everything in front of him is real, Xing Jue couldn't help sighing, because at the foot of Xing Jue at this moment is not the black land, nor the white rock, nor the palace made of gold, but an endless expanse of land. of white clouds.

The white clouds are billowing, but they have the same solid feeling as the surface of the earth, but the difference is that the white clouds are constantly floating up and down. Even when Xing Jue stands still, his body will follow the changes of the white clouds. And float.

But what surprised Xing Jue the most was that not far away there were countless peaks standing on the top of the white clouds. , that's right, it's a rainbow, with seven colors of light all over the sky, flowing slowly, extremely beautiful.

Looking at the beautiful scenery, Xing Jue seems to have forgotten the disputes about the world, but is immersed in the beautiful picture scroll in front of him, enjoying the comfortable mood at the moment.

"Could it be, that is the Soul Devouring Blade?"

However, when Xing Jue looked at the surrounding environment, his face suddenly changed, because at this moment Xing Jue's gaze was attracted by a strange object in the distance.

That object is located on the top of a mountain range in the distance, and its shape is quite vague if it is too far away, but even so, its huge size and unique dark color can make Xing Jue recognize that it is a weapon. The giant sword, a black giant sword as huge as a mountain peak.

The giant sword was inserted into the mountains, and emitted a thick black gas, which slowly revolved around it, and even the rainbow light above the sunny sky was condensed in large areas above it.

It is like the overlord of this world, the king here, the only ruler standing in the mountains.Because of this, the first feeling it gave Xing Jue was the Soul Devouring Blade.


Suddenly, Xing Jue turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the Soul-devouring Blade at a high speed, because the moment he saw the Soul-devouring Blade, the sense of crisis that filled Xing Jue's heart before that was gone. Returning again, now Soul Zhan has obtained the holy stone, and may break through to the level of the holy war at any time, so there is no time to waste in the current punishment.

Going all the way, Xing Jue found that there are many strange auras hidden in the surrounding mountains, not to mention some high-grade treasure pills, high-grade treasures, and many spiritual weapons.

At this moment, Xing Jue knew why the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb was like a bottomless treasure house, because there were countless treasures here.

But right now, Xing Jue was not moved by a treasure, and his eyes were fixed on the ever-enlarging black giant sword, because he had only one goal at the moment, and that was to defeat the soul-devouring blade.

Because as long as he defeats the Soul Eater Blade, he can gain control of the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb and become the owner of this place, and then he will have all the endless treasures.

Xing Jue's speed was extremely fast, and it was within a blink of an eye from such a distance, but at this moment, Xing Jue didn't go directly towards the Soul Devouring Blade, but stopped not far away.

At this moment, Xing Jue was stepping in mid-air, staring fiercely at the huge black sword not far away.His resolute face was full of solemnity.

Because at this moment, Xing Jue could clearly see the Soul Devouring Blade, and could feel the powerful aura of the Soul Devouring Blade.

It was an extremely gorgeous giant sword. Although the body of the sword was all dark in color, its shape was indeed beautiful. The body of the sword was engraved with various strange spells. Generally speaking, it was similar to the black sword of Soul Zhan. The Cursed Long Sword is quite similar, but this Soul Eater is more domineering.

Even though the soul-devouring blade was stuck in the mountain range at this moment and remained motionless, Xing Jue could feel its floating, as if a person was breathing, full of aura.

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