
Suddenly, the black gas hovering on the surface of the Soul Devouring Blade suddenly turned into countless black rays of light, like a meteor shower falling from the sky, shooting directly at Xing Jue.


And when the black light escaped from the Soul Devouring Blade, they turned into countless black monsters with bloody mouths wide open. The black gas kept rising from their bodies, making it impossible for Xing Jue to see their appearance clearly, but Xing Jue felt that , they don't have a complete shape at all, but more like a giant mouth with a bloody mouth.

The monsters condensed by the black gas all have extraordinary strength, almost every one of them is comparable to the strong Zhandi, but they are still too weak in the eyes of Xing Jue.

"Breaking Slash!!!!"

With a turn of Xing Jue's wrist, the Shura Blade hidden in the storage bracelet in his hand emerged, and between the swings of his arm, several majestic sword qi burst out , and this is Xing Jue's latest original martial art, Breaking Cut.

"bang bang bang"

Xing Jue's Breaking Slash is no small matter. Above all the sword-type martial arts it has mastered before, even if it is not as good as the Heaven Rank Martial Skills to a certain extent, it is almost the same. Therefore, at the moment of Breaking and Cutting, those gas monsters They all shattered and turned into a messy wisp of gas, disappearing into midair.

"It's actually soul power."

Looking at the black gas that disappeared in mid-air, Xing Jue's eyes lit up, because when the gas dissipated, Shana Xing Jue actually felt the taste of soul in it.

And looking at the majestic gas hovering in the Soul Devouring Blade, Xing Jue's face became a little more exciting. If this is really a strange soul power, then how powerful is such a majestic power?If it can be swallowed by Xing Jue, even breaking through to a high-level war emperor is not impossible.

"Well, yes, the last descendant of the Soul Devourer Clan did not disappoint me."

Just as Xing Jue was drooling while looking at the gas slowly rotating around the Soul Devouring Blade, a voice of appreciation suddenly came from the gas.

Then a figure slowly stepped out of it, and when he saw this one, Xing Jue couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps.

At the same time, he expanded his soul power to the limit to observe the opponent's movements, because although the person in front of him had no breath, Xing Jue felt a great threat.

This is a humanoid monster. The reason why he is called a monster is because he has a human form but no human face. Its body is dark in color, and dark black gas is constantly floating from its body. out, making people confused whether its body is real or illusory.

That fireball-like head can't see the nose and mouth at all, the only thing that can be seen is a pair of white pupils that are as cool as ghosts.

But what alarmed Xing Jue the most was that there were strange runes flowing on his ethereal body, and the shape of the runes was exactly the same as that on the body of Soul Eater Blade. It may be the spirit of the soul-devouring blade, which is the real owner of the soul-devouring ancient tomb.

"Senior, is the Soul Devouring Blade?" The opponent's strength is no small matter. Although Xing Jue eagerly wanted to conquer it, Xing Jue did not dare to take it lightly and casually. Instead, he asked with a very respectful attitude.

"Senior? Hahahaha..."

"You don't need to play such nonsense with me, do you think I don't know what you think?"

"I've heard what you said to Soul Ji and the others a long time ago."

"Don't talk nonsense, just come here if you want to do it, and let me see if you can really stand shoulder to shoulder with Hunming."

Regarding Xing Jue's actions, the strange monster suddenly laughed ironically, and then shouted at Xing Jue in a contemptuous tone, but it also indirectly admitted its true identity, that is, the spirit of Soul Devouring Blade.

"If that's the case, then it's a sin."


Seeing that the soul-devouring blade had already been prepared, Xing Jue no longer hesitated, stepped forward, and shot out like an arrow off the string, but his speed was not to mention the arrow, Even the Ben Lei that wanders in the clouds, and the meteor that glides in the dark night are far behind, and the speed is so fast that ordinary people's naked eyes can't distinguish it at all.


"Swipe, brush, brush"

With Xing Jue's speed, he could swipe in front of the Soul Devouring Blade in an instant, but at this moment, Xing Jue didn't really go to fight with him, but directly released four piercing cuts.

The area of ​​the half-moon-shaped Shattering Slash is no small matter, the four connected together can almost be described as overwhelming, and such an attack comes from the front, except for the rear, there is almost no way to retreat, and at such a distance Coupled with the terrifying speed of Po Zhan, it was too late to even retreat.

"Is this a tentative attack? Yes, very strong."

"It's just that for me now, it still seems too weak."

Facing the frontal attack of four piercing slashes, Soul Devouring Blade not only did not move half a step, but his gaze became even more contemptuous.


But just when the four broken cuts were about to hit it, the black gas wrapped around the body of the Soul Devouring Blade burst out like a huge wave behind it, and then swallowed all the four broken cuts of Xingjue .

Seeing that his Po Zhan was easily defeated, Xing Jue's face changed drastically, but at this moment he couldn't allow him to think too much, because right now he had no way out, and the only way was to continue fighting.

"Time space."

Therefore, Xing Jue gritted his teeth, raised his right arm abruptly, and held it firmly against the sky with one hand, and his strongest heaven-level martial skill, Time Space, was displayed.

"Swipe, brush, brush"

In an instant, countless dark blue rays of light emerged, traveling through this space at high speed like blue meteors covering the sky, embellishing this already extremely beautiful world even more gorgeously.

But to Ling Xingjue's surprise, facing his time and space, the spirit of the Soul Devourer Blade didn't move at all. Instead, it turned its fireball-like head and looked around with interest, as if appreciating Like the beautiful scenery transformed by time and space.

"Time and space, yes, I didn't expect you to know that guy's martial arts. It seems that you have a good relationship with him."

"Could it be that you are his descendant?" Suddenly, Soul Eater turned his attention to Xing Jue again, and asked in a rather curious tone.

"That's right, to be honest with seniors, this junior is indeed the descendant of Senior Hunming, and now I don't intend to offend Senior Hunming. It's just that Senior Hunming said that you can only get his inheritance from you, Senior, that's why this junior came here. Learn from seniors."

Seeing that Soul Eater actually mentioned Soul Cry, Xing Jue had a brainstorm and hurriedly said, because if Soul Cry really defeated Soul Eater and left something behind, Hun Cry must be against Soul Eater. What did the blade explain.

Right now, although Xingjue has released the time and space, he still can't sense the level of the strength of the soul-devouring blade. That is to say, even if he has time and space as a support, he still can't defeat the soul-devouring blade. Very slim thing.

At least Xingjue is not even [-]% sure, so it is better to use the name of Hunming to make peace with him, maybe he can really get the approval of Soul Eater without fighting.

"Sure enough, I have to say that Hunming has a good vision and chose you as a successor."

"When he came here back then, his strength was comparable to yours, but he was older than you, which means you were even better than Hunming back then."

"As you said, Hunming did leave something in my place, and it was a very powerful force. Even the Hunming at that time didn't dare to touch this power, so it was deposited in me. This is The dark soul that haunts me now."

Speaking of this, the soul-devouring blade's weapon spirit couldn't help but spread its arms, and at this moment, the dark black gas on it became more intense in an instant, and a powerful coercion also suddenly appeared, forcing Xing Jue to retreat again and again .

"So strong, so this is the power that Senior Hunming wants me to inherit?"

Xing Jue, who was forced back dozens of steps by the coercion emanating from the Soul Devouring Blade, barely stopped his figure, but showed an excited smile, because he found that it was indeed soul power, and it was a soul far above it. Power, if this power is refined, it will be extremely easy to break through to a high-level war emperor.

"Xingjue, logically speaking, I have already made an agreement with Hunming, as long as his successor comes here, I should transfer this power to you."

"But it's a pity, Hunming is too careless, and I won't be moved if he entrusts such a powerful taboo power to me?"

"Actually, Xing Jue, with your strength, I am not your opponent, but unfortunately, you are far from my opponent now."

"Because after thousands of years, the dark soul entrusted to me by Hunming at the beginning has been completely controlled by me. Now... this is my power!"

Suddenly, the soul-devouring blade's gaze became extremely ferocious, and at the same time layers of powerful coercion rose one after another like a pervasive tsunami, disrupting the surrounding space into chaos.

And at this moment, Xing Jue's complexion couldn't help changing drastically, and waves of extremely uneasy emotions rose from the bottom of his heart.


Seeing the sudden change of Soul Devouring Blade and the power he displayed, Xing Jue realized that something was wrong, so he turned around and was ready to flee in the direction he came from.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy!"

Seeing that Xing Jue was about to escape, the Soul Eater gave a cold sound, and the dark soul that was originally wrapped around the body of the Soul Eater burst out unexpectedly, turning into a towering giant hand, overwhelming the sky with terrifying coercion Facing Xing Jue, he came under heavy pressure.

In an instant, Xing Jue only felt that his body seemed to be bound by a strong force, not only the body but also the power of the soul seemed to be bound. Although it was flying forward at a high speed, the black shadow that covered the light had already appeared Wherever it looked, at this moment, Xing Jue seemed to really smell the breath of death.

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