Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 441 Situation Changes

The powerful coercion made Xing Jue unable to breathe. Not only did his forward-flying body start to slow down extremely quickly, but he lost his balance instantly. Xing Jue finally fell to the clouds below.

"What's going on with this power?"

"This... seems to be the suppression of the soul, but it actually comes from the depths of the soul. Since the souls of the Soul Eaters were unsealed, this is the first time I have been suppressed by the power of the soul!"

Xing Jue fell to the top of the clouds in embarrassment, turned over with all his strength, and looked at the force that suppressed it from the air with that inconceivable gaze.

It was only then that it was discovered that its upper body was completely covered by the black gas at this moment, and it was being suppressed towards Xingjue, and that... was exactly the dark soul mentioned by Soul Devouring Blade.

Seeing the majestic and terrifying dark soul, pressing down on Xing Jue's tiny body, Xing Jue tried his best to stand up, but at this moment, he seemed so powerless, as if... his His soul was trembling, at this moment he had completely lost the strength to resist.

"Damn it, is it true that I, Xingjue, really want to be buried here?"

Faced with such a situation, Xing Jue pressed his teeth, and his fists creaked even more. He was not angry but unwilling. He has put in so much hard work and sweat along the way. If today is really carried here, carried to In the hands of this clan's spiritual weapon, Xing Jue was really wronged to the extreme.

"Little devil, you are so weak!"

But just when Xing Jue was extremely unwilling and even on the verge of despair, a call from the bottom of his heart suddenly sounded, and at this moment Xing Jue felt his eyes go dark. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had actually It is in a dark space in the depths.

At this moment, streams of imperceptible light flowed around Xing Jue, and there seemed to be a strange object entrenched there in front of it, but the most important thing was that it made Xing Jue feel very familiar here. In the origin of the soul of Jude, and that strange object is the spell that the soul cry shot into his body.

The surface of the talisman exudes an indescribable gas. Although it has no physical form, it hovers there more like a powerful demon dragon. As for how strong Xingjue is, it is impossible to judge. Everyone's feeling.

"Senior, were you talking to me just now?"

The weird spell was entrenched there motionless, and even refused to make a sound. Seeing this, Xing Jue could only ask cautiously.

Because Xing Jue did not project his consciousness to the soul source, now he is facing a fatal threat, and he would not come here to waste time before he could find a way to escape.

But at this critical moment, his consciousness entered the source of the soul, which means that it is very likely that this mysterious existence summoned him.

"Otherwise, who do you think?"

And just as Xing Jue's voice fell, the previous hoarse voice full of simplicity sounded again, and at the same time, the thin gas surrounding the spell became thicker in an instant, and the two cold rays also came from that It showed up and looked towards Xing Jue.

"Um... I don't know what's the matter with the senior calling the junior?" The voice of the mysterious object was full of majesty. Although there was no targeted deterrence, Xingjue couldn't help but feel his heart tremble the moment he spoke, and then hurriedly asked cautiously.

"What's the matter? Of course it's to save you."

"Little devil, your life and death have nothing to do with this god."

"But the Soul Devouring Blade actually used the power of the god to deal with you, which has something to do with the god."

"This time, this god will make an exception to help you once, but in the future, your life and death will be controlled by yourself, and this god will never help you again."

"One last word for you. The courage of a man is not the behavior of a wise man. It is best not to touch dangerous things before you are absolutely sure, otherwise what happened today will definitely happen again."

"get out!"

The sound of the mysterious object roared in Xing Jue's ears like thunder, not only clearly reflected in his ear curtains, but also firmly imprinted in his heart, and with the final sound of the word "Get out of here", Xing Jue He found that his consciousness had returned to his body, and in front of his eyes was the world of the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb.

But what surprised Xing Jue was that the dark soul that should have covered the sky disappeared at this moment, completely dissipated, as if it had never appeared before, and then looked in the direction of the Soul Devouring Blade, only to see The Soul Blade has revealed its true form.

And the Artifact Spirit of the Soul Devouring Blade actually rushed towards Xing Jue with that resentful gaze and terrifying speed, and kept roaring while flying towards him.

"Asshole, you asshole."

"What did you do? Hand over my dark soul quickly."

"Otherwise, I'll tear you into pieces alive!"


The speed of the soul-devouring blade weapon spirit was very fast, and when Xing Jue figured out the situation in front of him, the soul-devouring blade weapon spirit had already rushed towards him.

I saw that his right arm turned into a sharp giant claw while waving. The giant claw contained extremely terrifying power, and the waving was even more cold. will be torn into pieces.


Faced with such a situation, Xing Jue jumped up almost subconsciously, and retreated. At the same time, he waved his sleeves and sent out a fighting spirit, trying to slow down the attack of the soul-devouring blade.



However, when Xing Jue jumped up, a surprising scene happened. Not only did Xing Jue's speed increase several times compared to before, but he also pulled away from Soul Devouring Blade in an instant.

And the fighting spirit he sent out at will, the moment it touched the Soul-devouring Blade, it knocked the Soul-devouring Blade's spirit into the air, and the moment the Soul-devouring Blade fell to the ground, Xing Jue was shocked to find that its aura was already extremely sluggish.

"What's going on, I..."

"With this power, I actually... broke through to a high-level war emperor!"

The sudden change made Xing Jue startled, in order to find out the truth, Xing Jue hastily projected his consciousness into his body, and this projection didn't matter, Xing Jue discovered that he had unknowingly broken through to the level of a high-level war emperor. level.

Moreover, at this moment, his soul power has also undergone earth-shaking changes, it is actually several times stronger than before, and even the nature of the breath has changed a lot, is the breath of the dark soul.

"Could it be..."

"No, it must be, it must have helped me."

As for these changes, the first thing Xing Jue thought of was the mysterious object residing in the source of his soul. The mysterious object said that this dark soul seemed to be its power, and said that he would help Xing Jue, although he didn't know How did it do it, but what Xing Jue can confirm is that this is indeed the mysterious object that helped it.

The sudden change completely changed the situation. Such a dramatic change made Xing Jue a little unimaginable, because it was full of impossibilities, but no matter what, it happened for real, and what happened to Xing Jue It's a huge good thing.

With incomparable joy and excitement, Xing Jue cast his eyes on the spirit of the Soul Devouring Blade again. At this moment, the spirit of the weapon seemed to have recognized the situation in front of him. A little bit of fear.

"Bastard, what the hell are you? Why can you devour and refine the dark soul that I have worked so hard to refine for thousands of years!"

Even though facing the changing situation at this moment, the weapon spirit also showed panic, but his unwillingness still drove it to try to figure out the reason for all this.

"Heh, I think you forgot one thing. This dark soul is the power stored in you. Since it is stored, it doesn't exist. You can refine it. I just get back what belongs to me. Don't you understand? ?”

Xing Jue squinted his eyes slightly, with a faint smile on his mouth, stepping on the void, and walked towards the spirit of the Soul Devouring Blade step by step.

" are you going to do?"

"So what if you snatch my dark soul? Don't forget that this is my territory."

Seeing Xing Jue walking towards him, the weapon spirit seemed to panic even more. While staring at Xing Jue, it dragged the seriously injured body back, as if it wanted to return to the Soul Devouring Blade.


But when he was not far from the weapon spirit, Xing Jue suddenly stopped his figure, and then cast his eyes full of longing on the body of the Soul Eater, looking at the mountain-like With the huge Soul Devouring Blade, the corner of Xing Jue's mouth couldn't help but a smile of anticipation.


Suddenly, Xing Jue shot out his right arm, and the moment he spread his right palm, a majestic suction force burst out from his hand. At this moment, the violent hurricane was as fast as a flood from a sluice. The passage of time has completely blocked people's sight.

And the powerful force even changed the color of the situation in this space. Countless gravels hit Xingjue like a storm, but within half a meter away from Xingjue, they were all shattered and turned into dust.

Under such a powerful force, even the soul-devouring blade firmly inserted into the mountain began to vibrate violently, as if this powerful force was calling it.


Seeing that the Soul-devouring Blade had changed, the spirit of the Soul-devouring Blade also realized that something was wrong. He stood up vigorously and seemed to want to return to the body of the Soul-devouring Blade, but the power displayed by Xing Jue It was too strong, not to mention that it was extremely difficult for him to return to the body of Soul Devourer, even taking a step forward.


Finally, the Soul-devouring Blade could not resist the power of Xingjue. With the collapse of several mountains, the huge Soul-devouring Blade finally broke free from the bondage of the earth and shot straight towards Xingjue.

But the most strange thing is that the Soul Devouring Blade, which was as huge as a mountain peak, shrunk rapidly after leaving the mountain peak, and finally turned into a volume similar to the Shura Blade, and fell into Xing Jue's palm.

With the Soul-devouring Blade in hand, the violent wind that had been so violent before subsided instantly, and the place returned to its previous appearance in an instant, and Xing Jue looked at the Soul-devouring Blade in his hand with excitement. After a while, Xing Jue smiled in satisfaction, and then turned his gaze to the embarrassed Qi Ling and said:

"Actually, I want to tell you that from now on, this is my territory!"

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