Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 442 Good News

"Actually, I want to tell you that from now on, this is my territory!"

The sound of Xing Jue is strong and powerful, penetrating every corner of this world, coupled with the Soul Devouring Blade in hand, at this moment, Xing Jue is really like a king who rules the world, everything in this world is under its control In control.

"Hmph, Xingjue, don't be mad. The reason why my Soul Eater Blade can control this Soul Eater ancient tomb is because I have an inseparable connection with the ancient tomb."

"As long as I die, the ancient tomb will collapse, and you will never live!"

Suddenly, the spirit of Soul Devouring Blade roared crazily, and at this moment his body also began to emit strange energy. Layers of strange energy continued to spread invisibly, seeming to be pulling the entire ancient tomb, even The Soul Devouring Blade in Xing Jue's hands was also greatly affected, and this feeling was actually self-destructing!

"Hmph, are we going to die together? I'm afraid your wishful thinking will come to nothing!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Xing Jue let out a cold shout, only to see his figure sway slightly before disappearing, and when he reappeared in the current period, he was already in front of the soul-eating blade spirit, and Xing Jue's powerful The left hand was firmly clasped on the face of the spirit.


At the same time, a majestic force came out from the palm of Xing Jue and reflected into the body of the weapon spirit. At this moment, the previous fluctuations from the weapon spirit stopped instantly, and its body became numb again at this moment. up.

Qi Ling, who is the master of the body, is most aware of the changes in the body. Xing Jue is now using his powerful power to forcibly enter into a contract with him. If Xing Jue succeeds, Qi Ling will compromise with Xing Jue from the depths of his soul. Feng Xing Jue is the master, unless it dies, it will always be Xing Jue's slave.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do? I will not submit to you, I will not submit to anyone!"

Feeling that something was wrong, Soul Devourer Blade's weapon spirit yelled hoarsely, desperately trying to get rid of Xing Jue's control, but with its current power, hitting a stone with an egg would not help at all.

"Take it easy,'ll be in pain"

Seeing that the weapon spirit still wanted to resist, Xing Jue's mouth curled up into a strange smile, but after that smile, there was an incomparably ferocious look. I saw his palm exerted force again, and his five fingers were actually deeply drawn into the weapon. In the illusory head of Qi Ling, at the same time, a more majestic force is forcibly integrated into Qi Ling's body, occupying its body.


Qi Ling's shrill scream echoed in the surrounding mountains, and the moment the shriek stopped, the world of the Soul-devouring Tomb had already changed hands, and an earth-shaking change was about to begin.

At this moment, Xing Jue stepped on the void, standing in the mid-air of this world, surrounded by colorful rainbow lights flowing slowly around him, as if he was flattering the master of this world.

After a long time, Xing Jue's closed eyes finally opened, and at this moment, there was a ecstatic smile on the corner of his mouth, because now everything about this Soul Eater Ancient Tomb is under Xing Jue's control middle.

"The Soul-devouring Ancient Tomb is truly worthy of being the holy land of our Soul-devouring clan. There are actually hundreds of extremely precious spirit weapons in the Tianwu Continent. There are all kinds of high-grade treasure pills, and there are tens of thousands of treasure weapons. If a Soul Eater who successfully entered the ancient tomb can only take one item, it would really take tens of thousands of years to empty the ancient tomb."

Previously, Xing Jue was counting the treasures of this ancient tomb, and it was precisely because the result of the count was far beyond his expectations that Xing Jue was so excited, because the treasures of this Soul-eating ancient tomb were enough to make Xing Jue a leader in the Tianwu Continent. richest man.

Of course, this is to get rid of the fairy island, after all, Xingjue still doesn't know what kind of treasures there are in the fairy island.

"Seniors, come out."

After marveling for a while, Xing Jue suddenly raised his right arm and swung it towards the sky in front of him. A brilliant colorful light spread out and penetrated a large area of ​​space.

And when the dazzling light dissipated, thousands of figures appeared in front of Xing Jue and Xing Jue, looking around in bewilderment, and these people were none other than Soul Ji and the others.

"Xingjue, succeeded?"

Hun Ji and the others in the void deep in the depths were instantly summoned into the ancient tomb, and they were all at a loss, but when they saw Xingjue who was watching them with a faint smile not far away, However, everyone suddenly realized, and then they were even more joyful, and they flocked to Xing Jue.

"Seniors, now that I can't help but control the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb, I have one more news to tell you seniors." Xing Jue said with a smile on his face as he looked at the group of people of the same clan in front of him.

"Good news? What's the good news about Xing Jue? Come on..." Seeing this, the Soul Lady asked with great interest.

"Senior Hun Ji, this Soul Eater Ancient Tomb is a very special place. As long as you reach the level of the Emperor of War here, my Soul Eaters will not really die. The form remains, but..."

"It's alive!!!" Xing Jue looked at everyone with that special gaze, and said in that high voice.

"What? Xingjue, what did you say?"

"You say we're not dead? Are you sure? Are you sure it's true?"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Hun Ji couldn't believe her ears, her eyes widened, staring at Xing Jue closely, even their breathing became short of breath.

"Senior, I am sure, you are not dead!!!"

Looking at the unbelievable but excited crowd at this moment, Xing Jue could completely understand their mood at the moment, and then affirmed with great certainty.

"Oh my god, I didn't die, it's great, it's great!"

"This is simply unbelievable!!"

"Oh my god, I. I. I....... Woo~~~~~~"

As soon as Xing Jue's voice fell, bursts of cheers of joy rang out in this space. At this moment, this group of Zhan Emperor powerhouses are as hard to control their emotions as children, and some of them are even crying bitterly, with snot and tears. Covered all over the face.

"Then Xingjue, can we return to the mainland?" Compared to others, Soul Ji was quite calm, and then asked Xingjue a crucial question.

"To tell you the truth, the reason why you can survive for thousands of years without being limited by your lifespan is actually inseparable from that void space."

"That empty space has extremely strange energy, which can lock your lifespan. As long as you are in that empty space, your lifespan will stop consuming."

"However, as long as this empty space is still there, you can't leave the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb. On the contrary, as long as I release this empty space, you can regain your freedom. Returning to the mainland will naturally not be a problem."

"It's just that... you will lose your immortal body. On the contrary, your aging rate will be more than twice that of ordinary people." Seeing the question of Hun Ji, Xing Jue glanced at everyone solemnly.

"Xingjue, destroy the void space and let us go out!!!"

"Yes, we want to go out and see what that Soul Slash looks like, how dare he do such a rebellious thing."

"That's right, Xing Jue, let us go out, you are not alone in dealing with Soul Slash, he is the common enemy of our Soul Devourers."

"That's right, Xingjue. There are many people and strength is great. The strength of Soul Slash is no small matter, but if we join forces to use Soul-destroying Net, no matter how strong he is, he will not be our opponent."

As soon as Ke Xingjue's words fell, there were all kinds of shouts among the clansmen. They all had one wish, that is, to get out of the Soul-devouring ancient tomb and return to the mainland to avenge Soul Zhan. For them, this moment The rapid decline in lifespan is no longer a problem, and it is their greatest wish to seek justice for the Soul Eaters.

"The sentence is obeyed!"

Facing the blood of all the Soul Devourers, Xing Jue's infected blood spurted out, and then he bowed his hands respectfully to all the seniors, and with a wave of his sleeve, a golden barrier gate appeared. out, and this is the gate leading to Tianwu Continent.

"Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe"

Afterwards, Xing Jue was the first to step into the gate of the enchantment, and after him, countless figures stepped into it one after another.

Outside the Magic Moon Valley, the emerald green grass dances with the wind. Different from the smoldering mainland, everything here is extraordinarily peaceful, but this tranquility is completely broken by the creeping sky above the grassland.

I saw a gate with the words "Soul Eater Ancient Tomb" suddenly appearing, and as the gate opened, several figures came to use it one after another, and when the last figure stepped out of the gate, the space was completely empty. Thousands of people gathered, and dense figures appeared in this sky, and a majestic aura disrupted everything even more.

"Haha, I'm back, I'm back, I'm really back!!"

When these Soul Eaters who had been imprisoned in the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb for thousands of years appeared, bursts of thunderous roars resounded in the sky. They kept looking around, like a child for the first time. As if seeing this world, the ecstasy in their hearts was clearly shown on their faces.

Looking at the seniors who kept cheering, Xing Jue also had a joyful smile on the corner of his mouth. Xing Jue was completely understandable about the excitement of the crowd, so Xing Jue's mood became particularly joyful in this atmosphere.

Ever since he knew that he was a member of the Soul Devourer clan, the only clan member he had ever seen was old, and suddenly there were so many people of the same clan by his side. This kind of intimacy from the blood made Xing Jue extraordinarily comfortable.

(Brothers, a new week begins tomorrow. Do you remember our agreement? Click on the top 15, let me see everyone's strength, let's start a new journey together, let's work hard!)

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