This man stood in front of Xing Jue and the others with his hands behind his back. His white robe, as white as snow, danced in the wind, like an immortal who descended from the sky, and his whole body exuded a refined temperament.

As for the energy ripples that were still spreading, they seemed to be blocked in front of the man, rolling and tumbling half a meter away from the man but stagnating.

Although he couldn't see the man's face at this moment, the gentle aura emanating from the man made Xing Jue feel extremely comfortable, making it indescribable. He just blankly injected the mysterious man who appeared suddenly.


At this moment, Dugu Haoyu, who had already been trapped in the soil, struggled to crawl out of the soil without the oppression of Soul Zhan, wanting to wait and see what happened in front of him.

" are?"

And when he saw the man in front of him, his body trembled violently, and his face was full of disbelief, which can only be described as shock. Although it was just a back view, Dugu Haoyu did find something in this man. The extremely familiar feeling, it was this special feeling that made him so unbelievable.

But at this moment, the majestic energy ripples gradually dissipated, and the figure of this man also appeared in the sight of everyone. The Soul Eaters were all stunned by the appearance of this man in front of them, although they all They didn't know the man in front of them, but they could block Soul Zhan's attack. They could all imagine that this man had absolutely extraordinary strength.


But compared to them, Soul Zhan standing in the sky is like Dugu Haoyu, his body is trembling violently, it is a huge emotional fluctuation, and it can be clearly seen on his face that is beyond recognition. Feeling that emotion, it was anger, a kind of unspeakable anger, and his eyes were full of crazy killing intent!

"Dugu Changyi!!!!!!!!!"

Suddenly, a crazy roar sounded from Soul Zhan's mouth. The invisible sound wave was so powerful that it swept across the Tianwu Continent in an instant. The majestic coercion made everyone have to cover their ears. Resist the penetrating volume.

And at this moment, even the ground below has collapsed. If not for the strength of the Zhan Emperor, everyone present may have already lost their lives.

"What? Dugu Changyi?"

When the sound of Soul Slashing sounded, the faces of Yao Yutian and Dan Gu who were about to rush to conquer the Profound Palace couldn't help but their faces changed drastically, and incredible emotions were impacting their hearts.

But at this moment, the two of them didn't stop because of this. Instead, they suppressed the confusion in their hearts, accelerated the speed under them, and rushed towards Xuandian.


The roar of Soul Zhan before had clearly caught Xing Jue's ears, but at this moment, looking at the man in front of him again, Xing Jue couldn't even believe everything in front of him.

The word "Father" kept swirling in his mouth, but for some reason, he still couldn't say it, he just stared blankly at Dugu Changyi in front of him, he didn't even dare to blink, he was afraid that when he opened it again Dugu Changyi is no longer there.

"Changyi... is it really you?"

At this time, not only Xing Jue was excited, but also Dugu Haoyu who was seriously injured. In fact, when Dugu Changyi first appeared, Dugu Haoyu already suspected that he was Dugu Changyi, but until now he still didn't dare Believe in the facts before him, because back then he saw Dugu Changyi being blown to death by the Xuantian Sealing Magic Talisman.


At this moment, I saw the Dugu Changyi sleeve robe standing behind his back gently flicking, a strange energy shield enveloped Xingjue, Li Xiaohan and Dugu Haoyu, and at the same time a strange temperature increased It is diffused everywhere among the three of them.

And at this moment, the pain that filled the bodies of the three of them was slowing down at a rapid speed, and even the wounds were healing at a rapid speed. Such a strange effect, even the heavenly treasure pill is far from being able to achieve it.

"Forgive me for being late!"

But when Xingjue and the others were amazed by the strange energy of this energy shield, Dugu Changyi finally turned his head sideways, revealing his face.

This is a slightly vicissitudes of life, but it is full of resolute face, and the outline of the facial features is extremely imaginable, especially the deep eyes, full of resilience, even wisdom that ordinary people can't match.

And when such a pair of eyes looked at him, Xing Jue could clearly feel that the blood in his body was boiling.

After looking at Xing Jue for a while, Dugu Changyi suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a slight arc on the corner of his mouth. Although he didn't say anything, it was just such a smile, which conveyed his respect for Xing Jue. Affirmation, and the endless miss for more than two decades.

"Dugu Changyi, you're not dead?" But at this moment, that angry roar resounded in the air again.

"Oh, what? Hun Zhan, is it unbelievable?" Seeing Hun Zhan asking, Dugu Changyi reluctantly turned his eyes away from Xing Jue, and cast his eyes on Hun Zhan who was in the sky above.

"Could it be that it was just a clone back then? Impossible, with my soul power, it's impossible not to recognize the clone." Soul Zhan recalled that scene back then, and still couldn't believe that Dugu Changyi escaped death under his nose .

"It is because you are too confident in your soul power that you let me pass the test as a clone. Since I can instantly seal your soul and prevent you from performing soul explosion, it is natural to avoid your soul detection."

Dugu Changyi smiled at Soul Zhan, but there was meaningless anger on his face, but such a bland smile was the most ironic ridicule in Soul Zhan's eyes.

"Hmph, just right!"

"I dreamed of beheading you personally, but today you have fulfilled me."

"suffer to death"

Suddenly, Soul Zhan swung his right arm, spread out his palm and struck out suddenly, layers of violent energy ripples appeared in the air.


Afterwards, a majestic dark tornado formed in mid-air. The tornado swept across the sky, but it fell straight towards Dugu Changyi. Such a terrifying attack was already difficult for everyone to resist just because of the coercion it radiated.

"Go, get out of here."

Feeling the coercion emanating from the dark tornado, Hun Ji already realized that something was wrong. Although she didn't know whether Dugu Changyi could withstand the attack of Xia Hunzhan at this moment, if she continued to stay in this battle circle for a long time, alone It is the aftermath of the battle that can kill them.

Before the attack arrived, the coercion took the lead. The majestic coercion made Dugu Changyi's robe flutter and his hair flutter, but he always kept that calm smile on his face, and he never even blinked his eyes .

But at this moment, the dark black tornado had come crashing down. With such a powerful force, even the three of Xing Jue, who were in the energy shield, tensed their nerves, and broke into a cold sweat for Dugu Changyi.


However, just as the tornado fell, Dugu Changyi let out a soft drink, and the extremely violent tornado stopped instantly a few meters away from him, and began to gradually dissipate, and disappeared completely after a while. No trace was left behind, and what shocked everyone the most was that Dugu Changyi didn't even move a finger to defuse such a powerful attack.

"how is this possible……"

"Could it be... Could it be... Could it be that you..."

At this moment, the most shocked person among the crowd was the attacking Soul Zhan. He was standing in mid-air, his face was extremely ugly, and his round eyes were full of disbelief.

"Heh... Soul Zhan, in order to find the holy stone, I searched almost all over the mainland, visited countless ancient sites, and visited several forbidden places, but in the end I only found two holy stones."

"The power of the holy stone is very powerful, and it has energy that I have never seen before, but even so, I can be sure that only two holy stones will not allow me to break through to the holy war in one fell swoop."

"And at that time, I was seen through by you as a descendant of the Soul Devourer Clan, so I designed a fake death, and I didn't even tell my closest brother and lover, in order to make you believe that I am true." is dead."

"I bear the incomparable guilt and longing for my elder brother, Shuiyue and Jue'er. I have been suffering incognito for more than [-] years, just to wait for a special day."

"That is the present world of the vision of the sky, because I know that there are not many holy stones left on the mainland, and the only way to break through the holy war is to wait for another catastrophe."

"And now, I have finally reached the level of a war saint!"

Dugu Changyi stared at Soul Zhan with blazing eyes, and described what happened to him word by word. At this moment, the truth of why he was able to live until today and how to achieve the Holy War has been thoroughly revealed.

"Impossible, the Holy Demon is so powerful, and you can kill it alone?" Although Dugu Changyi had clearly stated the facts, Soul Zhan still refused to believe what he said.

"Ha ha ha ha…."

"Soul Zhan, what I have done is something you, a scum stained with the blood of your own race, can understand?"

"Stop talking nonsense, today, let me settle the old accounts from the past together."


Suddenly, Dugu Changyi stepped forward, and a majestic energy shot up into the sky. At this moment, Dugu Changyi's figure had long since disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was actually behind Soul Zhan, and the palm that could crush a mountain range into dust was grabbing towards Soul Zhan's neck.

"Don't be ashamed!"

For Dugu Changyi's sudden attack, Soul Zhan seemed to have been prepared long ago. With a twist of his wrist, the middle-grade spiritual weapon, the Black Curse Long Sword, appeared in his palm. When his body retreated violently, the Black Curse Long Sword was already With that dark light, he slashed at Dugu Changyi's arm.


But what Ling Hun Zhan never expected was that with such a powerful blow from him, Dugu Changyi not only did not dodge or dodge, but turned his wrist, unexpectedly grasping the body of the Black Curse Long Sword in the palm of his hand. middle.


Then I saw his arm pull back vigorously, Soul Zhan only felt his palm go numb, the black curse long sword was actually in Dugu Changyi's hands.

(Don't be stingy with the flowers, Xingjue and I need your support)

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