Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 450 Sanctuary Tianmen


Looking at his empty right hand, and then at the black cursed sword in Dugu Changyi's hand, Soul Zhan's expression changed drastically. He never imagined that with his current strength, he would be easily defeated by Dugu Changyi. It is a great shame and humiliation for him to take away the spirit weapon.

"The spirit weapon of the Soul Devourers, you are not worthy to use it."

At this moment, Dugu Changyi ignored Soul Zhan's astonished gaze at all. Instead, a strange light emerged from his palm, and then wiped down along the body of the black curse sword.


And with the movement of Dugu Changyi's palm, bursts of strange sounds came out from the black curse sword, that sound was like a violent wild beast refusing to be tamed by a hunter, but this kind of resistance was in Dugu Changyi's hands. But he seemed so powerless in front of his own strength, gradually this strange sound became weaker and weaker, and when Dugu Changyi's palm passed across the sword edge, that sound also completely disappeared.

"Bastard, what did you do?"

At this moment, Soul Zhan, whose face was already slightly pale, even began to feel frightened, because he was shocked to find that he had completely lost contact with the Black Curse Sword, and that his contract with the Black Curse Sword was actually broken. It was lifted, and obviously the person who canceled his contract with the Black Curse Sword was Dugu Changyi in front of him.

Although there are strong and weak points between the strong at the same level, but the spiritual weapon contract of the strong at the same level can be easily cut off. This gap is too great.

Soul Zhan, who was full of momentum before, is now completely entangled in fear like a deflated ball, because he is not a fool, although it was just a simple fight, he has already realized that there is a huge gap between him and Dugu Changyi. difference.

"Dugu Changyi, I want you to die badly."

Thinking of this, Soul Zhan's face suddenly became extremely ferocious, and at the same time his figure retreated violently, but when he waved his sleeve robe, countless dark spells filled it, like densely packed The locusts spread out from his sleeves and then surrounded Dugu Changyi tightly.


Between the surging spells, there was a sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves. The sound seemed to be breathtaking. The powerhouses of the Xuan Palace who had fled to the distance were actually holding their heads and crying bitterly at this moment. The intention came from the heart, covering their sad faces, and then some weak people started to blew themselves up to death.

"It's actually the forbidden talisman of the Soul Devourers, the soul-destroying talisman!!!"

"Cover your ears now."

Looking at the spell that filled the sky, Ji Hun couldn't help but frown, because she already recognized that the spell that filled the sky was a taboo spell of the Soul Devourers. This kind of spell was extremely powerful, and the most important thing was this Each spell is refined by a person's soul, and the power is determined by that person's power.

It was banned by the clan just because the production method was too cruel. Gradually, the method of making the soul-destroying talisman has long been lost in the soul-devouring clan. symbol.

"Soul Zhan, you are a complete beast"

Feeling the tens of thousands of Soul Seizing Talismans in the sky, Hun Ji was extremely angry, because she could guess that these Soul Seizing Talismans were probably made from the souls of the Soul Devourers.

"Hmph, do you want to hold me back so that you can take the opportunity to escape?"

Countless soul-destroying talismans hovered in the air around Dugu Changyi, but they did not attack Dugu Changyi for a long time. He glanced at the soul-destroying talismans around him lightly, but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Dugu Changyi's mouth.

"Soul Explosion"

Suddenly, Dugu Changyi yelled violently, and unleashed the strongest martial skill of the Soul Devourer Clan, Soul, and then his body turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

And almost at the moment when Dugu Changyi disappeared, countless dark energy ripples were set off in the sky. The dark ripples poured down from the sky like fireworks, but there was extremely terrifying power in them.

Those energy ripples poured down like a stream of water, but when they hit the ground, they actually directly penetrated the surface, and continued to penetrate deep into the surface area.

But at this moment, everyone's eyes were not attracted by the ripples of these soul-destroying talismans, but concentrated on a white light, because that was Dugu Changyi.

Previously, Dugu Changyi actually took advantage of the instant hegemony caused by the explosion of the soul, and with the help of his terrifying speed, he used his body as an attack to instantly crack these soul-destroying talismans, but at this moment he is heading straight towards the direction of soul-slashing escape chase away.


Watching the two beams of light fleeing towards the distance at an extremely fast speed, Xing Jue's eyes were filled with a trace of worry. Although Dugu Changyi's strength was far beyond his expectations, he still felt uneasy in his heart .

"Sanctuary Gate"


But just when Dugu Changyi was about to catch up to Soul Zhan, Soul Zhan suddenly stopped his figure and at the same time threw his palm towards the sky, and a strange light shot up into the sky and shot into the sky.


And at this moment, the white clouds pervading the sky dispersed in an instant, and then a dazzling golden light descended from the sky. The brilliance of the light already covered up the sunlight, and its majestic area was like a staircase reaching the sky. The light does not come from the clouds, but from the depths of the sky. There are many strange spells filling up the light everywhere, which seems to contain endless profound meanings.

"Oops, he actually opened the Sanctuary Tianmen at this time"

And looking at the golden light that descended from the sky and enveloped Soul Slash, Dugu Changyi's always peaceful face also became extremely dignified at this moment.


Then Dugu Changyi suddenly turned around, and unexpectedly rushed towards the direction where Xing Jue and Dugu Haoyu were.


Dugu Changyi was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he was back in front of Xingjue, Li Xiaohan, and Dugu Haoyu, and when he fell, he turned his wrist and inserted the black curse sword into the ground in front of Xingjue among.

"Jue'er, quickly integrate your soul power into the black curse sword." Dugu Changyi said eagerly to Xing Jue.


Although he didn't know what Dugu Changyi meant, Xing Jue didn't dare to hesitate when he saw Dugu Changyi's eagerness. After attaching his palm to the black curse sword, he merged his soul power into it. in.


And when the soul power merged into the black curse long sword, Xing Jue's face suddenly changed, because he could clearly feel that there was a strange resonance in the depths of his soul at this moment, and this feeling Xing Jue also understood that Dugu Changyi was actually helping him to forcibly sign a contract with the Black Curse Sword.

Dugu Changyi's power is so powerful, almost at the moment when Xing Jue integrated his soul power, he signed the contract between Xing Jue and the Black Curse Long Sword.

"Jueer, take good care of your mother, treat the people of Tianwu Continent well, I will leave this to you"

After helping Xing Jue to sign the contract with the Black Curse Long Sword, Dugu Changyi narrowed his eyes slightly and carefully looked at Xing Jue's face with that special gaze, then turned around and prepared to walk towards the light beam .

"Father!!!" Seeing that Dugu Changyi was about to leave, Xing decided to tighten his head, and finally called out the two words he had always wanted to say.


And when he heard Xing Jue's words, Dugu Changyi's footsteps were even more paused, and his body trembled slightly at this moment. Although no one could detect it, at this moment his heart was indeed shaking like a huge wave. surging.

"Father, are you going to the Sanctuary?" Xing Jue hurriedly stepped forward to ask, seeing Zhi Zhi's figure alone and Chang Yi.Because he has already felt the extraordinaryness of that golden light.

"Well, Soul Slash opened the heavenly gate leading to the sanctuary, and he will enter the sanctuary under the guidance of the heavenly gate of the sanctuary."

"The sanctuary is unknown to us, but it is said that every heavenly gate leading to the sanctuary will lead to a different place."

"This Hun Zhan's hands are covered with the blood of my Soul Devourers, I absolutely cannot let him escape." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Dugu Changyi turned his head and explained to him.


After hearing Dugu Changyi's words, Xing Jue lowered his head slowly, because after the thoughts in his heart were verified, Xing Jue wanted to tell his father not to go to that place alone, but for some reason he didn't I can't speak, maybe I know, even if I speak, I can't keep it.

"Don't worry, Jue, father will live a good life and wait for you to come to the Sanctuary to reunite with me." Seeing Xing Jue's appearance, Dugu Changyi slowly raised his palm and rubbed Xing Jue's hair.


Afterwards, without waiting for Xing Jue to reply, his figure turned into a white light and rushed towards the Heavenly Gate of the Sanctuary at high speed.

And at this moment, Xing Jue hastily raised his head, staring at Dugu Changyi who was getting further and further away from him, the father who made him a role model all the way.

"Hmph, Dugu Changyi, even if you are stronger than me now, how can you stand against me?"

"If you have the guts, come and follow me to the sanctuary and have a showdown!"

At this moment, under the cover of that golden light, Soul Zhan's body was floating towards the sky at a very high speed, and his provocative voice resounded even more in the sky.

"as you wish"

But what Ling Hun Zhan never expected was that when his voice just fell, Dugu Changyi's figure had already appeared in the golden light, chasing Hun Zhan at a terrifying speed.

"Okay, okay, okay you Dugu Changyi, since you insist on seeking death, I'm satisfied with you."

Looking at Dugu Changyi rushing from below at a high speed, Soul Zhan's already extremely terrifying face suddenly became extremely ferocious, and with his appearance, it was impossible to tell whether he was excited or frightened.


And at this moment, the golden light falling from the sky and illuminating the earth actually shrunk towards the sky at an extremely fast speed, and it disappeared completely in just a moment, and at this moment, the sky returned to its previous bottleneck, and even the earth became abnormal It's just that at this moment, with the disappearance of the golden light, there are also Dugu Changyi and Soul Zhan.

"Father, you must wait for the baby." Looking at the place where Dugu Changyi disappeared before, Xing Jue suddenly said in his heart with that resolute voice.

"Brother Xing Jue, don't worry, with uncle's strength, he can easily kill that soul even in the Sanctuary." But at this moment, Li Xiaohan walked slowly to Xing Jue and comforted him with a smile .

Under the healing of Dugu Changyi's strange energy shield, the bodies of Xing Jue and the others have recovered [-]% at this moment, and the skin trauma on the body surface has completely healed.

But at this moment, for Li Xiaohan's comfort, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then he turned his wrist, and the hall master's token of the Asura Hall emerged, and then Xing Jue sent Xiao Han through this hall master's token. Bai, Xiaolong, and Xuanhuang Devil delivered a message.

"Brother Xingjue, who are you?" Looking at the news sent by Xingjue, Li Xiaohan asked a little puzzled.Because this is actually an emergency summons.

"Xiaohan, do you still remember the fairy island I told you about?" Seeing Li Xiaohan's question, Xing Jue turned his head slowly and asked instead.

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