Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 451 Conversation

"Xiandao, of course I remember." Li Xiaohan nodded in response.

Regarding the fairy island, Li Xiaohan had indeed been mentioned by Xing Jue. At that time, Xing Jue told Li Xiaohan that there was a huge treasure in the fairy island, and told Li Xiaohan not to tell anyone this secret.

"The fairy island was built by the survivors of the last catastrophe in Tianwu Continent. Although the last catastrophe did leave a few holy stones in Tianwu Continent, I think there should be holy stones in that fairy island. "Looking at Li Xiaohan's puzzled expression, Xing Jue explained to him.

"Brother Xingjue, do you want it?" Li Xiaohan asked in surprise.Because at this moment she has heard the meaning of Xing Jue's words.

"That's right, regardless of whether there are any holy stones in the fairy island, I will go there." Xing Jue confirmed with certainty.

"Father, don't worry, I will go to the sanctuary to reunite with you as soon as possible. Even if there is no holy stone, I will break through to the holy war." Then Xing Jue slowly raised his head, and cast his firm eyes on the place where Dugu Changyi disappeared .

After this battle, Xuandian, known as the most powerful defensive force in the Tianwu Continent, was severely damaged.The towering and gorgeous buildings have been turned into huge boulders and scattered everywhere, and countless deep cracks are scattered all over the ground. Today's Xuandian has been completely turned into a waste area.

However, thousands of people wearing the same robes are scattered on this waste area. These are naturally the members of the Soul Eater clan. At this moment, they have each swallowed the high-grade treasure pill and are recuperating.

"Hall Master Xing Jue, no matter how you say it is a great thing that Chang Yi is still alive."

"Although they have entered the sanctuary now, with Changyi's strength, there will be absolutely no surprises."

"The catastrophe in the Tianwu Continent is now over. As the powerhouses of the Tianwu Continent, we should take it as our duty to help the people rebuild their homes."

"But anyway, a group of dragons cannot be without a leader. Patriarch Dan and I have always felt that you are the most suitable to take the next seat."

At this moment, on the top of a huge remnant stone in Xuandian, three powerful figures are fighting on it, and this is Xing Jue, Yao Yutian, and Dan Gu. They are discussing about rebuilding the mainland at this moment.

Before, although they hadn't been able to see Dugu Changyi with their own eyes, they could clearly see the golden light from the Heavenly Gate of the Sanctuary, and at this moment they roughly understood what happened.

And after learning that Soul Slash had infiltrated the sanctuary and that the person who threatened the powerhouses in the mainland had disappeared, the patriarchs of the two ancient races also felt relieved.

But right now, not to mention the sudden appearance of thousands of war emperors from the Soul Devourer Clan, just saying that Xing Jue has the strength of a high-ranking war emperor is far from being able to compete with them, so at this moment, Yao Yutian and Dan Gu have decided to serve Xing Jue. In the lead, let Xing Jue preside over the current situation.

"Clan Chief Yao, Patriarch Dan, the rebuilding of the mainland is related to the shelter of tens of billions of souls in the Tianwu Continent. I, Shura Hall, will definitely spare no effort to help everyone."

"But I, Xing Jue, can't afford this so-called leader position." Xing Jue refused with a smile and shook his head.

"Hall Master Xing Jue, if you don't come to preside over the overall situation, I'm afraid Tongxuan Guifeng's disposition won't intervene in the rebuilding of the continent at all... And..." Seeing Xing Jue's refusal, Yao Yutian suddenly became irritable.

"The reason why there were five ancient races in the Tianwu Continent in ancient times was because the heavens didn't want one family to dominate and destroy the balance of the continent."

"After thousands of years, although the five ancient races have become three, even though the Soul Devourers have disappeared for a hundred years, and the Sky Spirit Clan has been in civil strife for several years, the balance of the continent has not changed because of the four major forces."

"This balance dominates the fate of Tianwu Continent's better development, so I don't want this balance to be broken."

"Although those who are capable should contribute to the rebuilding of the continent, we can't force others. If the Beast City and the Celestial Race are unwilling to contribute, they can only let them do so."

"But whoever has done good deeds, whoever refuses to save anyone, there must be conclusions in the minds of all living beings, and this conclusion will also affect the balance of Tianwu Continent in the future." Xing Jue said to the two with a faint smile.

"Eh... If that's the case, then we have to follow what the Lord Xing Jue said."

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Yao Yutian and Dan Gu were taken aback for a moment, but then they both felt that Xing Jue's words made sense, and they both nodded in agreement.

"Sister Yanran, is that brother Xingjue's lover?"

While Xing Jue was discussing with Yao Yutian and Dan Gu, Wang Yanran and Yao Xinyan watched Xing Jue silently from a distance, but when they knew that Li Xiaohan, who was chatting with Hun Ji not far away, was his lover, Yao Xin But Yan still couldn't help confirming to Wang Yanran.

"Well, I just didn't expect that sister Xiaohan would reach the level of a high-ranking war emperor in just a few years. The two of them are really a match made in heaven." Seeing Yao Xinyan's question, Wang Yanran nodded in response.

But at this moment, Wang Yanran couldn't help but recall the scene when she saw Li Xiaohan and Xingjue together in the Warcraft Mountains of the Eastern Continent. At that time, the two were only disciples of the main pavilion of Yufeng Pavilion, and they had grown up in just a few years. For the sake of the strongest existence in the Tianwu Continent, at this moment she knew why the two of them came together, because evildoers, only evildoers can afford it.

"It's really beautiful, Brother Xing Jue has a good eye." Looking at the fairy-like Li Xiaohan not far away, Yao Xinyan also showed an appreciative smile.

"Sister Yanran."

But at this moment, Li Xiaohan who was not far away had already spotted Wang Yanran. When she saw Wang Yan, a smile of joy appeared on Li Xiaohan's innocent face, and then her delicate body was stretched in the snow-white dress. While the wind was fluttering, she had already arrived in front of Wang Yanran.

"Junior Sister Xiaohan, I haven't seen you for many years and you have become a great beauty." Seeing Li Xiaohan coming to greet her, Wang Yanran also praised with a smile on her face.

"Heh, Senior Sister Yanran actually made fun of my younger sister." After hearing Wang Yanran's words, Li Xiaohan's tender eyes could not help but narrow slightly, showing her sweet smile.

"Senior Sister Yanran, who is this younger sister?" Then Li Xiaohan turned her narrowed eyes to Yao Xinyan who was beside Wang Yanran.

"Hi sister Xiaohan, my name is Yaoxinyan, you can call me Xiaoyan, hehe..." Seeing Li Xiaohan looking at her, before Wang Yanran could speak, Yaoxinyan recommended herself.

Facing such a cheerful and lively Yao Xinyan, Li Xiaohan also had a good impression of her, and then the three women who had a special affection for Xingjue chatted.

Time passed slowly, and while the three of them were chatting unknowingly, the sunny sky had already been replaced by the starry night.

However, Li Xiaohan, Wang Yanran, and Yao Xinyan seemed to have something that they couldn't help talking about. The silver bell-like laughter of the three peerless beauties kept ringing, echoing in this slightly silent sky, turning this piece of starlight The diffuse night sky embellishes everyone beautifully.

"Hey~ Xiaohan, you can't betray me like this"

But every time Li Xiaohan and the other three laughed, Xing Jue, who was sitting on a boulder, sighed helplessly, his pretty face full of bitterness.

Because of the relatively strong soul power, the conversation between Li Xiaohan and the three of them can be clearly heard by Xing Jue, and whenever the three of them laugh the happiest, it is because they have heard some embarrassing things about Xing Jue.

"Brother Xingjue, it seems that you are really a passionate seed."

Just when Xing Jue felt depressed because Li Xiaohan conveyed her embarrassing things to Wang Yanran and Yao Xinyan unreservedly, Hun Ji's voice suddenly sounded behind Xing Jue.

"Before the concubine of the soul..., uh... sister of the concubine of the soul"

He turned his head to look at the concubine Hun who had a beautiful face and a proud figure.Xing Jue was about to call him senior Hunji, but at this moment he realized that it was indeed inappropriate to call such a young and beautiful woman senior, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly and really called sister.

"Hey, tell my sister, which of these three girls do you like best?"

Hearing Xing Jue's words about sister Hun Ji, Hun Ji was also taken aback for a moment, but then a seductive smile appeared on her charming face, and at the same time she simply sat beside Xing Jue and used the torture method His eyes were fixed on Xing Jue.

"I..." However, Xing Jue's mouth tightened when he heard Hun Ji's words. For some reason, he hesitated at this moment for the answer that was so certain in his heart.

"Don't say you only like Xiaohan, those two girls have had a lot of relationship with you, right? Don't you have any feelings at all?" Soul Ji said with a smile.

"..." However, Xingjue's silence was still what he got in return.

"Brother, don't hide your true feelings, tell your sister what you think, and I promise not to tell Xiaohan." Seeing that Xing Jue hesitated, Hun Ji said with a smile.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, Senior Sister Wang, I really only treat her as a big sister, but as for Yao Xinyan... I really feel a little unclear. They are all people I want to protect."

"But no matter which one it is, it's very different from how I feel about Xiaohan. I'm not sure if I really like Yaoxinyan, but what I can be sure of is that I love Xiaohan very much."

"So... Xiaohan alone is enough for Xing Jue's life." Xing Jue said with a faint smile on his face, but full of determination.


"Oh, sister Xiaohan saw you right." Concubine Hun was stunned at Xing Jue's answer, but then she showed a very satisfied smile.

"Brother Xingjue..."

But at this moment, the face of Li Xiaohan, who was chatting enthusiastically with Wang Yanran and Yao Xinyan, suddenly changed, because he had heard all the conversations between Xing Jue and Hun Ji.

But that kind of surprise only stayed for a moment, and was replaced by a touching smile. As a woman, who doesn't want her beloved to stay only by her side.

But in order to let Xing Jue get greater happiness and happiness, Li Xiaohan also offered to let Xing Jue accept her, but at this moment she changed her mind, because she felt that since Xing Jue loved her so much, she would Xing Jue shouldn't be forced to do things he doesn't want to do.

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