"The power of Shura finally found you."

Seeing the power of Shura floating in his palm, Xing Jue couldn't help but smile excitedly on his resolute face.

Because at this moment Xing Jue came here to find the power of Shura, and because the catastrophe came very urgently, Xing Jue forgot to transfer the power of Shura located on the outskirts of the towering domain.

After the catastrophe, the Shura Mountains were razed to the ground by the powerful power of the holy demon, and the power of Shura was also buried deep in the ground, so the scene just happened.

And the reason why Xing Jue is looking for the power of Shura is because the origin of the power of Shura is quite mysterious, it falls from the sky, and the depths of the sky cannot be reached even with the power of Xing Jue, as if there is no end, but Xing Jue I feel that no matter how high the sky is, there will always be an end, but there may be the legendary sanctuary there.

And since the power of Shura descended from the sky, it means that it came from the sanctuary. Moreover, the power of Shura has the same characteristics as the soul, that is, it can be refined by relying on the Soul Devouring Jue. Even with the power of Xingjue, he couldn't bear the violent energy of Shura's power.

But now Xing Jue, who has reached the Saint of War, feels the power of Shura's power again, and finds that the sense of violence has shrunk, which shows that as long as Xing Jue continues to practice, he will be able to refine the power of Shura one day.

And right now, Xing Jue is about to step into the mysterious and unknown sanctuary. Having such a treasure is always beneficial and harmless. After all, this kind of thing will be used sooner or later.


After looking at the Shura's power with joy for a moment, a ray of light shot out from the Soul Eater Order of his index finger, and with the disappearance of that ray of light, the Shura's power disappeared.

The interior of the Soul Eater Tomb is the huge Soul Eater Ancient Tomb, and the Soul Eater Tomb is already Ling Cheng's space, and everything in this world is controlled by Xingjue, so the Soul Eater Token is Xingjue's storage bracelet today.


After retracting Shura's power, Xing Jue's figure disappeared into the sky in a turn, and he was speeding through the sky at a speed that even the Emperor Zhan couldn't see his figure, and his destination was located at The small island in the boundless sea, because Xingjue's most important relatives are gathered there at this moment.

Xingjue's speed is very fast, and the normal flight speed alone is several times faster than opening the space tunnel. In other words, with Xingjue's current power, he has become the real master of this continent.

As long as he wants to listen, he can hear the conversations of people in the whole mainland. As long as he wants to do it, there is almost nothing he can't do in the mainland. And just at this moment, Xing is determined to expand his hearing on a whim. He wants to listen to the mainland What are the people in Shura Palace doing?

"Why is she?"

But just after expanding his hearing, Xing Jue heard a very familiar voice, and then Xing Jue turned around and rushed towards the direction where the sound came from.

"Father, leave me alone and take my sister away."

"Shut up, there is no reason in the world for a father to abandon his daughter?"

In the depths of a mountain range in the towering area, two figures are shuttling at a very high speed. This is a rather handsome young woman and a middle-aged man. This man has thick eyebrows and sharp eyes. His face was rather haggard, and he kept spitting out a large mouthful of rough air from his mouth, which showed that his health was extremely bad.

And behind him was a young and beautiful woman, and this woman was none other than Yu Shiman, and this middle-aged man was the all-powerful alliance leader in the towering domain, Yu Lei, As for the other woman, it is Yu Shiman's sister, Yu Ting.

When the catastrophe was approaching, Yu Shiman, his father and daughter, three prisoners of the Shura Palace, were escorted by the strong men of the Shura Palace to the Profound Palace for refuge.And after the catastrophe, because of the chaos caused by the powerhouses of various forces competing for the holy stone, the three of Yu Shiman, father and daughter took the opportunity to escape from the guardianship of the powerhouses in the Asura Hall.

Originally, they had successfully escaped, and wanted to find a place where no one would live in peace, but what they didn't expect was that they met two former enemies. The strength of a war emperor.

With his strong strength, Yu Lei was not afraid of the two of them, but he still had two sisters Yu Shiman and Yu Ting by his side. When protecting Yu Shiman and Yu Ting, Yu Lei accidentally fell in love with them. A fire talisman in his hand was wounded, so he had to take Yu Shiman and flee all the way to this place.

"Father, it's all my fault. If I wasn't self-willed, my Yu family wouldn't be in this situation."

"Let's go with my sister, anyway, the only person they want to arrest is me." Looking at the father who was out of breath, and then at the sister who was running hard beside him, Yu Shiman said with a face full of guilt.

"Xiaoman, don't be stupid, the two of them have a feud with my Yu family, even if you are willing to be taken away by them, they will not let me and my father go."

Seeing this, Yu Ting turned her head and gave Yu Shiman a hard look, but there was an imperceptible distress hidden in this seemingly reproachful gaze.

Ever since Meng Mansion was defeated by Shura Palace and Ting Xuecheng, and their father and daughter became prisoners of Shura Palace, Yu Shiman never laughed again, and said similar self-blaming words countless times.

As a sister, Yu Ting can completely feel Yu Shiman's inner pain and endless guilt, and she is also extremely distressed, but no matter how hard she persuades, Yu Shiman can't get out of that shadow, because Yu Shiman lost Not just the family, but her loved ones.

"Hahaha, this little girl is still smart. If you catch one, you'll catch it, and if you catch three, you'll catch it. Is there any reason for us to let the other two go?"

But at this moment, a voice full of pride suddenly sounded above them, and at the same time, two majestic forces also descended from the sky, and when Yu Lei reacted, they were completely overwhelmed by this force. surrounded.



With one hit, Yu Lei spewed a mouthful of blood immediately, and then his body fell to the ground fiercely, and Yu Shiman also fell hard to the side, only Yu Ting landed steadily on Yu Shi Man's side, but at this moment she is bound by those two powerful forces.


And at this moment, two figures landed on both sides of the three of them, one behind the other, and surrounded the three of Yu Shiman.

These are two elderly men, both of whom are wearing shabby cloth clothes. Their long sixtieth hair is messy and scattered on their shoulders. At first glance, they look like two old beggars. His fascinated eyes were circling around the bodies of the two sisters Yu Shiman and Yu Ting, and there was a lewd smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, I said Yu Lei, don't look at your appearance, your two daughters are really not ordinary signs."

"At the beginning, your Mengfu suppressed my two brothers badly enough, but it seems that God has eyes, and let my two brothers meet you again to avenge their past."

"Don't worry, your lives are valuable now. It's not because of anything else, but because you are prisoners of the Shura Palace. With the current strength of the Shura Palace, we will definitely get a lot of benefits from entrusting the three of you."

"But of course, we won't send you there so cheaply. Before that, we two brothers want to enjoy the delicious bodies of your two daughters, hahaha..."

These two beggar-like old men, at this moment, their lustful eyes are already glowing green, and sticky saliva has begun to seep from their mouths full of bad breath. While talking, they think of Yu Shiman and Yu Ting respectively The sisters go.

"You dare, I will fight with you."


Seeing that these two old things actually wanted to violate his daughter, Yu Lei was extremely angry, but at this moment, he was even seriously injured, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up, so he could only watch the two An old pervert walked towards his daughter.

"Don't come here, I will explode and die if I come here again."

And Yu Shiman and Yu Ting, who are still the eldest daughters of Huanghua, are terrified of the approach of the two old perverts. Their eyes are full of despair. At this moment, they have already thought of death.

"At such an age, you still do things that are not worth living. It seems that your life is really in vain."

But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears, and at the same time, a figure appeared between the two sisters Yu Shiman and Yu Ting like a ghost.

The sudden change shocked the three of Yu Shiman, because they knew that they were likely to be saved, so they hurriedly turned their eyes to the direction where the voice came from, but when they saw the person in front of them, the joyful faces on their faces were They turned pale in an instant, because they were shocked to find that the person in front of them, whom they all knew, was the Hall Master of Shura Hall, Xing Jue.

"Boy, who are you? How dare you ruin our good business?" Looking at Xing Jue standing in the middle, the two old men showed a ferocious look.

The beauty is about to get their hands, and at this time, someone actually ruined their good deed. They are naturally extremely angry, and even lost their minds, forgetting how much this young man in front of them can appear in front of them without them noticing. Terrible strength.

"Hehe, who am I? I'm the one who took your dog's life."

"Pfft, puff"

Facing such two despicable old men, Xing Jue didn't bother to talk to them at all. With a slight movement of his thoughts, the bodies of the two old men disappeared with two muffled sounds, and they completely disappeared from this continent. delisted.


Seeing that Xing Jue actually helped them kill these two old guys, Yu Shiman, Yu Ting, Yu Lei's father and daughter's eyes of fear showed surprise, because they didn't expect that Xing Jue would actually kill them. will save them.


However, Xing Jue turned a blind eye to the gazes of the three of Yu Shiman, and while waving his sleeves, several high-grade treasure pills and three high-grade treasures unexpectedly appeared in front of the three of Yu Shiman.

"From now on, the Asura Hall will not imprison you any more, and you can live the life you want with peace of mind." After taking out the treasure pill and treasure, Xing Jue said calmly, then turned around and prepared to leave.

In fact, after learning that Li Xiaohan was fine, Xing Jue always wanted to let go of Yu Shiman's father and daughter, but he was too busy and kept forgetting about it. Their treasure pills and treasures are only a little bit of compensation, which will also make Xing Jue feel more comfortable.

(The new week begins, everyone will continue to give flowers, thank you)

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