Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 457 A New Beginning


But just when Xing Jue was about to leave, Yu Shiman suddenly opened his mouth to stop him, but after calling out the word Xing Jue, it seemed that there was something else he wanted to say to Xing Jue, but for some reason he was forced to He swallowed it back vigorously.

"Step" and after hearing Yu Shiman's call, Xing Jue also suddenly stopped in his tracks and stopped.

"By the way, Xiaohan is not dead, so you don't have to feel guilty."

After stopping his figure, Xing Jue turned his head slightly and said to Yu Shiman behind him, and at the moment, there was still a kind smile on Xing Jue's face, without any trace of complaint, just like treating an old good friend generally.

Afterwards, without waiting for Yu Shiman to speak again, his body swayed slightly, and with a gust of breeze, he disappeared from the sight of Yu Shiman's father and daughter, not even a breath left.

"Thank you Xingjue."

Seeing that Xing Jue had completely left, Yu Shiman glanced at the several treasure pills and three high-grade treasures placed in front of him and said silently.

And at this moment, in her tender eyes, crystal tears have begun to slide slowly from the corners of her eyes, but what is strange is that there is also a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, which makes her look like that. The ease, as if a burden that weighed her down finally disappeared.

After leaving Yu Shiman and the others, Xing Jue went to the small island located in the boundless sea, joined the powerful men from Shura Hall, and then joined the Tianwu Continent reconstruction team.

With the help of this powerful warrior who can dominate the continent, in just one month, the residents and monsters of the Tianwu Continent returned to the soil that belonged to them. The number of formations is much more than before the catastrophe. In short, the entire Tianwu Continent can come and go freely, which is extremely convenient.

And in today's Tianwu Continent, no matter whether it is a commoner with no cultivation or a low-level monster, they all have a shelter, and the major forces are also looking for new regions to build their territories and start a new life.

In the boundless sea area, on the small island where Xing Jue, Xiaolong and others gathered at the beginning, there is also a large crowd of people gathered at this moment, and most of these people are people who have a close relationship with Xing Jue.

Xingjue's lover Li Xiaohan, mother Nangong Shuiyue, Shizun Fenglao, younger sister Su Lin'er, successor to the head of the Shengdan clan Wang Yanran, seventh lady Yaoxinyan of the Yaolian clan, Uncle Pan, Emperor Ying, Xiaolong , Yanhuang Demon Turtle, Yao Yutian, Dan Gu and others all gathered here, because today is the day when Xing Jue leaves Tianwu Continent for the Sanctuary.

At this moment, everyone was staring at the sky above the huge and tumbling waves not far away, because Xing Jue was standing in the mid-air with his feet on the void, ready to open the gate of the sanctuary.

Looking at Xing Jue, whose eyes were closed and his face was firm, everyone's eyes were full of reluctance. Although the sanctuary is the place that all the powerful people in the mainland yearn for, no one knows whether it is a dangerous place or a blessed place.

The most important thing is that everyone is reluctant to leave Xingjue, because they are afraid that they will never see him again after he leaves. After all, those who may have entered the sanctuary in the mainland have never appeared in the mainland so far.

But no matter how reluctant they were, none of them spoke to persuade Xing Jue to stay, because the sanctuary was the place that all the powerful people in the mainland yearned for, and Xing Jue went to the sanctuary this time more to find his father, so they There is no reason to retain the sentence.


Suddenly, Xing Jue's closed eyes suddenly opened, and at the same time, strange fluctuations began to appear around his body. With a muffled sound, a dark blue light shot out from Xing Jue's body soaring into the sky And rise.

The light was like a meteor shooting backwards into the sky, dragging its long tail of light straight into the blue sky, and its speed was so fast that it rushed into the sky through the clouds in the blink of an eye, and disappeared from everyone's sight.


And not long after that strange ray of light, a piercing roar suddenly came from the depths of the sky. Down, the sentence was shrouded in it.

This dark blue light shines straight down from the depths of the sky, like a ladder connecting the sky and the earth, standing between the sky and the earth, and looking at such a strange sight, the people all showed fascinated eyes, because they knew it was amazing. It's not an ordinary light beam, but this is the heavenly gate that can lead to the sanctuary.

"Has the Heavenly Gate of the Sanctuary been successfully opened? Why is it so different from the one opened by Soul Slash." Compared to everyone's amazement, Xing Jue, who was in the blue light speed, couldn't help but slightly frowned.

Because he discovered that the Heavenly Gate of the Sanctuary opened by him was completely different from the one opened by Soul Zhan at the beginning. It seemed that when Soul Zhan opened the Heavenly Gate of the Sanctuary, he threw a strange light from his hand, and then a pounding weight fell from the sky. Majestic golden light.

But now the gate of the sanctuary opened by Xingjue was opened by a thought lingering in his mind, and the beam of light covering Xingjue at this moment is not only much smaller than that opened by Soul Zhan, even the color It is also very different.

The most important thing is that the light beam of Tianmen opened by Soul Slash contains extremely strange spells that rotate slowly, while the light beam of Xing Jue is full of shining starlight, and even the power contained is different.



But when Xing Jue was wondering whether something went wrong in opening the Tianmen, he was shocked to find that his body was no longer under his control, and was tightly bound by a powerful force.

Not only is his body restrained, but even his internal organs and even all parts of his body have been restrained, and they are being pulled up slowly by a powerful force. Take away from Tianwu Continent.

Sensing this change, Xing Jue turned his head with all his strength, and cast his eyes on the people on the small island. When he looked at his lover Li Xiaohan, who was obviously very reluctant but forced a smile on his face, his mother Nangong Shuiyue , Xing Jue's heart was even more sour.

"Xiaohan, mother, master, everyone... wait for me to come back!"

At this moment, Xing Jue was completely restrained, he didn't even have the ability to speak, he even lost his sense of hearing, he could only watch the people whose vision became more and more blurred and mutter silently in his heart.


Suddenly, the dark blue light shrank instantly, but it disappeared in the sky in an instant, and the clouds pierced by the light also returned to their previous appearance, and everything returned to normal, just like the heavenly gate leading to the sanctuary. Never appeared in general.

"Is this the Sanctuary Tianmen? It disappeared so quickly. No wonder the top experts in the mainland suddenly disappeared, but no one knew where they went. If they hid in no one's land and opened the Sanctuary Tianmen , is really hard to find.”

Looking at the dark blue light speed that was hanging up to the sky before, but now it is an empty sky, some powerhouses in the Shura Temple couldn't help sighing, and many people showed unsatisfactory expressions, because they also hope that one day , can open such a heavenly gate leading to the sanctuary, and enter the sanctuary of the legendary heaven of the strong.

"Brother Xingjue, you must take care of yourself, Xiaohan will find you soon."

However, compared to some people who yearn for the magical power of the Sanctuary Tianmen, Li Xiaohan squinted his eyes slightly, facing the white cloud-covered blue sky with his beautiful little face, and said with a faint smile.

After Xing Jue left, Li Xiaohan returned to Magic Moon Valley and continued to practice under the guidance of Fairy Ying, while Su Lin'er and Xiaobai returned to the Tianling Clan. After all, the current Tianling Clan is the weakest compared to other ancient races. , as a member of the Tianling clan, she has decided to revive the Tianling clan.

Nangong Shuiyue led the elders and disciples of the Nangong family back to the East Continent to rebuild the Nangong family, while Xiaohan's grandparents and Xing Jue's master Feng Lao led the disciples and elders of Yufeng Pavilion to rebuild Yufeng Court.As for Xiaolong, Uncle Pan, the Emperor and the others left the Shura Hall and resumed their previous lives.

As for the Shura Palace, a power created by Xingjue, it is now managed by the Soul Lady and the members of the Soul Eater Clan. In other words, the Shura Palace is the Soul Eater Clan, but no matter what, the Shura Palace is Now the number one force in Tianwu Continent.

The depths of the sky are filled with stars and meteors, but Xing Jue can't appreciate such a beautiful scenery at all, because at this moment he has lost his hearing and vision, and his consciousness has completely fallen into a blurred state. He feels that everything around him is blurred. It was chaotic.

This state is like a deep sleep, Xing Jue's consciousness gradually awakened after an unknown period of time, and when Xing Jue opened his eyes again, he was shocked to find that he was already in another world deep inside.

At this moment, Xing Jue is standing on a high platform, which is covered with strange spells. The spells are lined up neatly like a strange formation, and the dark blue light of the spells flickering and flickering reveals the mystery. the power of.

But in front of Xing Jue was a lush green forest, where chirping birds and even small animals could be heard.

Looking up and watching the white clouds floating above the blue sky, everything in front of him seems to be no different from Tianwu Continent, but everything around him makes Xing Jue feel completely different from Tianwu Continent.

The most strange thing is that in this world, Xing Jue can't feel the existence of fighting spirit and martial spirit, it seems that there is nothing, it is empty.And it was this abnormality that told Xing Jue that this seemingly peaceful world was not the Tianwu Continent, but probably the legendary sanctuary.

"Hey, it looks like it arrived successfully."

Suddenly, an excited smile appeared on the corner of Xing Jue's mouth. At this moment, Xing Jue seemed to have forgotten the pain of being separated from Li Xiaohan and others, and the boiling blood in his body was surging, because a brand new world had appeared In front of Xing Jue, everything unknown is waiting for him to explore.

"I said my little ancestor, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a whole day."

But when Xing Jue was extremely excited for successfully entering the sanctuary, a strange voice suddenly came from behind him.

(Sorry everyone, because we want to open a new map, it took a long time to conceive and revise this chapter, but the new plot is about to unfold, and the new story will be more exciting. Please support me, thank you.)

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