Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 471 God of War

Although the situation of the battle was clear, everyone at this moment still held their breath, watching the arena eagerly, waiting for the announcement of the final result.


At this moment, a gust of thin breeze blew by again, but such a slight breeze was enough to completely blow away the layer of dust that could only cover his face. The answer to the mystery finally appeared in everyone's sight.

But when everyone saw clearly the faces of the two people standing on the ring and lying at their feet, there was a complete silence, everyone was stunned for an instant, and they were indeed stunned at this moment.

Because the facts in front of them are completely opposite to the ending they imagined, the man standing on the ring at this moment, looking down at everyone with a free and easy smile on his face, is not Hao Yan from the Iron Blood Continent, but from the Tianwu Continent, Xing Jue !


After a moment of silence, suddenly, a burst of thunderous cheers resounded in an instant, reverberating in the vast examination field, and reaching into the sky. The cheers at this moment were several times stronger than those at the end of the previous champion contest. Because people are more excited than ever.

Even they themselves can't imagine that when an unfavorable person defeats a very favored person, they will be so excited, so excited, and so bloody!

Especially among the ordinary soldiers and guards of the Tianji Battalion, those who are at the bottom of the Tianji Battalion and the members of the huge Tianji Battalion, when they saw that Xing Jue defeated the iron-blooded mainlanders who had always been invincible, they seemed to have seen Hope for the future, hope that can change destiny.

"Dark horse, this guy is definitely a dark horse, too fucking dark!"

At this moment, looking at the man holding the Shura Blade, stepping straight on the ring, under the sunlight, the armor on his body emitted a dazzling golden light.And laughing at Xing Jue in all directions, a nearly fifty-year-old military guard was already in tears. While wiping his nose and touching his tears, he praised Xing Jue, thinking that a person like him would be assessed here at this moment. The field is by no means a minority.

Because Xingjue subverted their cognition, let them, the weak who are used to obedience, see hope again, let them believe in the original world, there are miracles again! ! !

"Impossible, just how could he defeat Hao Yan."

But compared to the cheers and cheers in the arena, the face of the captain of the Jagged Continent is extremely cold. He who was full of confidence before has been replaced by anger at this moment, and his old face is constantly shaking. Twitching, the right hand on the table creaked even more, and even the heavy stone table trembled again.

But the strangest thing is that what he is staring at at this moment is not the victorious Xing Jue, but Hao Yan who is unconscious on the ground with blood on the corner of his mouth, and what is extremely inconsistent with his angry face is that in his eyes Actually filled with distressed color.

"Haozhen, do you feel unconvinced that your grandson was defeated?"

But at this moment, the old man from the Thunder Continent was smiling and said sarcastically, and the Haozhen he was talking about was the name of the old man from the Iron Blood Continent.


And after hearing the sarcasm from the old man from the Thunder Continent, Haozhen's already pale face completely turned paper-colored, and the eyes he looked at the old man from the Thunder Continent were full of resentment. look.

Because that Haoyan is indeed his grandson, it's just that apart from him, even Haoyan doesn't know about this matter, and this old man from the Thunder Continent actually knows this secret, so it can be seen that he has long been behind the scenes. Being watched.

"Hmph, whether that Xingjue is cheating or not, let the old man test it."


Finally, Na Hao looked at Hao Yan who was unconscious on the ground, unable to control his anger at the moment, his figure shot up into the sky, and the powerful force smashed the stone table in front of him to pieces.

"This breath"

At this moment, Xing Jue was looking at the audience below who were cheering towards him with a smile, and was waiting for the referee's announcement.But at this moment, he suddenly felt a very dangerous aura approaching him at a terrifying speed, and this speed was so terrifying that he could not dodge it.

"Soul Explosion"

In this critical moment, Xing Jue didn't have time to think too much, he didn't even have time to look back to see who was attacking him, but with a thought, he unleashed his soul.


Just when Xing Jue unleashed his soul, a withered hand quietly appeared behind him.


But when that seemingly weak palm touched Xing Jue, it burst out with extremely strong power, accompanied by a thunderous roar, and when the majestic dark red ripples spread, Xing Jue's body It is like an arrow that leaves the string, bursting out.

"Time after time~~~~~~~~"

The powerful force caused Xing Jue to fly hundreds of meters, and Xing Jue was completely out of balance at this moment. Facing such a situation, Xing Jue, who had rich experience in combat, bent his body and rotated twice in the air in a half-moon shape. It was to regain the sense of balance, but even so, after landing, Xing Jue still retreated a full dozen meters before completely stabilizing his figure.

And at this moment, Xing Jue finally saw the person who attacked him, and that was naturally Hao Zhen, the captain of Tianji Battalion. Xing Jue couldn't figure out why this captain wanted to attack him at all.

But when he saw Hao Zhen, the captain of the Tianji Battalion, bent down and stuffed the pill into Hao Yan's mouth, he completely realized that the relationship between the two of them was definitely not simple.

"Hmph, it's okay to receive my palm, there is indeed a problem."

"I want to see if you can take my second palm."


After stuffing the treasure pill into Haoyan's mouth, Haozhen jumped into the air again, and this time the fighting spirit condensed in his hands was actually several times stronger than before.

Although it is not a martial skill, it is just the power condensed by simply using the energy of war, but that kind of energy that trembles in the surrounding area and emits circles of energy is not something that Xingjue can resist, and this is what the high-level war sage and The huge gap that the elementary battle holy cannot make up.


With such a powerful force approaching head-on, Xing Jue felt the mortal danger. Xing Jue had absorbed the explosive power of the soul into his body, and quietly stretched out his palm.

Because in the face of such a strong Xing Jue, there is no room for holding back. Only by going all out can he find a chance, and he is also waiting for an opportunity, that is, when Haozhen is so close, he can instantly use the sky-level martial arts Time and space, and then use all the power to urge the middle-grade spiritual weapon, the black curse long sword, to deliver the strongest blow to him.

"Oh, it seems that there is no need to work hard!"

But when Xing Jue made a counterattack plan, his eyes couldn't help but light up, because with his keen soul power, Xing Jue had already felt that two auras that were not weaker than Hao Zhen had appeared from behind him, And their target is not themselves, but Na Haozhen.

"Swipe, brush"

Sure enough, when Xing Jue felt those two auras, two figures flashed in front of Xing Jue very quickly, and these two were the other two old men sitting on the high platform, from Thunder Continent, Lei Xing, and Li Zong from the Misty Continent.


After the two appeared, they slapped palms together, and two majestic fighting spirits burst out, instantly bombarding Na Haozhen's body, and accompanied by an ear-piercing roar, Na Haozhen It has been blasted tens of meters away.

"Lei Xing, Li Zong, how dare you attack this old man!!!"

Although this blow was not trivial, Lei Xing and Li Zong did not kill, so Hao Zhen only suffered some skin trauma at this moment, but he was furious when he appeared in such a panic in front of his subordinates.

"Haozhen, you actually want to be unlucky for this year's No. [-] Scholar because of your own personal interests, and kill the outstanding talents of my Tianji Camp. Will we pamper you?"

"I advise you to stop quickly. If not, don't blame the two of us for refusing to keep our old sympathy and arresting you and handing you over to the general!"

For Haozhen's anger, Li Zong and Lei Xing were not afraid at all, instead they were secretly happy. As hostile, what they wanted to see most was Haozhen's embarrassment.

The immediate change has shocked the people in the assessment field. They haven't figured out why the three captains made the move, but the only thing they know is that the reason for the three of them fighting is probably because Because of that punishment.

The number one champion, the Starfall Dynasty produces 12 champions every year. After all, it is nothing in this huge Tianji camp, but Xing Jue actually let three captains fight for him. At this moment, Xing Jue's position in everyone's hearts is even more important. Improving to another level in an instant, at least it is completely different from the previous champion.

"Lei Xing, Li Zong, you guys are so bold!"

But at this moment, a thick voice suddenly sounded outside the examination room. Although this voice was not uttered intentionally, its strong power was enough to penetrate the eardrums of everyone present, and even made both ears buzz rattle.

"So strong!"

When the voice sounded, everyone's eyes were on the source of the voice, and looking at the middle-aged man in the distance, Xing Jue's expression could not help but change.

It was a man with a height of more than two meters and a strong build. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, a long nose and a wide mouth. His cheeks were covered with thick beards. The black beards stood like black needles stuck in the flesh. Line up.

Although the man's appearance is extremely ugly, but his aura is extremely strong, that feeling is like Xing Jue's first time in the year of the soul-eating demon girl, there is a world of difference between the two, in short, Xing Jue can be sure, this His strength has already surpassed the battle saint level.


Looking at the middle-aged man walking towards the assessment field with hundreds of soldiers and guards behind him, which can cause changes in the surrounding air and set off gusts of wind, Xing Jue almost It is certain that this person must be a strong God of War.

God of War, this is a new vocabulary that Xingjue only learned after he arrived in the Shura Continent. He is still unfamiliar with God of War Xingjue, but he knows that God of War is completely above the level of Saint of War. It is also difficult to break through, but it is very powerful. Even on this vast Shura Continent, there are very few existences.

(Second update, the brothers are very powerful, they have entered the click list, how about giving a little more effort to enter the flower list? Let them experience the power of Asura God of War!)

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