Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 472 General Zhang Hong

(Today, the third update)

"Subordinate, pay my respects to General Zhang Hong."

Just when the middle-aged man was about to walk in front of Xing Jue and the others, Lei Xing and Li Zong, including the three captains who were standing in front of Xing Jue, suddenly half-kneeled on the ground, facing The man who was much younger than them clasped his fists and kowtowed.


The voices of the three captains were so loud that they were reflected in the ear curtains of everyone present. At this moment, those who were at a loss before finally knew the identity of this person. This was actually the general of the Tianji Camp.

General, the person with supreme power in the Tianji Camp, not only holds the military power of hundreds of thousands of troops, but also holds the power of life and death in the Tianji Camp. Strict, but it can't stop him from killing you.

But the most important thing is that these generals of the Tianji Battalion all have the strength of the God of War. If the Saint of War is only the bottom of the Shura Continent, then the God of War is the real strong man. Killing the Saint of War is like crushing an ant. Horror exists.

"I didn't know that General Zhang Hong was coming, so it's no wonder that the subordinates are looking at the general at a distance!"

At this moment, that General Zhang Hong had already walked in front of Xing Jue and the others, and the two captains, Lei Xing and Li Zong, who were kneeling on the ground, said respectfully.

Looking sideways at the two of them at this moment, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the cheeks of the two were already covered with drops of sweat, showing an incomparable look of fear, and looking at Hao Hao from the Iron-Blooded Continent Really, he was overjoyed, as if he had just embraced a life-saving straw.

"not good!"

After observing the reactions of the three of them, Xing Ruo secretly shouted that it was not good. Most of the Tianji camp today are people from the mortal world, and those from the mortal world who can successfully enter the Tianji camp are those from the Iron Blood Continent, the Thunder Continent, and the Misty Continent. There are many people here, so Xingjue can be sure that this General Zhang Hong is probably from the Iron Blood Continent.

"Lei Xing, Li Zong, your courage is really getting bigger and bigger." General Zhang Hong glanced indifferently, and knelt down in front of Lei Xing and Li Zong who didn't even dare to lift their heads.

"I don't know what I did wrong, so I hope the general will make it clear." After hearing Zhang Hong's words, the bodies of the two old men lying on the ground couldn't help but tremble, and then they said in that extremely humble voice.

"Hmph, do you still have the face to ask me?"

"Look at the wound on senior Haozhen's face, could it be that I caused it?"

But who would have thought that Zhang Hong would be furious when the wicked asked for instructions so respectfully, and suddenly stretched out his palms, like an eagle catching a chick, and abruptly lifted Lei Xing and Li Zong, two old men over half a century old. stand up.

"Back... back to the general, it's not that we want to attack Haozhen, it's because..."

Although Lei Xing and Li Zong have the official titles of captains, they are two old men who are over half a hundred years old after all. In addition, Hong is tall and strong. In front of him, Lei Xing and Li Zong are like two weak The old man trembled even when he spoke.

"Plop, plop"

"Hmph, I can't even speak clearly. You are still the captain. It's a waste of the dynasty's military salary." Zhang Hong waved his arms lightly, and actually threw Lei Xing and Li Zong aside. This method can be said to be merciless , but it's no wonder that the Jagged Continent and Thunder, Piao Miao, are already in the same situation as fire and water, so it's strange to be merciful.

"Senior Haozhen, tell me, what is going on?"

After throwing the two of Lei Xing aside, Zhang Hong turned his soft eyes to Haozhen who was not far away. This behavior was in huge contrast with his behavior towards the two of Lei Xing.At this moment, anyone who is alone can see that the relationship between Zhang Hong and Hao Zhen is not shallow.

"General, you know Haoyan's strength, but this kid named Xingjue actually defeated Haoyan."

"I suspected he was cheating, so I wanted to find out about him, and this Xing Jue happened to be the person invited by Lei Xing and Li Zong, so the two of them joined forces to attack me and wounded the old man, if it wasn't for the general you Arrive in time, I'm afraid I'm going to..." Hao Zhen came to Zhang Hong and said pretending to be wronged, his appearance was disgusting and angry.

"What? You said he defeated Hao Yan?" At this moment, Zhang Hong finally turned his sharp eyes on Xing Jue who was standing aside, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

"Yes, not only did he defeat Hao Yan, but he was also able to receive the old man's palm without any damage. General, how could he have such strength as a mere junior warrior?" Seeing this, Na Haozhen added again.

"Report to the general, this Xing Jue is fighting Hao Yan with his own ability, absolutely no cheating." At this moment, Lei Xing did not know where the courage came from, suddenly stood up and defended Xing Jue.

"To shut up"

However, Zhang Hong, who had the same nostrils as Haozhen, could listen to Lei Xing's justification, and with a stare of his eyes, he instantly extinguished the courage Lei Xing had finally found, and he huddled aside and dared not say a word.

"Boy, which continent are you from?" After calling Lei Xing back, Zhang Hong asked Xing Jue.

"Return to General, I am from Tianwu Continent."

Although he was extremely upset with Zhang Hong and wished to slap him to death, the situation in front of him was very clear. Even the only ones who could protect him, Lei Xing and Li Zong, respected Zhang Hong. If he dared to be disrespectful, his head would fall to the ground immediately, so the punishment at this moment had to be compromised.

"Tianwu Continent? Hahahahaha..."

"Did I hear you right? In that idiot continent, there have only been three War Saints in 1 years. You say you can defeat Haoyan from my Iron-Blooded Continent?"

"I just want to ask you, do you use non-controversial means? Have you cheated?"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, that Zhang Hong suddenly burst into laughter. His laughter was like thunder, like a tsunami. He looked down on Tianwu Continent in the world.


At this moment, Xing Jue bowed his head and said nothing, but his clenched fists were already creaking, and the anger in his heart was self-evident. Xing Jue is not a reckless person, and he will not be arrogant enough to face the strong man above him. Talking big and giving disrespect.But Xing Jue is not a weak person. If the other party's unreasonable demands exceed Xing Jue's bottom line and violate his dignity, Xing Jue will never bow to him.

Obviously, at this moment, Zhang Hong's culture has touched the bottom line of Xing Jue. His meaning is very clear, that is, let Xing Jue personally admit that he defeated Hao Yan by using improper means. In fact, his Xing Jue is A real weakling, the Tianwu Continent is still the idiot continent that everyone looks down on, the existence at the bottom.

"I, punishment, decision, and, did not, have, do, cheat, but rely on my own true strength!!!!!!"

Suddenly, Xing Jue suddenly raised his head, and with a determined face, he roared loudly at Zhang Hong, the strong God of War in front of him, a general-level figure in the Tianji Battalion.And Xing Jue's voice of defending dignity, although not as loud and domineering as Zhang Hong's voice, was more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


As soon as Xing Jue's words came out, there was an uproar in the crowd. At this moment, everyone began to discuss. Some people said that Xing Jue was dead, some said he was very brave, but more people stared at Xing Jue intently. Their eyes are full of admiration.

"Okay, good, good you stubborn boy."

"Then let this general see if you have cheated!!!"

The words of "swiping" Xing Jue obviously angered Zhang Hong. His palm was suddenly struck out like an eagle's claw. When Xing Jue reacted, his palm was already attached to his dragon scale armor .


Zhang Hong's palm was like an indestructible sharp blade, he could actually ignore the Dragon Scale Armor, grabbed it into pieces abruptly, and firmly attached it to Xing Jue's chest.


And at this moment, Xing Jue began to howl in pain, because at this moment he only felt an extremely hot pain filling his entire chest, the pain made him unbearable, and made him lose his mind, the only thing he could do was Roaring loudly to vent his pain at the moment.

"General Zhang Hong, do you want to ignore the military law established by the Marshal? The kingly law established by His Majesty the Emperor?"

Looking at Xing Jue, whose face was full of pain and who had already lost consciousness, Lei Xing and Li Zong looked at each other.Finally came to Zhang Hong at the same time, wanting to stop Zhang Hong's viciousness.

Although Zhang Hong's official rank is far above the two, there are also many strong men in Thunder Continent and Piaomiao Continent in Tianji Camp, and even in the Imperial City. The person they are related to is the person they are extremely optimistic about, so even if they risk their lives at this moment, they don't want Xingjue to die like this.

"Lei Xing, Li Zong, are you planning to rebel?" Zhang Hong was also extremely surprised by Lei Li Zong's angry reprimand, and then turned his menacing eyes on the two of them.

"Zhang Hong, although you are a general, we should respect you, but we also have the right to stop you if you do something wrong."

Although Zhang Hong's gaze still made the two of them tremble, they did not choose to compromise at this time, but continued to criticize forcefully.

"Hahahaha, okay, you guys are so brave, who gave you support? Is it those old bastards in the imperial city?"

"Lei Xing, Li Zong, I might as well tell you today."

"Those old bastards in your mainland have been thrown into prison by His Majesty for interfering with political affairs and affecting the correct judgment of the Emperor."

"As for Wang Qiang of my Jagged Continent, he has already sat on the long-vacant position of prime minister, and has become an existence under one person and above ten thousand people."

"If you still want to continue to live comfortably in the Starfall Dynasty, you'd better listen to the arrangement of my Iron Blood Continent in the future." Seeing that Lei Xing and the two changed their previous appearance, Zhang Hong suddenly laughed, and his words It is full of warnings.

"What? The adults in the imperial city were thrown into the sky prison?"

And at this moment, when Lei Xing and Li Zong heard Zhang Hong's words, their expressions changed drastically, and even their bodies began to tremble violently, and then their legs went limp, and they slumped on the ground powerlessly. At this moment, his face was ashen.

(Everyone is awesome, the bees are very excited)

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