Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 474 Slave Life

On the vast desert, a large dense forest unexpectedly appeared. The trunks and leaves of this forest are all dark blue, and there is a faint light lingering from the inside to the outside. Such a gorgeous tree species reminds Xing Jue of fantasy. Strange plants in Moon Valley.

However, this huge forest alone is certainly not enough to make Xing Jue so surprised, because in the depths of the forest there is a strange mountain with a height of tens of thousands of feet.

That high mountain was dark blue, and exuded a dazzling blue light. It looked exactly like the holy stone. His intuition told Xing Jue was the holy stone, and the size of the holy stone made people crazy.

"Let's go, go"

"Don't look at it, from now on you will get along with it day and night, enough for you to watch, hahahaha..."

Just when Xing Jue and the others were amazed by such a huge holy stone, the urging voices of the guards suddenly came from their ears, and there was even more meaning in that voice.

Only 1000 people can successfully pass the test and assessment of the Tianji Camp, and there are 3 mortals who enter the Starfall Dynasty from the mortal world every month. After the test and assessment, the mortals who fail the assessment will be demoted to civilians or slaves .

It's just that among the remaining 29000 people, at least 20000 will be demoted to slavery, and they will be sent to various places to perform inhuman coolie labor, and nearly 1000 slaves will be executed for their trip.

1000 slaves, only a hundred guards from Tianji Battalion escorted them, but this was enough. After all, the soldiers and guards from Tianji Battalion were all elite, and the slaves were just abandoned weaklings. With both hands and feet, it is difficult for them to escape.

But of course, Xing Jue is an exception among this group of slaves, but at this moment Xing Jue has no intention of running away, because he is looking forward to it, and he is looking forward to joining the working crowd as soon as possible, because they came here to work. Jue has already guessed that it is to mine the holy stone.

The holy stone is a must-have item for the cultivation of the war saint, but in the Starfall Dynasty, the holy stone is controlled by the imperial city and the Tianji camp, and ordinary people can't even see it, let alone use it for cultivation.

But here, there are endless holy stones. Although I don't know what it is like inside, there is no impenetrable wall. Xingjue has absolute certainty that he can get the holy stones.

Because along the way, Xing Jue has already discovered that these people who have been reduced to slaves have already been stripped of their spiritual weapons, and even their storage bracelets. They are now completely poor.

But Xing Jue is an exception, Xing Jue's Soul Eater Token is now a seemingly inconspicuous ordinary ring, no one cares about it at all, but they don't know that Soul Eater Token can call itself a treasure of space.

It would not be a problem to take away the entire huge holy stone. Of course, with Xingjue's current soul power, it is still impossible to take away such a huge holy stone, but it is still very simple to accumulate a little bit.

After walking for half a day, Xing Jue and the others finally came to the holy stone, but looking at the scene in front of them, Xing Jue was a little speechless.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,"

"Come on, come on, you fucking go"


The ear-piercing sound of excavating the holy stone resounded continuously. Tens of thousands of slaves are working hard in front of the huge mountain-like holy stone. Some of them are mining with special spiritual weapons, and some are pushing The heavy loading truck moved around with gritted teeth.

What makes Xing Jue speechless is that when they are working hard, from time to time, a guard with a leather whip will whip them twice. The leather whip is a spiritual weapon. Twice, it is definitely not good, and the slaves under such abuse are already bruised and embarrassed.

"Damn, this is simply inhuman abuse. Let me do this kind of thing, why not kill me." A middle-aged slave beside Xing Jue said angrily.

"Kill you? It's too easy to kill you. It is said that the slaves of the dynasty here have exhausted hundreds of people every month, and half of them were killed by the guards here because they didn't like it!" , the man next to the middle-aged slave reminded.

"I'll wipe it, can't I? It's so cruel!" And the man's words caused the people around him to be shocked, and their faces were full of fear.

"I think, I finally know the meaning of the so-called not seeing the sun." At this moment, Xing Jue finally knew why people were so frightened when they mentioned slaves before.

"Don't stand still, let's go!" At this moment, the urging sound of soldiers and guards came from around Xingjue and the others again.

Under the urging of the soldiers, Xing Jue and others came to a small plain. On the plain were dilapidated thatched huts, which should be the residences of slaves, but on the opposite side of the group of thatched huts It has several quite luxurious palaces.

The size of these palaces is not small, but they are placed together with those dilapidated thatched cottages, forming a stark contrast, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that they should be the residences of the soldiers and guards.

Looking at it like this, the guards here seem to be more comfortable than the guards of the Tianji Camp, but at this moment, Xing Jue's eyes did not stay on those buildings, but were attracted by a strange object in the center of the plain.

The large formation composed of several strange formations up to a hundred meters high is indeed a large formation, and it is an extremely mysterious large formation. As for the use of this large formation, Xing Jue does not know.

"Huh? Send another thousand? I don't know how long this time will last."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, a batch will be replenished every month. The dynasty has nothing else, but the slaves are endless, hahaha..."

At this moment, two fat-headed men walked out from a rather luxurious palace not far away. The men wore red cloaks on their spirit weapon armor. They seemed to be captain-level soldiers and guards, and they looked like this It should be the leader here, otherwise they wouldn't be all skinny, but they are so well nourished.

But it is worth mentioning that there are dozens of soldiers and guards behind them, and those soldiers and guards are carrying what seems to be very heavy in pairs.

"Quickly, line up in two rows and stand neatly." When they came to Xing Jue and the others, the guards with whips in their hands yelled again.

And when Xing Jue waited for thousands of slaves to stand up, they actually began to remove the chains on Xing Jue's hands and feet, and took out very strange bracelets from the heavy box, and finally put them on the slaves' wrists and ankles above.


The bracelets were very strange, when they were worn on Xing Jue's wrists, they actually shone lightly and smoothly, but at this moment the bracelets actually began to shrink, and when they were firmly fastened to Xing Jue's wrists, I felt a strange energy rushing in Xingjue's body, and it spread extremely quickly, spreading all over his body, as if it wanted to swallow everything in him, but apart from this special feeling, there were no other symptoms of discomfort.

"Tell you, this is called a bondage lock ring. The special feature of this bracelet is very simple, that is, it can easily put you to death."

"However, as long as you are obedient and don't think about running away, nothing will happen."

"Okay, that's all there is to say, you can go and enjoy life here."

After wearing the so-called restraint lock ring for Xing Jue and others, one of the fat guard captain said loudly, and then cast a wink at the surrounding guards.

Then Xingjue and others began to receive the tools for mining the holy stone under the leadership of Bingwei, and headed back towards the huge mountain-like holy stone, preparing to start their life as slaves.

"Damn it, this captain of the guard is really despicable." As he walked towards the holy stone, a slave said angrily.

"Oh? I don't know how to say this?" Seeing this, Xing Jue asked curiously.

"This binding lock ring is an extremely sinister thing."

"Did you see that big formation? That big formation is the eye of the binding lock ring. If we leave the limited distance of the big formation, the binding lock ring will play its role."

"And at that time, they will be tortured and finally die in blood." Seeing Xing Jue's question, the slave leaned close to Xing Jue's ear and whispered.

"So that's it, what a ruthless method."

And at this moment, Xing Jue finally understood what the slave said. The reason why the captain of the guard did not clearly inform the slave of the function of the restraining ring was to make some slaves take it lightly and escape when they were not prepared. As a slave, there is only one end, tragic death!It can be seen that the guards here did not treat slaves as human beings at all.

"Crack, snap, snap,"

"Damn it, you bastard, hurry up and push it"

While speaking, Xing Jue and the others had already returned to the place where the slaves worked, and not far from Xing Jue and the others, a skinny old man with gray hair was pushing a car hundreds of times bigger than himself. It's just that it's an uphill road at this moment, and the old man obviously can't push it up, so at this moment, behind him, a guard is waving a long whip at him.

But even though the long whip kept waving on the old man's back, it had already beaten him to pieces, but the old man didn't even dare to cry out in pain, but continued to grit his teeth, endured the pain in his back, and pushed hard. With the loading truck.

However, what surprised Xing Jue and the others the most was that there were obviously many young and strong slaves beside the old man, but they just glanced at the old man indifferently, and then they were busy with their work, and none of them stepped forward. help.

"Master, I'm coming"

Others could ignore this kind of thing as if they hadn't seen it, but Xing Jue couldn't pretend that he didn't see it. He hurriedly put down the tools in his hand and came to the old man, intending to help the old man push the loading cart up to the high hill.

"Crack, snap, snap"

But just when Xing Jue put his hand on the loading truck, he felt a burst of fiery pain from his back, turned around and looked, and sure enough, it was the soldier guard Xiang Zheng who was waving his long whip and watching him with anger. look at yourself.

"Boy, you have to be a good person, right?"

"Okay, I'll help you. From now on, you can push this loading cart for me. If you can't push it, I'll beat you to death." Seeing Xing Jue turning around, the guard yelled viciously at him.

"Hey, another quick death, idiot." Seeing this, the surrounding slaves glanced at Xingjue and whispered, and then continued to be busy with the work in their hands. It seemed that they had seen such a scene. Live a lot.


However, Xing Jue smiled and ignored the ironic words around him. Although the weight of the truck was not light, Xing Jue could easily push it away with full confidence. All of them are loaded with holy stones. If he can push this loading cart every day in the future, this will be a great opportunity for Xing Jue to steal the holy stones.

(First update, ask for flowers,)

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