(Second more)

"This is...how could this be?"

However, when Xing Jue tightly grasped the handle of the loading vehicle and was about to exert force, he was shocked to find that the fighting spirit in his body had been completely blocked at this moment, and he was unable to exert the power of his holy war at all, and could not use the fighting spirit. With such a huge loader, he couldn't push it with his own strength.

"Trash, it's not even as good as an old thing, what's the use of keeping such a waste?"

"Crack, crack, crack, crack"

But at this moment, the guard who was staring at Xing Jue had already seen that Xing Jue could not push the loading vehicle at all, and then waved the long whip in his hand, lashing at Xing Jue mercilessly. .


This time, Bingwei did not simply wave his long whip casually, but exerted the power of a spiritual weapon, and saw streaks of purple light flashing across Zi Xing Jue's body, and after only a few Xing Jue, he lay powerlessly on the ground. On the ground, and watching Xingjue's bloody back, not only was his skin ripped open, but his bones were also exposed.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack"

Although Xingjue fell to the ground powerlessly, the long whip in the guard's hand did not stop, but kept hitting towards Xingjue. Facing such atrocities by the soldiers and guards, no one stood up. Before stopping, the guards were watching the fun, but the slaves didn't even dare to look at it, for fear that they would bring the disaster to themselves.

"Hey, stop beating, stop beating, if you beat him again, you will be killed. It's not easy for this young man to live."

But at this moment, a thin old man finally ran out from the thousand slaves, and this old man was in the same dragon carriage as Xing Jue, who persuaded Xing Jue to talk to the old man.

"Old man, are you looking for death?" Seeing that someone stepped forward to stop him, the soldier who was fighting raised his whip while speaking, ready to throw it towards the old man.

"Okay, okay, it's almost ready, will you kill two of the new slaves as soon as they arrive?" Seeing that the guard wanted to attack, finally a guard couldn't stand it, and stepped forward to stop him.

"Hmph, old man, you're lucky"

Seeing someone obstructing him, the soldier who took the shot slammed the old man harshly, then grabbed the Xing Jue who was already bruised and threw it into the loading truck, and said to a young and strong slave beside him: "You, take the He sent me to the kitchen"


Seeing this, the young and strong slave didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly pushed the loading cart towards the kitchen, but he didn't really send Xing Jue to the kitchen, but sent Xing Jue to the kitchen next to the kitchen. in a cage.

This cage is made of special objects, and has been enchanted, and a group of young women with delicate faces are locked inside the cage, but their bodies are also scarred, which shows that it is not light torture.

"Hey, it's so pitiful. I thought I was a well-known figure in the mortal world back then, but now I'm going to become someone else's meal here." The slave threw the sentence into it from the entrance of the enchantment, and glanced at the young men in the cage. The woman sighed helplessly.

The slaves here, the young women with better faces, often don't have to work as hard as the male slaves, but their end is often worse, because they will become the maids of the group of soldiers, after endless torture, being played by the soldiers After enough, they will be imprisoned here, and their fate is only one, and that is to be eaten.

"Eh? Is this person dead?"

"It's so pitiful that he was beaten like this. I don't think even his parents recognize him."

"Forget it, you still have the mood to sympathize with others? If you don't want to leave this damn place, we will die."

"However, this enchantment can only be entered and cannot be exited, and this cage is extremely hard, there is no way to get out." Seeing a bloody man suddenly thrown in, the group of female slaves began to discuss.

"What the hell is going on? The power is actually sealed?"

"As expected, Zhang Hong, you are so ruthless."

But not long after the male slave left, Xing Jue suddenly sat up, tore off his clothes, saw the sealed spell on his chest, and gritted his teeth angrily.

"Ah~, scam corpse!"

Xing Jue, who was already bloody and bloody, suddenly sat up, but the group of female slaves were terrified, and quickly curled up in the corner of the cage, not even daring to look at Xing Jue again.

"Fuck you, I never died."

"Ouch, it hurts"

"Damn it, the power is sealed, and even the Soul Devouring Art can't be used."

Seeing the group of female slaves looking at him as if he was watching a ghost, Xing Jue was about to explain, but he was paralyzed by the heart-piercing sympathy on his back.

Now the power of Xingjue has been completely blocked by that Zhang Hong, and even the heavenly skill of Soul Devouring Jue cannot work, that's why Xingjue was beaten so badly, because Xingjue couldn't use soul defense and soul healing. Decisions are as fragile as ordinary people.


Feeling the heart-piercing pain, Xing Jue hurriedly turned around, turned his back to the group of female slaves, opened his palms, and a heavenly healing pill appeared in his palms, and then quickly threw it into his mouth .

Although Xing Jue's current injury is extremely serious, it is only a superficial injury in the final analysis. Tianjie's healing pill can quickly help him recover and relieve pain.

"Hey, we are locked up here, are we going to be the appetizers of those beasts?"

After Xing Jue's injury improved, he looked at the group of female slaves behind him, and looked at the kitchen next to him where the smoke was rising, and he already guessed that the legend of the soldiers eating people here seems to be true.

"Yes, do you have a way to escape? Otherwise, we will die."

"Oh, I don't want to be eaten~" Seeing Xing Jue's question, a female slave asked pleadingly, and the other women who were a little older than Xing Jue felt even more painful.

"If I have that ability, can I still be beaten like this?"

"What kind of world is this? If I'm allowed to go out, I will definitely change the ethos of this Starfall Dynasty." Looking at the women in pain, Xing Ruo felt sore for a while, and then he clenched his fists and said in his heart.

"Hey, but if I can't get out, I'm going to be eaten by this group of trash?"

After running the Soul Devouring Art once more, feeling the fighting spirit sealed inside his body, Xing Jue sighed helplessly. He originally thought that coming to this slave camp would change his fate, but he never expected it. Zhang Hong gave him such a move.

"Hey! Do you know how to refine weapons?" But at this moment, the fat captain of the guard actually shouted at them from a distance, looking like he was in a hurry.

"Refining? Why are they looking for a refiner?" Seeing this, Xing Jue turned his head and asked the female slaves behind him.

"It must be that the craftsman here is exhausted again, should they find a substitute?" A female slave behind him said with a half-knowledge.

"A crafting master? Are there still crafting masters here?"

"It's true that heaven has eyes, and my chance for execution has come."

But after hearing the female slave's words, Xing Jue seemed to see hope, because he could see from the appearance of the captain of the guard that he seemed to need a refiner very much.

And it just so happened that Xing Jue was also proficient in refining weapons. After all, he was the one who was instructed by the master refining weapon of the monster refining clan. Even the previous Zijin battle armor spiritual weapon was sealed by himself.

"I know, I know how to refine weapons" Afterwards, Xing Jue didn't care about the pain in his back, stood up quickly, and shouted loudly while waving his hands.

"Really? Do you really know how to refine weapons?"

And after hearing Xing Jue's shout, the slow-moving captain of the guard was even more overjoyed, shaking his fat body, he ran to the front of the cage like a balloon.

"Yes, I know how to refine weapons, even spirit weapons are fine." Seeing that there was indeed something going on, Xing Jue said with great certainty.

"Good, good, good"

"Come on, let him out!"

Seeing that Xing Jue looked like a craftsman, he hurriedly ordered someone to open the cage, released Xing Jue, and seeing that Xing Jue was sad, he even gave Xing Jue a treasure pill.

"Boy, if you dare to lie to me, I will cut off your meat piece by piece and feed it to the dogs." After Xing Jue took the pill, the captain of the guard looked at Xing Jue again, and warned.

Afterwards, Xing Jue was taken by them to a palace away from the hustle and bustle. Yes, this is an independent palace. The palace was built in the jungle, and it was made of special materials.

There are holy stones like hills outside the palace, but these holy stones are all mined, not as a whole, but piled up.

"Boy, your job is very simple. Extract the essence of the holy stone and turn the residue into holy stone beads. If you really know how to refine weapons, I think it will not be difficult for you."

After entering the palace, the captain of the guard held the newly mined holy stone in his left hand and a holy stone bead in his right hand and said to Xing Jue.

"Don't worry, adults, just leave it to the villain."

After arriving at the main hall, Xing Jue found that in this spacious hall, there were already two exquisite large formations for refining weapons, one was used to extract the essence of the holy stone, and the other was used to condense the residue into a holy formation. A large array of stone beads.

These two large formations can use holy stones as raw materials, and anyone with a little common sense in refining weapons can use them. However, Xing Jue can see that these dog-headed guards obviously don't even have this common sense, so they are desperate to die.

Then, under the supervision of the captain of the guard, Xing Jue refined a newly mined holy stone into a finished holy stone, and condensed the residue into several holy stone beads.

"Well, not bad, kid."

"Work hard, I won't treat you badly." Seeing that the holy stones and holy stone beads refined by Xingjue were of high quality, completely exceeding the passing line, the captain of the guard nodded excitedly.

Due to the heavy task, three of the four refiners sent by the above were exhausted, and the last one was also exhausted just now. If the number of stones and holy stone beads is large, then he will be in big trouble, so he will be so excited after getting such a craftsman as Xingjue.

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