Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 477 Seal the Heavenly King

(Today, the fourth update is over)

"Fish, it's fish, grilled fish, someone is actually grilling fish?"

After careful identification, Xing Jue finally confirmed that it smelled like fish, and it was a very fragrant fish, because the aroma drifted a long way before reaching Xing Jue. If it was nearby, the soul power of Xing Jue would have been Just detected it.

"It's so delicious, who the hell is it?"

With curiosity in his heart, Xing Jue kept sniffing the smell of fish, and at the same time followed that smell towards the source. He was not only curious about the smell of the fish, he was even more curious about who dared to come here .

Passing through layers of dense and dark woods, Xing Jue suddenly felt his eyes light up, not far from him was no longer rows of dense trees, but a small lake.The water in the lake is so clear that it can clearly reflect the silver-white full moon in the sky and the slowly flowing galaxy.

Although the lake is beautiful, at this moment it is impossible to catch Xing Jue's gaze, because Xing Jue's gaze is completely attracted by a figure by the lake.

This is an old man. In front of the old man is a pile of blazing fires. A grass carp is caught on top of the fire. While turning the grass carp, the old man is still chewing on the roasted carp in his other hand. Grass carp, the wonderful expression, and the sound of chewing, it shows that this fish is indeed very delicious.

And the flaming fire can clearly illuminate the appearance of the old man. This is a skinny little old man. The old man's messy gray long hair is scattered on his shoulders, and his dark yellow face is covered with wrinkles. His beard was as disheveled as his hair. At first glance, he looked like an old beggar, but this little old man Xing Jue unexpectedly recognized him. He was the chattering old man who came to this slave camp with him.

"Senior, why is it you?" Seeing that the old man was not in the slave camp in the middle of the night, he was a little surprised to come here to Xing Jue.

"Hey, you are the young man, you scared me to death."

"Eh? You're not dead? That's great, come and have a bite and try my old man's handicraft."

Seeing someone talking, the old man was startled at first, stood up and wanted to run away, but when he saw that the person who came was Xingjue, not only his fear disappeared, but he showed a look of surprise.

"Death? Xing Jue doesn't die so easily for me." Seeing that the old man invited him, Xing Jue sat down next to the old man without hesitation. While eating the grilled fish the old man handed him, he talked about how he was thrown into the cage, and then It became the experience of the slave camp refiner.

"Haha, you young man is really lucky, unlike my old man who has to do such hard physical labor like a young man at a young age." After hearing Xing Jue's words, the old man looked envious .

"It's simple. I'll tell that fat man tomorrow and tell him to transfer senior to me. Senior, you don't have to do anything, just watch us do it." Seeing the old man's pitiful appearance, Xing Jue Hehe smiled and said cheerfully.

Along the way, the old man often chattered in Xing Jue's ears, but Xing Jue was too annoying to pay him any attention at all, but now Xing Jue's view of the old man has completely changed, although the chattering is chattering A little, but this old man is indeed a good man.

Not to mention, Xing Jue has been in a coma for more than ten days, and it was the old man who left food for Xing Jue to eat. When he was whipped today, no one dared to step forward to speak for Xing Jue, but this seemingly weak old man was With this courage, it can be seen that this old man is a very good person.

And seeing that he worked in the dangerous slave camp for a day, he didn't leave a single mark of the whip on his body, and he was able to sneak out of the slave's resting place at night, and ran here to grill fish to eat. It can be seen that this old man is not Simple, there must be something extraordinary.

"Haha, it's okay to be daring, then my old man can thank you young man."

"Come on, I'll grill you two more fish as a thank you. By the way, how does my fish taste?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, the old man was overjoyed, and then stuck two more fish with a tree branch and grilled it for Xing Jue stand up.

"Xiang, senior, your grilled fish is really delicious." Xing Jue was full of praise, while continuing to gnaw on the fish in his hand. Seeing how embarrassed he was, he knew that he was definitely not lying at the moment .

"Hey, it's a pity. It's a great pity in life to have fish but no wine. If not, even if I stay here for the rest of my life, I'm willing to be an old man." The old man sighed with some regret.

"Wine? I have it here." After hearing the old man's words, Xing Jue smiled, and then inserted his right hand into his bosom.

"Look, this is fine wine." When Xing Jue took out his hand again, there was already a small jug of fine wine in his hand.

In fact, there was nothing in Xing Jue's bosom, he just used his clothes to cover up his Soul Eater Token, so as to take the opportunity to take out the wine from the Soul Eater Token.

This wine was the food that was stored in the storage bracelet when Xing Jue was practicing in closed doors. After many years, although the food had already rotted, the fine wine was getting more and more mellow.

"My darling, you still have such a good thing, haha..."

"Wow, good wine, this is really the best wine." Seeing the fine wine in Xing Jue's hands, the old man's eyes lit up instantly, he took a swig after taking the jug, and he was already smiling From Huahua's face, it could be seen how satisfied he was with the wine.

"Junior Xing Jue, respect senior." Seeing the old man drinking so happily, Xing Jue saw that he was a drunkard, and then took out a jug of wine from his bosom, and drank it with him.

The two chatted a lot while drinking, and the more they chatted with the old man, the more cordial Xing Jue felt, like a long-lost relative, very comfortable, in this dark slave camp, Being able to meet such an old man also eased Xing Jue's heavy heart a lot.

"Xingjue, it's getting late, I should go back, old man, otherwise if the guard at the door finds out and I sneak out, I will be whipped."

After the two chatted for an hour, the old man drank the last sip reluctantly, and then said to Xing Jue, and after an hour of chatting, the old man already knew the name of Xing Jue, and Xing Jue also knew the name of Xing Jue. The name of an old man, this old man was originally called Bu Chen,

"Well, tomorrow morning I will find that fat man and transfer Senior Bu Chen to my place. From now on, the two of us will drink together every day." Seeing this, Xing Jue also stood up and said with a smile.

"Hey, okay, you're such a good boy, but there is still one important thing to do before you leave." After getting up, Bu Chen suddenly said with a smile.

"Uh, what else is there for Senior?" After hearing Bu Chen's words, Xing Jue was taken aback, not knowing what to say.

"Of course it's to undo your seal." Seeing Xing Jue's puzzled face, Bu Chen had a weird smile on his mouth.

"What? You..." At this moment, Xing Jue was even more shocked. He never expected that the old man could see that his power was sealed, and even said that he would help Xing Jue break the seal!

"Xingjue, you don't look like a weak person, but today you can't even push the mere loading cart, which shows that you can't use your real strength at all. There are only two possibilities for this situation, one is that you deliberately hide your strength, and the other One is that someone has sealed your strength, and in your case it is [-]% because someone has sealed your strength."

"Don't look at the old man's combat prowess, but the old man is from the Sealed Continent, which is good at various sealing techniques, and in the Sealed Continent, the old man's research on the sealing technique is the most thorough."

"Come on, let the old man see what kind of seal you have." Seeing Xing Jue's surprised look, Bu Chen stopped beating around the bush and said to Xing Jue while showing his arms and rolling up his sleeves.


Hearing this, Xing Jue suddenly realized that he had indeed heard Buchen say that he was from the Sealed Continent, but Xing Jue didn't care.

But now after hearing Bu Chen's words, Xing Jue didn't dare to have the slightest doubt, and hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his seal.

"Huh? It seems that this guy who will perform the sealing technique is not simple."

"This sealing technique is interesting. The context of the seal is very complicated. Unless he unseals it himself, if someone else cracks it forcefully, it will easily destroy your cultivation base." After looking at the seal of Xing Jue, Bu Chen couldn't help but click. start.

"Senior, do you have a solution?" Seeing Bu Chen's appearance like this, Xing Jue couldn't help being startled and asked nervously.

"However, it's a pity. It's a pity that he met my old man. For me, the seal king, it's too easy to undo such a seal."

While speaking, Buchen spread out his right palm, stretched out his left index finger, and began to draw various strange spells on his right palm. Buchen's technique was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he saw that the painting was finished.



Afterwards, he condensed his fighting spirit on his right palm, and that right palm suddenly burst into a blue flame, and in that flame, one could clearly see the spell pattern he drew, which was extremely strange.

"Xingjue, old man, I will unseal it for you."

Suddenly, Bu Chen's palm dropped suddenly, the speed was so fast, when Xing Jue reacted, his palm was firmly clasped on his chest.


In an instant, Xing Jue's painful cry resounded throughout the lake, and such a heart-piercing cry proved what kind of pain Xing Jue was enduring at this moment.


A moment later, Xing Jue was panting heavily, and large swaths of sweat continued to flow down his cheeks, but when his eyes saw the empty chest, there was an instant burst of blood on his pale as paper face. The color of incomparably excited excitement.

"Xingjue, thank you for your help, senior!"

Suddenly, Xing Jue suddenly fell to his knees, facing the old man from the sealed continent, Bu Chen gave a big gift, and he was able to untie this difficult seal. The excitement in Xing Jue's heart can no longer be expressed in words. Xing Jue was even more grateful to Bu Chen who helped him break the seal.

(Everyone is awesome, and the bees are also full of motivation. Everyone continue to be awesome, and the bees also continue to be awesome. Don’t keep those who have VIP pk, just hit me)

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