Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 478 in 1 day

(first update)

After Bu Chen helped Xing Jue break the seal, it was getting late. Considering that there would still be a large amount of holy stones to be refined tomorrow, Xing Jue did not stop there, but returned to the slave camp with Bu Chen.

Because he was worried about Bu Chen's accident, Xing Jue secretly followed Bu Chen to the place where the slaves lived, and wanted to help Bu Chen when he was discovered. After all, with his current status, ordinary soldiers and guards should respect him three points.

But when he saw Bu Chen sneaking into the slave's residence without a sound, Xing Jue realized how unnecessary his actions were. This Bu Chen was indeed a very cunning old fox.

In the early morning of the next day, Xing Jue proposed to Fatty early on the matter of transferring Senior Buchen to him. Since Xing Jue's speed of refining the holy stone was really fast enough, and the quality was good, the captain of the fat man's guard is now against Xing Jue. It can be said that it is very important, and he attaches great importance to it. As for Xingjue's small request, he naturally agreed immediately.

Xing Jue is not at all grateful for Fatty's quick work efficiency. The current relationship between him and the fat man's guard captain is entirely based on the value of each other's use. If one day Xing Jue loses the value of use, then There is only one end for Xing Jue, and that is death.

However, I am afraid that before Xing Jue loses its use value, Fatty will have already died in Xing Jue's hands. Xing Jue will never be merciful to this group of Tianji camp scum who are doing all kinds of evil. It is when they die.

"Oh, little girl, look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, how can you do this kind of rough work, let me do it, don't look at the old man, I am thin, I have strength, I think back in our Sealed Continent, the old man, I... "

After Bu Chen was transferred, he didn't sit and enjoy the happiness in this palace peacefully, instead he circled around the group of girls with better faces.

Looking at his appearance, the first feeling is that he is a pure-bred old pervert, but a little understanding of Bu Chen's punishment can tell that Bu Chen is not trying to occupy all women's sex, but simply because he can't stay. It just so happens that these female slaves can help him relieve his boredom.

However, what surprised Xing Jue was that this Buchen was not only proficient in the sealing technique, but also quite proficient in the refining formation. According to him, the formation was originally from a family. The law is also known.

So when Bu Chen came, he knew that the matter of the slaves driving the formation to refine the holy stones all fell on him, and the relaxed person became a criminal instead.

However, this is a great thing for Xing Jue, who has just released the seal and is impatient to refine the holy stone.

Since Xing never dared to leave the vicinity of the palace during the day, he had to do things like refining the holy stone to improve his cultivation level in the palace.

But the good thing is that this palace is very big, except for the hall where the holy stone is refined, there are countless rooms. After removing the residences of these female slaves and senior Bu Chen, there are still many rooms vacant, and Xing Jue chose a There is no one inhabited, and it is a hidden room to practice.

"buzz, buzz, buzz"

At this moment, Xing Jue was cross-legged on the ground, with his hands superimposed, making a strange handprint. When his closed eyes occasionally trembled, his body was surrounded by dark blue rays of light. These rays of light all came from a piece in front of Xing Jue. holy stone.

When he broke through to the Saint of War, Xing Jue had already refined this holy stone. The speed at which Xing Jue, who had mastered the Soul Devouring Art, could refine this holy stone was monstrous. Then refining these holy stones can only be described by the word horror.

In just one hour, Xingjue has already refined hundreds of holy stones. If ordinary people come to practice, they can refine ten stones in one hour, which is already called a supreme genius. Of course, this so-called supreme genius It is also a minority, at least in that huge Tianji camp, there are no more than a hundred people.

"Huh~, if we continue to practice like this, within ten days, my Xing Jue will be able to break through to the level of an intermediate battle saint."

After refining hundreds of holy stones, Xing Jue stood up and let out a long sigh of relief. Feeling the sufficient power in his body which had been increased by nearly half, Xing Jue showed an excited smile.

The journey of cultivation is endless, except for breaking through a certain level, you need to practice in closed doors. If you accumulate cultivation on a daily basis, long-term practice will be counterproductive, because the body always has a limit, and if it exceeds this limit, it will not be able to absorb that energy.

And how much energy each person can absorb is the limit of each person. If ordinary people refine the holy stones, ten per day is the limit, but Xing Jue refines the holy stones, hundreds of per day is just right.

And through the transformation of the soul-eating formula, Xingjue can absorb the energy lifted from the holy stone.The most extreme integration into the body, so the speed of Xingjue's cultivation can be said to be rapid, far beyond comparison.

This is exactly the power of Soul Devouring Jue, and of course Xing Jue. After all, there are not a few members of the Soul Devouring Clan who have practiced Soul Devouring Jue, but there is only one person who can achieve the effect of Xing Jue. Hunming, as well as Xingjue's father, can only approach Xingjue's speed.

"Senior Buchen, ladies and gentlemen, how about we add more food today?"

Xingjue, who secretly refined hundreds of holy stones and greatly improved his strength, is now full of glory and passion, and the excitement in his heart is just a beauty.He had just walked out of the attic, and seeing the female slaves who were already mingling with Bu Chen and smiling like flowers, Xing Jue yelled happily.

"Add food? What food to add?"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, all the female slaves blinked their big watery eyes with puzzled looks on their faces.

"My sisters are so beautiful, it's not okay to eat vegetarian dishes every day, so I'm going to add meat dishes." Xing Jue laughed.

“Meat dishes!!!”

"No son, we still like to eat vegetarian dishes."

"Yes son, we are used to eating vegetarian dishes, don't let them bring us meat dishes anymore." After hearing Xing Jue's words, all the beauties were shocked, all of them paled, and some even appeared Gagging reaction.

"Hey, don't worry, sisters, I will never eat human flesh for you."

"Senior Buchen, I will leave this place to you. If the fat man asks me where I am going, just say that I have gone to Lin Dajie."

Seeing the terrified looks of all the beauties, Xing Jue couldn't help but chuckled, and after casting a wink at Bu Chen, he jumped straight down from the attic, and then ran towards the back door of the palace.

"Xing Jue, bring more small ones, small ones." Seeing this, Senior Bu Chen shouted happily, and then showed an excited smile, because only the two of them knew the meat Xing Jue was talking about.

"Senior Buchen, what kind of flesh is Mr. Xingjue talking about?"

Seeing that Bu Chen seemed to know that a woman with a seductive figure walked up to Bu Chen and bent her slender waist, asking Bu Chen who was squatting on the ground driving the refining formation.

"This... the secret must not be leaked." Seeing how curious the crowd was, Bu Chen shook his head and smiled mysteriously, but when he glanced at the woman's chest, he froze for an instant.


"I said little girl, how many times have I said it, please don't look down on me in the future, okay, I can't stand the old man." Suddenly, Bu Chen said in a panic while covering his nose, and at this moment A strand of nosebleed has already flowed from his hand.


The woman was still a little puzzled when she heard Bu Chen's words, but she suddenly realized when she saw Bu Chen's nosebleed, she hurriedly tightened her clothes, her seductive face was already covered in pink.

Because the soldiers and guards here only gave them loose slave clothes, and there were no safety measures inside, so every time they bent down, half of them would be exposed to be choppy and crumbling.

"Swipe, brush, brush"

"Puff, puff, puff, puff"

Yesterday, in the lake where Xing Jue and Bu Chen were, a figure stood on top of a boulder in the center of the lake wave. Between the dancing of his arms, countless sharp branches shot into the water like powerful arrows.

The branch is not only extremely fast, but also powerful. With such force, the branch will only create a clear circle of ripples when it enters the water, but there is no splash at all. And every time the branch floats back to the water, there are already There was a herring still alive and kicking.

"Hey, these should be enough for my sisters to eat."


Seeing nearly [-] fish floating out of the water, Xingjue Soul Eater's eyes flashed, and he took them all in, and then tapped the boulder with his toes, and he jumped out of the center of the lake like a gust of wind like a dragon flying into the air. Like flashing into the jungle.

Using the Wind Control Technique to the extreme, Xing Jue's speed is as fast as thunder, and he shuttles through the jungle at a fast speed, even the cheetahs and apes are far behind, and Xing Jue has already returned to the front of the palace in just a short moment of kung fu.

"By the way, you have to act enough in acting."

But when he arrived not far from the palace, Xing Jue did not enter it. Instead, he took out a leather sack with a twist of his wrist, and then directed the Soul Devouring Token to the light inside, and dozens of herrings fell into it. After completing these, Xing Jue walked towards the palace with the leather sack on his shoulders.

"Ha, I'm back! Senior Bu Chen, I will leave these to you." After entering the main hall, Xing Jue threw the sack of herring beside Bu Chen.

"Okay, just leave it to me, the old man, and let you taste the long-lost beggar fish!" Seeing this, Bu Chen did not neglect, grabbed the sack, and walked happily towards the outside of the palace, ready to put these Herring grilled off.

"My dear, this kid actually caught so many?"

When he came outside the palace, set up the fire for grilling fish, and opened the leather sack, Buchen was shocked, because he never imagined that Xing Jue could catch so many fish. In a short period of time, you must know that Zixingjue left and came back, but only a few cups of tea.

"It seems that the old man and I really saw the right person."

After a moment of astonishment, a satisfied smile suddenly appeared on Bu Chen's old face, and then he cast his deep eyes on the hall behind him.

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