Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 484 True Dragon Emperor

(third more)

Princess Xinxin's mobile palace was very fast, and she returned to the imperial city in just a few days.

The imperial city, the most prosperous place of the Starfall Dynasty, has magnificent palaces, even the roads are unusually wide, and the roads of the imperial city are all made of gold, which can be described as extremely luxurious.

But when it comes to luxury, the most luxurious is the palace where the royal family lives. The palace covers an area of ​​one million square meters, and it is simply a large independent city. Ten feet of strong walls.

The imperial palace is full of Jinyi guards wearing gold robes. The guards are so strict that ordinary people can't enter at all, but it is such a place, Xingjue has entered, and the reason why he can enter the imperial palace is of course because of Princess Xinxin's special identity.

After entering the palace, it was already late at night, and Xing Jue and others were taken directly to the bedroom where he lived by the owner of Xinxin Palace. After everything was arranged, Princess Xinxin couldn't wait to run to his father and go to sue Zhang Hong. shape.

And this move of Princess Xinxin made Xing Jue quite moved. After all, he and Princess Xinxin just met by chance and only saved her life, but Princess Xinxin was so concerned about her affairs. will be touched!

"Hmph, this dead girl is back again. If she doesn't come back sooner or later, she actually comes back when the emperor is going to bed. How unlucky she is!"

In the palace where the emperor slept, several gorgeously dressed women with enchanting figures came out with angry and wronged faces.

They were the concubines who were going to spend the night with the emperor tonight, but Princess Xinxin suddenly killed them and said that if she wanted to tell the emperor, they were cruelly driven out.

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, you will be miserable if the emperor hears it." A concubine hurriedly covered the mouth of the concubine who insulted Princess Xinxin, as if she was about to cause a big incident.

"Hmph, what's the matter? It's just a girl, but she is so favored by the emperor."

"Tomorrow, I will give birth to a girl for the emperor, and she will be proud." Another concubine said disapprovingly.

Many of these concubines are pregnant with the emperor's dragon species, and they all give birth to princes. Princess Xinxin is the only princess, so some concubines feel that it is because of this that the emperor loves Princess Xinxin the most.

"Don't be stupid, even if you give birth to ten girls, it's useless. The emperor doesn't love that girl so much because she is the only daughter. The most important thing is her mother." A concubine reminded.

"It's been three years since she died, but she still can't forget it. What's so good about her? When she was alive, she took the limelight and enjoyed all the favors, but after she died, she still used her daughter to dominate the emperor." When mentioning Princess Xinxin's mother, An elderly concubine was full of hatred.

"Starting today, if you leave the palace, if I see you again, your heads will fall to the ground!"

But just when these concubines were talking about Palace Master Xinxin, a voice full of coercion suddenly reached their ears, and at this moment their expressions changed drastically, and their fair faces instantly turned into The color of iron blue, and even the body trembled violently.

"Father, what are you thinking?"

The concubines outside the palace were frightened as if they had lost their souls. Inside the palace, Princess Xinxin was sitting beside a middle-aged man, blinking her eyes at the man.

This man's resolute face exudes a breathtaking majesty, and his whole body reveals a kingly air, but it is just such a man with white hair, and just three years ago he was still full of hair. His black hair turned gray overnight just because the person he loved died.

And this man who is looking out of the palace with sharp and angry eyes is the current emperor of Starfall Dynasty, the father of Princess Xinxin.

"It's nothing, Xinxin, what did you just say?"

This emperor was the one who transmitted the voice to those concubines earlier, and he was extremely angry in his heart, but because of Princess Xinxin's words, his face was instantly filled with a unique smile of fatherly love.

"Tch, father, you are not paying attention to what he is saying." Seeing that he had said a lot just now, but his father didn't listen to a word, Palace Mistress Xinxin pouted her mouth immediately, showing displeasure.

"Oh, my dear daughter, father is too tired, please understand father!!!"

"Tell me, what do you want to do again? No matter what it is, Father will definitely agree to you, can't you?" Seeing his most beloved daughter unhappy, this man who is the Ninth Five-Year King and the most supreme man in the Starfall Dynasty , but instantly became tense.

"Hey, what did you say? Agree to everything?" Hearing the emperor's words, Princess Xinxin had a brainstorm and confirmed with a smile.

"Of course, father always keeps what he says to you." The emperor suddenly straightened his back and said seriously.

"Hey, it's nothing serious, just order to kill General Zhang Hong of Tianji Camp." Princess Xinxin narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she was talking about an insignificant matter.

"What? Did Zhang Hong bully you?"

After hearing Princess Xinxin's words, the emperor's face instantly became fierce, as if as long as Princess Xinxin nodded, he would immediately tear that Zhang Hong's corpse into thousands of pieces.

"No, it's like this..."

Princess Xinxin, who has always been innocent, did not nod her head because of his father's reaction. Instead, she told her father in detail how she would encounter Xingjue and what happened to Xingjue.

"Oh, my good daughter, are you so sure that Xing Jue didn't lie to you?" After hearing Princess Xinxin's words, the emperor suddenly laughed because he suspected that his innocent daughter had been deceived.

"Sure!" Princess Xinxin nodded fiercely, and her eyes were filled with firmness.

"Okay, Xinxin, I just want to ask you one question, do you think it is more important for my Starfall Dynasty to be a primary war god or a mid-level war god?" the emperor asked again.

"Father, I think the laws of the dynasty are the most important to my Starfall Dynasty. No matter who it is, they must abide by the laws and not violate them." Princess Xinxin said seriously.

"Hahaha, good, good, good, it seems that my good daughter has really grown up!!!"

"It's very late today, you can go to bed in the imperial father's bedroom, and the imperial father will order to cut off that Zhang Hong tomorrow." The emperor suddenly laughed, and the hearty laughter clearly showed how happy he was at the moment. .

At the same time, in Princess Xinxin's bedroom, Xing Jue was lying on the high attic, looking up at the stars in the sky, wondering whether Princess Xinxin could succeed. After all, that Zhang Hong was a god of war. General!

Time passed bit by bit, and Xing Jue became more and more nervous. He began to walk back and forth, deeply afraid that the princess would be punished by the current emperor instead of succeeding.

"Xing Jue, Xing Jue, who is called Xing Jue?" At this moment, a burly Jin Yiwei suddenly ran up the stairs in a hurry, and shouted Xing Jue's name while running.

"I'm Xing Jue, are you?" Looking at the burly middle-aged man in front of him, Xing Jue was full of doubts, because he didn't know Jin Yiwei in front of him at all, let alone what he wanted from him.

"Great, I finally found you. This is what the princess asked me to give to you. Come with me."

After Xing Jue confirmed his identity, the man hurriedly took out a note from his arms and handed it to Xing Jue. After Xing Jue took the note, he grabbed Xing Jue's arm and took Following Xing Jue, he ran downstairs.

The man's strength is very strong, and Xing Jue can't resist. It can be seen that his strength is extraordinary. He should be a strong God of War who is far above Xing Jue. On the note that Princess Xinxin left him, Xing Jue was even more shocked when he saw the words on the note.

Because it said: "Brother, go away, the prime minister has learned about Zhang Hong, if you want to rebel, you run away!" And on this note, there is a bloodstain, which is actually the breath of Princess Xinxin.

"Where is the princess, take me to see her" After reading the note, Xing Jue used all his strength to throw off the man's arm and asked loudly.

"Come with me, I was ordered to rescue you, if you don't leave, it will be too late." Seeing Xing Jue's reaction, the man was taken aback for a moment, and then urgently urged.

"No, this matter started because of me, how can I just walk away."

"Hurry up and take me to see the princess, I can't let him lose his life because of me." Xing Jue grabbed the man by the collar, and at this moment, anger began to appear on his tense face.

"Even if you go, it's useless." The man was not afraid of Xing Jue's anger, but said calmly.

"It's useless, I'll go, even if I die with the princess! At least, I'll feel better!" Xing Jue said resolutely, as if he had already made up his mind to die at this moment.

"Hahahahaha..." But just after Xing Jue's voice fell, the man suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. The smile seemed happy and excited, but it made Xing Jue feel his scalp numb and his heart uneasy. untie.

"Very good, boy, you have passed!" Afterwards, the man smiled and said to Xing Jue, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

"What?" Xing Jue was even more at a loss for what the man said, not knowing what he was talking about.


Seeing Xing Jue's dazed appearance, the man smiled slightly, and saw his sleeve robe waved, followed by a flash of golden light, and the special golden robe of Jin Yiwei was gone.

There is actually a dazzling golden armor on his body. This golden armor is a top-grade spiritual weapon. As for the level of harmony, Xing Jue has no intention of investigating at the moment, because he is already firmly covered by the golden armor. Attracted by the four big characters on the chest "True Dragon Emperor."

(My head hurts, Chapter 4 may be delayed, try to release the bees before 12 o'clock, don't wait if you can't wait, let's watch it together tomorrow!)

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