Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 485 The Death of Zhang Hong

(Today's fourth update is completed)

"True Dragon Son of Heaven." That is a unique symbol, and only one person in the entire Xingyun Dynasty can use these four words, and that is the current emperor of the Xingyun Dynasty.


"Grass people punished, pay homage to the emperor"

Xing Jue had already heard about the fact that the True Dragon Son of Heaven was a special symbol of the emperor, and such a smart Xing Jue understood everything in front of him at this moment.

This must be Princess Xinxin's father, His Majesty the current Emperor.And the reason why he disguised himself as a Jinyiwei and directed and performed the previous play was to test Xing Jue, to test whether Xing Jue was someone worthy of Princess Xinxin's trust, and to speak for him like this.

"Hehe, that's right, my silly daughter didn't misunderstand the person this time."

"Get up quickly." Seeing this, the emperor helped Xing Jue up with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." For the No.1 of the Starfall Dynasty, Xing never dared to be rude in the slightest.

"Xing Jue, I just want to ask you one question, do you want to stay in the imperial city, or return to Tianji Camp?" After supporting Xing Jue to his feet, the emperor asked with a smile.

"Back to the emperor, if possible, I would prefer to return to Tianji Camp," Xing Jue replied respectfully.

"Okay, get up wherever you fall, you have a lot of backbone."

"Well, I will appoint you as the captain of the Tianji Battalion today. When your strength reaches the level of the God of War, I will appoint you as the general of the Tianji Battalion." The emperor patted Xing Jue on the shoulder and said with a smile. Very satisfied.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

And at this moment, Xing Jue's face was filled with an even more excited smile, since the emperor was willing to come here, and made an exception to appoint him as the captain of the Tianji Battalion, all this went much smoother than Xing Jue imagined.

The headquarters of the Tianji Camp is the two major institutions of the Lucky Dynasty, but compared with the luxury of the imperial city, the buildings of the Tianji Camp have only one feeling, solid!

In the early morning, when the ray of light passed through the sky and just poured onto the earth, there were already waves of shouts from the soldiers and guards in the headquarters of the Tianji Battalion, they were conducting an orderly training.

The soldiers and guards of the Tianji Battalion are real troops. They don't pursue individual qualities, but the overall combat power. Therefore, in addition to normal personal cultivation, it is more about overall training.

Their formation is a sharp weapon for fighting on the battlefield. Compared with the soldiers and guards in the slave camp who only know how to abuse slaves, they are simply the difference between heaven and earth, incomparable.

The headquarters of the Tianji Camp has a huge palace. Both sides of the palace are full of golden statues in armor and armor. These are all soldiers who have made great contributions to the Tianji Camp. bid farewell to the world.

And in the center of the main hall hangs a three-meter-wide and ten-meter-long gold plaque, engraved on the plaque are four big characters "Pay loyalty to the dynasty"! ! ! !

At this moment, there are more than a dozen generals sitting under the plaque. Each of these generals exudes an extraordinary aura, because they are all God of War powerhouses, and Zhang Hong, who sealed the power of Xingjue, is also there. some of.

In fact, the generals of the Tianji Camp are much more than that, but many of them are stationed in important border gates, and more are in the imperial city, and those here are only those who preside over the overall situation of the Tianji Camp. It is enough for these generals to guard the Tianji Battalion.

And on the first seat of this hall, there is an old man with white hair, but exuding a powerful aura. This old man has eyes like a goshawk, but only one eye.And this is the general of the Tianji Battalion, a mid-level god of war.

This general of the Tianji Camp is also from the strongest iron-blooded continent in the mortal world, but unlike Zhang Hong and others, this general is a impartial and selfless person, strictly abides by military laws, and never favors anyone.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Tianji Camp both respected and feared him, even Zhang Hong who was backed by Prime Minister Wang Qiang was no exception, because this great general did not buy into Prime Minister Wang Qiang at all.

At this moment, the great general was frowning and glancing at a token in his hand, while Zhang Hong and the others below him were watching his every move solemnly, but they didn't dare to say a word, they just rushed forward Guess what happened.

"Zhang Hong, have you gotten into any trouble recently?" Suddenly, the general raised his head slowly, and cast his fierce eyes on Zhang Hong who was sitting below.

"Back to the general, the last general has been staying at the headquarters in a regular manner, and never left. How can there be trouble?"

Zhang Hong, who was thinking about it, couldn't help but jump in his heart when he heard the general's question, because he knew that the military order must have written something about him, that's why the general asked such a question, but he couldn't think of it. What wrong did he commit? After all, he has done too many things like criminal executions!

"Did you go to watch the test assessment last month?"

"Is there a kid named Xingjue who won the first prize in the test, but you sealed his power and made him a slave?" The general narrowed his eyes suddenly, and asked again with that weird smile.

"Nothing, the champion of the last test was Haoyan from my Iron Blood Continent, general, you know that!!!"

At this moment, Zhang Hong's complexion changed drastically, and his extremely disturbed heart started beating extremely fast, because he already knew what the general meant by causing trouble, but he didn't expect it to be a matter of execution.

But at this moment, he couldn't allow him to think about how this matter was brought to light, because he had to try his best to clarify that otherwise, it would be inevitable to punish him with the method of this great general.

"Oh, Zhang Hong, Zhang Hong, what do you want me to say about you?"

"I have advised you a long time ago to stay away from Wang Qiang. This person has evil plans and will affect the future of my Starfall Dynasty, but you just refused to listen to my advice and worked hand in hand with that Wang Qiang to suppress people in the mortal world."

"Today, I'll let you know for yourself. You can see for yourself." While speaking, the general waved his sleeve robe, and the token in his hand shot out a ray of light, which shot backwards in a fan shape, and in the Rows of large characters actually appeared above the light.


When Zhang Hong saw the font floating in mid-air, he was even more shocked, because he found that there was actually written on it the process of his framing Xingjue, and he ordered the general to execute him immediately, and the next time Lingzhi is the current emperor! ! !

At this moment, Zhang Hong's hands began to tremble violently, and the trembling continued to spread, and soon spread to his whole body. At this moment, he was completely numb, because he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. fact.

He couldn't figure out how an ordinary mortal like Xing Jue would convey the news to the current emperor, and he couldn't even figure out why the emperor would order him to be executed for an ordinary mortal. God of War, the general of Tianji Battalion, compared to Xingjue, is simply the difference between heaven and earth, there is no comparison.

"Zhang Hong, do you have anything else to say?" But at this moment, the general's cold voice suddenly sounded, as if the sentence before death made Zhang Hong extremely flustered.

"General, you have to believe me, someone definitely wronged me in this matter."

"You must believe me. If you don't believe me, if you don't believe me, you can ask the prime minister. Yes, I will tell the prime minister about this, and he will prove it for me."

When the general's cold voice entered Zhang Hong's eardrums, he already knew that something was wrong, so he hurriedly took out his communication order, and while speaking, he began to send the situation to that person through the communication order. Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, wants this person who is under one person and above ten thousand people in the Starfall Dynasty to excuse him and intercede for him.

Regarding Zhang Hong's actions at the moment, the general did not stop him. Although he knew that Zhang Hong's actions were extreme, but after all, he was also a member of the Iron-Blooded Continent. There is still a chance, and it can only be won by Zhang Hong himself.

After conveying the current situation to the prime minister, Zhang Hong tightly held the token in his trembling hands, waiting for the prime minister's response, and at this moment, for Zhang Hong, the time was so long, but only short For a moment, he seemed to have suffered for several years.

"Hey~~~" But at this moment, the general who was seated at the top suddenly sighed.And his sigh made all the eyes of the people present focus on him again.

"Zhang Hong, you can see for yourself"

Suddenly, the general floated the communication order in his hand again, accompanied by a ray of light, and several large characters appeared in everyone's sight.

And at this moment, when everyone present saw these large characters, they were all shocked, and that Zhang Hong's eyes widened even more, his face was full of dullness, and he couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

Because on the big characters, it said "Kill Zhang Hong" and the initiator of this order was actually the current prime minister, Wang Qiang, who Zhang Hong wanted to ask for help!

"Whoosh..." Suddenly, Zhang Hong's body turned suddenly, turned into a stream tube and shot towards the outside of the hall, he actually wanted to escape!


But at this moment, I saw the general's sleeves swaying suddenly, and a dark red gas burst out. This gas was like a blade, and it rushed to the thunder, and it crossed Zhang Hong's neck in a blink of an eye. And pass.

There was no blood flying, no dead body, only a red knife mark, and Zhang Hong's bewildered, unbelievable expression, but at this moment, he had cut off all vitality and died completely.

It's just that until he died, he didn't figure out what was going on, why he just offended a mortal who was very inconspicuous in his eyes, and he would be killed if he was sentenced to death!

(The fourth update, delivered on time, I finally finished today's one, by the way, there is one more sentence I want to send to everyone: flowers, VIPs, pk tickets, if you give it to me, I want it, or if you don't give it to me, I want it!)

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