Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 49 Terrifying Self-destruction [Part 1]

Facing Xiaoqian who was burning her soul, the soul body also began to panic, and then a more powerful soul force rushed towards Xiaoqian, but in the face of the tyrannical soul attack, Xiaoqian sneered. With a bang, the speed of burning the soul actually increased in an instant, more than twice as fast as before.

Just when the soul force was about to hit, Xiaoqian suddenly dodged and disappeared. When it reappeared, she was already behind the soul body. Xiaoqian opened her arms and hugged the soul body violently. , and in the face of Xiao Qian, who was burning her soul, that soul body could not break free at all.

"Master, it's now!" After successfully hugging the soul body, Xiaoqian suddenly shouted, and at this moment, Xiaoqian's body actually began to become blurred.

Seeing Xiaoqian's change, Xing Jue didn't hesitate at all. As soon as his thoughts moved, the gusts of wind quickly entangled her, and then swept away at the soul body. Condensed in hands.

Looking at the extremely fast punishment, the soul body knew that it was not good, so she started a frantic struggle again. Facing the crazy struggling soul body, Xiao Qian actually increased the speed of burning her soul again.And the body is becoming more and more illusory.

At this moment, Xing Jue has come to the body of the soul, and seeing Xiao Qian, who is becoming more and more illusory, Xing Jue's heart is very distressed, but at this moment he can't care so much, his hands are claw-like, facing the soul The body's chest was grabbed hard.

When the hand touched the soul body, Xing Jue only felt a hot burning pain in the palm, but Xing Jue did not care so much, but grabbed it hard, and with the palm of Xing Jue Slowly inserted, the soul body also began to roar violently.

Finally, Xing Jue felt that his palm touched something, so he squeezed his shoulders and grabbed the object out. When he grabbed the object, Xing Jue realized that it was actually a black book.What surprised Xing Jue the most was that this thick black book was actually made of special magic talismans.

"That's right, it's Soul Eater," Xiao Qian said excitedly, looking at the black book in Xing Jue's hand.

"Roar" At this moment, the soul body actually mutated, and blood-red light began to emit from the pupils, and it spread rapidly, and finally filled the whole eyes.

"Roar" was another loud roar. From the soul body, a tyrannical soul force surged out, and this soul force blasted Xing Jue out for a hundred meters before falling heavily on the ground. When it hit the ground, even Xiao Qian, who was hugging it tightly, was blasted away.

"Master, run!" Seeing that the soul body had mutated, Xiao Qian shouted to Xing Jue.

"Xiaoqian, come here." How could Xing Jue leave Xiao Qian and escape alone? Although he was seriously injured at the moment, Xing Jue still had a trump card, which was the Tianlei Talisman.

At this moment, the soul body also seems to have entered a special state, just roaring wildly, and did not attack Xiaoqian and Xing Jue, seeing this, Xiaoqian also hurriedly swept towards Xing Jue.

After Xiaoqian returned to her side, Xing Jue hurriedly took out a Tianlei Talisman from the storage bracelet, and without hesitation, shot it at the soul body.


The "Boom Rumble" Tianlei Talisman hit the body of the soul without any accident. It first made a muffled sound, and then lightning spread out from the body of the soul. A huge lightning network was formed, and the soul body was tightly wrapped in it.

"Master, what a powerful spell." Looking at the terrifying lightning flashes in the lightning grid, even Xiao Qian felt a little scared.

"Hey, is it finally resolved?" Xing Jue said with a chuckle, his tense heart finally relaxed.

But at this moment, there was a faint light in the lightning, Xing Jue didn't see anything, but Xiaoqian realized that something was wrong, because... that soul body actually exploded.

"Master be careful" When she saw that something was wrong, Xiaoqian hurriedly turned around to block Xing Jue under her body, and just after she completed this action, a terrifying soul force spread at the speed of light, and in the Under this destructive power, the entire secret room was destroyed by it.All objects that touch this force will be slammed away by it, which is simply unstoppable.

There was a violent explosion in the secret room, and even this mountain range was shaking. At this moment, on the surface of the secret room, a large piece of rock was falling off at a high speed, and finally the earth with [-] meters collapsed in an instant. At the same time, a figure of a man and a woman hugged from the steep cliff shot out, and finally fell into the rushing river below the cliff.

At this moment, Xing Jue and Xiao Qian have both lost consciousness and entered a state of coma, but even in this state, Xiao Qian's arms that hug Xing Jue are not loosened in the slightest. No matter how the rushing river washed away, Xing Jue in his arms was not released.

It has been a week since the explosion of the secret room. In the neighboring country of Yufeng Empire and the edge town of the Nether Empire, there is a small family of martial arts called the Liang family. At this moment, in the back garden of the Liang family, a face Although not particularly handsome, she is a girl with a peculiar temperament, watering the flowers in the garden...

"Miss, Miss" At this moment, a maid hurried over.

"Xiaoqing, don't always be in such a hurry, girls have to be girls," the girl who was called a young lady smiled and said to the maid.

"Miss...Miss, that boy is awake," and the maid named Qing'er said hurriedly after breathing heavily for a while.

After hearing Qing'er's maid's words, the young lady couldn't help but feel happy, she hurriedly put down the kettle in her hand, and hurried towards the backyard.

This young lady is the eldest young lady of the Liang family, a high-level martial artist. She is kind-hearted and kind-hearted. Just three days ago, she and her maid were walking by the river outside the city. The man and woman from the past, and when he saw that the man and woman still had breath, he took them to his home for treatment.

"Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian!" In a room in the back garden of Liang's house, a pale boy was sitting on the bed and shouting hoarsely.And this young man is the punishment.

"He's awake, go and call Miss." After seeing Xing Jue awake, an old man sitting beside the bed hurriedly said to the maid behind him, and the maid also hurriedly ran out of the house.

"Uh... Soul Eater, where's Soul Eater?" As soon as he woke up, Xing Jue found himself lying in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar old man sitting beside the bed, but he didn't see Xiao Qian, but Xing Jue Jue immediately remembered the Soul Eater, and shouted eagerly.

"Soul Eater? What Soul Eater? Oh, it's this book." Seeing Xing Jue's sudden appearance, the old man was also a little confused, but he immediately remembered something, so he hurriedly took it out from the drawer next to him. He took that strange book and handed it to Xing Jue.

After seeing the black book in the old man's hand, Xing Jue hurriedly brought it over, and only when he found out that it was indeed the Soul Eater did he feel at ease.

"Master, where am I? Did you save me?" After he put away the Soul Eater, Xing Jue's reason became clearer. He realized that he must have been saved, otherwise he would not be able to feel comfortable. lying here.

Seeing that Xing Jue had returned to normal, the old man also smiled reassuringly, and then said with a smile: "Young man, it seems that you are not a local, right? I didn't save you, it was my family..."

"Uncle Zhang, is he awake?" At this moment, a young girl's voice rang out from outside the house.

After hearing the girl's voice, the old man smiled slightly and said, "The one who saved you is here."

Xing Jue naturally heard the girl's voice, so he hurriedly looked out the door. At this moment, the eldest young lady of the Liang family hurried in. After seeing Xing Jue, she smiled and said: " You're finally awake."

"Thank you for saving me," Xing Jue also said with a smile.

"Excuse me, did you see a woman in a black dress when you rescued me?" Xing Jue said quickly after thanking him.

"Oh? That's your mother, right?" When she heard Xing Jue's words, Miss Liang was stunned for a moment, and then said again.

"Mother? Where is she? Take me to see her" After hearing the girl's words, Xing Jue also felt inexplicable. Xiaoqian was obviously a stunning woman, why did she say she was her mother?

"Well, she's also in my mansion, I'll take you there." Seeing that Xing Jue didn't seem to be in serious trouble, Miss Liang said with a smile, and then walked out of the house, and Xing Jue hurriedly followed.

Under the guidance of the girl, Xing Jue quickly came to a room, but when the door opened and Xing Jue saw the person lying on the bed, Xing Jue's eyes instantly became wet.

Because the person lying on the bed at the moment is not Xiao Qian with a stunning face, but a wrinkled, pale old grandmother, and even the long hair is snow-white at the moment, but the hair on her body The black dress told Xing Jue that this was Xiao Qian.

"Xiaoqian" Xing Jue came to Xiaoqian's side, grabbed Xiaoqian's old hand, and whispered.

"Xiaoqian, wake up, wake up!" Xing Jue kept calling, but Xiao Qian didn't respond. Gradually, the tears in Xing Jue's eyes slowly flowed down, falling on Xiao Qian's body.

Xing Jue's heart is very painful at this moment. She knows that Xiaoqian has become what she is now because of him. In order to capture the Soul Eater, Xiaoqian did not hesitate to burn her soul, although she did not know what burning her soul meant. But seeing Xiaoqian who was constantly illusory at that time, Xing Jue also knew that it must be a means of consuming life, and in that state, Xiaoqian still blocked all the power of the self-exploding soul in order to protect herself.

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