Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 50 Soul Eater [Part 2]

"This son, Uncle Zhang said, she just fell asleep and her body is fine." Seeing Xing Jue's sad appearance, Miss Liang said comfortingly. Although she was very puzzled when she saw that Xing Jue actually called the old grandma Xiaoqian, but looking at Xing Jue's appearance, she also knew that this Xiaoqian must be very important to him.

"Thank you, Miss Liang, thank you for saving me and Xiaoqian"

"However, I want to be alone with Xiaoqian, can I?" After hearing Miss Liang's comfort, Xing Jue turned around and said to Miss Liang.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, the considerate Miss Liang also smiled and walked out of the room, and helped Xing Jue close the door.Just walked out of the courtyard.

"Miss, this gentleman is so strange, why is he called that old grandmother Xiaoqian?" After going out, the maid named Xiaoqing asked inexplicably.

"She must be a very important person to that son," Miss Liang explained to Xiaoqing, in fact, he was very puzzled.

After Miss Liang and the others left, Xing Jue bit his finger and dripped the slowly flowing blood into Xiao Qian's mouth. When Xiao Qian was afraid of the light, Xing Jue used his own blood. Help Xiaoqian to resolve the power of the curse seal.

But now that Xiaoqian has become like this, Xing Jue wanted to try it with his own blood. Sure enough, when Xing Jue's blood entered Xiao Qian's mouth, Xiao Qian's old face actually changed, and she began to be full of anger. , Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly cut his wrist and poured a large amount of blood into Xiao Qian's mouth.

Under the feeding of this large amount of blood, Xiaoqian's body also began to recover rapidly, and finally regained her original enchanting face. Her snow-white hair also turned into jet-black hair.

However, although her body returned to its previous appearance, Xiaoqian did not wake up, and after a lot of blood flowed out, Xing Jue's head began to faint, and in the end, she passed out.

"Young Master, are you awake?" Xing Jue opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that Miss Liang was sitting beside the bed, and said a little worriedly.

"Uh... what's wrong with me?" Xing Jue asked in confusion as he rubbed his bulging head.

"What's the matter? You were self-mutilating in the room. If our young lady hadn't found out in time, you would have died already," the maid named Xiaoqing suddenly interjected.

"Xiaoqing" and Miss Liang gave Xiaoqing a blank look and motioned her to shut up.Xiaoqing muttered in a low voice twice, then went out in a hurry.

"Excuse me, Miss Liang, is Xiaoqian awake?" When Xiaoqing said it, Xing Jue remembered what happened, and hurriedly asked.

"She hasn't woken up yet, but... son... why did she, who was so old before, actually become like this..." When she mentioned Xiaoqian, this Miss Liang asked very suspiciously, because when she found out that Xing Jue fainted At that time, Xiaoqian had recovered into a stunning beauty, and suddenly an old grandmother turned into a stunning young woman, which felt incredible, even weird, as long as it was a person.

"Ao, Xiaoqian is my friend. Because of a strange disease, whenever she falls ill, her whole body will age rapidly. Fortunately, after taking medicine, she can return to her previous appearance." Xing Jue naturally Seeing the doubts in Miss Liang's heart, she hurriedly explained.

"I can't imagine that there is such a strange disease in the world." Miss Liang said with a smile, but her doubts were not resolved, she just pretended to believe.

"Yes, yes, by the way, I still don't know your surname." Seeing that he had not succeeded in lying, Xing Jue hurriedly changed the subject and asked.

After some understanding, Xing Jue also knew the current situation. He is no longer in Yufeng Empire, but in Yufeng Empire's neighboring country, the Nether Empire, and he is in a small area on the border of the Nether Empire. Town, and he and Xiaoqian were rescued by Miss Liang of the Liang family.

Originally, Xing Jue wanted to take Xiaoqian away, but that Miss Liang insisted on keeping Xing Jue and them for a while, so Xing Jue had no choice but to stay.

In the dead of night, when everyone in the Liang family fell asleep, Xing Jue did not sleep, but took out the Soul Eater in his arms.Cherishly stroked the Soul Eater in his hand, Xing Jue felt a different feeling in his heart at the moment, this long-awaited thing was finally obtained, but Xiao Qian fell into a coma because of it, and she didn't know, When will Qian wake up.

"Hey" After sighing, Xing Jue poured his soul into the Soul Eater and read it.This method is what Xiaoqian told him before.

And when the soul was injected into the Soul Eater, Xing Jue was also shocked to discover that this Soul Eater was simply too powerful, not only recorded many soul cultivation methods that Xing Jue had never heard of.

And just from the point of view of the cultivation technique, the Soul Eater is actually an advanced cultivation technique of the heavenly rank. What does that mean?That is the top-level cultivation technique in the Tianwu Continent. It is no wonder that the Yufeng Pavilion disciple fled after picking up the Soul Eater Technique. Others would definitely do the same.This kind of baby is simply priceless.

At this moment, let's not talk about the power of the Soul Eater Technique. There are many ways to cultivate the soul. After reading the entire Soul Eater Technique, Xing Jue realized that the Soul Eater can actually be used in this way. From an auxiliary point of view For example, it can heal wounds, and can also increase speed, attack power, and defense power, as well as the method of refining the souls of others and converting them into their own power.

The most powerful thing is that as long as you fully master the use of soul power, you can also perform a kind of soul explosion. This so-called soul explosion is even more exciting to Xing Jue, because this so-called soul explosion is the use of soul power in a short period of time. Inside, increase your power.

In other words, if Xing Jue now learns the explosion of the soul, he can instantly upgrade his strength from a high-level martial arts sect to a junior-level martial arts master. This kind of leapfrog power is simply unheard of, but This kind of power obtained by the explosion of the soul is also time-limited, and after the explosion of the soul, there will be a lot of wear and tear on the body.

In fact, in terms of nature, it is the same as the burning soul of the soul body, except that the strength is improved more and the loss to the body is lower.

This Soul Eater is not so much a practice technique, but rather a combined version of martial arts and practice techniques. After all, as long as the soul power in it is cultivated well, Xing Jue will be able to take a powerful advantage in fighting against people in the future.

In short, with this Soul Eater Technique, Xing Jue's training speed will undergo a qualitative leap from now on, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a thousand miles in a day.Because of the removal of the cultivation of the soul, this Soul Eater Art is a high-level cultivation technique of the heavenly rank. After practicing this technique, the speed of absorbing the energy of martial arts has naturally increased several times.

After sorting out his excitement, Xing Jue hurriedly started the practice of this Soul Eater, and because of the special soul, this Soul Eater that others could not practice at all, Xing Jue could indeed practice.

It's just that after training, Xing Jue also discovered that perhaps because of his own strength is too low, or for other reasons, this Soul Eater Art is not as easy to cultivate as imagined, especially in the control of the soul, the requirements are too high, Xing Jue Can't control it for a while.

But fortunately, the speed of absorbing Martial Qi is indeed more than ten times faster than the previous Xuanjie primary exercise "Yu Qi Jue". According to this speed, Xing Jue feels that within a year, he can reach Wu Zun. level.This kind of cultivation speed is simply a monster.

Among the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion, apart from his beloved Li Xiaohan, there must be no one who can be with him. Although there is no lack of Wu Zun strong in Yufeng Pavilion, their ages are all outrageous. It is said that Li Xiaohan is the only one who has reached Wu Zun before the age of 18. It is because of this that Li Xiaohan is known as the first genius of Yufeng Pavilion, and is regarded as a miraculous existence, but Xing Jue will soon become that The second miracle.

In the following days, Xing Jue will practice Soul Eater every day, and will visit Xiaoqian every day. Xiaoqian's body is fine, but she has not been able to wake up. The doctor can't explain it at all. And the sentence is even less known.

The only thing I can think of is that Xiaoqian's consumption is too huge, which will cause the current situation.After thinking about the consumption, Xing Jue suddenly thought of a way to save Xiaoqian, that is, pour soul into Xiaoqian's body.

However, the result of pouring the soul into it is no improvement at all, but Xing Jue is filled with pleasure every day. He feels that one day, the soul consumed by Xiaoqian will be replenished, and Xiaoqian will wake up at that time. , and in such an unwitting time, a month passed quietly..

During this month, Miss Liang seemed to be moved by Xing Jue's concern for Xiaoqian, and she gradually developed an admiration for Xing Jue. Yes, I noticed it, but because Miss Liang was kind to her, Xing Jue couldn't refuse him, so he only took a little time every day to accompany her to relieve her boredom.

On this day, Xing Jue and Miss Liang were playing chess in the back garden when suddenly the maid Xiaoqing hurried in.

"It's not good, miss, it's not good, miss, that Mr. Zhu has come to propose a kiss, sir, please come over there." Xiaoqian hurriedly ran to the back garden, gasping for breath, and said anxiously.

"What? He's really here? Go back to my father and say I'm out" Miss Liang said nervously after hearing that Young Master Zhu was coming.

Zhu Gongzi is the eldest young master of a martial arts family in the same city, a junior martial sect, with the strength of the junior martial arts, his Zhu family can be said to be the real overlord of this city.A small martial arts family like the Liang family is very afraid of the Zhu family.

And that Mr. Zhu, he has long been interested in Miss Liang, and just two months ago, he would come forward two months later when he put down the word. Originally, the Liang family only thought that he was talking and didn't take it to heart, but let them Unexpectedly.This Young Master Zhu is actually such a trustworthy person.

"But, but..." After hearing Miss Liang's words, Qing'er was also embarrassed.As a little maid, she is naturally very afraid of Mr. Zhu. If Mr. Zhu knew that she was lying, then her fate would never be better.

"Miss Liang, who the hell is Young Master Zhu?" Xing Jue at the moment could hear it clearly. Although it was only a few short conversations, Xing Jue still guessed that Young Master Zhu liked Miss Liang, but Miss Liang But I don't like her, so this farce happened.

When Xing Jue asked about it, Miss Liang also told Xing Jue what happened.When he knew what happened, Xing Jue said with a slight smile: "Qing'er, you don't have to go back, just wait here, the young master will naturally come to Miss Liang, then I will help Miss Liang. Just refuse the marriage."

"Don't brag about it, it's just you?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, Qing'er glared at Xing Jue and said sarcastically.Qing'er was dissatisfied with Xing Jue from the very beginning, especially seeing that he was so nice to Xiaoqian, but after hooking up with her young lady, Qing'er even thought that Xing Jue was a two-footed boat, and the toad wanted to eat it. Shameless man of swan meat.

"Xiaoqing, shut up." Seeing that Xiaoqing actually said this to her sweetheart, Miss Liang naturally didn't want to, so she scolded angrily.

Immediately, he said to Xing Jue: "Master Xing, Master Zhu is not only very powerful, but also cruel. You'd better not provoke him. When he comes, I can tell him directly."

Xing Jue smiled faintly. He naturally knew that Miss Liang was good for him, but the reason why they said this was because they didn't know Xing Jue's strength.

Elementary Martial Sect, in their eyes, is a strong man, but in Xing Jue's eyes, he is not even a fart.Especially after cultivating the Soul Eater Art and understanding the initial use of soul power, let alone a junior martial sect, even if you encounter a junior martial master, Xing Jue is now confident in a fight. Refund is no problem..

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