Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 491 Soul Venerable

(Second more)

After leaving the Zhuangyuan Inn, Xing Jue and the others rushed back to Tianji Camp, and after returning to Tianji Camp, Xing Jue returned to his own happiness, closed the door and took out the soul compass, impatiently wanting to inquire about The so-called soul level thing.

But what makes Xing Jue helpless is that he has exhausted all kinds of good words and methods, but the old man in the soul compass still refuses to show up, and he doesn't even respond at all.

"Boom, boom, Mr. Xingjue"

But when Xing Juewei was worried about how to make the soul compass open, someone knocked on the door of his room suddenly.

"Senior Lei Xing!" And when Xing Jue opened the door, he found out that the person who came was the head of Lei Xing.

"It's the person I'm looking for, haven't you found it?" Looking at Lei Xing's perplexed face, Xing Jue couldn't help frowning and asked.

"Well, I have searched carefully, and the Starfall Dynasty does not have the two people you are looking for." Lei Xing said apologetically.

"Could it be that he was introduced to other dynasties?" After his guess was confirmed, Xing Jue's face still couldn't help but look a little ugly, because if his father Dugu Changyi and Na Hunzhan were really introduced to other dynasties , then it will be troublesome to find it.

"No, if they are from the same continent as you, they will only reach the Starfall Dynasty, because the reception platforms controlled by each dynasty are fixed, and the mortals that are received by those reception platforms are also fixed. .” Upon seeing this, Lei Xing explained.

"I see, I'm sorry to trouble you, Senior Lei Xing." After hearing Lei Xing's words, Xing Jue's face turned pale instantly, but he still forced a smile and said to Lei Xing.

"Master Xingjue, why don't I check it again." Seeing Xingjue's appearance like this, Lei Xing already realized how important these two people are to Xingjue.

"Oh, no need." Xing Jue waved his hand with a smile, and Lei Xing could only leave quietly after sighing.

"Could it be, could it be that something went wrong when they received the guide?"

After Lei walked, Xing Jue slumped on the seat powerlessly, and at this moment his face was extremely pale, because he was very worried, worried about what happened to his father Dugu Changyi, you must know The reason why Xing Jue came here was more because he wanted to find his father.

The more Xing Jue thought about it, the more frightened he became, and his complexion became more and more ugly, and his mood even began to become restless. If something happened to his father, it would be something that Xing Jue could not imagine, but at this moment, he did not know what to do. Can't do anything and don't know what to do.

"Little ghost, there will be no mistakes at the reception desk. If the person you are looking for does not come here, it may be that you were reversely guided and guided to the world of soul origin."

But at this moment, an old man's voice suddenly sounded, looking along the prestige, Xing Jue was shocked to find that there was actually an old man standing in his room at this moment.

The body of this old man is translucent and illusory, which looks very much like a soul body, but what surprised Xing Jue the most is that the soul compass in the room has disappeared, and this old man is exactly the soul body. The tool spirit of the soul compass.

"Senior, where is the soul source world? What is reverse connection?"

Looking at the old man in front of him, Xing Jue was overjoyed instantly, not to mention that the old man finally showed up, the most important thing was that as soon as he opened his mouth, he uttered two words that Xing Jue didn't understand at all, and seemed to be talking to him. Father and Soul Zhan's whereabouts are related, because this matter is related to his father's comfort, so Xing Jue asked eagerly regardless of etiquette.

"Where is the Soul Origin World? Haha, I'm afraid I'll scare you if I say it, even this Shura Continent is just a small corner that the Soul Origin World has forgotten."

"As for the reverse guide, it is a unique method in the soul source world, that is, it can directly guide mortals from the mortal world to the soul source world, avoiding these guide continents."

"But of course, there is a big difference in the guiding light beams emitted by the receiving platforms and the Asura Continent." Seeing the astonishment on Xing Jue's face, the old man smiled. Said.

"Yes, the guiding beams are indeed different. The guiding beams they activated were golden yellow, while the guiding beams I activated were dark blue." After hearing the old man's words, Xing Jue suddenly realized, and suddenly remembered There is a huge gap between the Heavenly Gate of the Sanctuary opened by Soul Slash and the one opened by him.

"Well, that's reverse reception, you can't go wrong."

"But it seems that the continent you are in is not simple. There is someone who can activate the reverse connection, that is, there are people in the mortal world who are connected with people from the soul world."

"But it's not surprising. Even if there are rules and regulations, there are always some people who like to do things that violate the rules." The old man stroked his long beard and smiled lightly, as if he had seen through the world.

"Senior, how can we reach the soul source world, how can we find them?" Xing Jue asked eagerly.

"Reverse connection, many powerful people in the Soul Origin Continent can open it, and the Soul Origin Continent is so big, finding them is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"Unless, unless you can become a supreme-level powerhouse in Soul Origin Continent, but that is not easy, before that, you should cultivate to that level first, otherwise you will not even be able to leave this small Asura Continent .” The old man said with a faint smile.

"What realm? Senior, what realm are you talking about?" After hearing the old man's words, Xing must not be shocked, but still couldn't help asking.

"That is a realm where you can master the power of Shura, a realm that you can't imagine. Hey, it's too early to tell you that. If you want to know, you can write to me after you have cultivated to a high-level god of war. , if the deity is in a good mood, maybe he will tell you." The old man continued to laugh, but there was actually a small hint of conspiracy in his smile.

"Senior, you, how do you know so much?"

"Could it be, could it be that you came from that soul source world?"

"And that, where is the soul compass?"

"Could it be, senior, are you a high-grade spirit weapon?"

The more the old man said to Xing Jue, the more Xing Jue felt that the old man was unfathomable. At this moment, the only thing Xing Jue could think of was that this old man, the spirit of the soul compass, was probably the spirit from the soul world. weapon, but the most important thing is that this time, the punishment has become bigger.

"Bah ah ah!!!"

"What a shit soul compass, the deity's name is Soul Venerable."

"In addition, this deity is not a spiritual weapon, but this deity is a venerable weapon!" After hearing Xing Jue's words, the old man who claimed to be the soul lord gave Xing Jue a hard look, and corrected loudly.

"Zun Qi? What is that?" Xing Jue was surprised, because he had never heard of the name Zun Qi.

"Hmph, the little ghosts from the mortal world really don't understand anything, but I can't blame you. Small spirit weapons are already rare in the mortal world. Have you ever heard of a respectable weapon?"

"Today the deity is happy, so let you open your eyes and broaden your knowledge. Artifacts are divided from low to high according to power, treasure weapon, spiritual weapon, and honorable weapon."

"A treasure is nothing but a powerful force formed by condensing special forces. In the final analysis, it is just a disguised martial skill. The power varies from person to person, but it also has a limit."

"A spirit weapon already has its own spirituality, but the spirit of the spirit weapon is only the initial preparation of spiritual power. In the final analysis, the spirit weapon and the weapon spirit have not been truly integrated at all. When the spirit weapon is destroyed, the weapon spirit can survive When the spirit weapon is destroyed, the spiritual weapon can be preserved, so the spiritual weapon is basically a semi-finished product of the noble weapon, and its power is only a line stronger than the treasure weapon."

"As for the venerable vessel, it is the real vessel. The spirit of the venerable vessel has been completely integrated with the venerable vessel. The vessel is both the spirit and the spirit. The unity of the vessel and the spirit can be regarded as a venerable vessel, and this deity is a piece of art. Venerable weapon." Soul Venerable spoke to Xing Jue in that inscrutable tone.

"The younger generation has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and I hope the senior will forgive me."

In fact, he only understands the general idea of ​​the punishment that Venerable Soul said, but he can hear that the Venerable Artifact is a treasure that is completely above the Spirit Artifact, and it can unite the Artifact and Spirit. It may be because it has transformed into the soul venerable in front of him, and with such a strong person in front of him, Xing Jue will naturally not miss the opportunity, so he hurried forward to pay a visit.

"Forget it, you little brat in the mortal world, I don't bother to argue with you."

"But right now, I am not a complete venerable at all, and the strength of my deity is only at the level of an intermediate God of War. Otherwise, why would I stay in such a ghostly place? So you don't have to pay attention to me at all, because it's useless , I can't help you with anything." The old man waved his hand at Xing Jue, as if to discourage Xing Jue from using him.

"Uh, senior, I don't know how you came here, can this junior help senior?" Seeing the appearance of Venerable Soul, Xing Jue already knew that this person must have suffered some serious injuries that caused him to be so powerful. However, since he did not die, there might still be a chance to recover.

If I can help him recover his strength, then it means that he owes himself a favor. If Xingjue asks him for help, he will definitely not refuse. Although he doesn't know what power this artifact has, but after being injured It is hard to imagine how strong it will be if it regains its strength.

"Help? How can a kid like you help me?"

"Forget it, the deity is tired today and needs to rest."

"Little ghost, remember to infuse soul power into your ring every day for the deity to absorb. If the deity is happy, I will tell you more things you don't understand in the future, such as the level of the soul, and the person who can control the power of Shura." realm."

However, Xing Jue's courteous words made the Venerable Soul give Xing Jue a hard look, and then his figure changed into that soul compass floating in the room.

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