Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 492 Marshal, Xiao Ding

(third more)

"Junior obeys!"

Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly bowed respectfully. Although he didn't know why the Venerable Soul wanted to instill soul power in him, but for such a strong man with a special status, Xing Jue did not dare to neglect him in the slightest, because Xing Jue Judgment did ask him.

Afterwards, Xing Jue included the Soul Compass transformed by the Soul Venerable into the Soul Devouring Order.And began to instill a large amount of soul power inward, and this instillation didn't matter, Xing Jue was shocked to find that after instilling most of his soul power, the soul lord was satisfied, and Xing Jue at this moment was already due to soul consumption. Excessively, the body is sweating like rain, and the face is as pale as paper.

"My dear, fortunately, the soul power can be recovered quickly, otherwise, I really can't afford it."

Panting heavily, Xing Jue wiped the sweat from his forehead, but there was a happy smile on his face, because Xing Jue at least knew that his father was still alive and knew the general whereabouts.

The most important thing is that this soul compass is indeed a treasure, and it is also a respected weapon far above the spirit weapon. Although this respected weapon cannot be collected by Xingjue, it must be obeyed by his arrangement.

But with such a venerable weapon in his body, even if he encounters any danger in the future, Xing Jue believes that this venerable soul will not sit idly by. After all, he needs Xing Jue's soul power to support him. Although he doesn't know what effect it will have, But Xing Jue believes that there must be a certain reason for this, perhaps this is the reason why he chose Xing Jue.

Although the strength of this mysterious and unpredictable soul lord has been greatly reduced, at least he still has the strength of a mid-level god of war. Just think about having a mid-level god of war as a bodyguard, and Xing Jue will feel full of security.

The most important thing is that this Venerable Soul knows a lot of things that Xing Jue does not know. Try to be content with it.

"The world of soul origin, what kind of world will that be?" After making up his mind, Xing Jue cast his eyes out of the window, looking at the vast and boundless sky, his face was full of anticipation and yearning.

Since then, Xing Jue has never left the Tianji Camp. Apart from his daily practice, he has poured a large amount of soul power into the Soul Eater Order every day, but what makes Xing Jue speechless is that although the Soul Venerable Enjoying Xing Jue's soul support, but he refused to say a word, his behavior can be said to make Xing Jue extremely helpless.

Fortunately, after a full month of training, Xing Jue was pleasantly surprised to find that he had already reached the limit of a high-level battle saint, and he could break through within a few days.

But on this day, a piece of news suddenly came from Xingjue's upper edict, and when Xingjue saw the news, he couldn't help frowning, because the current emperor actually wanted to come to Xingjue in person. The Tianji camp where it is located.

And besides the emperor, there is another very important person, that is the supreme leader of the Tianji Camp, Marshal Xiao Ding, who has been in seclusion for several years, and has come out of the seclusion!

After getting the news, Xing Jue hurriedly gave orders to make grand arrangements to welcome the honorable emperor and marshal, and on the second day after Xing Jue received the news, the most supreme man of the Starfall Dynasty His Majesty the Emperor, and the Marshal Xiao Ding, who is known as the most powerful man in the Xingyun Dynasty, came to this branch of Tianji Battalion, accompanied by the leader of Jinyiwei from the imperial city, and the general of Tianji Battalion , are all God of War powerhouses.

At this moment, in the main hall of Tianji Camp, several warriors at the God of War level gathered together. The atmosphere can only be described in two words, oppressive!At this moment, the hall is quiet and silent, and the only thing that can be felt is the powerful aura of the top powerhouses of the Starfall Dynasty.

They were all waiting, waiting for the two men in the first seat to speak, because here, only the two of them had this qualification.

"Which one is Xing Jue?" Finally, the white-browed old man with a strong figure and a sinister face sitting next to the emperor said in a thunderous voice.

"Little man Xing Jue, pay homage to the Marshal!" Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't dare to hesitate, and hurried forward to respectfully kneel down.

"Hmph, it's actually a mid-level battle saint."

"What's the matter with you? You stretched out your hand to my Tianji Battalion and didn't say anything. You actually made an exception and promoted a middle-level war saint to the captain. How can you convince me by doing this?"

But to everyone's surprise, just after Xing Jue's speech ended, the Marshal didn't say anything to Xing Jue, but turned his eyes full of anger to His Majesty beside him and severely reprimanded him.

Almost everyone present at this scene was taken aback by it, but no one dared to say anything, after all, the marshal has another special identity, that is, the emperor's father-in-law.But even so, seeing the most supreme man of the Starfall Dynasty being reprimanded, they all expressed difficulty accepting it.

"Father-in-law, although this Xing Jue's current strength is only a low-level battle saint, his talent is very amazing. If he can be cultivated, his achievements will be limitless in the future. That's why I made an exception and appointed him as the captain of the Tianji Battalion. It’s just a matter of cultivating talents.”

But what surprised everyone the most was that the emperor didn't change his face when he was so mercilessly reprimanded by the marshal. Instead, he said with a trace of apology, as if he was speaking to his own father.

"So what if the talent is extraordinary? No matter how extraordinary you are, you have to follow the rules." As long as he meets the standards of my Tianji Camp, I will naturally promote him, and let you intervene? "

"And don't forget that the leader of the Tianji Battalion is not only based on personal strength, but also on the ability to do things. You let such a doll lead the most important Tianzi branch. How can this convince the public?" Marshal Without changing his anger, he continued to reprimand loudly.

"Heh, father-in-law, ability is not measured by age. How do you know that Xing Jue doesn't have the ability to lead the Tianzi branch?"

"I see that this Tianzi branch is well under the command of Xingjue. It seems that no one does not believe in serving Xingjue. On the contrary, even the captains whose strength is one level higher than Xingjue are so convinced. Yu Xingjue, I think this is enough to prove Xingjue's superiority, and Xingjue's ability is obviously even more extraordinary."

The emperor always kept that faint smile, and said in a lukewarm manner, but his words were full of extremely sharp rebuttals.

"That's a great thing. Since you are so optimistic about this punishment, then I will give him a chance to prove his ability."

"General Zhao, hand over the most difficult case that happened in the Starfall Dynasty to Xing Jue. If he can catch the murderer within a month, I will recognize his ability and make an exception to promote him to general. "

"It's just Xingjue, do you dare to take it?" The marshal suddenly turned his sharp and coercive gaze on Xingjue.

At this moment, Xing Jue only felt a majestic invisible aura enveloping him. Xing Jue was so overwhelmed by this aura that he couldn't breathe, and even his body was greatly restricted.

"Xing Jue is willing to give it a try" But facing such coercion, Xing Jue did not hesitate at all, but responded decisively with both fists.

When the sentence was issued, almost everyone present was shocked, even the emperor who was protecting the sentence was full of shock.

The most difficult case of the Xingyun Dynasty was a case that many generals of the Tianji Camp could not solve. Xing Jue dared to accept it. The consequences can be imagined.

"Okay, I'm really a little courageous."

"Since that's the case, I won't embarrass you. This General Zhao and the people of the Tianzi Branch are at your disposal for a period of one month. If you can solve the case I gave you, I will immediately seal you as a Tianji The general of the battalion, but if you can't do it, you will be dealt with by military law."

But what makes everyone a little unbelievable is that after the execution of the sentence, the marshal who was targeting the sentence suddenly showed appreciation. What happens if you fail.

Afterwards, the marshal actually went through the recent case files of the Xingyun Dynasty in person, and selected the most difficult case for the punishment. The strongest general, as well as General Zhao, who was in charge of the case file, couldn't help feeling their scalps tingling.

Because it turned out to be a massacre, the most important thing is that the person who was exterminated was a high-ranking minister in the imperial city. In the family of this minister, there were hundreds of warrior saints, and this The minister himself is actually a strong God of War.

But such a powerful family was massacred. The entire family, [-] people, did not survive. It can be seen that the murderer's methods are cruel and powerful, and the difficulty of this case can be described as extremely high.

"Xingjue, I'm really sorry, this time I really got you involved."

Inside the Xingfu, in Xingjue's bedroom, His Majesty the current emperor stood with his hands behind his back, and sighed to Xingjue behind him with a shame on his face.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how to say this?" The sudden words of the Emperor made Xing Jue startled, and his face was full of puzzlement.

"For some reason, my father-in-law is very dissatisfied with hatred towards me. It's not you who came here specially today, but me."

"But now he has chosen such a difficult case for you, but he is indeed making things difficult for you."

"If you can solve this case, it's okay. If you can't solve this case, I'm afraid it will affect your future. After all, I have placed you under his command, even if I want to transfer you back, It's too late." The emperor sighed with a sad face, as if he had already predicted how tragic Xingjue's end would be.

(Sorry, the bee is not in a very good condition today. If the fourth update cannot be delivered on time, I will repay it with the fifth update tomorrow. Please forgive me!)

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