Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 496 The Amazing Change

(first update)

Looking at the girl curled up on the bed and trembling in front of her, Xing Jue was full of soreness, because Xing Jue had used various methods until now, and wanted to communicate with the girl, because Xing Jue knew the girl's spirit It must be normal, it's just that I can't get over my heart knot, and I have a sense of fear and vigilance towards Xingjue.

But what makes Xing Jue helpless is that, let alone communicating with him, this girl never looked at Xing Jue from the beginning to the end, but kept saying don't hit me, don't hit me, I don't know anything.

"If it is said that they came here to press you about the Li Mansion, then who pressed you for something before?" Xing Jue was full of doubts in his heart, and he really wanted to know what the girl had experienced before.

"Master Judgment"

Just when Xing Jue was thinking about the girl's past, the closed iron gate of the enchantment was suddenly opened, and then Lei Xing actually brought a plate of delicious food and a plate of delicate snacks to Xing Jue. forward.

"Thank you, Senior Lei Xing."

"It's getting late, you all go to rest"

Looking at Lei Xing in front of him, and the guards outside the barrier iron gate, Xing Jue knew that in fact, Lei Xing and the others never left half a step, they just kept waiting outside the gate.

"Master Xingjue, are you going to sleep here tonight?" Lei Xing asked in surprise.

"This girl, the current state does not allow anyone to touch her, so I have no choice but to stay with her."

"Anyway, it's the same everywhere. It's not like I didn't sleep in jungles and caves when I was practicing before." Xing Jue said with a smile.

"Then I will take my leave."

Seeing this, Lei Xing and the others had no choice but to leave, but Xing Jue knew that they would not really leave, but he also knew that no matter how much they persuaded them, they would not leave, so Xing Jue simply stopped persuading them.

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Would you like to have some, this is delicious?" Xing Jue picked up a beautiful and delicious dessert and waved it at the girl a few times.

What made Xing Jue quite happy was that although the girl still didn't come over this time, she turned her gaze to the dessert below Xing Jue this time, and after sneaking a glance, she hurriedly turned her gaze back. It shows that the girl is really interested in this dessert.

"Okay, eat yourself whenever you feel hungry"

Seeing this, Xing Jue put the plate of dessert in front of the girl's bed, and after he ate the plate of delicious food, he lay down in the corner of the cell and pretended to sleep.

Because Xingjue knew that the girl should really want to eat those desserts, but he was afraid of Xingjue, so he didn't dare to eat them. At this time, pretending to sleep is the best way, and it is the best way to let the girl get rid of her vigilance.


Xing Jue's skill in pretending to be asleep is very first-class, it can be described as superb, it is difficult to tell the truth from the fake, but don't look at him with his eyes closed tightly, as if he is really asleep, but his soul power fills the entire cell, and he can gain insight into the prison. Everything about the cell.

Sure enough, just a moment after Xing Jue's snoring sounded, the girl's body began to stop shaking so much. After she confirmed that Xing Jue was really asleep, she tiptoedly picked up a piece of dessert, staring at Xing Jue, while staring at Xing Jue. Chew carefully.

She is very careful about eating, but she is also good at eating. She actually ate up the entire plate of dim sum. After eating all the dim sum, she may see that Xing Jue really fell asleep and did not intend to hurt her. The girl's vigilance Her heart relaxed a lot, and she actually fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, when the girl opened her eyes again, she was shocked to find that her body was actually covered with a thick blanket.

And on the plate in front of the bed that should have been empty, it was filled with all kinds of snacks again. Most importantly, in the supposedly lifeless cell, there were actually many beautiful flowers and plants, and the fragrance of flowers permeated the whole room. The prison cell made this extremely timid girl feel more relaxed.

He glanced again, Xing Jue, who was lying in the corner with his back facing him, was sleeping soundly. At this moment, a softness appeared in his blood-red eyes, and a charming smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

She got out of bed, not tiptoeing this time, though still cautiously.But this time she was much more generous.

She put her petite nose in front of the gorgeous flowers, and inhaled the fragrance at close range, but the smile on her face became brighter and brighter, which shows that it is natural for girls to love flowers.

But when the girl surrounded the flowers placed on the ground, admiring them one by one, she suddenly found a mirror between the two potted flowers.


The first reaction after seeing the mirror, the girl instinctively wanted to get out of the way, and her face was full of fear, but when the girl was about to look away from the mirror, she was instantly stunned, because this For a moment she saw a very beautiful girl in the mirror, at least in her eyes.

"This, is this me?"

The girl couldn't believe it. She kept rubbing her face in the mirror, and gradually she found that the girl in the mirror was herself. After confirming all this, the surprise on the girl's face gradually turned into joy and ecstasy, from tentative to ecstatic Rubbing her cheeks, she twirled and danced in front of the mirror, she was so happy, she laughed happily, that melodious laughter was like a wind chime blown by the breeze, so beautiful.

Facing such a girl, he carefully arranged all these punishments, but he had no choice but to continue pretending to sleep, because he couldn't bear to spoil the girl's good mood at the moment, but at the moment he was very happy in his heart, at least he felt that the girl's knots in her heart had been shattered. He opened up quite a bit.

But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly found that the girl was approaching her. The girl seemed very cautious, but she was getting closer and closer. When Xing Jue was guessing what the girl was going to do, he felt the pressure on his body. It was actually covered with a heavy blanket, and when he opened his eyes, it was actually the one he was covering for the girl.

"you're awake."

But what shocked Xing Jue the most was that when he saw the girl in front of him again, although there was still a trace of fear in the girl's blood-colored eyes, this time the girl not only looked directly at her, but actually spoke to her. speak.

"Are you hungry, you can eat these snacks."

Seeing that Xing Jue was just staring at her blankly with a faint smile, the girl seemed to feel a little embarrassed, she hurriedly turned around and brought over the plate of snacks on the bed, and placed it in front of Xing Jue.

And while speaking, she actually picked up a piece of snack and wanted to hand it to Xing Jue's mouth, but just after she made such a move, she hurriedly put the snack in her hand on the plate, as if she was frightened.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I..." Then the girl hurriedly stood a foot away from Xingjue and apologized.And looking at her pink face, Xing Jue knew that the girl was not afraid this time, but shy.

"Strange, this girl has a strange personality."

"But it's beyond my expectation that I can let go of my guard so quickly." Seeing the girl like this, although Xing Jue felt a little weird, he was still very happy.

"What's your name?" Xing Jue narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a smile in that soft tone.

"I, I don't have a name." The girl turned her head timidly, and when she looked at Xing Jue's sunny smile, her timidity dissipated a lot.

"No name? What about your family?" After hearing the girl's words, Xing Jue was taken aback for a moment and then asked again.

"I don't have a family either." The girl answered very simply, but in her twinkling eyes, Xing Jue could still see the sadness in the girl's heart.

At this moment, Xing Jue was silent, he didn't know what to say, he was very afraid that his words would bring up the girl's unhappy past again.

"Can you be my family?"

But what surprised Xingjue was that the girl took the initiative to talk to him and asked him to be her family member.

"Can you be my family?" Looking at Xing Jue's dull expression, the girl tightly grasped her tattered clothes with both hands, as if she had made a lot of determination, and said again in that trembling voice.

"Of course, I can be your brother." At this moment, Xing Jue finally believed his ears.

"Really?" Seeing that Xing Jue agreed to her, the girl seemed a little unbelievable, and asked again.

"Of course it's true, I swear to God" Xing Jue raised his right hand and promised with all his heart.

"Then, can you give me a name?" Seeing Xing Jue's appearance, the girl looked very happy to the Yu family, and her eyes were full of longing.

"Okay, then do you have any favorite things?" Xing Jue stood up suddenly, and he walked up to the girl and asked with a smile.

"I like blood!" Seeing Xing Jue's question, the girl raised her small face abnormally and looked straight at Xing Jue. On her face with an innocent smile, there was a kind of blood that shouldn't belong to her. Something, that is actually self-confidence.


When he heard the girl's answer, Xing Jue was taken aback, his heart was like a huge wave, stirring endlessly, he didn't understand, why such a girl likes blood?I like blood, so what does that mean?

At this moment, Xing Jue actually thought of the bloodthirsty female devil, and even more so, the blood-drained death method of thousands of members of the Li family, and even killed the people of the Li family in front of him. The innocent girls got in touch.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Xing Jue was a little distracted, the girl actually blinked her big blood-colored eyes, with an innocent look, as if she didn't understand why Xing Jue was so surprised.

"Oh, it's nothing, look, I'm your brother, you're my sister, since you like blood, why don't you just call you blood sister?" Although he was extremely shocked, Xing Jue still pretended not to care.

"Blood girl, um, Blood girl likes this name." After hearing Xing Jue's name for her, the girl smiled happily again, as if she was very satisfied with Xing Jue's name.

Looking at the girl in front of him, even Xing Jue was full of surprise and doubt, because he found that the girl's change speed seemed a bit too fast, so fast that it was beyond his expectation.

If it is said that she has opened up her heart knot, it is better to say that she has changed into another person, but at the next moment, when the girl said the next sentence, Xing Jue was completely stunned.

"Brother, you really want to know about the Li family, I know everything about Blood Sister!"

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