Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 497 Tiandao Ambush Array

(Second more)

"Brother, you really want to know about the Li family, I know everything about Blood Sister!"

Xuemei's soft voice suddenly sounded, but it was like a thunderbolt exploding in Xing Jue's ears, spreading throughout his body, shaking his heart and shaking his soul.

At this moment, Xing Jue's eyes became dignified, and a kind of vigilance that shouldn't have gathered in his heart. He looked at the blood girl who still had an innocent face in front of him, but the feeling he brought to her was completely It's different.

Because in the eyes of the blood girl, there is no fear, no vigilance, no mistrust, but the faint smile on the corner of her mouth is full of confidence, and she is completely different from the previous her. This change It came so fast that Xing Jue couldn't believe it.

At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly remembered that the blood girl was found sleeping in the back garden where the battle was most intense after the Li family was wiped out.

, and at this moment she actually said that she knew about the Li family, coupled with the brutal massacre of the Li family, and the blood sister said that she likes blood, this is called Xing Jue who has to put him and the Li family together. The massacre of killing the door together.

"Blood sister, who are you?"

Xing Jue asked in a solemn tone, because she felt that the blood girl in front of her was not the timid and cautious blood girl before, but more like another person, a person who gave him indescribable feelings. Still so innocent, but the feeling has completely changed, making Xing Jue feel dangerous and uneasy.

"Brother, it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I know the truth about the Li Mansion, but I can't tell you now, if you want to know, meet me in the back garden of the Li Mansion tonight, and I will tell you everything !" Xuemei didn't reply to Xing Jue's words, but a strange smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth.


After speaking to Xing Jue, I saw the blood girl suddenly hit out with one palm, and the wall where the enchantment was arranged was pierced by her palm, and then I saw her delicate body turned into a ray of light and swept out of the cell , disappeared from Xing Jue's sight.

"Master Xing Jue, are you alright?"

The noise made by the blood sister attracted the attention of General Zhao, Lei Xing and others outside, and when they entered the cell, they were shocked when they saw the broken wall of the cell and the disappearing blood sister.

"Master Xing Jue, what happened here? Where is that girl?"

Looking at everything in front of them, everyone was surprised and at a loss, because when they came in, the blood sister had already disappeared, and they didn't know what happened except for the slightly chaotic cell in front of them.

"General Zhao, I think I already know who the murderer is." Xing Jue didn't answer their question, but turned his head and said calmly.

"Lord Xing Jue, who is it?" Seeing that Xing Jue actually said that he knew who the murderer was, everyone present was shocked, and General Zhao asked eagerly.

"That's the girl."

Xing Jue had a faint smile on his face, but the identity of the blood girl was already confirmed in that smile, because at the moment when the blood girl broke through the cell wall, Xing Jue could clearly feel the powerful power of the blood girl. At least the level of God of War.

"It's actually her?"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, General Zhao was also stunned, because he had used his soul to observe the blood girl carefully before, and found that she was indeed only the strength of a low-level war saint, and he slaughtered Li with the strength of a low-level war saint. It is almost impossible for thousands of people to go up and down in the house.

But when he glanced at the pierced wall, he thought about entering the cell after hearing the noise, but he didn't see the figure of the blood girl and her strange blood-colored eyes, he had no choice but to Believe in the sentence.

"I will send the news back to the headquarters of the Tianji Battalion and issue a warrant for the arrest of the entire court."

After confirming that the blood girl was the murderer, General Zhao hurriedly took out the token of the Tianji Camp and wanted to issue a warrant for the blood girl, because such a cruel and dangerous person must never be allowed to play in the Starfall Dynasty. go.

"No need, she will show up in the back garden of the Li Mansion tonight." Xing Jue waved his hand, indicating that General Zhao did not need to convey the news.

"Master Xing Jue, how did you know she would show up in the back garden of the Li Mansion?" General Zhao asked in confusion.

"She said it. I believe she will go."

"General Zhao, gather the best soldiers and guards, and set up an ambush formation in the back garden of the Li Mansion." Xing Jue said again.

"Heavenly Dao ambush formation?"

"Master Xingjue, if that demon girl really goes to the back garden, I can capture her alone." General Zhao was surprised when he heard that Xingjue was going to use the Tiandao ambush formation of Tianji Camp to deal with Xuemei.

The Tiandao ambush formation is one of the strongest formations in the Tianji Battalion. Its main feature is not fighting thousands of troops, but ambush.Although it is not difficult to set up the Tiandao ambush formation, it requires a large number of soldiers and guards to guard the eyes of the formation. Once the large formation is opened, it will consume the power of many soldiers and guards, and all the power will be concentrated in the large formation.

Although the Tiandao ambush formation is very powerful this time, if they use Xingjue's lineup to deal with a rudimentary God of War, it is as easy as crushing an ant.

But after this formation is activated, most of their strength will be consumed, and they will need at least a few days of cultivation to recover, so General Zhao feels that there is no need to use this formation at all.

"General Zhao, her strength is not trivial, let's set up the formation just in case." Xing Jue said with a smile. In his tone, he had already told General Zhao his determination. Xing Jue did not look down on General Zhao's strength. It's just that the strength shown by the blood girl before is indeed far stronger than that of General Zhao.

"However, Lord Xingjue, the Heavenly Dao ambush requires a large amount of holy stones as raw materials, and we didn't bring so many with us this time."

Seeing that Xing Jue insisted on setting up the formation, General Zhao said the real difficulty, that is, one of the main raw materials of the Tiandao ambush formation, the holy stone, they don't have that many.

"Don't worry about the holy stones. The holy stones I have stored here are enough to set up a large formation. You can start to let people set up the formation now."

Back then in the slave camp, Xing Jue was in charge of refining the holy stones. At that time, Xing Jue had a lot of hidden holy stones, and Xing Jue had so many hidden holy stones that even if they were used to set up the ambush formation of the Dao of Heaven, it would be enough. Arrange a dozen seats.

"OK then"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, everyone present was shocked. As veterans, they knew how huge the holy stones needed to set up the Heavenly Dao ambush array were. Ordinary storage bracelets would not be enough to fill them, yet Xing Jue actually said He stayed enough holy stones to set up an ambush formation, how could they not be surprised.

But no matter what, Xing Jue is indeed the highest leader here now, and Xing Jue insisted on setting up an formation, even this general did not dare to disobey, so he had to bring all the excellent soldiers and guards of Tianji Battalion to Li's Mansion Formation in the back garden.

The Tiandao ambush formation, since the ambush formation is the most important feature of concealment, so after the formation is completed, through the powerful power of the holy stone, all the people hidden in the formation and the true appearance of the formation can be completely concealed , which is the so-called invisible state.

So at this moment, in this back garden, although it looks like there is only Xing Jue alone, there are actually hundreds of people hidden around Xing Jue, and among them are the powerful God of War like General Zhao. It has all become invisible, invisible to the naked eye.

If Xing Jue hadn't watched the formation with his own eyes, and everyone gradually disappeared in front of his eyes, Xing Jue would not have believed that the formation would have such a miraculous effect, because he had only heard about it, but had never really arranged it. Array.

The most important thing is that there are many people hiding beside him, but he can't sense them with his soul power, which shows that the Tiandao ambush array is indeed well-deserved.

Of course, such a large formation also has a time limit, and it will dissipate in a maximum of three hours, but these three hours are the time bought by using a large number of holy stones as raw materials.

It has been an hour since the grand formation was opened. At this moment, the full moon is hanging high, and the sky is full of stars. In the bloody Li Mansion, there is a creepy atmosphere everywhere. There are only two words It's indescribable, terrifying!

It's just that this kind of aura doesn't have any fearful effect on Xing Jue. Xing Jue has never seen any scene before. When he was in Tianwu Continent, the Nether Palace of Eastern Continent arranged the blood soul formation, which made the Xing Jue It would be a tragedy if the people of the entire Nether Empire were reduced to the living dead.

So even though he is alone in this dead house where thousands of people have died, Xing Jue is not afraid at all. Even if he wants to say fear, what he fears is the person they are waiting for, the blood sister, because Xing Jue always feels that The blood girl was too weird, even with the Heavenly Dao ambush, he still felt a little uneasy.


Suddenly, a gust of wind passed by Xing Jue's side, so fast that Xing Jue didn't feel his approach at all, and when Xing Jue looked in the direction of the gust of wind, he was shocked to find a The young girl actually appeared not far away.

At this moment, the girl is sitting on the two-sectioned tree, swinging her provocative legs while stroking her long, smooth hair. Although her face is so pure and innocent, her blood-red eyes Hitomi still looks full of ghosts and ghosts on this full night, and she is naturally the blood girl.

"Brother, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

At this moment, the blood girl is stroking her smooth long hair with her slender hands, while staring at Xing Jue with her blood-red eyes, and what surprised Xing Jue the most is the smile on the corner of her mouth, which reveals a trace of charming.

Compared with the blood sister in the cell in the morning, the blood sister at this moment has undergone a huge change. She is not alone at all. Although she looks the same, she can't find the feeling of the previous blood sister at all.

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