Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 499 The body of the evil spirit

(Today's first update)

"General Zhao, you..." Seeing that General Zhao took the initiative to activate the formation without giving an order, Xing Jue suddenly became angry.

"Master Xing Jue, don't listen to what this demon girl says."

"She is so strong, and her personality is unpredictable. If she is left alone in the dynasty, I'm afraid that tragedy like Li's family will still happen in the future." General Zhao explained.

"Gong" Afterwards, without waiting for Xingjue to reply, General Zhao pointed at Xuemei and yelled again.

"Zi la la la la la"

And with his order, the golden thunder snake surrounding it became more and more shining, and at this time, Xing Jue could feel layers of extremely powerful energy rushing towards the blood girl. Even the rudimentary God of War couldn't bear the strength.

"You guys must die!"

But just when the tyrannical energy was about to hit the blood girl, she roared crazily. In an instant, a majestic aura spread rapidly around the blood girl, blowing towards everyone like a violent hurricane.

This aura is so powerful that when it touched Xing Jue, Xing Jue was blown away, and fell to the ground in embarrassment after flying tens of meters away. However, his expression changed drastically.


At this moment, the blood girl roared to the sky, her long black hair danced wildly, and two blood-red beams of light shot out from her pupils, shooting straight into the blue sky.

Layers of hurricane-like breath continued to spread around her. Under the illumination of the full moon, she looked like a bloodthirsty witch, making people feel dangerous and shuddering.

However, what surprised Xing Jue the most was that the aura emanating from the blood girl at this moment was not the first-level God of War, but the middle-level God of War. They were on the verge of falling, and if it wasn't for the protective cover formed by the large formation, they would have been blown away like a punishment.


Seeing that things were not going well, General Zhao pointed at the bloody girl who ran away and yelled again. After hearing his order, the soldiers and guards who had already turned pale also hurriedly turned their strength and launched an attack on the bloody girl again.

"Zi la la la la la"

This time, the entire formation was shining with golden light, and thunder snakes were everywhere, and that aura seemed to be able to reach the level of a middle-ranked God of War. His face was still full of worry, because he didn't think this big formation could really defeat the blood girl.


Sure enough, just as Xing Jue thought, but when the Thunder Snakes all over the formation were about to attack the blood girl, the blood girl suddenly swept the pair of blood pupils around.

"Bang bang bang..."

The blood girl's eyes said that the beam of light emitted was very terrifying. She swept the Thunder Snake chains tightly wrapped around her, and those chains were cut off abruptly, and when she threw the beam of light at the surrounding soldiers After the guards, the guards who had been protected by a large array were actually cut into two pieces with a scream.


In an instant, there were screams in the back garden, and blood splattered everywhere. In just a moment, nearly a hundred soldiers and guards died in the blood pupils of the blood girl. Has been defeated.

"Master Xingjue, run away!"

At this moment, General Zhao's voice suddenly reached Xing Jue's ear curtains, he fixed his eyes on Xing Jue and was shocked to find that General Zhao was running towards him.

What shocked Xing Jue was that General Zhao's face was as pale as paper at this moment, his left arm had disappeared, and the blood on the severed arm had already stained his armor, his appearance was extremely miserable.


Looking at the soldiers and guards who were constantly dying in front of his eyes not far away, Xing Jue's face was full of unwillingness. You must know that these people are all his subordinates, and they came here because of him. Xing Jue actually killed them before his eyes, he naturally hated himself very much, but even if he rushed up at this moment with his strength, he was just looking for death.

"That's right, Soul Venerable"

But at the critical moment, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly lit up, because he suddenly heard that there was a powerful existence in his Soul Devouring Token, the Soul Venerable who claimed to be the Venerable Weapon.


"General Zhao, retreat quickly, and leave this place to me." Thinking of this, Xing Jue didn't hesitate, and rushed towards the blood girl.

"Your Majesty Xing Jue must not!" Seeing that Xing Jue not only did not run away, but instead rushed towards the blood girl, General Zhao's expression changed drastically after he escaped just now.


Xing Jue ignored General Zhao's obstruction at all. A dazzling ray of light burst out from his Soul Eater Order between clenched right fists, and when the ray of light ended, an old man's figure also appeared. Emerge.

Venerable Soul is floating in the mid-air, and that translucent body looks brighter at night. At first glance, it looks like an old fairy who descended from the sky, exuding an awe-inspiring aura, and this is Venerable Soul .

"Little ghost, it's rude of you to summon the deity without the deity's permission?"

When the Soul Venerable appeared, he turned his displeased eyes to Xingjue. Seeing that it was apparently sitting comfortably in the tomb of the Soul-devouring Tomb, it was suddenly summoned by Xingjue .

"go to hell!!"


"This is?"

But at this moment, Venerable Soul was astonished to find that a powerful attack was approaching extremely fast. He turned around and saw two blood-red beams sweeping from the side. The speed was as fast as lightning, and the energy was as strong as Even Venerable Hun's face couldn't help but change drastically, because of such tyrannical energy, it's rare to hit him, if Xing Jue is hit, he will be chopped into two pieces instantly.


Faced with such a powerful and fast attack, Soul Venerable did not dare to neglect, swung his sleeve robe suddenly, and a translucent energy shield emerged, wrapping Xing Jue and himself in it.


Just when the energy shield was formed, the blood girl's attack came with a bang, and a piercing roar erupted when the two collided, but when the roar ended, everyone was shocked to find that Xing Jue and Soul Venerable actually She was safe and sound, but at this moment the blood-red light beams from the blood girl's pupils disappeared.

"So strong, is that a soul body? Is it a high-grade spiritual weapon?"

Looking at Xing Jue at this moment, the Soul Venerable who resisted the blood sister's terrifying attack, General Zhao's expression changed drastically. At this moment, Zai Ah's heart was indescribably shocked, because he finally understood why he dared to say let him go. They go first, here are the words for him, because he can feel the powerful aura of Venerable Soul.

"Everyone retreat quickly."

But at this moment, he couldn't allow him to continue guessing. When he found out that Xingjue had such a trump card, General Zhao didn't hesitate any longer. While taking out the token of Tianjiying to ask for support, he fled away from the Li residence at top speed. Because he knew that with his strength, even if he stayed, it would not be of any help, but would be a burden to Xing Jue.


As the panicked fleeing sounds of the guards gradually subsided, the back garden where a massacre had just occurred had become extremely quiet. At this moment, Xing Jue and Venerable Soul were staring at the murderous blood girl not far away.

The blood sister also seemed to be astonished that the soul lord was able to resist her attack. Although her eyes still exuded a strong murderous look, she did not shoot at will at this moment, but stared at the soul-like body. Ordinary soul lords seem to be observing his strength.

"It's actually the body of the legendary evil spirit!!!" At this moment, the Soul Venerable who had been sizing up the blood girl for a long time suddenly frowned.

"The body of the evil spirit? What is that?" Xing Jue asked curiously after hearing Venerable Soul's words.

"Boy, you and I have encountered a big problem today."

"The body of the evil spirit is a legend. If I hadn't seen it today, even I would never have believed that such a thing really existed."

"The body of the evil spirit is a very strange existence. It is said that she lives by drinking blood, and uses the blood of the strong to practice, so as to stimulate her potential and transform."

"The body of evil spirits is ferocious in nature. According to legend, there was an evil spirit body in the world of soul source ten thousand years ago. In just a hundred years, he has cultivated to a very high level."

"In order to become stronger, he walked out of the mountains and forests, did not hesitate to slaughter cities and villages, and hunted and killed the world's top experts. During this time, countless forces were reduced to a sea of ​​blood in his hands."

"But because his strength is too strong, even if the powerhouses of the whole world join forces, they will not be able to fight against him. If the super powerhouse who shocked the depths of the soul source world did not show up and suppress him, I am afraid that the whole world will be destroyed by him. destroy."

"Because the body of the evil spirit is too weird and the methods are too cruel, there has been a saying in the world. If the evil spirit manifests in the world, everyone in the world has the right to punish it!" Seeing Xingjue's question, Hun The venerable said with a serious face, it can be seen that even this legendary venerable is also troubled by the blood girl in front of him.

And after hearing the words of Venerable Soul, Xing Jue was even more shocked. He never thought that the blood girl would be such a dangerous existence, and the Asura Realm and the so-called super strong in the words of Venerable Soul are even more so. The punishment is unimaginable.

But at this moment, Xingjue can confirm one thing. This world is very big, far beyond his imagination. He finally knows what it means to have a sky beyond the sky, and people beyond people, and he is just a humble person in this world. Little people, ants in the eyes of the truly strong.

"Hahahaha, what a manifestation of an evil spirit, everyone in the world has the right to punish him!"

"Since I was born, except for my pair of blood pupils, I have been no different from ordinary people. I have never hurt anyone."

"But just because I was born with blood pupils, I was considered to be the body of the evil spirit in your mouth, so my entire family was destroyed and countless people lost their lives."

"But even so, my parents still pass on the memory in my mind, so that no matter what I experience in the future, I will not hate the world."

"However, I don't hate the world. Why do the world hate me? This grandfather of Li's family was an ordinary person. He was entrusted by my parents to take care of me. Thanks to my parents' favor, he was able to achieve what he is today."

"But after my parents died, not only did he treat me kindly without any repayment, but he was also greedy for the treasures in my memory, tortured me, and tortured me in every possible way."

"He practiced insanity and asked me how to solve it. I only said that he could cure his disease with the blood of his people. He was really mad and killed all his people. But it is such a man who has no conscience. After death There are still people looking for the truth about his death."

"I just killed a wicked person, but you all want to chase after me? What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong? Why was it considered ominous from the day I was born? Could it be that I really didn't Should I be born in this world?"

The words of Lord Soul seemed to touch the blood girl, she roared crazily, about her past, about her experience, her words were full of hatred, but her blood pupils were completely wet .

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