Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 500 The Reverence Contract

(Second more)

"Blood sister, if you trust brother, brother will protect you from now on!"

After hearing what happened to the blood girl, Xing Jue expressed deep sympathy. Even though the blood sister killed nearly a hundred lives in the Tianji camp in front of his eyes, as long as she repents, Xing Jue is still willing to give her a chance.

"Don't be hypocritical. You are a kind-hearted person with a cruel heart. You are just a beast in clothes. Let's see if I don't dig out your heart today and suck your blood dry."

But as soon as Xing Jue's words came out, the blood girl became extremely angry. At this moment, the murderous aura emanating from her body had changed from invisible to a faint blood red, and the blood red murderous aura permeated her whole body. Coupled with her pair of The blood-red pupils were extremely ferocious.


Suddenly, with the scream of the blood girl, a large amount of fighting spirit emerged from her body. The dark red fighting spirit and the blood-red murderous spirit intertwined, forming a violent hurricane surrounding the blood. The sister spins extremely fast.

"Oh, ah, woo~"

At this moment, in the hurricane formed by the aura of war and murderous aura, Xing Jue seemed to be able to hear, like a wolf crying, like a ghost howling, extremely tragic, piercing voice, this sound was so terrifying that even Xing Jue could hear it. Hearing chills.

"Back back, kid, you'd better find a place to hide."

"The attack method of the body of the evil spirit is very special. It is said that ordinary attacks are comparable to heaven-level martial arts." At this moment, Venerable Soul suddenly walked up to Xing Jue and turned his head, and said to him solemnly.

"Normal attack, comparable to a heaven-level martial skill?"

Xing Jue was even more astonished after hearing the words of Venerable Soul. As Xing Jue knew the power of Heaven Rank Martial Skills, sometimes, if he used Heaven Rank Martial Skills unexpectedly, even someone who was a level stronger than himself could fight or even kill.

And the blood girl's normal attack is actually comparable to a heaven-level martial skill?A mid-level god of war used a heaven-level martial skill. Just think about Xing Jue and you will know how powerful an attack it will be. Thinking of Xing Jue here, he didn't hesitate, and hurriedly pulled up his legs and ran towards the distance.

"Where to go!"


Seeing that Xing Jue wanted to leave, Xue Mei's eyes flashed. Although her body didn't move, the blood-red hurricane surrounding her burst out and rushed towards Xing Jue at a high speed.


The blood-red hurricane, like a blood-red demon dragon, not only exudes a menacing aura, but also emits the sound of howling ghosts and wolves. Wherever it passes, everything it encounters disappears, as if being swallowed. The attack was indeed terrifying.

"Girl, don't underestimate this deity."

But just when the blood-red hurricane mixed with the sound of howling ghosts and wolves struck out, I saw Venerable Soul wave his sleeve robe, and a majestic gas burst out from his body, like an invisible hurricane. The barrier blocked the blood-red hurricane.

"Soul power?"

But when Xing Jue felt the gas emanating from the Soul Venerable, Xing Jue was shocked, his eyes showed surprise, because he was shocked to find that the invisible gas was actually soul power, and the most shocking What surprised Xing Jue was that the soul power was mixed with extremely powerful energy, and it was not weaker than the bloody hurricane of the blood girl.


The two collided, and an extremely violent energy ripple was set off in an instant. The energy ripple was so fast that it swept the Soul Venerable and the Blood Sister in an instant, and it continued to spread. The energy ripple was like a demon that devoured everything. All the broken bricks and tiles in the back garden were swallowed up.

When this terrifying energy ripple dissipated, Xing Jue was astonished to find that the back garden, which had been in a mess before, was a mess, and even the ground surface became much smoother.

But at this moment, there were only two people on the round smooth surface, one was the Soul Venerable floating in mid-air, and the other was the Blood Sister wrapped in a blood-red hurricane.

"Old man, you are courting death!"

Seeing that her attack was resisted by the Soul Venerable, the blood girl who was already extremely angry became even more angry, and with a thought, countless hurricanes shot out from her body, overwhelmingly facing the Soul Venerable Bursting away, this momentum is several times more terrifying than before.


But it was such a tyrannical attack, but the Soul Venerable snorted coldly, his arms were straightened and spread out suddenly, and a layer of translucent defensive cover enveloped him again, but this time the defensive cover was much stronger than before. That way was several times stronger.

"bang bang bang bang bang"

The blood-red hurricane bombarded the Soul Venerable's defensive cover continuously, and with the ear-piercing roar, the blood-red hurricane filled the entire back garden, and the figures of Blood Girl and Soul Venerable could no longer be seen.

At this moment, Xing Jue clenched his fists tightly, and a large amount of cold sweat began to seep from his forehead. He was really worried, even though he couldn't see the situation in front of him clearly at this moment, relying on his keen soul power, Xing Jue could He vaguely felt that the blood girl's strength was getting stronger and stronger, while the soul lord was getting weaker and weaker. If this continued, the soul lord would definitely lose.


I was really worried about what was coming, just when Xing Jue was worried about Venerable Soul, there was another ear-piercing roar, and at this moment a figure burst out from the majestic energy ripples, fixed his eyes Looking at Xing Jue, he was shocked, it turned out to be Venerable Soul.

"Master Soul, are you alright?"

After Venerable Soul fell to the ground, Xing Jue hurriedly ran over, because he was shocked to find that Venerable Soul's body was much more illusory than before, which indicated that he had suffered heavy injuries.

"Damn it, such a body is no match for this girl."

"Xing Jue, there is only one way to deal with her right now. Come, sign a contract with me!"

Seeing Xing Jue coming, he glanced at the blood girl hidden in the blood-red hurricane in the distance, and said to Xing Jue solemnly.

"What? Sign a contract?" The words of Venerable Soul made Xing Jue stunned, because he couldn't believe it. It was unimaginable that a legendary venerable weapon would sign a contract with Xing Jue.For a while, he couldn't accept it.

"Why are you in a daze, it's really cheap for you kid."

"Pa" Seeing Xing Jue's surprised look, Venerable Soul gave him a hard look, and grabbed Xing Jue's palm without waiting for an answer.


And at this moment, Xing Jue could feel a strange energy rushing into Xing Jue's body and entering his mind. It was exactly the contract that Venerable Soul wanted to sign with him, but the energy of Venerable Soul seemed to be Even more domineering, it seems that Xing Jue can't refuse, and he is forcing Xing Jue to sign a contract. The most important thing is that Xing Jue has no ability to resist.


Suddenly, Xing Jue felt a piercing pain in his brain, and this pain was only for a moment. When the pain disappeared, Xing Jue was shocked to find that he had signed a contract with the Soul Venerable in his mind. .

"Xingjue, instill your soul power into me."


After finishing all this, Venerable Soul eagerly urged Xing Jue, and after speaking to Xing Jue, he saw that his figure had already rushed towards the blood girl.

"it is good"

Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly instilled his soul power towards the contract with the Soul Venerable, because Xing Jue was shocked to find that this contract was completely different from the treasure weapon and the spiritual weapon. The contract can complete the transmission of power without physical collision.


With the infusion of Xing Jue's power, the body of the Soul Venerable became more and more real, and his body began to emit dark black gas, rising from his body like a flame, and that was the soul power of Xing Jue At this moment, the power of Venerable Soul is much stronger than before.

"Little girl, let me show you the strength of this deity."

"Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe"

Suddenly, the body of the Soul Venerable actually shattered and turned into countless strands of dark black gas, and those gases finally condensed into a substantial compass, each of which contained extremely terrifying energy.

"Is this a treasure?

"Holding the Zunqi, you can fight against the middle-level God of War. How powerful would it be if it were a complete Zunji?"

Venerable Soul's attack was no small matter. Although it seemed that it was not as shocking as the attack of the blood girl, it actually caused fluctuations in the surrounding space. Xingjue, you can experience how powerful this is.

"Hmph, old man, have you finally used your full strength? Then let me show you my true strength."

With such an offensive in front of him, a ruthless look appeared on the face of the calm blood girl, and then her footsteps moved away slightly, her fists were clenched tightly, and a majestic blood-red gas, like a volcanic eruption. The ejected magma burst out from its body.


That majestic aura soared into the sky, like a huge flood dragon, hovering in the sky, exuding a compelling aura.What surprised Xing Jue the most was that he couldn't feel whether it was fighting spirit or murderous aura, but he was sure that the power contained in it was enough to make Xing Jue tremble.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Two tyrannical energies collided with each other, setting off majestic energy ripples. At the same time, Xing Jue was astonished to find that the ground below was shaking violently at this moment, and bursts of piercing sounds came from below, and countless cracks were spreading at a high speed. It feels like the earth is collapsing.


But when Xing Jue discovered this change, it was too late. He only felt his body float, and his whole body lost his center of gravity and fell downward. All that can be seen and felt is the huge clod of earth falling at a very fast speed.

"The attack of the blood sister and the soul lord actually caused the earth to collapse? What kind of power is this?"

At this moment, Xing Jue's heart was more shocked than fear. He was shocked by the damage caused by Blood Sister and Soul Venerable. You must know that the collapse of the earth can only be done by at least a strong Zhandi in Tianwu Continent. , and here, the God of War powerhouse is obviously far from possessing such strength.

"No, it's not that the ground collapsed, but that the ground in the back garden of the Li Mansion is empty!!!"

But at this moment, Xing Jue's face suddenly changed drastically, because he was shocked to find that there was a light below it, and that light was actually a barrier, a huge barrier entrance! ! !

(About the update, I said that the fourth update broke out, but now there is no fourth update. In fact, I am more anxious than anyone else, but these two days are really in poor health. I can’t code it if I want to. I don’t have to admit that it’s me Overestimating myself, four consecutive updates every day, my body is already a little bit unbearable, but I will not give up, I will still try my best, and I will make up for the few updates. Lie flowers, you can say whatever you want, I will accept it, because it is true that I failed to do what I said, but I hope you can continue to support Shura God of War, because I am still working hard)

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